Finished 100%ing Sleeping Dogs today. I'm just missing the Year of the Snake DLC, but I'll get that the day it goes on sale.
The game is a little by-the-numbers and repetitive, and none of the mechanics are necessarily stellar, but I *loved* the setting, and the humor that the game has is fantastic. I would really recommend the game to anyone.
I've seen the sequel rumored around here a few times. If there's one thing I hope from it, it's that you're able to go not only into more buildings, but that you're able to go inside and on top of the skyscrapers. They probably didn't implement that here due to engine issues (heck, half the map is fenced off), but it really needs to be there to capture the feel of a city like Hong Kong.
Still, thumbs up. I was thoroughly entertained. It's not often that a game makes me laugh like this.