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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike


That's what the foreigners need to realise, laddering means nothing. The Koreans didn't get good off of ladder.

Demuslim also has done much better in tournaments than some of the others, but either way Demu will certainly qualify himself. He's easily one of the best players in NA.


Demuslim also has done much better in tournaments than some of the others, but either way Demu will certainly qualify himself. He's easily one of the best players in NA.

Yeah I don't really know much about where players are at right now so it might be unfair to single out Demuslim but I still think the point that the Koreans foreigners can't beat didn't get good off of ladder is true and something people need to learn. Need some coaches in the foreigner teams.

Also sad the one good British player is in NA lol.
Actually could that be why he isn't invited?


The invite list for EU/NA are not that bad in terms of amount of Koreans - but I expect the rest of the premiere league to fill up with Koreans from the open qualifiers.


EDIT: No QXC or Sasquatch from NA but Hellokitty being there is kind of bizarre. No Demuslim in EU/NA. Snute being in NA over EU is kinda weird

EU looks exciting as usual. White-Ra is the only name I really miss on there, mostly because it's goddamn White-Ra!

Sucks to be Demuslim though. Weird.


Just got a win over another Bronze player who is #2 in his Division. I feel slightly ashamed to be this happy over the win. I was around 25th my Bronze Division when we played.

Poor zerg had every lane of approach scouted except right down the middle of the map. Which luckily was the exact path I took. Oh and the DT harass helped me out quite a bit :)


Any low level tips are appreciated.



I've just been playing campaign so far, and I am a complete moron. Why is it only now that I see the wonderful synergistic possibilities of 25% boosted gas income, automated refineries, tech reactors, boosted energy pools, Terran mech, and Science Vessel healing? :(

I feel like I went the wrong way on damn near every one of these!
You're only just now playing the WoL campaign?

Oh, Mu.

I tried playing through the WoL campaign just recently again and I cannot stomach how boring it is, at least in the beginning. Now this is most likely because I don't like playing Terran, but I feel like it gets rid of that awesome frantic nature of the game and just focuses on the boring base-building parts. I've only gotten to a mission after getting on the BC, so who knows if it changes? If it does, I'd be willing to give it a second chance.


Fuck yes, I beat my first Masters player it paired me up against (a zerg). I definitely feel like I am getting the hang of Terran in HotS now in each match up (except TvT).
I've just been playing campaign so far, and I am a complete moron. Why is it only now that I see the wonderful synergistic possibilities of 25% boosted gas income, automated refineries, tech reactors, boosted energy pools, Terran mech, and Science Vessel healing? :(

I feel like I went the wrong way on damn near every one of these!

Tech reactors are insanity. Pumping out 2 Battlecruisers from a single star port. Bonkers.

I tried playing through the WoL campaign just recently again and I cannot stomach how boring it is, at least in the beginning. Now this is most likely because I don't like playing Terran, but I feel like it gets rid of that awesome frantic nature of the game and just focuses on the boring base-building parts. I've only gotten to a mission after getting on the BC, so who knows if it changes? If it does, I'd be willing to give it a second chance.

That's super early. Most missions focus on unique goals that force you to do more than turtle. I really love WoLs campaign.


You guys!

I finally won a ZvZ!! I felt like I played a pretty sound game. But, please destroy me with your pro level analysis: http://drop.sc/321691

Oh man, I feel like I did so good. Kept (sp?) him off 3 bases, total muta harass, expanded well, defended well... I'm sure this will be a case of watching the replay and seeing that my opponent had absolutely no idea what he was doing though. I could have done a lot better on the vision I think. Anyway please, look at this and tell me how I bad I suck.

#4 in my division, woop.

Just got a win over another Bronze player who is #2 in his Division. I feel slightly ashamed to be this happy over the win. I was around 25th my Bronze Division when we played.

Poor zerg had every lane of approach scouted except right down the middle of the map. Which luckily was the exact path I took. Oh and the DT harass helped me out quite a bit :)


Any low level tips are appreciated.


So glad to see you're still playing Monk!! SCRUB LEAGUE! Making gains. Line 'em up.

Watched your replay, I can't be as critical or give any really good advice, but I think you just need to be faster... I don't know if that helps. That battle at the end at his 3rd was pretty sick. Also, if you can kill his lair with your DTs before he creates an overseer, then he can't make an overseer .

