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Starcraft 1 : GAFers unite!


Pandaman said:
its a fighting game thing.

its basically reserved for when people who think they lost to an inferior player.

that huge post of clav's was hilarious though. :lol
Why is hilarious to voice someone's concern? :/

I don't understand.

I never was pissed about losing to an inferior player. When? You're overthinking it.

You guys are very strange. Are you on drugs?


claviertekky said:
Why is hilarious to voice someone's concern? :/

I don't understand.

I never was pissed about losing to an inferior player. When? You're overthinking it.

You guys are very strange. Are you on drugs?
Hi, you seem like a nice guy.

I try to be a nice guy. Sometimes I'm too sensitive though, and I feel like people are unfairly being mean to me on the internet. I have a feeling you may be kind of the same way, so...just try not to worry about it. If they were actually making fun of you then they're jerks, and not worth the time to worry about it. If they were just joking around, then it's probably worth just trying to forget about it. :)

If you keep bringing it up though, people will probably laugh at your posts, so choose your own poison. :p

Also gg people. I managed to nearly get 2 expansions tonight when people left me alone, though I suffer from my own units and defenses blocking my chokepoints so my units can't do much.
everyone take a breather

just a game

don't let it get to you

just a game

if we were playing for money or something then i could understand but there's nothing like that here


Everything is moe to me
claviertekky said:
Why is hilarious to voice someone's concern? :/

I don't understand.
it's hilarious because you're so salty over friendies between gaffers. there's no real need to be so serious and defend every little thing, we aren't a clan dedicated to their ladder ranking.

I never was pissed about losing to an inferior player. When? You're overthinking it.
You cried foul that people were turtling too much in FFA's and winning because of it. you then defended your loss in the match in question by saying that 'atleast i was attacking' [or something to that effect], suggesting that it would be better to play it "your way" and lose then it would be to "turtle and win".

and thats why you're called salty. its silly to expect other people to share whatever internalized rules you've built up as to how people are 'meant to play'.

if other people want to turtle in an 8 player ffa, that's fine. its their game too, they're allowed to do whatever they want to have fun. be that turtling, muta harassing, 6 pool or a good ol' cannon rush. Its when you start berating other peoples play styles that you become salty.

sooooooooooooooooooo salty.

now there's too options that can lead to a good end here:
one: play up the salty nickname and throw some punches of your own.
two: don't be salty, eventually we'll find a new nickname and maybe you'll like that one.

You guys are very strange. Are you on drugs?
No, i don't do drugs.


okay pandapandapanda, i've had my breather.

and now you know where your nickname comes from! you'll have to ask mila for the specifics on why he calls you salty. I like you clav, but i like nicknames more. given time everyones going to get one. :D there's nothing really wrong with your attitude, but people have their own attitudes and want to play the game in a way they find fun.

the only thing you've done that's really irked me is this whole 'mcrae is banned from playing with gaf' stuff.
i just reinstalled the game again, omg my wrist already hurts lol and I've only played like 2 games. Is anyone else playing right now?


USEast, Channel: Gaf I'm on now.

Games starting so the channel may be empty when you log on, but whisper me at MilabregaSC1 to see how long of our game we have left.


Gaf Name - SC UsEast Name:

Milabrega - MilabregaSC1
pandaman - pandacraft
fatty77 - fatty77
Terproerg- terproerg
NeoUltima - NeoUltima
Mcrae - Mcrae
claviertekky - claviertekky
Blizzard - AgentElrond
pandapandapanda - pandapandapanda
a176 - a176
jcx - caymonx
Rotanibor - Rotanibor
Hazaro - KingdomofFire
Yaweee - Yaweee

I've been using a game naming structure Gaf_ where _ is the number of people we have playing, so if you do a /whois you can probably tell what game type and whose playing.
So, good games we had, one long long 3 person ffa, I had fun though, will definitely be playing some more starcraft classic xD

gg's gl's, hf's, etc


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
I'm an utterly helpless noob but I'm down for playing with some gaffers. I only play on iccup however.


