dat lol crowd
gg sc2 and bw in Korea
Just preparing everyone for the glory of dota 2
i don't think so, it seems to be hit and miss in Korea.Just preparing everyone for the glory of dota 2
Anyone want to bet that NoNy won't bomb out of IPL4 0-2?
Is it like a whole different genre to LoL or something? Cause otherwise it's pretty hard to be excited about.
i don't think so, it seems to be hit and miss in Korea.
i mean bw was more popular when sc2 was released even though sc2 looks much better.
LoL is easy as fuck to play and not that hard to get into which seems to be the main reason why it seems to be a big hit in Korea.
LoL is a much easier game and much less complex then dota
As easy dota seems to be, dota is a pure bitch to understand
its funny cause dota was never really attracting to korea and LoL is somehow
Damn. Well I guess he's still entertaining to me :3He was way way funnier before he got picked up by a big team. now its just him skyping catz and saying dumb stuff. pretty much nothing happens on his stream anymore. last thing that happened was when he got drunk. really crazy shit used to happen on his stream like confronting hackers and arguing with kid's parents.
More info about Blizzard's StarCraft II World Championship Series
If this thing pans out they way they are describing it... it's gonna be nuts.
dat lol crowd
gg sc2 and bw in Korea
‏ @Totalbiscuit
Well, still no visa, so looks like I will not be at IPL4. Just one final kick in the teeth courtesy of US immigration
I didn't know Destiny does coke which isn't a big deal by itself but I would imagine it being a bad idea powdering up while you're streaming with the Quantic overlay.
IPL suddenly alot better
Why should he give a fuck as long as the cesspool that is reddit hangs on for every last drop of his cum.
Oh you.
It's a shame, I actually quite like him and Apollo as a team. (speaking as someone who used to really loathe his casting)
Why should he give a fuck as long as the cesspool that is reddit hangs on for every last drop of his cum.
Daily Destiny hate ♥
Daily Destiny hate ♥
I'm surprised Kotaku doesn't pick up an article on his slap happy ass though, when they quickly got a story on good ol LI Joe of the FGC now that he got sponsored by Brazzers. (Porn company)
I guess sexual harassment is a better focus for them too than a guy playing SC2 and says racial/offensive shit all the time lol.
Still enjoy Destiny's stream though when I've caught it for entertainment value.
Wait, A fighting game personality/competitor got sponsored by Brazzers? I don't even know what to make of that. It might be straight genius.
It's actually going to kill the fighting game community. Nothing will make sponsors run away faster than having their logo beside a porn company logo.
It's actually going to kill the fighting game community. Nothing will make sponsors run away faster than having their logo beside a porn company logo.
I think your first statement might be slightly hyperbolic. I understand the feeling for some companies to run away because of the social stigma that porn = seedy, and evil. But I think some of the sponsors of the fighting game community may not need to worry about that stigma because of their primary market or demographic. If you have a product that is geared towards 18-40 year old men, you shouldn't need to worry about a stretch of an association with a porn company driving them away from that product.
But, I know little about the fighting game community so I guess my opinion shouldn't be weighed too heavily.
I think your first statement might be slightly hyperbolic. I understand the feeling for some companies to run away because of the social stigma that porn = seedy, and evil. But I think some of the sponsors of the fighting game community may not need to worry about that stigma because of their primary market or demographic. If you have a product that is geared towards 18-40 year old men, you shouldn't need to worry about a stretch of an association with a porn company driving them away from that product.
But, I know little about the fighting game community so I guess my opinion shouldn't be weighed too heavily.
I think your first statement might be slightly hyperbolic.
It's not so such much the stigma as much as it's neglecting a percentage of their audience. More importantly, as esports is becoming a growing community, it's important for streamers and teams not to be associated with a brand that can scare off future fans. Overall it's just bad marketing.
^^Wait, are you saying it isn't okay for Brazzers to send this dude out to Vegas for a FGC event?^^
I'm not going to win this argument, but I think the target demographic in mind, man or woman, having Brazzers next to Samsung isn't going to negatively impact Samsung in the slightest. Again, just an opinion.
Oh I'm being sarcastic lol.
I think it's all bull shit that they want to not let Joe show up to events with a t-shirt saying Brazzers. It's like...really? You're that sensitive that it'll demoralize and upset the FGC with a fucking shirt for a porn company?
If Brazzers is smart they'll just sell t-shirts now and watch a big sale increase for people supporting him during this and want to wear a BRZ shirt. Seriously, if he showed up to an event with a BRZ shirt before the sponsorship, no one would blink an eye. Now? Oh it's a controversy.
FGC just got a huge PR nightmare about sexism. Add in porn sponsorships and it'll only fuel the negative PR. That will inevitably cost them other sponsors, either current or ones who were considering it but back off.
It all depends on how it plays out. I'm still hopeful that a lot of GOOD can come from this without reprecussions.
I mean if Brazzers all of the sudden just gave like $100,000 to Child's Play charity, at the same time Samsung did, does it somehow demeen their good cause?
It's similar to Nascar at this point how sponsorships work anyway. You wear their logo on a shirt for them. Similar to how a car has a logo on it. Jack Daniel's has a Nascar they support, does that somehow mean that the whole crowd supports drinking alcohol or is getting free shots during the race? No.
It's harmless.
It all depends on how it plays out. I'm still hopeful that a lot of GOOD can come from this without reprecussions.
I mean if Brazzers all of the sudden just gave like $100,000 to Child's Play charity, at the same time Samsung did, does it somehow demeen their good cause?
It's similar to Nascar at this point how sponsorships work anyway. You wear their logo on a shirt for them. Similar to how a car has a logo on it. Jack Daniel's has a Nascar they support, does that somehow mean that the whole crowd supports drinking alcohol or is getting free shots during the race? No.
It's harmless.
Idra needs to get that BangBus representation immediately imo.
I don't know, Planned Parenthood just turned down a 500K donation because the guy who was donating it is a womanizer. This is America, dude.
Well, and who is the biggest porn producer in the world??You'd think so, but porn + America = trouble.
Well, and who is the biggest porn producer in the world??![]()
I seem to recall Incontrol saying that they were making money from in during a SOTG. I don't remember which one though.
Where did it come from that destiny does coke? Pepsi is far better tbh.