STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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How is Frozen Endzone? I really like Synapse even though I didn't put in nearly enough time with it.

There really should be more future sports games

it's better in some aspects, worse in others...

Visually it really doesn't look very good I think - but while the aesthetics are a subjective value, clarity isn't so much, and the new looks really do lack clarity compared to Synapse. The new camera angle is also weird and unpractical sometimes.
Other things which aren't really good are the interface, which is exactly the same as in Synapse, even the godawful chat window... and the preview which sometimes - rarely, but still - seems to show events that don't happen the same way during the actual turn. I mean, even if it's just a matter of human perception, if they were going to reuse the idea to such an extent, I think they really could have thought about how to improve it to make it more intuitive and better at communicating information...

The really cool thing though is that it's reduced to the core - you can only move your troops footballers endzoners(?) and that single command is used to block others or intercept the ball. (You can also throw the ball when you have it obviously but the core of the game is in the movement and positioning.)
It does lead to some confusion, when you start a match and all the players are scattered around the field and, especially when defending, you don't have a clear objective - as opposed to Synapse where you could see the opponent's soldiers and knew right away that you had to act towards eliminating them - but overall some pretty cool moments emerge, and you're naturally led to come up with long-term strategies rather than just instantaneous reactions, all using just that single 'move' command, finely tweaked to make sure the blocks and intercepts and delays and trajectories are all just right.

It's not as groundbreaking as Frozen Synapse, and I doubt it'll ever be as good tbh. And while it's 'pure', sometimes I do wish I could play a whole match instead of just the last moments before the goal, or wonder why they didn't add things like the ball bouncing against walls, which could have added a pretty big layer of strategy. But it's still a very cool game and the final release will probably be excellent.


This Secrets of Rætikon looks pretty great. Tons of style.

I hesitated for a long time but eventually decided against backing it during its indegogo campaign... I really love the concept (I'm actually working on a game all about exploration right now, as some of you might know, so of course I'm super interested in stuff like this or No Man's Sky or Elegy for a Dead World) but the team's previous game, Chasing Aurora, featured the same beautiful visuals, but also the same gameplay, which was... extremely underwhelming. So yeah it looks superb but I want to hold off from buying it until I've seen more about it, to make sure there's actually a big enough world filled with enough mysteries to excuse the controls.

edit: whoops sorry double post, I figured someone would have posted while I was writing this but I forgot gaf's kinda dead at this hour
This Child's Play skin for Saints Row 4 is pretty sweet.

I imagine it's just like defending Ass Creed or COD on Neogaf.
Hey, I enjoy AC for the experience of exploring historical worlds not usually seen in gaming and I enjoy CoD for the set pieces. They may be flawed, but they have their merits
AFAIK no. Kinda annoying I agree (expect first time I found it useful couple of days ago, I was sitting far from my PC and couldn't bother walking next to it so I just launched BPM and opened another game :p)

Cool feature (if it still works?): holding the button anywhere for 10 seconds brings up BPM even if Steam isn't active.

That's unfortunate -- I only hold the button when I want to turn off the DS4 or hit the button otherwise accidentally -- so it's a HUGE annoyance for me. :(



Heh, I don't have a lot of games on GOG, but right now I haven't paid a dime for any of them but Torment

I usually grab games over there that aren't available on Steam. Undying, Freespace 2, Giants, Torment, NWN2, Indigo Prophecy, etc.

The only problem is, when I'm selecting a new game to play, I generally forget about my GOG collection.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
The only problem is, when I'm selecting a new game to play, I generally forget about my GOG collection.

I'm much the same. It's the reason why I haven't played The Saboteur (Origin), Tintin (Udeletesaves) or, say, Baldur's Gate (GOG).



Pixel Piracy - Pirate Simulator is out on Early Access ($12.74).

Pixel Piracy is a side-scrolling 2d, pirate roguelike-like game created by indie developer Vitali Kirpu and helped partially by known Manager Alexander Poysky.

In the game, the player controls the crew of a pirate ship. The player must sail the ship over a number of sea zones, each with procedurally generated events in a roguelike fashion, while facing pirates and other hostile forces, recruiting new crew members, keeping discipline, outfitting, upgrading ship and more.


They even provide a torrent link to their game for people to try.
OK gang, time for another giveaway! This is the Indie Gala Codemasters Bundle. For those who don't know what's included here's the list of games:
Clive Barkers Jericho
Overlord Raising Hell
Overlord II
Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising
Operation Flashpoint Red River

See a game you'd like but already have the others? No worries there, the games have separate keys. All I ask is that if you win the bundle giveaway any spares to your fellow GAF peeps.
ModBot said:
Instructions for MakeshiftChef:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Indie Gala Codemasters Bundle -- MB-B629D78463B58AAB - Taken by MulderWasTaken. 37 entrants total.

By the way, there were some errors processing your keys...
Note: The key you added for Indie Gala Codemasters Bundle was already listed in ModBot from a previous giveaway of yours, but was not taken. Updating key info to match new giveaway.