Anybody got APM information for last night's games? They were probably my two best games since coming back.

How does installing ICC Cup work? I've never played on a different league before, so I don't even know how to start.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Yaweee said:
Anybody got APM information for last night's games? They were probably my two best games since coming back.

How does installing ICC Cup work? I've never played on a different league before, so I don't even know how to start.
You register at the site, confirm registry through email, download and run a reg file that adds their server to the battlenet options. That's it.


I tried playing a game with someone called Orange_Peel today, but both of us couldn't host a game. It kept saying that the latency to the player was too high. I have opened the necessary ports (6112 according to the blizzard help files) on my router running DD-WRT and disabled the windows firewall, but the game wouldn't budge. Even with my routers firewall disabled, I still was unable to host a game. Anyone have some tips in getting the game to host games? I know that it has worked for me before on the same router, but on a different computer.


JADS said:
I tried playing a game with someone called Orange_Peel today, but both of us couldn't host a game. It kept saying that the latency to the player was too high. I have opened the necessary ports (6112 according to the blizzard help files) on my router running DD-WRT and disabled the windows firewall, but the game wouldn't budge. Even with my routers firewall disabled, I still was unable to host a game. Anyone have some tips in getting the game to host games? I know that it has worked for me before on the same router, but on a different computer.

I get this problem too. You can try different firmwares for your router but that's not guaranteed to work. Best way is to directly connect to intertubes.


JADS said:
I tried playing a game with someone called Orange_Peel today, but both of us couldn't host a game. It kept saying that the latency to the player was too high. I have opened the necessary ports (6112 according to the blizzard help files) on my router running DD-WRT and disabled the windows firewall, but the game wouldn't budge. Even with my routers firewall disabled, I still was unable to host a game. Anyone have some tips in getting the game to host games? I know that it has worked for me before on the same router, but on a different computer.
It's weird...some people can join my games but others(most) cannot. I have no clue what my settings are as I am using my schools internet, but I imagine all the ports are closed.


Anyone having high latency problems hosting games need to access their router and set these ports:

To open router access in your address bar type:

Most commercial routers use one of those as default. default user name and password is admin/admin. Go to the gaming tab and open these ports: http://i39.tinypic.com/wi59mq.jpg

To find out what number you need to enter in those last three digits in windows:

Go to Start > Run...
Type: cmd <hit enter>
(You should get a black screen with a white cursor)
Type: ipconfig <hit enter>

You should see one line that says Ip Address, it'll be the same number you used to access the router settings, but with the last 3 digits as something between 100-1xx depending on how many computers you have connected to your network.


JADS said:
I tried playing a game with someone called Orange_Peel today, but both of us couldn't host a game. It kept saying that the latency to the player was too high. I have opened the necessary ports (6112 according to the blizzard help files) on my router running DD-WRT and disabled the windows firewall, but the game wouldn't budge. Even with my routers firewall disabled, I still was unable to host a game. Anyone have some tips in getting the game to host games? I know that it has worked for me before on the same router, but on a different computer.
I explained it earlier in a channel although someone kept downplaying what I said.

Tried and tested many times.

Starcraft is a very old game. It existed in a time period when everyone used 56K and had direct IP addresses.

If you run Starcraft behind a router, the game will register itself as the local IP address. This obviously is not the address that is connected to your game and causes joining game failures. To fix this, you'll need to either:

1. Don't use a router. Connect your computer directly to the modem.
2. Use a VPN. VPN will likely assign a public IP address (at most universities) for you to identify, and people can join your games. This is what I do.
3. If you still want to use a router, then adjust your port forwarding as Mila stated above although it will require some trial and error.

