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STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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The games were literally just greenlit. It'll be at least a day or two before keys are distributed (though that's being overly optimistic).

I know... I was trying to be funny/ironic... I also didn't run to IGS.

Back to the real world, I expect some of the games to take at least a week. A day or two sounds too optimistic for me...
whelp with the recent greenlight thats 5 more games i want
dammit Gabe
Mitsurugi+Shadow Warrior should be an excellent start to breaking in my new gaming labtop next year when i get it


I had a dream last night where Scorsese Romulan was in a lightsaber duel with several sith at once. There was also an army of ewoks, but they were fast, vicious little monster versions of ewoks with extremely sharp teeth and claws. I don't know what this means, but I thought I should mention it here for some reason.

Also, Rogue Legacy is legit. The thresholded global improvements are a nice design twist on the standard roguelike. I guess the recipes in SWOTS: The Pit were a limited form of this, but they were nowhere near as compelling. I wish the character facing direction was more directly tied to my joystick movements though. It is sometimes surprising which way I end up facing and that gets me killed.


I know... I was trying to be funny/ironic... I also didn't run to IGS.

Back to the real world, I expect some of the games to take at least a week. A day or two sounds too optimistic for me...

We still haven't had some games released from the first batch.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Wow Starbound seems to be doing really well. Not only is it already the top seller on Steam but it's also the 6th most played game at present with 42,905 people playing right now.
I didn't like Trine 2, thought may be because I haven't played Trine. Now I bought Trine on last sale and I don't like it either.
What's wrong with me? It's so nice looking game and I don't see anything very wrong with it.

Checked new greenlit games, I see Narcissu games and Driftmoon, well done, community.

I'm with ya, at least on Trine 1 (I've not tried 2). Kept feeling like I should be enjoying it more, and it was charming, but I never really felt engaged and quit around half way through.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I had a dream last night where Scorsese Romulan was in a lightsaber duel with several sith at once. There was also an army of ewoks, but they were fast, vicious little monster versions of ewoks with extremely sharp teeth and claws. I don't know what this means, but I thought I should mention it here for some reason.

I dreamt about a week ago that a mate and I were hanging out with her at a bar for some reason and she started running around the place doing godknowswhat after taking some ecstasy. I'm surprised the drug of choice wasn't crack. :p


I had a dream last night where Scorsese Romulan was in a lightsaber duel with several sith at once. There was also an army of ewoks, but they were fast, vicious little monster versions of ewoks with extremely sharp teeth and claws. I don't know what this means, but I thought I should mention it here for some reason.

Dear JJ Abrams,

Please hire this man.

Thank you,


Thank you MakeshiftChef for Don't Starve!

I see what you did there. >.>


Looks like Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet has had GFWL removed. Not sure if its been brought up since they said it was coming out, but just got a patch, now has Steam achievements and can't bring up the overlay anymore.

Great, show them the way to the truth, Lord.


Didn't know the studio died. Yikes :/

Still... too animu

Sorry, had to.

And now, since it's Greenlit, you can make your own Doggie Kreuger/DekaMaster hybrid character and share him with the world! Your dream has come true!


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.


The Detective
Its a good, fast OS.

The arguments against it usually just come down to people screaming about Metro UI and apps, which, frankly, is an argument embedded with ignorance. You can completely ignore that side of the OS, and I do so.


You do have to use metro and all that crap unless you go out of your way to download a third party Windows UI modification (in my experience with UI modifications for Windows 7 all the wayback to XP, they have always been quite buggy) that replaces the stupid start screen (and maybe some of the other crap).
But that is ignoring the simple fact that by buying Win8 you are telling MS you support what they did with it!


I'm going through my GFWL titles to mop up remaining achievements and its not helping that its slowly being removed, some achievements are going to be lost forever :(

I bet I'm one of the few people around that got all the achievements in Bioshock 2, those multiplier achievements V_V


You do have to use metro and all that crap unless you go out of your way to download a third party Windows UI modification (in my experience with UI modifications for Windows 7 all the wayback to XP, they have always been quite buggy) that replaces the stupid start screen (and maybe some of the other crap).

*Windows 8.1 waves*



You do have to use metro and all that crap unless you go out of your way to download a third party Windows UI modification (in my experience with UI modifications for Windows 7 all the wayback to XP, they have always been quite buggy) that replaces the stupid start screen (and maybe some of the other crap).
But that is ignoring the simple fact that by buying Win8 you are telling MS you support what they did with it!

In what way am I really using it? Other than it is there?

I press the Windows key, type what I need, then press enter. Simple as that, never have to use the Metro screen.

I also got it free from my school, the only facts that are generally ignored is that 8 is a pretty solid OS but people look past that due to some inane mutterings about Metro.


