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Steam | 02.2016 - Orangeade

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I thought TR2013 was fantastic but i also can overlook things like crappy story and whatnot if i think the rest of the game is enjoyable. Maybe it's because i came to it expecting a linear, Uncharted-like experience and got more of a semi-open world, kinda metroidvania-ish game that weirdly enough reminded me a lot of Resident Evil 4.

I think the biggest issue TR2013 had was expectations vs reality. depending on what you feel about the former tends to really affect how you end up digesting the latter.

My only expectations for that game was what the developers stated themselves.

i never really pay any mind to what developers or publishers say. I hold out for impressions and reviews from sources i know well enough before committing to an experience.

Nothing that i heard beforehand led me to believe that TR2013 was anything more than a pretty decent TPS with some exploration to it. I ended up getting just that and really liking it


I like oranges, but I'd never trust them. :p




+ very few "torture porn", maybe a handful

I had to re-read that one several times. Thought you only liked a handful of it.

I see that you really didn't like TR13. And to be fair, I found it mediocre and I have skipped almost any games similar to this one so I wasn't even bored of concepts/gameplay going into it. Any PC games like TR13 that you'd recommend?
I had to re-read that one several times. Thought you only liked a handful of it.

I see that you really didn't like TR13. And to be fair, I found it mediocre and I have skipped almost any games similar to this one so I wasn't even bored of concepts/gameplay going into it. Any PC games like TR13 that you'd recommend?
Haha, little torture porn is a positive ;)
About similar games, hm. Good question. I can't really think atm of a similar adventure game at all.
Dead. to. me.
Looks like... you can't handle the truth!


i never really pay any mind to what developers or publishers say. I hold out for impressions and reviews from sources i know well enough before committing to an experience.

Review didn't really highlight the shit tier characters, acting or writing of the game. The only thing that I recall was that they did emphasized the amount of butchery there was to do in the game.

I only judge the game insofar as what the creators intended to what they really achieved.


well u know, general insecurity, neurosis, many different phobias, league addict, i try to keep my interests broad

anxiety is a full-time commitment for sure

Just to be clear I didn't want to offend you, it was meant to be LoL joke. If I did I am really sorry.


Mine is pretty and pink
The Witness has now been on sale for a week, so it seems like a good time to post a financial summary. Often, independent developers find these kinds of numbers useful in making their own plans, and the general public can find them interesting too.

There is a wrinkle, which is that I can’t be too precise about the sales results on specific platforms, because often when we sign a deal with a particular store, we agree not to reveal their sales numbers. I am actually not sure at this time which stores we are allowed to be specific about and which we aren’t, and I would have to dig up and sort through a number of contracts to be sure about it; but that is not a good use of time right now, since I am spending most of my day supporting the users who have technical problems (shipping games on PCs these days is really not fun). The situation can be thorny in subtle ways, too, because if I post information about all stores but one, then I am implicitly revealing the sales figures for that last store, which is not allowed.

Finally, I want to make clear that we did not make this game in order to make money. We were trying to build a beautiful / interesting / intricate thing, first and foremost. The money just helps us stay in business in order to build new things. It is very easy on the Internet to read a financial posting like this cynically, so I urge folks out there not to do that.

Okay, so here’s what I can say:

Across all platforms, The Witness has totalled over $5 million USD gross revenue in the first week, and it has sold substantially more than 100,000 units.

This is a good chunk more revenue in one week than Braid made in its entire first year, from August 2008-September 2009. (Braid initially launched on XBLA in August 2008, and it came to Steam in April 2009). Braid was considered a hit independent game at the time.

We can also compare sales by units instead of revenue; this is a little more of an apples-to-oranges comparison because The Witness has a higher price than Braid did (Braid launched at $14.99 [$16.50 when inflation-adjusted to 2015 dollars], and The Witness launched at $39.99). By number of units, the first week of each individual platform handily beats Braid’s first week of sales. (Witness on PC by itself beat Braid’s first week by a decent margin, and Witness on PSN by itself beat Braid’s first week by a decent margin, counting only by number of units). This is great because as price goes up, naturally the number of units sold goes down. So the fact that we beat Braid by units, more than doubly, is a really nice success.

The Witness launched on two platforms, PSN and Windows PC. Neither of these platforms dominates our sales; PC is very strong for us, and PSN is very strong for us.

There are some publicly-available guesstimates for specific platforms on sites such as SteamSpy, but the numbers that SteamSpy is reporting for The Witness are a bit too low (though this is kind of to be expected, I guess, from the way that site works).

