PD Devil Game 1
lol I should have guessed that's what you were alt tabbing for.
PD Devil Game 1
I haven't placemented, but I'm. Gold/plat. Let's play w u handicappedany NA zerg still in diamond to play bo7 against me?
I haven't placemented, but I'm. Gold/plat. Let's play w u handicapped![]()
Nah. I've pretty much come to terms that I love the game but I'll never be good at it. Been playing since beta, played BW almost from beginning, etc.
how about switching races ?
i've hit walls before (biggest one is when i reached diamond as terran) but i just progressed with time after learning how to analysis my replays and learn game timings.Don't feel like it. I've played zerg since before BW
Sometimes I think it's my ball mouse, other times I figure I'm not good at multitasking. To be fair I think my ZvP is good, I'm in diamond, etc. But meh
Fantastic news, I'd rather GSL partner up with IPL rather than MLG from now on.
Its pretty obvious which maps to vote for, Daybreak and Metropolis.
Hazard you need to start casting again. I will contribute games if I must.
Corran to cast with Soundboards only.Splinter vs Jason bo7 confirmed for tonight.
Splinter vs Jason bo7 confirmed for tonight.
Don't use your HDD (take it out). Hook it up externally or as a secondary drive and you should be able to recover just about everything. It's not overwritten, just marked as free space right now.
I dont know why zergs still go ling/bling/muta in tvz, infestor/ling is so much better.
I dont know why zergs still go ling/bling/muta in tvz, infestor/ling is so much better.
Don't like kpop?!if only Koreans have stephano music list :/
Don't like kpop?!
Don't like kpop?!
In 30 minutes Boxer vs Tod and Ret vs Puma. Totalbiscuit and Apollo casting.
Pyuma ftw. Correct way.
Yeah the fps is quite low for me too.
In 30 minutes Boxer vs Tod and Ret vs Puma. Totalbiscuit and Apollo casting.
The Weekly NeoGAF Starcraft II Nights
-Wednesdays starting @ 6pm PDT (9pm EST)
-Game types:
<1v1 obs>
<1v1 coaching>
<Team Monobattles>
<Custom Maps>
<Nuclear Arcade>
<Phantom Mode>
<Marrow's Micro Tournament>
-Corran's Stream: http://www.justin.tv/corran666 (Main Stream)
-Hazard's Stream: http://www.justin.tv/vggaming
-Vaultrin's Stream: http://www.justin.tv/vaultrin21
Mumble Info Dump
Main server: IP = chi.eoreality.net and port = 64739
Backup server: IP = and port = 20198
Download Here: http://mumble.sourceforge.net/
I think starting tonight I'm going to finally start keeping track of wins amongst us. Grudge matches and bragging rights have been long overdue. With all the drama going on in esports, it's only fair we provide the same. With the past barcraft meetup in Toronto, I realized we've been far too friendly with one another. It's time we start rivalry... and let Hazard commentate our shitty games.
I wanna watch!![]()
Go to Aliyanato's crib!
Just buy a mac and be done with it.
you dont even know what a mcraeface is.