The Lamonster
Don't worry, it's like riding a bike.
a bike that becomes bigger and more demanding the longer you let it sit in the garage
Don't worry, it's like riding a bike.
I havent been able to play like in a week or so thanks to work. Wondering if everyones suffers a sever "skill" drop? even if you stop playing for a few days?
Its certainly one of the most unappealing aspects of SC2 for me.
Ketch, in silver/gold you absolutely don't need to go mutas in ZvZ, at this level muta control and multitasking is pretty bad and as long as you have a few spores up and maybe a few extra queens at your bases, to both attack the mutas and transfuse spores, Roach Hyrda is fine. In fact you can win plenty of games by just immediately counterattacking with your roaches and taking down their hatcheries whilst their mutas do essentially shit all at your base. Obviously at higher levels things start to change but essentially at this level macro is still more important above all.
Koreans are ok to watch, but they do the standard builds all the time, I wanna see some new blood into the mix and stir things up
They've been doing standard builds for so long as every damn map in tournaments is the same. Proleague and their new maps is finally bringing new styles into it.
I hate hate hate Colossus. Stupid range and speed. They should be slower for the amount of ranged splash damage they do.
I can deal with HT for the most part but dammit if HT + Colossus feels very IMBA.
Going from Zerg, playing Terran's weird. I feel that whenever you're floating too many resources with Terran you've screwed up, while with Zerg you just make a ton of units at once and you're good. In a weird way, macro's kind of harder (or I should say different) than Zerg because it requires frequent structure building while also handling micro. At least initially, drops are way harder than I had thought when on the receiving end.
I feel that I'm a better player with Zerg now when I go back to ladder, though.
Colossus needs buff, not nerf
When I play unranked. Does the game still try and place me agains't opponents of a similar skill level?
Going from Zerg, playing Terran's weird. I feel that whenever you're floating too many resources with Terran you've screwed up, while with Zerg you just make a ton of units at once and you're good. In a weird way, macro's kind of harder (or I should say different) than Zerg because it requires frequent structure building while also handling micro. At least initially, drops are way harder than I had thought when on the receiving end.
I feel that I'm a better player with Zerg now when I go back to ladder, though.
I found the "when to drone" thing a bit harder to get used to than Terran macro because its far more game dependent. As terran, you already know what you should be doing at all times so with more games played comes very clear improvement while as Zerg sometimes it feels like you aren't even progressing or winning by luck. The thing that really annoys me about Terran macro is building placement. My units always get stuck in my base as there is never enough room to fit everything and have clear paths for units to get out.
Apart from the first few which you rally to specific spots, I rally all of them straight to a mineral line (so they can be defended against air units with queen/spore) or against terran to empty air behind main/natural.Here's an easy question: how do organize your overlords? They're always in the way or out of position for me. I wish I could give them their own rally point
Terran definitely feels harder to start with. But I found recently after getting used to it thats its like playing the other races; you can macro easily enough unhindered and when your attention is strained (attacking or defending where you need to micro your ass off) your resources stockpile, but you just need to spend the resources you accrue ASAP.Going from Zerg, playing Terran's weird. I feel that whenever you're floating too many resources with Terran you've screwed up, while with Zerg you just make a ton of units at once and you're good. In a weird way, macro's kind of harder (or I should say different) than Zerg because it requires frequent structure building while also handling micro. At least initially, drops are way harder than I had thought when on the receiving end.
lol next week's Funday Monday sounds awesome. 4v4 where only 1 person can make attacking units.
Anybody wanna try it out?
Anyone want a gosu tip on how to become better at sc2?
Listen to this on repeat
sick pain in my hand today
small victory of the day. beat a plat player. i'm in silver.
so many zvz lately :|
i think i've played 2 terrans ever. what happened? i figured with widow mines i'd see more terrans
Right. Ideally as a Zerg, you are abusing the efficiency of larvae being able to produce anything by building only drones + whatever minimal number of units you need to not die, before switching into 100% unit production whenever you hit the peak point of your build (whether it's early rush or late-game or whatever). This is like the most coolest thing about Zerg and is a great example of emergent gameplay actually matching the theme of the race (I say emergent because I doubt Blizzard had this in mind when originally making SC1/Brood War).
2gd says he has heard the NA wcs will have 8 koreans, EU around 5. Not confirmed but hes usually pretty on the money with these things.
Majine said:This is the season MKP is gonna win!!!
Majine said:MARINEKING! The last WoL GSL is the one!
MKP LETS GO! First HotS GSL champion!
First out. Also GSL thread thataway ->
It's kind of ridiculous that in the lower leagues, the opponent either lets you live long enough to let you hit that easy timing you had planned and you roll over them, or the opponent tries a timing of his own but you scout it and just destroy it with emergency spines/units, or the opponent doesn't let you scout his timing and you just get rolled over with half the units he has.
Middle ground games don't really happen very often with that race, and you often come off as either a masters level player that seems unbeatable, or a bronze level player that has no clue how to play depending on how the game plays out.
List of koreans playing wcs not in korea (so far)
North America:
lol next week's Funday Monday sounds awesome. 4v4 where only 1 person can make attacking units.
Anybody wanna try it out?
List of koreans playing wcs not in korea (so far)
North America:
This is my exact problem with PvZ . I am a Bronze leaguer. I feel like I have to be out pressuring the Zerg so he can't just drone up, but then I let my Macro slip because I am constantly on my army, and lose shortly after he destroys my existing army with a tech switch . Or I try and turtle too much, and he expands 3 time uncontested and pounds me in the dirt.
I will get there it will just take some time.
I bet all of these are going to be cheese matches. I can't see anyone actually pulling off a 1v4 in the late game. Even against bronze leaguers. You are effectively going 200 supply vs 800.
List of koreans playing wcs not in korea (so far)
North America:
Personally, I just want to see the best play the best, so Koreans everywhere would be great for me but I know that to expand the audience, the foreign scene is very important.
You think that. Then when 200 supply of Ultralisks with 200 supporting medivacs are knocking on the front door, things change.
I don't know it might be good to give foreigners some motivation to get good while in their home region rather than just streaming ladder all day.
I mostly like watching the best but we already have GSL, GSTL, proleague plus we get to see some of them at foreign events. I still like the different flavor that watching a tournament without them can have. There is something appealing about watching the players from each region compete to be the best only to meet the best from the other regions.
Just bullshit IMO. They really need a residency requirement. The GSL is offline and the NA and EU qualifiers should be as well. If you want to play in the NA/EU, you should be living there. That way, players like Polt can contribute to the scene while Koreans who just chill in the superior and established Korean practice environment are forced to compete in their own region.
This is the real problem. Even if we all agree that watching the highest skill players play is a good thing, having every tournament only be that narrows the viewing experience and so lowers the aggregate viewing interest.
lol at the NA list. That's somekind of late april fools thing, right?
No one uses it. Just join the NeoGAF group in-game