Otherwise, I don't know, it was fun to watch =) Actually, I do have something: How is your macro? Do you have any benchmarks? I found that saying "I'm going to attack at 11:00 minutes" even if I didn't think I was ready actually won me quite a few matches, just because I was more ready then my opponent. and when I lost it was okay because I knew I was confined to this constraint so it wasn't really my fault.

So I don't know what a good timing is for protoss, but if you're looking at your build and you have like zealot, sentry, stalker, and upgrades. If you have a specific time that you start your upgrade, then it'll always finish at around the same game time... and that's probably a good time to attack. So maybe look at your build order and say my x upgrade is done at this time, I will always attack at this time, and then just do it no matter what. It worked for me and 1/1 roaches at 11:00. There's got to be something similar for protoss.


The Everyman
Just got a win over another Bronze player who is #2 in his Division. I feel slightly ashamed to be this happy over the win. I was around 25th my Bronze Division when we played.

Poor zerg had every lane of approach scouted except right down the middle of the map. Which luckily was the exact path I took. Oh and the DT harass helped me out quite a bit :)


Any low level tips are appreciated.


yo, heres what i noticed:

-your wall in wasnt tight
-you should scout your opponent with a worker to see what theyre up to
-taking an expansion at 9 mins is kinda late
-good forcefields!


After my win against a masters zerg, I play another masters zerg and he bitch slaps me back down to reality. Cruel.

Update: I looked at his profile and he is right below Shake in the same division. Fuck my life.


Can someone analyze this game and tell me what I could have done better besides failing to punish him hard enough for going 3 base before pool?


It was kind of close even when he had 3 bases, but he was expanding too fast for me to keep up with him in the macro game.


You're not going to win a game if you let him go 3 bases right off the bat for free.

Thanks, but I mentioned that in the first sentence of my post. Also not sure how you watched a 30 minute game in less than a minute, lol. What could I have done given my opener? I suppose I could have countered with the same amount of greed and gotten a faster CC.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Weekend needs to come sooner so I can ladder again...maybe Ill try tomorrow though..depends on when I get home from work.

I wonder if anyone has found my easter egg in my OP yet.


I've just been playing campaign so far, and I am a complete moron. Why is it only now that I see the wonderful synergistic possibilities of 25% boosted gas income, automated refineries, tech reactors, boosted energy pools, Terran mech, and Science Vessel healing? :(

I feel like I went the wrong way on damn near every one of these!

Yeah this is the right place for campaign discussion. There was a bunch of it earlier; it's just died down because (almost) everyone who's in it for the campaign has played it by now. Now that it's been a bit since I beat the HotS campaign I still think that despite the sharp drop off in writing compared to SC1, SC2 campaigns have been among my favorite RTS single player experiences ever.


Can someone analyze this game and tell me what I could have done better besides failing to punish him hard enough for going 3 base before pool?


It was kind of close even when he had 3 bases, but he was expanding too fast for me to keep up with him in the macro game.

That's was a really good game to watch. I don't know what you could have done differently, in the end it kind of boiled down to a base race when you were taking his main and he was taking your natural, I feel like you might have been able to win if you had brought that second drop back home instead of attacking another one of his expansions. But I don't really know, it just looked that way. That guy was being all salty too, why can't people just be happy with a good game? I suppose all they want is quick easy ladder points and don't actually enjoy playing the game.

Some other random observations:
Terran structures remind me of transformers.

Holy shit at those ultras around the 31 minute mark, I was like "OMG that's a lot of ultras".

Marine, Marauder, Medivac seems like it has no end game... like you don't build up to anything. It's just build the same units the whole game and win with drops? I don't know what else you would build but is that really it for the MMM playstyle?


That's was a really good game to watch. I don't know what you could have done differently, in the end it kind of boiled down to a base race when you were taking his main and he was taking your natural, I feel like you might have been able to win if you had brought that second drop back home instead of attacking another one of his expansions. But I don't really know, it just looked that way. That guy was being all salty too, why can't people just be happy with a good game? I suppose all they want is quick easy ladder points and don't actually enjoy playing the game.

Some other random observations:
Terran structures remind me of transformers.

