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Starcraft 1 : GAFers unite!


All right. We're going to setup a SC match sometime now and 9 PM PST.

Server: US East
Channel: GAF

This might be a noob fest as a number of people including myself have admitted that we're not good.

I'll be sitting in the channel just waiting. Currently making dinner as it is 7 PM PST here right now.


I'm not going to be on that late since I'm EST, but if anyone is starting a game before 11 EST I will try to jump in. I am a SUPER noob. :lol
depending on when a game happens I might be in

I'm not a "noob" but i'm nowhere near good let alone pro or anything

Just reinstalled last night out of excitement for SC2 (haven't played in over 5 years and even then I wasn't even that good)


I need to learn build orders, mostly. I hate having to click constantly and micromanage so I'm not interested in getting that level of pro-ness, but maybe one of these days I'll improve some of my play. :p At this point I usually leave the manuals sitting around so I can look up tech trees and stuff.

Mila's game just started, and two of us are in the channel not playing, so I'm guessing another game will start in 20-30 minutes or so.
i'll hop on in a few minutes and scope out the channel to see if anyone's there

i'm down for 1v1 2v2 or 3v3 (not really a big fan of 4v4 since games take too long)


hopefully, you guys do more gaf games this week. I'll join those if they aren't too late. I'm a noob though


Terp, ya didn't need to leave we could have split up the games. Looks like my team is about to win this 4v4, we're currently frozen with Blizzard's lag though heh.


Sorry, my computer totally froze. I don't know that that's ever happened. :( Music kept playing (Windows 7 64-bit, e8400, 4850 512MB), but even numlock didn't work, nor ctrl-alt-delete, nor alt-tab, etc. I had to hard power cycle the system.


lol panda we should play more often. This is really fun finding people on GAF to play.

3 people are waiting in GAF US East as I type.
I'm glad this thread now exists...Im sure im going to hit you guys up for some games in the nights ahead to quench my insane starcraft thirst right now....AAAH NO KEY, but this is the next best thing I suppose :D

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Wheres a good place to get maps/game types. Stuff like Defense games etc. Been ages since I DLed that stuff.


GG everyone, except for panda (we have two pandas?) lying about being out of the game and then stealing all the minerals in the middle to build ships. >:O

Now that I remember how to build advanced structures, I did better until someone attacked me! (maybe) Now if someone will only tell me how to beat a swarm of carriers with tons of little ships attacking me, I will be happy. :p


Everyone should post their GAF/SC tags...I'm not sure who is who since some of you use different names.



Everything is moe to me
pandacraft on useast.
pandaman on uswest

glad to see we have our own thread now!

Blizzards just salty because i mind controlled his scv's. xD


GAF Replay Roundup 2-21-2010: 5 games

1. 2v2: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2144796/GAF/Starcraft Replays/2-21-2010 SC Game 1.rep


2. 2v2: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2144796/GAF/Starcraft Replays/2-21-2010 SC Game 2.rep


3. 2v2http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2144796/GAF/Starcraft Replays/2-21-2010 SC Game 3.rep


4. 4v4 comp (bored+warmup) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2144796/GAF/Starcraft Replays/2-21-2010 SC Game 4.rep


5. 7 ffa http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2144796/GAF/Starcraft Replays/2-21-2010 SC Game 5.rep


I had a ton of fun playing with you guys. We can probably do this again sometime soon.

The only true noob tonight according to people here is Blizzards.

Everyone else is pretty average or about the same level.


Everything is moe to me
whoa, i knew my apm had nosedived, but damn. :lol

whats eapm and should i be happy i tied for 1st in it? [with pandapandapanda, must be the name...] :p


ive got ok macro but my micro is shit.

once someone uses the templar'spsi storm, or lets down a dropship in my resource area, i just quit the game lol

*mcrae on east


Pandaman said:
whats eapm and should i be happy i tied for 1st in it? [with pandapandapanda, must be the name...] :p

EAPM is just effective APM. Basically APM minus the "redundant" stuff. Doesn't count stuff like checking building or actions that don't directly affect units or gameplay. I think EAPM is crap though. Sometimes you need to click buildings to see upgrade progress and such. Though too much of it is just as bad as too little.