So, the game is doing great. That doesn’t mean we have broken even on our development cost yet! Because our development budget was so high, $5 million in revenue is not enough to recover it yet (because we split that revenue with the storefronts, we have to subtract VAT in Europe, etc). However, it is looking like, as time goes on, we should break even and make a comfortable safety margin on top of that, which will allow us to make more nice games in the future — unless some kind of world economic disaster happens.

As I mentioned, right now we are dealing mostly with PC graphics driver problems, and we are also working on adding some features to the game about configurable controls and rendering options, for PC and PS4.

After this, in the near future, we will start investigating the bringing the game to other platforms. Under serious consideration are: iOS, Android, Xbox One, OS X. We will provide more-concrete information about these as it becomes available!

All of it.

http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1178952 my thread about it


The site is dead so I assume it just says "I could have made billions if it weren't for you pesky PC pirates"

In short

Across all platforms, The Witness has totalled over $5 million USD gross revenue in the first week, and it has sold substantially more than 100,000 units.

By number of units, the first week of each individual platform handily beats Braid’s first week of sales. (Witness on PC by itself beat Braid’s first week by a decent margin, and Witness on PSN by itself beat Braid’s first week by a decent margin, counting only by number of units).

The Witness launched on two platforms, PSN and Windows PC. Neither of these platforms dominates our sales; PC is very strong for us, and PSN is very strong for us.
Review didn't really highlight the shit tier characters, acting or writing of the game. The only thing that I recall was that they did emphasized the amount of butchery there was to do in the game.

I only judge the game insofar as what the creators intended to what they really achieved.
I suppose that's one approach.

I approach art as divorced from its creator(s) as possible. That doesn't mean i wont inform myself of what a creator's intent is with their project, just that often i wont even read what a director or writer or whomever thinks of their project before experiencing it myself so as to avoid having my experience affected by their comments before i've had a chance to develop my own opinion on the work.

I do this with film, television, reading, and games too. I'd just rather judge something on its own merits as best as i can and going into a work with preconceived notions as to what it might be often affects my ability to properly assess said work in question, or at least that's what i find happens more often than not.

that said, many of veggie's criticisms are valid, but they're also things that don't really bother me. I dont think a single person has ever gone into a Tomb Raider game expecting a fantastic tale to be told, and while the devs may have overstated how well done the narrative for their game was, since i didn't really care for that in a TR game i found the real dumbness of it all to just be par for the course wrt TR games.
The site is dead so I assume it just says "I could have made billions if it weren't for you pesky PC pirates"

I scanned it quick and it actually didn't mention piracy... just that "it did much better than Braid in it's first week" and "we've made approximately $5,000,000, but that's not enough to be in the black yet. However, we expect it should continue to sell and everything will be fine and we will continue to make games."


It looks like they have one game for each of their core IPs, so I guess its going to be Might and Magic or Heroes of Might and Magic.

How many more games are they likely to place in this bundle?

Other franchises that may make an appearance are:
South Park
More Tom Clancy games like Ghost Recon or Rainbow Six


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I scanned it quick and it actually didn't mention piracy... just that "it did much better than Braid in it's first week" and "we've made approximately $5,000,000, but that's not enough to be in the black yet. However, we expect it should continue to sell and everything will be fine and we will continue to make games."

Cool, thanks for the recap. I'm glad he didn't make as big a deal about that issue as some people on GAF did. $5m in revenue in the first week is pretty extraordinary, even if it didn't take them to the "break even" point.


that said, many of veggie's criticisms are valid, but they're also things that don't really bother me. I dont think a single person has ever gone into a Tomb Raider game expecting a fantastic tale to be told, and while the devs may have overstated how well done the narrative for their game was, since i didn't really care for that in a TR game i found the real dumbness of it all to just be par for the course wrt TR games.

All of what you said was true. I did enjoy the mechanics of the game, but then again I also enjoyed some of the older TR games.

The necessity for a reboot was predicated on the need to make it more modern and their decisions to do so centered around the pillars of gears style TPS, Uncharted auto-traversal and meaty character development/story.

Needless to say that they completely flubbed the last part. The remaining parts make it merely an Uncharted without fun characters and slightly better shooting mechanics. Where we compare it to old TR, is that those games didn't emphasize story and had unique platforming designs. This meant Lara as a character was much more easy to deal with/ignore and you didn't have relationships with idiot friends to assimilate. Traversal was much more interesting and you weren't constantly butchering unfortunate goons.

In my eyes a lot was lost to make a worse uncharted clone.