Holy shit at those ultras around the 31 minute mark, I was like "OMG that's a lot of ultras".

Marine, Marauder, Medivac seems like it has no end game... like you don't build up to anything. It's just build the same units the whole game and win with drops? I don't know what else you would build but is that really it for the MMM playstyle?

Hey now, HotS added in another M! Mines! But yeah, that is pretty much the standard army you go against late game zerg unless they go Broodlords (then just get a crap-ton of vikings and drop all around the map to abuse their immobility). I feel like I could have done more sustainable damage had I not let him expand so effortlessly, but he was doing a really good job of adding tons of spores/spines at all his expansions and defensing versus drops pretty rapidly.
Setting aside the whole thing about region locking it doesn't fix the issue that online tournaments are just great for killing hype. occasionally it works (iron squid) but mostly it just makes people not give a shit about the tournament.

If you want the fans/players to really care the whole thing should be offline. Sure that may be really difficult right now but if you're not ready to do it properly than maybe you shouldn't come in and change the whole scene to a format you're not ready to support properly.

The whole thing wreaks of a rushed attempt by blizzard to be more like Riot and they're doing a piss poor imitation.

I think the "zoning" has created this thought process that players are competing to represent their country, or their, zone. They aren't. It's not the Olympics. They're competing to represent themselves, and their team. i.e. the people who pay them. Not their country.

Then why are we even having the whole WCS concept? If it isn't about competing in your region why not just stick to what we had? The great thing about a tournament like this is that it adds that extra flavor on top of just being competing with each other.

It would be absolutely terrible if, lets say, the Americas, got to the WCS final and all lost 2-0 or 3-0 or w/e, and were wiped out in the first round. That would be incredibly embarrassing for a whole "scene".

I don't have such a problem with the rosters for the tournaments. If anything, i think it's going to make other scenes stronger and better. They're going to be forced to lift their game if they want to compete with the best. And they now know, they're not going to be able to just cruise along.

As opposed to the last few years where Koreans have been crushing face in every single minor or major tournament out there? Why do you think this will change anything?

It's better for the game that koreans are going outside of Korea for WCS. I know I sure as hell wouldn't want to watch an NA only tournament, it'd be like watching two children playing tennis in their backgarden instead of the Wimbledon finals.

No offense but who the hell cares? We get it, you're a big fan of kespa and BW and watching the best Koreans play. You can watch GSL, GSTL, pro-league, dreamhack and whatever other big tournaments if you want to watch them play. The whole point of this concept is to appeal to fans that don't share your opinion.

Did none of you catch the viewers for the WCS Europe last year? It wasn't far behind the big MLG HOTS tournament this year that everyone was raving about and it had no Koreans at all. It was a fantastic tournament and it was fun watching the players compete to be the best in their region.

This works in 2 ways. For one there is a lot of competitiveness. Everyone wants bragging rights to be the best in their region. On top of that though players actually feel like they have a chance and that makes them work harder. Not to mention that people just like competing for their region, sort of like International sports.

You could have the WCS be a regional tournament and then on top of that have tournaments like dreamhack to have some competition between Koreans and foreigners.

You dont have to be a korean citizen, but basically yes. It is simply moronic to complete in a tournament like the GSL and not actual grab an apartment and stay there. The plane trips back and forth will be far more expensive and will cut deeply in your practice time and ability to play due to jet lag.

Exactly. There is a reason why any player who has ever competed in GSL has been living in the country at the time. It is essentially impossible not to due to the format. I thought the whole point of doing the same across the 3 regions was so that the requirement to actually live in the region you compete in would apply to everyone. As is this format is completely unfair to the foreign scene.


Not region locking just ensures that almost all the spots in the season finals will be Koreans. Ok, they're the best in the world right? Well why not just have one tournament. Why even have "regionals" in the first place. Not having a lock in place just makes it three really big korean qualifiers, two of which are populated by relatively weak competition.
Not region locking just ensures that almost all the spots in the season finals will be Koreans. Ok, they're the best in the world right? Well why not just have one tournament. Why even have "regionals" in the first place. Not having a lock in place just makes it three really big korean qualifiers, two of which are populated by relatively weak competition.

This is the biggest problem. I don't understand of even having a regional tournament in the first place unless it's region locked.