Of course I'm still pretty "noobish" myself, but I watch a decent amount of KESPA stuff so I know the terminology...even if I don't always play as well as I'd like.

Also: Is USEast the offical GAF spot? I may have to make a new account. Though knowing you guys I'll probably be soundly beaten.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I’m going to be playing some SC1 this week, I’ll hop into channel GAF when I do. All of these SC2 videos and streams have me craving Starcraft yet again. I’m sure the layer of rust is thick though..:D


I'm up for it, as long as everyone is okay with the "true noob" being along for the ride. :lol I'm still waiting on tips to counter mass carriers! (I have a nasty feeling the answer is "attack before they can build up mass carriers") I can play any time within the next 3 or so hours. *edit* I'm AgentElrond, idling in the GAF channel on US East.


Everything is moe to me
Blizzard said:
I'm up for it, as long as everyone is okay with the "true noob" being along for the ride. :lol I'm still waiting on tips to counter mass carriers! (I have a nasty feeling the answer is "attack before they can build up mass carriers") I can play any time within the next 3 or so hours.
any unit that can attack air + science vessels or defilers.

the trick is to focus fire instead of attacking the interceptors.


Everything is moe to me
Terproerg said:
Well i am currently sitting in the channel on East. So if i dont respond im afk for a few.
see you there, i posted a link to this thread in the beta thread. hopefully we get some bites.
Pandaman said:
makes you want to up your performance for the next time, eh? :lol

I think I did ok for someone who hasn't played in 5+ years and reinstalled 2 days ago

I still need to learn how to deal with rushes better though


All right I've been waiting for a 7 ffa game for 40 minutes now to end.

pandacraft messaged me it was ending soon 35 minutes ago...

all right apparently it's a standoff between neoultima (the turtler) and miley.


Typing this while a ffa is finishing.

No more FFAs.

It just encourages turtling and no one wants to come out and attack.


Everything is moe to me
ffa's are great when 5 people aren't terran and when the maps are balanced mr. didnt have to get a second expand to get gas.

also booted off bnet and have to wait for my cdkey to clear. :(


Great games tonight, guys.

I like FFA, but I agree that they go on too long, and Hunters is a really shitty map for them. Theater of War looks like a very balanced map that should be fairly short for FFA and pretty interesting for Team.

The few team games we did were a lot more interesting than any I did in the past.


GG everyone. It's so nice when no one attacks me, or asks for help other than "build tankz", and then we get crushed. :p Not that I would have been much help there. It's hard for me to know whether I should quick expand or not, especially since if I have two bases it's that much more work for me to keep track of.

For a super detailed question, anyone got feedback on this? When you start with four terran SCVs, I have just been using them to gather and build new SCVs until I get 7-8/10, and then I go for a supply depot and barracks. I have started trying to follow it up with an academy, factory, and engineering stuff in various orders, and then I typically start mucking around with science and starports. I typically try to start building walls of turrets during that timeperiod too, while making marine squads.

So is that a generally reasonable approach, or does anyone have input? I don't care too much about being super competitive, but if there are easy basic things that's nice to know. I know that I should be trying to use as much of my resources as possible, and sometimes I'm bad at that, since often an SCV or two get left idle somewhere, or I forget to come back and kick off more builds in factories/command centers/barracks.
sorry for whoever whispered me(didnt catch the name since it was launching)

just hopped on for a quick game so I didn't bother to wait in the channel for any games to finish

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Done playing a bunch of matches with friend against Comp. Feeling better now in build orders. Comp feels so weird though, sometimes its horrible then there are times I get raided by both teams so quickly :lol
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