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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT4| Everyone Else Would Beat Catspajamas


Yeah Incontrol behavior is hilarious, all the other players have mush better understanding of the game than he does yet he pout his face and tries to shut them down when they give him a helpful advice.

I like the guy on SoTG and such, but he always tweets out stuff like, "don't know why the results aren't coming, but I'm going to work twice as hard. I promise." He's pretty hard headed though, so when he says he doesn't know why things aren't working, I think he means he hasn't figured it out on his own, because people are telling him what's wrong.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Yeah Incontrol behavior is hilarious, all the other players have mush better understanding of the game than he does yet he pout his face and tries to shut them down when they give him a helpful advice.

Ya one dude was commenting on how he did a 1 gate fast expo build but waited until he had ~550 minerals and Incontrol straight out was like "no no no no I put it up at 400" then checks replay and goes "oh...well it was like ~500, but that wasnt part of my build" when it was like 550 lol.
Then others commented on the build he did was basically stupid and he just brushed them off.
I like the guy on SoTG and such, but he always tweets out stuff like, "don't know why the results aren't coming, but I'm going to work twice as hard. I promise." He's pretty hard headed though, so when he says he doesn't know why things aren't working, I think he means he hasn't figured it out on his own, because people are telling him what's wrong.

Judging by what he does on his stream i find it really hard to believe he is trying really hard anyway.


Everything is moe to me
Im shocked he is getting 3,000+ viewers when half the time its of the EG ad screen and his face. Then the other half its people like strifeco playing.

remember when he was so happy to finally beat destiny in a show match.... about a week after the infestor nerf.


Everything is moe to me
axslav and strifeco were released from EG?

the good news: still hope for machine
the bad news: incontrols contract must have been renewed.


From the sounds of what scoots is saying it sounds like everyone else is staying for 2012, with maybe some new additions. Makes sense, they all provide the ROI they need.

Im surprised at axslav going and scoots does sound kinda sad about him leaving, not so much strifecro lol


I'm finally not sick and I have some free time, so I'll probably hop on in an hour or so once I finish re-installing this game >.>
The EG decision only makes sense. I'm glad Machine remains with the team, and also glad he was featured in the latest Kingston ad. I still feel there's some hope for him, even if it's just as a solid to decent zerg player in foreign tournaments. I'd love to see him to to Korea :(


So in the last few days alone we've had...
- Dragon and Golden leave SlayerS
- Moon join fnatic
- Heart and Alive leave TSL
- Axslav and Strifecro leave EG

So many changes here and there.


Played two games on ladder. Both Zerg. I should have won the first one, but forgot to scan before moving tanks forward and I got caught out of position and Zerglings, Banelings, and Infestors stole my lunch. Rookie mistake and I feel dumb about that, especially since I had just barely killed off the entirety of his Muta flock and I was moving forward.

The second game was also against a Zerg and it got pretty silly. He Roach rushed me, but I already had 4 Hellions out on the map and one Banshee completing as they showed up. I ran my Hellions to his base, just in time to get a bunch of drones and my Banshee plus the few Marines and SCVs barely held off the rush. My second Banshee finished off his economy, but I only had one SCV left. Luckily I was trying to expand when he hit me, and I had two CCs. The double Mules kept me in it economically and even though he re-droned and made some pushes, I macro'd better from there and won. It felt great.
I highly doubt the hidden cameras/mics watergate shtick is true, but otherwise Lee sounds like a nice guy personally, but a nightmare to deal with professionally if half this stuff is true.


I highly doubt the hidden cameras/mics watergate shtick is true, but otherwise Lee sounds like a nice guy personally, but a nightmare to deal with professionally if half this stuff is true.

Nice guy personally? He does not seem like a nice guy at all by that text. He can pretend he is one? Yep. Stealing players is not a professional issue, it is a personal one.
Then what does tasteless and artosis see in that guy ?

He really seems like a quite polarizing character, still can't get how he can get players to join his team when so many left.


yeah, apparently there is lag issue.
can't believe tournaments didn't learn from their mistakes.
i feel sorry for quantic, but they brought it to themselves.
You'd think people would smartin' up and stop inviting guys who haven't grown out of their 16 year old rebel teen angst, but I guess not.


Last night was not good. 3 games...3 losses. :( I guess I shouldn't be in platinum after all.

Played one PvZ on Metalopolis, and I went 15 hatch, 14 pool against the Protoss. I had sent my scout out at around 12 so I only found him cross map by the time my pool was half done. He never scouted me, so I never suspected much. Once I got to his base, I didn't see a gateway and I realized what was happening all too late. 2 zealots in my base with no units to defend myself. One reason I never suspected anything is that he never scouted me, but after watching the replay, I see he scouted both other bases and then proceeded to proxy without ever scouting me.

So what's the best course of action to take here? Should I be scouting really early? Should I completely avoid fast expanding vs a protoss? Should I check for the proxy before scouting.

I played two ZvZs after that. Nothing overly interesting. I was never scouted by the opposing zerg so I pushed my luck and fast expanded. He was hiding his lings well when I scouted him a few times, as I didn't notice he had trained about 20 of them by the time he attacked me. I should have had several sunkens up by then. Lesson learned. The second ZvZ started off with him attacking me with roaches + lings, but I easily repelle that as I scouted it early and got 2 sunkens up and was training mutas at the time. I immediately countered with some mutas and took out some of his economy and hunted his overlords all I could. In the end, he still managed to take a third base and matched me in economy, and my macro faltered in the end. I should have droned heavily while I was pressuring him with mutas and gotten a third base fully saturated, but I kept producing roaches. The game devolved into a massive roach vs. roach battle, but he was outproducing me. Lesson learned.

Oh well, at least I feel like I'm making progress. If I can learn something from my losses, then I don't feel so bad.
2 gate proxy against zerg is pretty rare so i wouldn't worry too much. I find that even when i scout it really late i can hold it off quite well just with decent use of spines and good micro. I would definitely scout your own base for proxies though and that isn't just for 2 gate proxies either.

Opening hatch first is really risky against protoss imo. Expect to face a lot of cannon cheese if you do (i know when i FFE and the zerg goes hatch first i tend to build a lot of cannons).


I'm glad that nani will probably continue to play, as I enjoy watching good players play which seems to be quite a controversial opinion in this thread.

Then again, it's kinda silly to forfeit a game as the lag issues will probably be fixed (even though I find it totally unacceptable from IEM's side to not fix those issues before. They should have just delayed the games until the issues were solved).

The situation lead me to find some gems on youtube though:

ToD forfeits a game due it being too hot

Grubby on Dutch Talk Show. Apparently Gary Kasparov recognized Grubby in real life due to his son being a fan (5:39~)
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