If you just want to watch the best Koreans face each other we already have the GSL. This just weakens the GSL only for them to face each other later in a less meaningful tournament.


yo, heres what i noticed:

-your wall in wasnt tight
-you should scout your opponent with a worker to see what theyre up to
-taking an expansion at 9 mins is kinda late
-good forcefields!

Thank you very much!

I mistakenly thought that wall in was tight, so thanks for pointing that out. :) I will try not repeat that mistake :). I do need to scout. I will add that back into my play. Part of the reason my expansion is so late is probably because I don't scout; and I more than likely make too many units before pushing out to my natural. Lol, thank you for the kind words about my spammy forcefield play :)

Thank you again.

You guys!

I finally won a ZvZ!! I felt like I played a pretty sound game. But, please destroy me with your pro level analysis: http://drop.sc/321691

Oh man, I feel like I did so good. Kept (sp?) him off 3 bases, total muta harass, expanded well, defended well... I'm sure this will be a case of watching the replay and seeing that my opponent had absolutely no idea what he was doing though. I could have done a lot better on the vision I think. Anyway please, look at this and tell me how I bad I suck.

#4 in my division, woop.

Congrats! After the muta harrass of his expansion and taking down his overlords, your were in a dominant position. You and those Ultralisks :)... Nice work man. You seem to have improved quite a bit since our initial games.

So glad to see you're still playing Monk!! SCRUB LEAGUE! Making gains. Line 'em up.

Watched your replay, I can't be as critical or give any really good advice, but I think you just need to be faster... I don't know if that helps. That battle at the end at his 3rd was pretty sick. Also, if you can kill his lair with your DTs before he creates an overseer, then he can't make an overseer .

Otherwise, I don't know, it was fun to watch =) Actually, I do have something: How is your macro? Do you have any benchmarks? I found that saying "I'm going to attack at 11:00 minutes" even if I didn't think I was ready actually won me quite a few matches, just because I was more ready then my opponent. and when I lost it was okay because I knew I was confined to this constraint so it wasn't really my fault.

So I don't know what a good timing is for protoss, but if you're looking at your build and you have like zealot, sentry, stalker, and upgrades. If you have a specific time that you start your upgrade, then it'll always finish at around the same game time... and that's probably a good time to attack. So maybe look at your build order and say my x upgrade is done at this time, I will always attack at this time, and then just do it no matter what. It worked for me and 1/1 roaches at 11:00. There's got to be something similar for protoss.


I think you and Coolio might be speaking to the same concept when you suggest I need to be faster. I am probably a bit overly conservative in taking my natural.

As for the DT's, I am never 100% sure what to attack (Liar, Evolution Chamber, workers, queen, etc.). I need to check and see how many DT's it takes to take down a liar. My main goal was to harass him and force him to spend some gas on overseers.

My macro is improving. My primary goal in this game was to constantly build workers and never get supply blocked ( Pylons & Probes ). In the 3 games I have played doing this I noticed my macro is much better than before. When I got supply blocked in my past games my money would sky rocket and I would struggle to spend it all, while handling my army. So the early results of "Pylon and Probes" has been much better for me.

I don't have any specific timings attack timings yet. I am mostly working on "Pylons and Probes", but I do try and get a DT harass out first and then push out with my army.

I don't currently have any macro benchmarks. But I think that is that is a great next step for me once I get Pylons and Probes down. So thank you for mentioning it. I definitely need to have some benchmarks to compare with.


As for the DT's, I am never 100% sure what to attack (Liar, Evolution Chamber, workers, queen, etc.). I need to check and see how many DT's it takes to take down a liar. My main goal was to harass him and force him to spend some gas on overseers.

I don't think it's ever a bad idea to kill workers, but typically at the lower levels you gotta assume he's floating a shit load of resources... so it might be better to take out key production structures instead. Especially against zerg who can just instantly build as many workers as they have larvae to replace them. This probably doesn't hold true at higher skill levels, but I've definitely lost to cheese way more often when they kill my spawning pool before going after my workers because then I can't build anything to defend.

Edit: New avatar get!


I don't currently have any macro benchmarks. But I think that is that is a great next step for me once I get Pylons and Probes down. So thank you for mentioning it. I definitely need to have some benchmarks to compare with.