Milabrega said:
Anyone having high latency problems hosting games need to access their router and set these ports:

To open router access in your address bar type:

Most commercial routers use one of those as default. default user name and password is admin/admin. Go to the gaming tab and open these ports: http://i39.tinypic.com/wi59mq.jpg

To find out what number you need to enter in those last three digits in windows:

Go to Start > Run...
Type: cmd <hit enter>
(You should get a black screen with a white cursor)
Type: ipconfig <hit enter>

You should see one line that says Ip Address, it'll be the same number you used to access the router settings, but with the last 3 digits as something between 100-1xx depending on how many computers you have connected to your network.

This works although you'll have to do one more thing:

Set a static local IP according to each MAC Address. The way you have it that if you have a client not assigned to and wants to host a Starcraft game, it WILL NOT work.

If you the router just have it on auto, the router may assign a client a different local IP so the port forwarding will fail. You'll have to readjust every time.

Tip: Windows key R gives you the run menu.

Anyway, for people having trouble, post your router model #, and I can walk you through.

Yeah I just got it working using an Asus WL-520GU router running Tomato. Forgot about the beauty of port forwarding haha.
the port forwarding is all that needs to be done, any time i've hosted sc or wc3 games in the past on a slew of different routers, even ones guaranteed to have good upnp like tomato or dd-wrt, all kinds of versions from micro to mega, i've ALWAYS had to manually assign the ports.

one thing that works surprisingly well is to run auto-refresh, which both will tell you if your ports are set up alright and you can even try hosting legion td in war3 or something and see if anyone joins, guarantee ya someone will.
my sc crashed just as i got decimated. i wonder if it was windowed mode screwing shit up.

anyways fun games but it sucks i was the first person being attacked both games :(

*cries in corner*


Everything is moe to me
since people seem to like having numbers:

3v3 [pandacraft, zzoran, orange_peel Vs. mila, eggs and neo]

apparently i selected milas buildings or something? :lol faith in these hack detectors... dwindling.

FFA yawee vs. mila vs. neo vs. panda
Pandaman said:
apparently i selected milas buildings or something? :lol faith in these hack detectors... dwindling.

FFA yawee vs. mila vs. neo vs. panda

maybe it's bad detecting a maphack? like you shouldn't see that then. so it just lists when you click on others' buildings. maybe mila gave you shared sight?


Everything is moe to me
Ice Monkey said:
maybe it's bad detecting a maphack? like you shouldn't see that then. so it just lists when you click on others' buildings. maybe mila gave you shared sight?
looking at the replay at that timestamp, it coincides with me moving my scouting overlord.


So I signed up and installed the ICC cup. How competitive is the D-/D/D+ cup? Will I get crushed even at that level?


Yaweee said:
So I signed up and installed the ICC cup. How competitive is the D-/D/D+ cup? Will I get crushed even at that level?

Everyone starts at D, and ok B.net players tend to stay there. D- is where most casual Starcraft players settle into. D+ is where good B.net players tend to fall.

Points gained/lost depend on your rank relative to your opponent's (if you're lower and win, gain more, if you're higher and lose, lose more).

ICCup Rank (ELO)

D- (<800)
D (1000-1999)
D+ (2000-2999)
C- (3000-3999)
C (4000-4999)
C+ (5000-5999)
B- (6000-6999)
B (7000-7999)
B+ (8000-8999)
A- (9000-9999)
A (10,000-11,999)
A+ (12,000+)

Look at that, and then realize how big the skill gap is between A+ players and D players.

They reset the ladder every ~3-4 months.


I'm about to start eating dinner, but I might be up for playing at 7 EST or so.

*edit* I might check in later. Playing Synergy with people instead for a bit.
I've just sporadically been playing the last few days or so, people are usually on towards the nightish hours too. sorry nightish being like maybe 8 pm eastern united states, EST

At the apm thing up there, oh look pretty numbers, hehe.

Oh* just join channel gaf on east if you log on since that's where we've been meeting. You can type /join gaf


It's crazy how Starcraft Broodwar still has 55,000 concurrent users at any given moment 12 years after it's release.

Anyone playing now?


After watching TSL2 finals, and maybe catching the end of the Canada vs USA gold medal finals, I might play a few games of Starcraft if anyone is around then.
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