STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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Heh I did the same. I chose CS:GO because it was cheap and the badges inoffensive. Since then the set price has actually gone up looks like the globes are boosting the market by a cent or two.

Why is Port Royale not applicable?!

Call of Juarez badge is not bad and cards aren't expensive
Risen 2 (I alredy posted how it looks) has very nice first level badge (2 lvl isn't this good though)
Left 4 dead 2
Mark of the Ninja
Guardians of Middle Earth

Most of badges aren't impressive and backgrounds even less, imo.

Thank you both!

I know that badges and bgs are crap (except my dear lvl 1 Hotline Miami bg that's super cool), but still I'd prefer to craft a badge I won't be ashamed to have. :D

L4D2 I already own.
CS:GO I won't do because I NEVER played a CS in my life, so it would feel wrong.

Probably I'm going to check the cheapest between Gunslinger (lame cowboy hat badge but somewhat cool bg) and Mark of the Ninja (lame bg but super cool Mortal Kombat badge).


How bad is the combat? Will it shock me after Dark Souls?

hmm, combat seems pretty basic so far, I'm playing with the full combat rebalance mod installed, it controls well at least.

It's nothing like dark souls though, it feels a bit like a hack and slash with a mix of batman and there hasn't been much interesting enemies to fight against, but I probably aren't far into the game.


hmm, it seems pretty basic so far, I'm playing with the full combat rebalance mod installed, it controls well at least.

It's nothing like dark souls though, it feels a bit like a hack and slash with a mix of batman and there hasn't been much interesting enemies to fight against, but I probably aren't far into the game.

It gets more epic if you chose the Iorveth path and reach act 2, and you get some cool finishing move cutscenes if you get that last skill in the swordsman tree.


What the- Dragon Age: Origins is $17.49 here, after being 75% off too.

EDIT: Now I want to get it from someone cheaper. I didn't want it before but the fact that it's overpriced in my region, compared to others, makes me interested for it now.

I'll help you out if you want.


It gets more epic if you chose the Iorveth path and reach act 2, and you get some cool finishing move cutscenes if you get that last skill in the swordsman tree.

Yea I just got to act 2, seems more fun once I got out of the town :D

They did a great job with the outdoor environments, even though I think the areas are quite small, it has a great sense of scale.


lol. Tony is trying to get a $2 Aliens: CM. You know we're all buying it at that price.

I wonder if he ever got the okay to do the Pac-Man deal he was teasing a week back. I think it was something like $3.75 for Pac-Man AYCE, and $5-7.99 for a bundle with Pac-Man AYCE, Enslaved and Inversion.


Just started the Wasteland 2 beta download on Steam. Really looking forward to seeing how they've done thus far.

I don't know if I should try playing this or not. I'd like to help out and try the game, but then I saw that 20 GB of HD space are required.
It would take me at least a week to download that :/


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I don't know if I should try playing this or not. I'd like to help out and try the game, but then I saw that 20 GB of HD space are required.
It would take me at least a week to download that :/

20GB of space required doesn't mean it'll be a 20GB download.

lol. Tony is trying to get a $2 Aliens: CM. You know we're all buying it at that price.

I wonder if he ever got the okay to do the Pac-Man deal he was teasing a week back. I think it was something like $3.75 for Pac-Man AYCE, and $5-7.99 for a bundle with Pac-Man AYCE, Enslaved and Inversion.

I'm hoping for an Aliens fire sale on Steam at some point so I can stock up on spare copies: AvP Classic, AvP 2010 and of course Cololnial Marines.


Pizza Dog
Jase, the recent thread on "Why do you say no to greenlight titles?" made me wonder - would you be happy if a thousand games got greenlit so you'd have more titles to buy, or would you rather them not be greenlit so that you have a more complete collection/it's easier to own everything?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Jase, the recent thread on "Why do you say no to greenlight titles?" made me wonder - would you be happy if a thousand games got greenlit so you'd have more titles to buy, or would you rather them not be greenlit so that you have a more complete collection/it's easier to own everything?

The more, the merrier!


lol. Tony is trying to get a $2 Aliens: CM. You know we're all buying it at that price.

I wonder if he ever got the okay to do the Pac-Man deal he was teasing a week back. I think it was something like $3.75 for Pac-Man AYCE, and $5-7.99 for a bundle with Pac-Man AYCE, Enslaved and Inversion.

I have been waiting for the big Pac-Man bundle since it was mentioned. It would be such a great bundle, I plan on buying at least two of them if it ever does show up.


20GB of space required doesn't mean it'll be a 20GB download.

That's true, I should check the download size when I get home from work.

Anyway, I see that has some deals on Bethesda games. Morrowind is tempting me. I don't have it on Steam yet. I didn't like Oblivion and I'm still considering it.
I'm kinda worried.
But there is a high chance Ultimate would be at the same price come Winter sale, right? If there is nothing I want on that day's deals, then I'll plop down seven fiddy for it.
I'm not so sure, it's already been on sale in autumn sale.
Will a game appear so many times in sales?


lol. Tony is trying to get a $2 Aliens: CM. You know we're all buying it at that price.

