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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike


it's kinda a bummer that they're only going to be offline for a week of it. a far cry from the GSL's month+ of games format.

even if just from the RO16 onwards, the GSL takes five weeks to get to the final.

It's a weird Hybrid, but really, it's a decentish compromise.

Either way, tonights Code S group looks awesome, MC, DRG, Flying, Yoda.

Yoda might be the best terran in HoTS.


Just faced a random player who told me the wrong race. He said T and he was Z so I didn't wall in, but he tried to baneling bust my siege expand and I won lategame. I hate people who are dicks like that.
For the record, you can discover what race a Random player is by selecting the 'Diplomacy' button on the top right corner of the screen.


For real? Blizz screwing over random players again. I wish they had their own leveling tier.

I just laddered vs a random and it says Random at the start. Maybe it changes after you reveal the race, but it doesn't say the race name right out of the gate.


ZvZ is such a shitty match up

I wonder what the other guy is gonna do? Oh yea he's gonna ling muta. I don't know, I feel like it's NOT ok for there to only be one viable build in any match up, even if it's a mirror match.

edit: This sounds incredibly salty, and I did just loose a ZvZ... but still I mean C'mon, COME ON.


ZvZ is such a shitty match up

I wonder what the other guy is gonna do? Oh yea he's gonna ling muta. I don't know, I feel like it's NOT ok for there to only be one viable build in any match up, even if it's a mirror match.

ZvZ has never not been a terrible matchup. SC1 included. The race just doesn't lend itself well to mirrors.


ZvZ is such a shitty match up

I wonder what the other guy is gonna do? Oh yea he's gonna ling muta. I don't know, I feel like it's NOT ok for there to only be one viable build in any match up, even if it's a mirror match.

Post the replay of the last match you were talking about in chat.


Post the replay of the last match you were talking about in chat.

But it's embarrasing.

I should have won. I wiped out his spores and his muta army at his natural and then I... retreated!


Ugh, it's so bad. I was winning, I had the win, and then I don't know what I was thinking... like fall back and regroup I guess... that was a mistake.

There is a super sick ass baneling connection though. It was glorious.


Can someone(ej if u want) re-teach me how to play, I've lost the ability to...do anything in the last week. I need my mojo. I can't even play teams correctly. I even know what unit combo people are going and I'm not even reacting. I'm just watching and build random stuff like its sim city 5 (the awful one).

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. And no, more matches hasn't helped I'm getting worse with each one.

On a good news I finally changed to grid after HoTS fucked up all my hot keys, apparently unload was unbound.

::edit:: I do need help, being serious.


Just faced a random player who told me the wrong race. He said T and he was Z so I didn't wall in, but he tried to baneling bust my siege expand and I won lategame. I hate people who are dicks like that.

Please tell me you didn't ask a random player what he spawned as? That's borderline BM, depending on how you ask.

One of the only advantages of random (next to all of the disadvantages in mastering mechanics and learning the matchups) is that they won't know what you are until they scout. Also, it often throws off whatever well-honed cheese build an opponent may have planned, and forces them to adapt (and most Diamonds and below generally fail at this).

If Blizzard wanted people to know the race of their random opponents they could have easily built that functionality in. I digress. I occasionally ladder as random to get a little variety and find it annoying when people ask in a manner that implies that I owe it to them to reveal it.

And also, if a random just tells you his race spontaneously, you probably shouldn't just take his word for it. I would never do that to an opponent, but I've seen others try it on me.


Can someone(ej if u want) re-teach me how to play, I've lost the ability to...do anything in the last week. I need my mojo. I can't even play teams correctly. I even know what unit combo people are going and I'm not even reacting. I'm just watching and build random stuff like its sim city 5 (the awful one).

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. And no, more matches hasn't helped I'm getting worse with each one.

On a good news I finally changed to grid after HoTS fucked up all my hot keys, apparently unload was unbound.

::edit:: I do need help, being serious.

I've always used the defaults, so HotS wasn't a major change. Grid probably increases your skill cap a bit though if you can adjust to it.


But it's embarrasing.

I should have won. I wiped out his spores and his muta army at his natural and then I... retreated!


Ugh, it's so bad. I was winning, I had the win, and then I don't know what I was thinking... like fall back and regroup I guess... that was a mistake.

There is a super sick ass baneling connection though. It was glorious.

Its not embarrassing...mostly :p

Play by play thoughts...

Why not send your overlord straight to his base/natural in ZvZ?
Don't take that other base if hes denying your expand with a drone, just attack it & bring another drone down to help, taking a different base that early spreads you too thin against attacks.

Get your queen and second overlord faster, before hatch if need be.

Inject asap, drone drone drone drone. Another reason to take your natural btw is so you can build your second queen in main base and walk the first to the natural (if you went pool first).

Get your spire ASAP when the lair is done. Also should be taking your third soon after the spire goes down.

If you had the natural you wouldn't have lost those drones or had to build four spines ;(

Your mutas are idle when they pop for awhile, use them to go kill the three overlords in your vision. Upgrade mutas. Also rally your overlords towards your base/mineral line when its muta time.

