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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike


watching this razer documentary about jaedong and flash right now, pretty interesting even though i don't follow sc stuff


watching this razer documentary about jaedong and flash right now, pretty interesting even though i don't follow sc stuff

If you are interested in following SC stuff, you will always have a welcome home here :) You can play SCII for free by downloading the starter edition and there are at least a handful of active players on here who would be down for teams and what have you.

LOTV Fan Alpha Patch 1.2
Literally just started playing through the Terran campaign, then going to move on to HotS.
It's been many years since I played the original SC&BW, and I'm somewhat rusty on pretty much everything.

Any tips you'd give to a newcomer to SCII? I'm pretty familiar with the whole RTS genre, but not so much with Starcraft.
Thanks :D


Everything on this playlist is for you!


I play Terran, personally, and keep all my production on 3, when I need to macro I just hit three and tab between the production types, hitting the unit hotkeys as I go.

You can create and add to building control groups the same way that you put units in a control group.

I go 1 Command centers 2 Production 3 4 5 armies/drops/some units in the army

Hope it helps! Idealing what you want to get decent at doing is macroing with the keyboard (producing units, workers etc) while moving your army around the map and microing with your mouse etc)


I just went 30+ minute game with (Liquid) Sheth, I even got to bm (well the bm wasn't 'real') him a bit it was awesome

I lost of course but the fact that I didn't die to some of his numerous 200/200 attacks made me happy.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you


Tempo has released a new original song.


ha thanks! Even if I can't really sing too well, I try to make up for it in the lyrics, flow and thought process behind the songs haha.

Huge thanks for the support everyone! Had a bit of a mental block feeling like anything I released wouldn't be good enough, but decided to just not worry about any of that and just release songs and have fun with it.
Gonna be doing a video for this as we ll as for Starcraft Way in the next week or so. then The Unit Rap Battle #2 will be shortly after that! Got a lot of ideas I want to get out, and hope you are receptive to them, as I'll be still putting my mind to work on them!


Husky casts a LOTV fan alpha game between QXC and Pokebunny

Didn't realize the Ravager ability had that much range. Ravagers having the same range as Marauders and way more hp makes them no longer a counter. Wonder if a Ravager can kill an unstimmed Marauder by itself. The mineral/worker change is also way too drastic.


See what I was talking about though? Fungal+ corrosive bile is great. I kind of hope that Blizzard changes fungal into a heavy slow, now that Zerg will never have to worry about Air units again (Bile + the infestor +5 dmg ability). Their entire design physolophy with this expansion seems to be to take all the reasons why widow mines were exciting as hell for the first 6 months of HotS and push that kind of play through the roof. Even if they decrease the bile range, the effect the Ravager has on how the posing army can move and persue is still huge.

The game flows much better on larger maps with more minerals, it doesn't quite work on the older maps just because, as we saw, it kind of comes down to a player mining out first. Maybe just having less patches per base would still help encourage aggressive expanding and still help preserve the ability for smaller map design but the 12 worker change seems good. There will still be rushes, but they will probably be things like tech rushes now. The constant attacks everywhere around the map didn't do it for you?

And yeah banshees would be a good answer since they are faster now and have 1 more range than they use to and no research for cloak. I kind of like Starbows interpretation though where cloak is on a cooldown but only lasts for a set period of time, not sure if I would enjoy it in play though, but from a viewer perspective it's a lot more interesting.

Pokebunny made a lot of micro mistakes against the ravagers, and he could have started doing siege tank medieval micro to pressure the Ravagers.


I'm so wet.

MKP continues to be the hard counter to The Great Book of Protoss Bullshit.

I've never seen a Terran player play that safe. Sub-5 minute turrets, 4 rax opening after CC first and blindly builds 3 bunkers.

That was beautiful.


Parting had that game easily if his Oracle control wasn't terrible.

To be fair MKP also had good marine control to catch it.

So I'm starting to refine the old Marauder Hellion all in, but incorporating the armory for turning it into a Marauder Hellbat all in with SCV repair. So far I am 6-1.


MKP, man... it's just unreal how on point he is. There's nothing more satisfying than watching Protoss all ins get rekt.

PartinG really does his skills and talents a disservice with all of these clownshoes all-ins in PvT.

So I'm starting to refine the old Marauder Hellion all in, but incorporating the armory for turning it into a Marauder Hellbat all in with SCV repair. So far I am 6-1.

This sounds juicy. me gusta


"GG T_T"




Sending PartinG home with a taste of his own medicine. You couldn't dream up a more satisfying 3-0.

He has not dropped one single map so far in this tournament. And he just made it to the semifinals.

Remember when people were shocked that he qualified???

MKP hitting hard on GyuRi in this winners interview. The thirst is real.


MVP seems like a great home for him, as much as I love Prime as the underdog team, they weren't able to provide an environment that would allow a player like Marine King to achieve his potential.


Haha yep. If Soulkey had just kept all his units attacking the structures do you think he could have pulled it off with those two drones?

Also Soulkey built the viper so he could abduct and kill the remaining protoss army one by one. If he had gotten it out alive he could have won baring some sick blinks. Duh, casters.


Guys where can I get this cover of that assassins creed show me the way song, it rocks, or did they just arrange clips from the song itself? The vocals are clearly female in their version, help me out here.


This sounds juicy. me gusta

Yeah, I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to just expand with it or if the weaker version with an expand is only viable because Zergs aren't expecting it, those games where I went 6-1 I just went 1 rax 1 fact with a reasonably timed expo. I ended the game outright about 70% of the time but even in the game I lost, my first push got crushed and I still did enough direct and indirect damage that the game went all the way to the late game. He had been going for an absurdly fast ling bane roach all in, AND I threw the army away after killing the natural by going up the ramp when I should have just backed up and taken out his that second completed third, or at least forced better trading at the third than up a choke. I'm just a high, sometimes master, diamond player, but still.

In terms of doing the true 1 base all in (2 rax 1 fact no expo), with added Armory for hell bats, the build actually floats enough resources that you can fit in a 6 min armory for a 7 min push out with basically no hit to production or the push-out time. I have yet to lose a TvZ doing this. a complete change to my usual 3cc late game focused plays, but a lot of fun.

True 1 base all in benchmark: 7:10 you should have 8 hellions/Hellbats 6 Marauders 2 marines 7 SCV pulled and that is when you move out.

Ways to optimize the push out itself: Hotkey marauders, Hellbats, and SCV separately, protect SCV, make sure to gosu split against banelings.

Better to let Marauders tank banelings, Hellbats can be repaired but baneline hit on hellbats will kill repairing scvs, and Marauders are much worse against lings, hellbat splash can quickly help marauders that get caught by lings while still zoning the hellbats out from bane-ling splash. Only need a small handful of marauders for concussive shell slow. rally with hellions and use them to body block retreating queens etc and then transform. Make sure to aggressively stutter step with hellbats etc.


IEM San Jose open brackets were played today. Disappointed that Seed and TOP didn't qualify for the group stage but in the end, there's a perfect balance of 5 Terran, 5 Zerg and 5 Protoss.


Group B and C are kinda imba as fuck though. -_-
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