Well, here's the reviewcommendation I posted on Steam:Thanks for 39 Steps JC. It looks pretty good, i'm surprised it doesn't really have reviews.
The Thirty-Nine Steps is a novel by John Buchan, published in 1915. It has since been adapted all over the place, including a film (The 39 Steps) by Alfred Hitchcock and a play (The 39 Steps) that is a comedic adaptation of said film. This is closer to the novel than the film was, and certainly closer than the play.
The 39 Steps is a "digital adaptation," and what that means is it's not exactly a game. It's not a visual novel-- it is visual, and it is a novel, but there's no choice or branching storyline. It's not an adventure game-- it is an adventure, but the story isn't interrupted by puzzles. It's a story presented with images and sounds and (good) voice acting and you can interact with the occasional newspaper or other document and sometimes you do stylus-like movements to drink coffee or open doors. Mostly you just click. And read. Click and read.
In absence of gameplay, the 39 Steps can only be judged by its presentation (excellent) and its story (which has five radio adaptations, four film adaptations, and a play).
Basically, it's Books On Steam.
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STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sale is (it's November 27)