8 free mutas, nice, thats usually gg.

Drone drone drone.

Attacking into spores is ballsy but it works out, like you said shouldn't leave until your forced out (but pay attention he doesn't overwhelm you).

I like to hotkey my mutas as I build them (select hatcheries, build mutas, ctrl+click eggs to remove larvae, shift+muta hotkey selection). That way you always have the maximum possible amount with you since quantity is key.

If you have a bane on top of that ramp you save yourself a lot of heartache vs. runbys. He got the spire :(

This is why its ballsy to attack into spores, especially with queens and his mutas nearby :( you got trapped and thats game over. But theres no need you were a base up (get gases ASAP!) but couldn't reinforce, time only helps you there.

The three overlords in your vision/bases never got killed :(


Random question, but I just recently got into SC and have been watching a lot of videos of pros. In much of their videos, it looks like they're just constantly hitting buttons and selecting things that don't actually do anything, just to get their APM up. Am I wrong in thinking they're just trying to inflate their APM? If so, then is an APM of ~300 just absurd, as you only get up there by clicking and pressing hotkeys all the time without actually doing anything? Or are they actually just doing a lot of shit all the time that I don't even notice.


Random question, but I just recently got into SC and have been watching a lot of videos of pros. In much of their videos, it looks like they're just constantly hitting buttons and selecting things that don't actually do anything, just to get their APM up. Am I wrong in thinking they're just trying to inflate their APM? If so, then is an APM of ~300 just absurd, as you only get up there by clicking and pressing hotkeys all the time without actually doing anything? Or are they actually just doing a lot of shit all the time that I don't even notice.

At the start of the game, yes, they're just spamming. But it's because a lot of people find it hard to go from 100 apm to 250+later on. So they try to start at around 250+ and stay there. It also helps (somewhat) to build that muscle memory so you hit those keys with out thinking.

Later on (after about 6 minutes game time) no, they're not spamming, they're going through their "cycle". You check your're building more SCV then Marines, then tanks, then upgrades, then repeat all the time, so that you're constantly making stuff, and no building is going idle doing nothing. Should also check on your army at some stage ;P

Of course each cycle changes depending on what race / play style you're going for, but thats the general idea of it.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Random question, but I just recently got into SC and have been watching a lot of videos of pros. In much of their videos, it looks like they're just constantly hitting buttons and selecting things that don't actually do anything, just to get their APM up. Am I wrong in thinking they're just trying to inflate their APM? If so, then is an APM of ~300 just absurd, as you only get up there by clicking and pressing hotkeys all the time without actually doing anything? Or are they actually just doing a lot of shit all the time that I don't even notice.
They're doing stuff because it's needed. They don't press random buttons; they do it to confirm certain things (timings on buildings, unit-production, unit placements etc).


At the start of the game, yes, they're just spamming. But it's because a lot of people find it hard to go from 100 apm to 250+later on. So they try to start at around 250+ and stay there. It also helps (somewhat) to build that muscle memory so you hit those keys with out thinking.

Later on (after about 6 minutes game time) no, they're not spamming, they're going through their "cycle". You check your're building more SCV then Marines, then tanks, then upgrades, then repeat all the time, so that you're constantly making stuff, and no building is going idle doing nothing. Should also check on your army at some stage ;P

Of course each cycle changes depending on what race / play style you're going for, but thats the general idea of it.

They're doing stuff because it's needed. They don't press random buttons; they do it to confirm certain things (timings on buildings, unit-production, unit placements etc).

Thank you. I am noob.


ok guys, newbie silver question time.

this protoss walled me in with like 5 cannons and equal amount of pylons at my starting base. i had a drone out so i took another base outside of my nat. i'm guessing i played that wrong and should have used those minerals for lings/roaches to break free.

he went air and i eventually had to lose because he took out my OL and drones. but i'm pretty sure i lost because i handled that wall in cheese awful.

i did try to attack him but he kept walling off his main with force fields and then killed me with air before coming for my drones. he pretty much one based that.
ZvZ is such a shitty match up

I wonder what the other guy is gonna do? Oh yea he's gonna ling muta. I don't know, I feel like it's NOT ok for there to only be one viable build in any match up, even if it's a mirror match.

I still haven't lost a ZvZ on the ladder and i've only went mutas once.


ok guys, newbie silver question time.

this protoss walled me in with like 5 cannons and equal amount of pylons at my starting base. i had a drone out so i took another base outside of my nat. i'm guessing i played that wrong and should have used those minerals for lings/roaches to break free.

he went air and i eventually had to lose because he took out my OL and drones. but i'm pretty sure i lost because i handled that wall in cheese awful.

i did try to attack him but he kept walling off his main with force fields and then killed me with air before coming for my drones. he pretty much one based that.

if a protoss hasn't scouted you, there's a proxy pylon going down somewhere.

Make sure you chase their probe well out of your base.

