Just turned on the stream to get splinter to say his relation with scogoth
Scogoth can do better than him.
Just turned on the stream to get splinter to say his relation with scogoth
I never lose in soccer. Ever.
Jason is on my soccer team? Damnit...Can I just trade him for some skittles?
aliynato you missed so much of gaf night![]()
There's no spam involved in my posts. Find one message that I consider "spam" and I'll reward you handsomely. And remember, a Yoshi always pays his depts.
What you consider spam, and what he considers spam can be, and probably are, two different things.
That's why I specifically mentioned "that I consider spam". Or else he would've probably quoted everything I've said in the past 6 months! I'm used to Yoshi-haters, let them all through, LET ME AT'EM!
There's no spam involved in my posts. Find one message that I consider "spam" and I'll reward you handsomely. And remember, a Yoshi always pays his depts.
Lol just got called a maphacker because an idiot hid his forge on the default scouting path on metalopolis -.-
Also metalopolis, I'd never expect a cannon rush in PvP, nope nope.
There's no spam involved in my posts. Find one message that I consider "spam" and I'll reward you handsomely. And remember, a Yoshi always pays his depts.
I was simply pointing out that SC2GAF is dying because it was on page 2. Every thread that reaches page 2 on the community forums = dead.
This is serious and we need to solve this issue. It was far from "spam".
Interesting fact: I've never lost a soccer game in my entire life. In my entire life.We can solve it by starting a Star Strikers league.
Interesting fact: I've never lost a soccer game in my entire life. In my entire life.
Aye, and you got your buff.outside korea; that is the first time zerg has ever beaten terran.
You're lucky that I deleted all the pictures on Facebook of me owning it up on have to play to lose, pussy.
You're lucky that I deleted all the pictures on Facebook of me owning it up on soccer.
Replying to your spam isn't spam~Spam. Done and done. You owe me diablo 3 now.
Replying to your spam isn't spam~
But since I'm a kind soul, I will give you an infinite amount of entertainment in D3.
I did it on purpose. I swear.Splinter =\= me.
Not all north-Americans look alike.
I did it on purpose. I swear.
Racist against Americans(canadians are americans too, we live on america, they just aren't united states citizens)
go be black, eat some friend chicken and call it racist.
I hate chicken. There are so many growth hormones in them that mess up your body.
Are we really talking about chicken now?
Traanssgiandaraed infrastruation
That's what it sounds like when I'm trying to pronounce that shit![]()
Enunciate your syllables my progeny
We make a good team.
At the Toronto GAF meet up we should take Spl1nter to Zanzibar. We can discuss words while he plays.
Brass rail