I am new to this particular game, so I don't really have advice with regards to your build or overall strategy or unit composition or micro because I know shit all about that but one more general macro benchmark you might try to set for yourself is to look at where your minerals peaked in this game - and then halve that next game. Don't let your minerals go above that point! Try to watch the game again and see when you need to bring more Warp Gates (or other production buildings and also pylons!) online. I think you'll notice how much your macro improves from that alone. And in that light, also make sure you take advantage of MBS and your ability to set control groups, which makes it much easier than in BW. And don't make too many production buildings; just have enough that you can maintain *constant* production and not let your minerals (or gas) get too high. If you watch multiple professional game, you'll see an almost clockwork pattern in the way that production buildings are added on and as production is ramped up, so that he always has enough buildings for constant production and doesn't have too much of a bank going.

I also think you should be more aggressive with your standing army; it's better to be active (attacking / harassing / scouting / denying expansions) with your existing army and spending your bank to replace what you lose than it is to have your army sit at home for most of the game.


DerZuhälter;53527692 said:
So at what time (CET) is SC2-GAF always playing? Found this SC2 NeoGAF chat group ingame but there is never anyone online or inside it.

Can't speak for Europe, but the NA server group always has a handful of people in it during prime time.


Neo Member
As for the DT's, I am never 100% sure what to attack (Liar, Evolution Chamber, workers, queen, etc.). I need to check and see how many DT's it takes to take down a liar. My main goal was to harass him and force him to spend some gas on overseers.

With HotS that goal is unfortunately moot, they don't need an evo for spores so they will only make 1-2 overseers then spores. Of course this depends on when you hit with your dts...

As for the targets you should be looking to hit... Priority for me goes to worker kills. When they pull the workers you hit their lair. (killing workers forces the zerg to use larvae on drones, and hitting the lair, slows tech and larvae build up) then I consider the following. Only attack an evo chamber if something is being upgraded. Only hit tech-unit structures if you are going for a timing as a follow up.


The Everyman
the hots units have made me so this game so much easier for me as a terran. i'm on a crazy 1v1 tear. i was never able to micro well against zealots and lings but i got this now.
the hots units have made me so this game so much easier for me as a terran. i'm on a crazy 1v1 tear. i was never able to micro well against zealots and lings but i got this now.

Yeah my Terran practice partner finally has stopped crying about lategame TvP now. It's a blessing.


Unconfirmed Member
To say how much of a joke the last WCS was in terms of players, Scarlett won WCS NA with dropping only a single map. That's how good she was compared to everyone else and take a look at her now, she took out MVP in GSTL last weekend.

Yeah, and if she got beat in some early round because she unluckily happened to face one of the best koreans, her Starcraft career could have ended right there, and she'd never have the chance to take out MVP in the GSTL.

"Koreans being in foreign tournaments will just force everyone to practice harder" has been what we've been trying for the last 3 years and the only result we're getting is the foreign scene steadily becoming more stagnate and less competitive.

Demuslim also has done much better in tournaments than some of the others, but either way Demu will certainly qualify himself. He's easily one of the best players in NA.

With so many good koreans fighting for the 8 NA qualifiers he has no chance. He'll make the Challenger league or whatever it's called, but not Premier.

Koreans like MC and foreigners like Catz alike have expressed frustration at this new format, team owners are upset at the lack of info from blizzard, fans of GSL are upset at a reduced talent pool and numbers of tournaments, fans of foreigners still have no hope. Its amazing blizzard could mess up so spectacularly on all fronts. It's so disappointing.


I don't think it's ever a bad idea to kill workers, but typically at the lower levels you gotta assume he's floating a shit load of resources... so it might be better to take out key production structures instead. Especially against zerg who can just instantly build as many workers as they have larvae to replace them. This probably doesn't hold true at higher skill levels, but I've definitely lost to cheese way more often when they kill my spawning pool before going after my workers because then I can't build anything to defend.

Edit: New avatar get!

The two zergs I beat last night were both floating a butt load of resource ( One was 5k min. other floated 2k min.). So I will have to take a look at that. I might go Queen then workers for Bronze league opponents. And if I am ever lucky enough move up to silver or gold I might move back to workers first.