Does not have twelve inches...
I'm going through my GFWL titles to mop up remaining achievements and its not helping that its slowly being removed, some achievements are going to be lost forever :(

I bet I'm one of the few people around that got all the achievements in Bioshock 2, those multiplier achievements V_V

I kinda miss B2 multi, I remember having a blast playing hours and hours.

You do have to use metro and all that crap unless you go out of your way to download a third party Windows UI modification (in my experience with UI modifications for Windows 7 all the wayback to XP, they have always been quite buggy) that replaces the stupid start screen (and maybe some of the other crap).
But that is ignoring the simple fact that by buying Win8 you are telling MS you support what they did with it!

Is it really going out of your way to modify your OS? I don't think so. I modify windows 7 all the time. In fact, I think there were a lot of stupid decisions made on windows 7 but thankfully regedit is easy to handle and there is plenty of info out there to make modifying it easy.

How long does it take to mod windows 8? the time it takes to download and install work already done for you? How is that really going out of your way... or how is that any worse than modding windows 7?



You do have to use metro and all that crap unless you go out of your way to download a third party Windows UI modification (in my experience with UI modifications for Windows 7 all the wayback to XP, they have always been quite buggy) that replaces the stupid start screen (and maybe some of the other crap).

Not really. I mean, I never see the metro start screen for more than a few milliseconds. You hit start on your keyboard, type the first few letters of what you want to start, then hit 'Enter'. Not hard. Also, you can do a lot of system stuff by hitting Win+X. If you are using a mouse to launch programs in Windows 7 or 8, you're doing it wrong.

EDIT: beaten.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I played some hours of far cry 3 and I'm enjoying it. Game is gorgeous and so far feels it like a FPS mix of AssCred and Just Cause. I'm ok with that since I like both. I love roaming around in open world games killing things, completing areas and collecting random bullshit, so it seems to be straight up my league. I'm already sidetracking to go craft some pouches and sacks, considering how much I collect I already feel I need the bigger ones, haha.
Cleaning house (again).


ModBot said:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- If you won a game from ModBot in the last day, you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Guardians of Middle Earth -- MB-E376A5C2178A2A44 - Taken by yoshizzle
The Lord of the Rings Online: Steely Dawn Starter Pack -- MB-BBDB46D766657C9B - Taken by Blablurn
Guardians of Middle Earth: Smaug's Treasure DLC -- MB-E38A94A3DE5291B6 - Taken by yoshizzle
Weird, you are the second one saying this, but I thought those are ex-Midway guys?

Ah. Seems its not but it seems, by reading impressions on the community-hub, that you couldnt even call Nether a Beta and a lot of people saying its WarZ 2.0 because the whole game seems broken:

Direct Comparisons to WarZ

● Same Shareholders as WarZ (W-T-F!!!)
● Same Assets (Models)
● Nether Gold Cash Grab
● Global Inventory (Isn’t this Counter Productive for a Survival Game?)
● Fast Travel between Waypoints (Isn’t this Counter Productive for a Survival Game?)
● Cashing in on DayZ Standalone before released
● Trademark holder of WarZ (Infestation) also owns Nether! (Link)




started makin this


it'd be nice to be unjuniored in time to post it tho


truth is i'll probably be at work when it starts anyway so stump will have to do his usual magic hijinks

Dr Dogg

I think I might be a horrible person but there's something all too satisfying about slicing up a rabbit into nothing but a pair of tiny lungs in Shadow Warrior.

Man the humour and references alone have me grinning like a mentalist.



started makin this


it'd be nice to be unjuniored in time to post it tho


truth is i'll probably be at work when it starts anyway so stump will have to do his usual magic hijinks

We all know what would happen if you got unjuniored Salsa.



What the hell...Starbound has almost 39k players already.

Grief, you continue to make my day with this kind of news (this plus FFVIII). Bless you, sir!

Keep in mind that stuff was added about 15 days ago and, subsequently, hasn't been touched again.

Square may be waiting for their new MMO to flat line a bit in terms of sales, then use a Steam release to reinvigorate the user base.

For MMO's launched through Steam, are they required to allow purchase options through the Steam client such as with F2P games?


Looks like Square has plans to bring FFXIV to Steam eventually


Source: http://steamdb.info/app/262340/#section_subs

I'll also just add that this has always been the way that EA should have approached Origin. EA games are Origin exclusive at launch, but will get a Steam release eventually as a GOTY edition or whatever (could even have tied in Origin support like UPlay does or whatever). Best way to get all the monies and keep customers happy.


Not sure if i should post it here but ...

For anyone who is suffering crashes with Shadow warrior after they got their first ki crystal and tried to upgrade , Theres a fix:

Disable SSAO in the game options!
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