I have no money for Street Fighter V and im not sure how it happened

i'll miss release but hopefully be there soon enough. arcade stick be dustin

I think I just can't / shouldn't buy games for a while tbh. Nuuvem goin all "brazil only" rather than latin america with its activations was like the final nail on my budget on games coffin
less than 3 hours!
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Hero Prinny, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- You must have given away a game through ModBot to become eligible for this giveaway.
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 24 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Disgaea PC -- MB-B95B509E30C8B27E - Taken by Endruen. 118 entrants total.



Disgaea is bleh but I liked that punishing Prinny platformer for PSP

no air control right? ghost n goblins style

I kinda liked that

put that on PC
All of what you said was true. I did enjoy the mechanics of the game, but then again I also enjoyed some of the older TR games.

The necessity for a reboot was predicated on the need to make it more modern and their decisions to do so centered around the pillars of gears style TPS, Uncharted auto-traversal and meaty character development/story.

Needless to say that they completely flubbed the last part. The remaining parts make it merely an Uncharted without fun characters and slightly better shooting mechanics. Where we compare it to old TR, is that those games didn't emphasize story and had unique platforming designs. This meant Lara as a character was much more easy to deal with/ignore and you didn't have relationships with idiot friends to assimilate. Traversal was much more interesting and you weren't constantly butchering unfortunate goons.

In my eyes a lot was lost to make a worse uncharted clone.

Yeah, but they did things better than uncharted, like areas being much more open in comparison to Uncharted's corridor campaigns. It also played as a better shooter, too.

But it's not perfect, some of the events weren't fun (going down that fucking river a handful of times because i kept dying wasn't fun) and, yeah, i remember jack shit when it comes to the plot.

It's just that the parts that did work worked so well for me that i didn't have much of a problem overlooking some of the flaws in TR2013. Luckily, it seems that ROTTR fixes many of the issues TR2013 so hopefully everyone enjoys/enjoyed that game. Still waiting for my new HDD to come in the mail to give it a go myself


You have Rocket League.

I'll get XCOM 2 and it's the first full price game on release im getting since like Witcher 3, and likely the last for a while

might as well be one I know i'll put like 200 hours into

also, XCOM 2 is 50 gigs so im getting ready for bummer HDD load times

fuck my puny 120gb ssd
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Mavromatis, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger -- MB-113182F494F1D3EC - Taken by Purkake4



Now that I think about it, A TR reboot that was closer to a survival-horror third-person title (Last of Us, Silent HIll, or Evil Within on the extreme side) would've been more interesting. I recall Tizoc mentioning that he cared for the feeling of isolation in the original games, and I mean, I could see something like that with TR. Lara would barely have to speak, and most of the stuff could be told via exposition found in the environment (which to be fair is what's done now, but none of this "oh this ancient Mayan bucket was used for ritualistic defecation on the odd days of the Moon calendar" ruining the the feel of loneliness and more so the pacing.) She could explore a single haunting tomb, quiet, atmospheric.

And with regards to RoTR, I really hope they patch in a harder difficulty. Scarcer materials and munitions, enemies that are at least remotely formidable. The game is just so... they heard the complaints about TR being too combat-focused, and went too far (for my tastes) in the opposite direction. Especially since the plot hinges on danger, yet you rarely face enemies and they're always a cakewalk. TR (2013) was much better in this respect.


Now that I think about it, A TR reboot that was closer to a survival-horror third-person title (Last of Us, Silent HIll, or Evil Within on the extreme side) would've been more interesting. I recall Tizoc mentioning that he cared for the feeling of isolation in the original games, and I mean, I could see something like that with TR. Lara would barely have to speak, and most of the stuff could be told via exposition found in the environment (which to be fair is what's done now, but none of this "oh this ancient Mayan buck was used for ritualistic defecation on the odd days of the Moon calendar" ruining the the feel of loneliness and more so the pacing.) She could explore a single haunting tomb, quiet, atmospheric.

Tomb Raider Ascension says hi.
and also goodbye sadly. That looked so goddamn interesting.


I'll get XCOM 2 and it's the first full price game on release im getting since like Witcher 3, and likely the last for a while

might as well be one I know i'll put like 200 hours into

also, XCOM 2 is 50 gigs so im getting ready for bummer HDD load times

fuck my puny 120gb ssd
Sacrifices must be made.
Are the Uplay keys Nuuvem sells (Far Cry Primal & The Division) still able to be activated in the US without a VPN? I know I'd have to get a SA person to purchase.

I've bought some from them but that was before they started locking everything down


I'll get XCOM 2 and it's the first full price game on release im getting since like Witcher 3, and likely the last for a while

might as well be one I know i'll put like 200 hours into

also, XCOM 2 is 50 gigs so im getting ready for bummer HDD load times

fuck my puny 120gb ssd

240 GB SSD isn't much better.


I'm glad 1TB SSDs start to get affordable.
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