I am new to this particular game, so I don't really have advice with regards to your build or overall strategy or unit composition or micro because I know shit all about that but one more general macro benchmark you might try to set for yourself is to look at where your minerals peaked in this game - and then halve that next game. Don't let your minerals go above that point! Try to watch the game again and see when you need to bring more Warp Gates (or other production buildings and also pylons!) online. I think you'll notice how much your macro improves from that alone. And in that light, also make sure you take advantage of MBS and your ability to set control groups, which makes it much easier than in BW. And don't make too many production buildings; just have enough that you can maintain *constant* production and not let your minerals (or gas) get too high. If you watch multiple professional game, you'll see an almost clockwork pattern in the way that production buildings are added on and as production is ramped up, so that he always has enough buildings for constant production and doesn't have too much of a bank going.

I also think you should be more aggressive with your standing army; it's better to be active (attacking / harassing / scouting / denying expansions) with your existing army and spending your bank to replace what you lose than it is to have your army sit at home for most of the game.

I think the first bolded statement will be really helpful once I get a bit more advanced and have a build order I am trying to tune. It will help me tighten up the build order and make it much more effecient than it currently is. My efficiency is lacking. :)

About the active army, I know I need to push that comfort zone and really be more active with my army. I just don't play a large number of games per week so the number of items I can actively work to improve on are limited.

I need to progress and do the things you suggested. Thank you.

With HotS that goal is unfortunately moot, they don't need an evo for spores so they will only make 1-2 overseers then spores. Of course this depends on when you hit with your dts...

As for the targets you should be looking to hit... Priority for me goes to worker kills. When they pull the workers you hit their lair. (killing workers forces the zerg to use larvae on drones, and hitting the lair, slows tech and larvae build up) then I consider the following. Only attack an evo chamber if something is being upgraded. Only hit tech-unit structures if you are going for a timing as a follow up.

Damn. Thank you for that piece of information. I am still playing WoL in my mind :). Thanks for the info on DT targets.


Esl are considering making the WCS EU qualifiers bo1 until the round of 8, but will make a final decision tomorrow.



ESL StarCraft 2 ‏@ESL_SC2

@Ziktomini @Harstem @NrSWelmu Final decision about the Bo3 will follow tomorrow.

Im trying to design a tournament worse than wcs in my head but i cant do it.
You have more patience than me. I don't think I could practice with a balance whiner. :/

Haha me and him go way back so I'm stuck with him. It's kind of hard to find people who actually think the same as me when it comes to starcraft. Not in the whining sense, but in the way that you do anything to win.

I've actually had previous practice partners tell me that cheesing them once every 5 or so games was a waste of their time and that we should macro every game. Truthfully I don't think you can actually practice if you already "know" you're opponent isn't going to cheese you.

Surprisingly this ideal is extremely rare with people who want to practice.


Haha me and him go way back so I'm stuck with him. It's kind of hard to find people who actually think the same as me when it comes to starcraft. Not in the whining sense, but in the way that you do anything to win.

I've actually had previous practice partners tell me that cheesing them once every 5 or so games was a waste of their time and that we should macro every game. Truthfully I don't think you can actually practice if you already "know" you're opponent isn't going to cheese you.

Surprisingly this ideal is extremely rare with people who want to practice.

The best practice (in my opinion) is you get people to cheese the hell out of you and see if your build can hold it if you're sorting out your early game. Lategame is playing against certain styles so it's nice to have someone to grind a style against you without deliberately making changes as they know how you play.

What I can't seem to find is someone who (if I lose to something) will do the same thing again so I can see if I can practice against that exact thing. It's really annoying, but it's what I sometimes need to practice and it's really hard to find people willing to keep doing the same thing over and over until I hold it properly.
Esl are considering making the WCS EU qualifiers bo1 until the round of 8, but will make a final decision tomorrow.



Im trying to design a tournament worse than wcs in my head but i cant do it.

Until RO8 bo1? o_O WTF!!!

Blizzard would be so stupid to do that. We get bo3 in GSL RO32. I can see it for the qualifiers for the first few rounds to bring it down to a manageable number but RO8....


I will give them the benefit of the doubt here and interpret it as ro8 of each individual qualifier group, not the whole tournament itself, which would be in line with their other cups, which are played out within a day.
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