The only problem is, when I'm selecting a new game to play, I generally forget about my GOG collection.

Just use "Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library", works wonders for normal games, takes a bit setting up for Dosbox ones, but is definitely doable.

JaseC: Doing so increases your game count in the library (local only, obviously). :)

Pixel Piracy - Pirate Simulator is out on Early Access ($12.74).

Pixel Piracy is a side-scrolling 2d, pirate roguelike-like game created by indie developer Vitali Kirpu and helped partially by known Manager Alexander Poysky.

In the game, the player controls the crew of a pirate ship. The player must sail the ship over a number of sea zones, each with procedurally generated events in a roguelike fashion, while facing pirates and other hostile forces, recruiting new crew members, keeping discipline, outfitting, upgrading ship and more.


They even provide a torrent link to their game for people to try.

Looks sweet and the devoloper seems nice. I will download the torrent and buy if I like.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Just use "Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library", works wonders for normal games, takes a bit setting up for Dosbox ones, but is definitely doable.

JaseC: Doing so increases your game count in the library (local only, obviously). :)

I don't even have the games installed. :p


Looks sweet and the devoloper seems nice. I will download the torrent and buy if I like.
Only complaint I have is that the are grammer errors. Looks very much unprofessional :/. Dev said he'll hire someone to clean up the proofreading as more funds flow in from preorders...
Edit: it's a bit cheaper on Desura at the moment as well, $11.99


So, Pirates! Gold is $3 on

I loved this game back then, but some user reviews say its bugged.

Has someone here actually played the game and could tell me if it works well?


ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Fuel -- MB-E19E87DBF02A5815 - Taken by Kirosia. 10 entrants total.

I wonder why modbot picked that game for Fuel.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Oh goddammit I didn't even notice, and entered because of it. :p

I hope I don't win it!

Same here. I guess I should pay more attention!


Gala Store has 75% off on Kalypso games (and some others)

Stay far away from the Dino D-day free weekend on Steam. It's horribad.

Also, Activision has blocked the release of the Gabriel Knight remake on linux, which is just... what?

Indieroyale added keys for Oozi to the Valentine 2.0 bundle.


This isn't really Steam related, but my GOG copy of Empire Earth crashes every time I change the resolution to 1080p. Any fixes for this?


Hopefully who won Fuel wanted the right one.

Btw, I just noticed that the Steam link for Fuel in the IndieGala bundle actually takes you to the Huntsman: The Orphanage (Halloween Edition) page. Feels all so random.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Indieroyale added keys for Oozi to the Valentine 2.0 bundle.

And with that:

ModBot said:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Oozi Earth Adventure -- MB-7184FABF2A5DCDAA - Taken by Kirosia. 7 entrants total.



It used Frontlines because FUEL is no longer listed on the Steam store and Frontlines is the first game result when you do a search for FUEL.


Axel Hertz
I still think it's a little crazy that Indie Gala has a bundle that has steam keys for a game that was removed from Steam.

Edited: I'm an idiot.

Dragonborn price at 75% off. If I have vanilla, that's probably about as good as it's going to get. Thanks.


That Oozi Earth Adventure looks really pretty.

And it plays very well too, controls are ace. Unfortunately the level design is very unimaginative and boring, there's almost no challenge, everything gets repeated too often and the level tend to be a tad too long. 6/10

I still think it's a little crazy that a Humble Bundle has steam keys for a game that was removed from Steam.

I bought Fuel from Gamersgate a last week or so and still haven't received a key. :(



Great prices, will have to finally get Morrowind for my game count. Maybe a Skyrim DLC too...


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I still think it's a little crazy that a Humble Bundle has steam keys for a game that was removed from Steam.

It depends on the nature of the situation. Fuel and Dirt 2 were yanked by Codemasters' own volition rather than due to, say, the relevant licences expiring, which would prevent continued distribution of the games (a practice I think is woefully outdated -- licences expiring shouldn't affect content that was developed and released while said licences were valid).

I bought Fuel from Gamersgate a last week or so and still haven't received a key. :(

GG reps have been ignoring threads on the matter, too. If you're an optimist you might assume that it's because Codemasters is waiting until it has released the GFWL-free version.


listen to the mad man
Haha, looks like you need to fix that one up, Stump. ;)

I don't think I can unfortunately. blame Steam's shitty search engine which won't return results for pulled games:

I'm amazed that Frontlines: Fuel of War would have hit the relevant threshold for ModBot to put any image at all, but it definitely won't be possible to put the correct image unless Steam's search engine returns a legit result.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I don't think I can unfortunately. blame Steam's shitty search engine which won't return results for pulled games:

I'm amazed that Frontlines: Fuel of War would have hit the relevant threshold for ModBot to put any image at all, but it definitely won't be possible to put the correct image unless Steam's search engine returns a legit result.

Yeah, Xanathus pointed that out just a few posts above. I'd forgotten that the game was pulled (keys being dolled out certainly didn't help, haha).
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