Use this for the Humble stuff:
Thanks for Orcs Must Die 2
Use this for the Humble stuff:
52,000 concurrent right now! Impressive.
Thanks for Overlord.Use this for the Humble stuff:
Or you are sitting on your high horse so high that can't see how it was for those that had it at the start as clean install not upgrade over 7, just a thought.
And win 8 is evil! There is no denying that. (><)
52,000 concurrent right now! Impressive.
strange, isn't it just another terraria?
strange, isn't it just another terraria?
I can't think of any that could have been more successful. You could check Nope, sorted by peak and Starbound is really high.
So, The Walking Dead.
but in a good way.
I pretty much despise heavily story driven conventional games i.e. a game that tries to be a traditional game, giving the player agency as normal in a game but which crams their crappy story on top as well. I'm sure you can think of a few example yourselves.
However, heavily story driven 'games' that are more a story with a bit of gamey interactive stuff? Those I can enjoy. I loved Dear Esther and The 39 Steps for example. Oh and The Walking Dead now too.
The interface throws me sometimes so I might switch from kb&m to controller. Other than that I love it. The only thing I don't really love is that I can't save everyone :'(. That's the point though. You lot weren't wrong about the feels. I started and finished the first chapter this evening. Onto the second tomorrow. I'm not up for dealing with any more of it tonight :/. I expect I haven't experienced anything yet where the feels are concerned.
Wait, what is this Starbound game all of my Steam friends are playing?
Dungeon Lurk a.k.a. Dungeon Lurk Adventure a.k.a. Dungeon Lurk Adventures [that hardly inspires confidence] has been added to the Flying Bundle Dungeons 'n' Computers Bundle:
but it's a Desura key so tumbleweed.gif I guess.
Wait, what is this Starbound game all of my Steam friends are playing?
Site wont even load for me. Will check out the bundle later or tomorrow, I guess.
Terraria IN SPACE!!!
Dammit, Steam Support says my Bioshock Infinite key was revoked by the publisher's request. Not sure when. I bought it from Play-Asia a little after launch when I saw it linked on here. That's probably why (I'm in the US).
I'll just buy Starbound now and worry about re-buying that later.
strange, isn't it just another terraria?
I still don't understand this.
"It's terraria IN SPACE"
Cut to spaceship
"I'm on my spaceship look how awesome it is!"
*walks around*
"well, let's go to the planet"
game just looks like Terraria
Sure, it has quests now, and I believe you'd be able to move from one planet to another... but... it's just terraria.
I still don't understand this.
"It's terraria IN SPACE"
Cut to spaceship
"I'm on my spaceship look how awesome it is!"
*walks around*
"well, let's go to the planet"
game just looks like Terraria
Sure, it has quests now, and I believe you'd be able to move from one planet to another... but... it's just terraria.
Edit: Don't get me wrong, a Better Terraria is an amazing game. I just don't get the "on space" thing, since you're just using the ship to visit other planets.
"Terraria in space" means mining asteroids to me. This just looks like doing terraria things and jumping to different planets as opposed to different servers... with quests. Which all sounds amazing.
Hahaha no I know what you mean. Just everyone I asked about it replied the same way. Seams like an easy way to describe it and how it's different if only slightly.
I mean I understand the draw, Terraria is popular, but I sort of feel like it's just Terraria with a bunch of different biomes as well. I think they said that the space stuff, most interesting to me, where you're in custom designed ships and maybe space combat, will come later but what do I know I don't have the game. Maybe they will expand the stuff into space space, but it seems like the game itself is practically all planetside.
It's weird. I was on there for a sec, then the page refreshed and hasn't loaded since. The jist is Adventures of Shuggy (Steam and Desura), Dungeon Lurk (Desura), Dungeon Prospector (Desura), Hack Slash Loot (Steam), and something for a dollar. For $2 all that plus Hacker Evolution, Hacker Evolution Untold, and Hacker Evolution Duality (Steam, Desura) with a little bit of Steam DLC for each.
And when you think about it, isn't your Spaceship just your house that you can take around to other biomes?