Those are my 2 rules when facing toss.

How you deal with that? no idea. I guess most will say "don't let it happen" though. For 5 of each to go down you must not have had vision for ages :|


if a protoss hasn't scouted you, there's a proxy pylon going down somewhere.

Make sure you chase their probe well out of your base.

Those are my 2 rules when facing toss.

How you deal with that? no idea. I guess most will say "don't let it happen" though. For 5 of each to go down you must not have had vision for ages :|

i saw it, i just couldn't do much at the time. he put 3 pylons on the ramp and i only 2 lings and queen at the time, by the time i killed one the cannons were warped already.

i figured he was going to just pylon block my nat so i didn't build a lot of lings, like i said. i think the expansion should've been units.


I still haven't lost a ZvZ on the ladder and i've only went mutas once.

What is your secret voodoo man? Got any replays of this?

@striek, thanks for the analysis.

Why not send your overlord straight to his base/natural in ZvZ?

There's only those two paths on neo planet S, so I shift send my overlords along the path. I've caught a sneaking prob trying to proxy pylon doing that. If you send them straight across the middle you can miss them. I was looking for a 6 pool.

Here's an easy question: how do organize your overlords? They're always in the way or out of position for me. I wish I could give them their own rally point.

Me: "WTF are you doing here you stupid gas bags?"... 20 mins later: "Arrgh, get back over here! God da*SUPPLY BLOCKED*

They're like lonely supply depots/the fat kid in middle school... "Hey guys what's going on at the rally point?.. Oh, okay, you're gonna go attack the base? Guess I'll just stand in the corner."

Can you use transfuse on spine crawlers?
What is your secret voodoo man? Got any replays of this?

Early ling/bling aggression and in general trying to punish early spires. Because every game is muta vs muta so many players are trying to be super greedy. Usually i just follow it up with roach hydra.

I'm not suggesting you do this at all as it's probably not good play. I just like to try and avoid the stuff everyone else is doing or looking for weird ways to beat it.

That's pretty much how i've always played. Like in wol i was doing great by going mass voidray in PvP. Even though my builds shouldn't have been viable and were probably pretty bad (as striek could testify) i made them work on the ladder.

If you really hate going muta in ZvZ just try something else out and see how you go. If you're not like mid master or higher don't even worry about what's viable or not cause that won't apply at all levels.

Edit: You're definitely better off listening to strieks advice above lol.


Early ling/bling aggression and in general trying to punish early spires. Because every game is muta vs muta so many players are trying to be super greedy. Usually i just follow it up with roach hydra.

Every game I have had where they went hydra I go mass ling bane and the banes just crush hydra like they would lings. The thing about muta that I really like in all matchups is the healing speed of them. I can almost have them all die pull off and do some other things and bam like new mutas for the harass. It also works well to have like 2 around the base in the air to stop drops or at least scare them off if terran or toss.
What worked against me and I have been doing it my self in early zvz is lings then banes but make it so the speed and bane nest are done around the same time - get at the front door if not scouted and make a few banes but right click them into the base into the mineral line. Like 5 and suicide 1 then 2 2 on either side of the base - they see that and try to spread them but if you have good connections all their econ is gone.

The banes on auto pilot to then you can micro around the lings and do some additional damage like wipe out the queen or just chase the workers/lings they have left. 65% of the time it works all the time.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Why do pylons seem like they're instant to build while supply depots take ages?

Toss imba, clearly.
Finished the campaign (disappointed) and did some AI training. Going to jump into unranked matchmaking tonight for the first time as Zerg.


2gd says he has heard the NA wcs will have 8 koreans, EU around 5. Not confirmed but hes usually pretty on the money with these things.


2gd says he has heard the NA wcs will have 8 koreans, EU around 5. Not confirmed but hes usually pretty on the money with these things.

Koreans are ok to watch, but they do the standard builds all the time, I wanna see some new blood into the mix and stir things up


Koreans are ok to watch, but they do the standard builds all the time, I wanna see some new blood into the mix and stir things up

They do the standard builds because they are best though, like the people mixing stuff up don't actually win against Koreans or good foreigners right?
Ketch, in silver/gold you absolutely don't need to go mutas in ZvZ, at this level muta control and multitasking is pretty bad and as long as you have a few spores up and maybe a few extra queens at your bases, to both attack the mutas and transfuse spores, Roach Hyrda is fine. In fact you can win plenty of games by just immediately counterattacking with your roaches and taking down their hatcheries whilst their mutas do essentially shit all at your base. Obviously at higher levels things start to change but essentially at this level macro is still more important above all.


I havent been able to play like in a week or so thanks to work. Wondering if everyones suffers a severe "skill" drop? even if you stop playing for a few days?

Its certainly one of the most unappealing aspects of SC2 for me.


I havent been able to play like in a week or so thanks to work. Wondering if everyones suffers a sever "skill" drop? even if you stop playing for a few days?

Its certainly one of the most unappealing aspects of SC2 for me.

Don't worry, it's like riding a bike.
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