I wonder if he ever got the okay to do the Pac-Man deal he was teasing a week back. I think it was something like $3.75 for Pac-Man AYCE, and $5-7.99 for a bundle with Pac-Man AYCE, Enslaved and Inversion.

I'd grab extra copies of Aliens CM for 2 bucks.
Would also grab that pack for Inversion alone.

Ohhhohohoh Free Dino D-Day Weekend for you all
Pro Tip: It's not worth the install. Wait for Primal Carnage Free Weekend


lol. Tony is trying to get a $2 Aliens: CM. You know we're all buying it at that price.

I wonder if he ever got the okay to do the Pac-Man deal he was teasing a week back. I think it was something like $3.75 for Pac-Man AYCE, and $5-7.99 for a bundle with Pac-Man AYCE, Enslaved and Inversion.

I'll grab that bundle for Enslaved :O



How did you get that view? Cant find it in Enhanced Steam Options....

EDIT: Never mind, I realised it is another Chrome extension
In addition to the link Deques posted, I've compiled several lists of greenlit games that have been in bundles, although note that Steam keys aren't necessarily guaranteed:

- August 28th batch
- September 18th batch (both games were also IndieGameStand deals)
- October 2nd batch (McDroid, Vox and Zombies were also IndieGameStand deals)
- October 16th batch (see below)
- October 29th batch
- November 12th batch
- December 4th batch

And just to fill in the aforementioned gap:


Not a Steam key, though.

Heads up but Driftmoon's in your December 4th list when it shouldn't be, the BaGL bundle only gave away the Driftmoon demo and specifically said beforehand that there'd be no Steam keys for it.

It might also be worth rechecking some of them, as some of them appear in bundles after they're greenlit but before they've come out on Steam. Pitiri 1977 is in the current Humble Weekly bundle for example and they've promised Steam keys once it comes out on Steam.

But despite those two little nit picks, nice work.


Reposting from the Arkham Origins OT:

I think I've encountered a glitch in the Steel Mill.

This is at the point where Copperhead poisons you. I'm supposed to scan the crime scene, but whenever I get to this part, it doesn't work properly. The "reconstructing the crime scene" bar never appears and I'm just forced out of the detective mode every time I try to do this. Can't seem to find this glitch anywhere on the Internet. What do I do?

Upon further inspection, the issue is identical to this one:

This kinda sucks.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Heads up but Driftmoon's in your December 4th list when it shouldn't be, the BaGL bundle only gave away the Driftmoon demo and specifically said beforehand that there'd be no Steam keys for it.

It might also be worth rechecking some of them, as some of them appear in bundles after they're greenlit but before they've come out on Steam. Pitiri 1977 is in the current Humble Weekly bundle for example and they've promised Steam keys once it comes out on Steam.

But despite those two little nit picks, nice work.

The lists aren't intended to be kept up-to-date as that would require me to periodically look into almost every single game in each respective batch, which would already be a lot of work and soon become utterly impractical as more batches of games are approved; that said, I retroactively factored IGS deals into the earlier lists simply because I incorporated it into later ones and wanted consistency. Thanks for the heads-up regarding Driftmoon, though -- for some reason it's labelled as a demo on the bundle page but not on the game page, which is why I missed it.
Afaik the in-home streaming is a Steam client function.

But you will still need some kind of receiver, dont you? If the PC is in a totally different room, the Steam-Controller wouldnt get a connection otherwise.

So you would need something like a little "Stream"-Box receiving and sending the signals to your PC.

Or am I missing something here?


I didn't play Botanicula yesterday but I did play some Terraria with a friend.

I haven't played it in quite a long time and it's really pretty impressive how far it's come but at the same time how much the Starbound team has evolved it's design for their game.
Afaik the in-home streaming is a Steam client function.

yes, it is. Many people think it's SteamOS exclusive for some reason.

Be sure to join the streaming group if you want to get into the beta.

But you will still need some kind of receiver, dont you? If the PC is in a totally different room, the Steam-Controller wouldnt get a connection otherwise.

So you would need something like a little "Stream"-Box receiving and sending the signals to your PC.

Or am I missing something here?

Yes, you need two devices. However they can be Windows to Windows, Linux to Linux, Windows to Linux, whatever. Can be wired or wireless. Can be from a desktop to a laptop.


What are Snow Globes and how do you get them?

Ya, crafting badges, discount coupons for games are replaced by snow globes. I would have had enough of globes for badge if not triples and doubles, planned to make it yesterday and post rewards today. Plan didn't worked. :(


Crafting a badge I guess.

Winter Sale cards and what Chuck said (they've replaced the discounts coupon you usually receive).

Ya, crafting badges, discount coupons for games are replaced by snow globes. I would have had enough of globes for badge if not triples and doubles, planned make it yesterday and post rewards today. Plan didn't worked. :(

when did this start?

I just crafted my CS badge less than a week ago.
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