For the love of god, just quit after S4.
I have 20 episodes left on Season5 ..... and i just can't do it
For the love of god, just quit after S4.
I have 20 episodes left on Season5 ..... and i just can't do it
That is great to hear, thanks for sharing.
I'm waiting on Outlast since it will be part of the PS+ on PS4 (which I have it pre-ordered and will be getting it for 20, can't say no for that price). But I'm curious for those two. It seems Haunted Memories will be Five Episodes and the first one will be free? Either way, the game was delayed to 4th October and I still don't see the price for the game, but I won't be able to get it day one so it's okay.
Not gonna happen.I hope more people will follow that trend, especially Activision and CapCom.
Did you try the extra levels? They're pretty tough.
I hope more people will follow that trend, especially Activision and CapCom.
SEGA even implement region lock on their own PC games in Japan.Trying to ascertain the motivations behind Japanese publishers is like trying to rationalize an insane person.
Their decisions are devoid of sense and rationale.
I have 20 episodes left on Season5 ..... and i just can't do it
So, fine people from SteamGAF, I'm about to finish Mark of the Ninja (took longer than I expected, I blame my friend for lending me the first two seasons of Fringe since I've been watching that almost non-stop for the last two weeks) and I don't know what to play next. I know I want to play something fast paced and/or action heavy.
So my options are these:
- Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
- Dust: An Elysian Tale
- Batman Arkham Asylum
- Transformers War for Cybertron
- Knights of the Old Republic (ok, this one is not like the others but I've been thinking of playing it for a while now, but I'm a bit put off by the time commitment it might need)
So, fine people from SteamGAF, I'm about to finish Mark of the Ninja (took longer than I expected, I blame my friend for lending me the first two seasons of Fringe since I've been watching that almost non-stop for the last two weeks) and I don't know what to play next. I know I want to play something fast paced and/or action heavy.
So my options are these:
- Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
- Dust: An Elysian Tale
- Batman Arkham Asylum
- Transformers War for Cybertron
- Knights of the Old Republic (ok, this one is not like the others but I've been thinking of playing it for a while now, but I'm a bit put off by the time commitment it might need)
From the perspective of a casual action game fan, I actually kind of like DmC. I like the gameplay, even if it's kind of on the easy side, it's got some interesting boss designs and some amazing environment design but man do all of the cutscenes and dialogue make me cringe.
From the perspective of a casual action game fan, I actually kind of like DmC. I like the gameplay, even if it's kind of on the easy side, it's got some interesting boss designs and some amazing environment design but man do all of the cutscenes and dialogue make me cringe.
but man do all of the cutscenes and dialogue make me cringe.
No difference than the older DMC really...well except DMC2.
Also don't know how you can find the boss designs interesting when there all bland as hell.
Hats off to them by gating content in this way, not many developers would do something like that anymore.
How can you even say that. Have you played the game or at least watched the youtube video I linked to? How are the older DMC's no different from what's in that cutscene in DmC? Part of their interaction literally consists of Dante and the succubus simply saying "fuck you" back and forth. The older Devil May Cry's were cornball, ridiculous and kind of irreverent. They really started to revel in these aspects with 3 and moreso with 4 (see every cutscene in which Dante appears). This is a 14 year old's idea of grim, dark and mature. There is a good country mile of difference between DmC and the rest of the series in this regard.
Given all the shit Tameem Antoniades said about the older games in the series in various interviews, I cannot fathom how they thought any of what they were doing in regards to the dialogue was a marked improvement over the older games.
I just released Enhanced Steam version 4.8
If you're using the Chrome version of Enhanced Steam, it should update automatically within the next hour.
- Added option to exclude Free To Play games from being highlighted
- Added new tag: "friends recommend" which links to the recommendation page
- Added "Endless Scrolling" mode for search results pages
- Added Simplified Chinese translation by Bin Dong
- Added option to replace account name in header with community name
- Fixed a bug where "Compare" links were only showing if your language was English
- Fixed a bug where friends with nicknames would incorrectly show 3 "Compare" links
Thank you!
You guys will have to try out the new version and let me know how the "Endless scrolling" works. I was only able to test it on about 6 computers initially.
1) Feedback on endless scrolling: works well, but it seems to prioritize the API calls for highlighting games over firing off the next page request. This isn't a big deal and is something that manifests itself most readily in a test (IE rapidly scrolling to the bottom to force infinite scroll) rather than real-world usage, but maybe something to consider.
2) Have you ever considered making the options pages toggles asynchronous? I always forget to click save, especially because the save button is at the bottom of the options page scroll and the options page keeps getting longer.
Just had a quick play (note had to enable it in options first). Seemed to work just fine with chrome 29.0.1547.76.
I did notice that some of the options, such as "tag games you own and wishlisted" are still working, but not marked as enabled after the update.
Here is a thing for you jshackles.
When I get to this: it doesn't endlessly scroll. It works fine everywhere else that I've seen, but not when I sort by metascore and remove all the owned games. It endlessly scrolls fine when sorting by metascore when hiding items I own is off however.
Mine was turned on by default I believe btw.
shackles how come you don't make skins?
Hmm that's weird, it should have been enabled by default...
Hmm I see the problem. I suspect you own a large number of highly rated games.
I guess I don't think I'd have much to add in the way of a Steam skin. Unfortunately, Steam skins can't alter the browser code the way I would need to to make the client act like Enhanced Steam.
Why thank you.
If that were possible nobody will use "default" steam over Enhanced Steam, Valve is no fool.
Should I drop $40 on Rayman Legends or should I go back to playing Witcher 2's Roche path? Decisions, decisions.
Should I drop $40 on Rayman Legends or should I go back to playing Witcher 2's Roche path? Decisions, decisions.
Should I drop $40 on Rayman Legends or should I go back to playing Witcher 2's Roche path? Decisions, decisions.
Yeah, I did Iorveth's path the last time.Roche's path is great as well. There's some very interesting choices and he has some great development. I really can't say much without spoiling it for you. Ves is also pretty awesome.
I still need to do Iorveth's
What's up with Topware Interactive releasing a half-dozen old games today? Who owned the licenses for those games before today?
One of the Groupees admins stated a while ago that they were planning to do a Topware RPG bundle. If they do launch one, you can count on them including Septerra Core/Gorky 17 Steam keys for it.
Just putting this up here:
Well, I understand all that, but I wasn't able to locate such a setting in my Nvidia and Intel (since it uses Optimus) software or, rather, I was able to find it, but it appeared to be in order. I'm quite happy with the solution I found anyway you have to use different compatibility modes for a lot of 4:3 games as is, so it's just an extra checkbox to go through.
Should I drop $40 on Rayman Legends or should I go back to playing Witcher 2's Roche path? Decisions, decisions.