Gold Member
The official Star Wars site posted a survey about their site and the Hyperspace service/magazine subscription. Part of the survey asks:
There will probably be some sort of official announcement towards the end of the year when ROTS comes out on DVD.
17. Please rate your interest in the following potential new subscription feature additions to Hyperspace: (5 to 1 scale: from 5 = Very High to 3 = Some to 1 = None)
Star Wars Radio -- audio clips, interviews
Star Wars Friend-finder/connector
Trivia Leagues and Tournaments
Vintage Star Wars video -- shows and clips
Sabacc -- Star Wars poker game
Dejarik -- Star Wars holo chess
Star Wars Fantasy leagues
Wireless content
Points / Rewards system
Original Star Wars Fiction
Star Wars Insider library -- online reprints
Video game cheat code library
Lucasfilm (non-Star Wars) content
Community (enhanced ability to meet up offline with other Star Wars fans)
Star Wars TV production coverage
Bonus video content from all of the movies (behind the scenes, deleted scenes, etc.)
Indiana Jones IV insider information
There will probably be some sort of official announcement towards the end of the year when ROTS comes out on DVD.