Remember on terraria where you had your home in one end of the world, and then the dungeon you wanted is on the other end of the world, so you had to make houses along the way to heal or whatever?
So you had a place on the Jungle Biome to store some items, and another on the Desert Biome, because you had to go through them to get to the Dungeon at the end of the map?
Your spaceship = your home
Desert Biome = one planet
Jungle Biome = other planet
your home = accessible at all times.
It's a great idea. But there's very little "spaceing" going on.
True but they're also using a lot of sci-fi elements typically found in "X in Space!" themed game. There are multiple playable races (not just human) that each have their own lore, backstory, and special abilities. In addition to basic "survival" mechanisms used in Terraria (such as rope) you also have space lasers and such, though admittedly Terraria had them as well.
Either way I'm really excited to try this out. When I do I'll let you guys know what I think.
Reading thought the beta thread the differences seams to be, like you say, cosmetic. Haven't read or seen too much about any npc's or greater story elements so only still waiting to see if it is much deeper than Terraria. Still there's 51,000+ people finding out let's see how long that lasts and if it goes up or down and by how much.
The initial beta release that came out today is missing a ton of content still, including the main story/quest. That's mostly why I held off on buying it. I think they said the second main update is when they plan on being mostly feature complete.
Starbound will also be extremely easier to mod
no having to keep 2 versions of it like Terraria
What is 'all that crap'? What's the actual flow of how you use either start screen? You hit the thing, type in what you're looking for and go, then you're back in the desktop mode.
Sounds to me like you just have an issue with Windows in general and how start menus have always been. Either that or you're not aware of how the new start menu behaves. Or you're complaining because it looks a bit different and change is evil.
Anyone know if Steam has any games where you can turn the screen sideways? Bought a monitor that can swivel sideways so I feel I could play an old school top down shooter, but google isn't helping me.
Ikaruga in Xbox 360 does it. I wish they keep that option for Steam
Keep in mind that stuff was added about 15 days ago and, subsequently, hasn't been touched again.
Square may be waiting for their new MMO to flat line a bit in terms of sales, then use a Steam release to reinvigorate the user base.
For MMO's launched through Steam, are they required to allow purchase options through the Steam client such as with F2P games?
Broken Sword 5 released today....That came out so soon I didn't even notice it.
Didn't see you answered, but I don't think it's required. With Final Fantasy XI, S-E never gave the option to purchase expansions through Steam-- they'd just pull the sub from the store then add a new "Ultimate Edition" containing the latest expansion (with a discount for anyone who owned the previous edition). Final Fantasy XIV isn't F2P (and likely never will be) so just expect it to get pulled/re-added every time an expansion rolls out.
People who purchased the Groupees Greenlight 2 bundle should check for Darkout keys. Mine appeared overnight.
If someone could literally just breakdown the functional difference as far as the start screen is concerned so there'd a point of reference for an actual discussion, I'd be pleased as punch.
The crap is all the other changes they made that do not fit well with the normal windows GUI like the new side bar thing that you have to use to get to things like the power button.
And how dare you make stupid, baseless assumptions about what I like in a GUI!
Not only was what I described correct (that you can not just use search for everything), but I have used a large number of GUIs!
From KDE, GNOME, Unity and Cinnamon, OSX, iOS and Android to Windows 3.1, Windows 95, 98, ME, XP, Vista, 7,8 ect. I have used a ton!
I in fact really like what some of them (KDE and Cinnamon) do over Windows, the difference between them and Windows 8 is that they are improvements and not an insane attempt to ram parts of a GUI for tablets and phone onto a desktop OS!
I suggest that before posting rubbish like that last sentence you should think about how it is possible to not like what was done in a new version of something without thinking "change is evil"! (funny how a huge amount of Win8 defenders always try to use that line).
I would like if the thread did not get derailed anymore.
Personally, I'm primarily a mouse user. I used Win8 for about a month. I found the start screen annoying to use with a mouse. Start menu isn't annoying to use with a mouse.
It seems to me that a lot of people are assuming that everyone uses their desktop the same way. Different strokes for different folks and all that.