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STEAM announcements & updates 2011 Thread 3 | Buy now, play later.

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Gvaz said:
It was a generalization.

Also how's costume quest? it looks pretty boring

It's not worth $15. It's a pretty short game that somehow still gets repetitive half way through. Wait for sale imo.


listen to the mad man
JaseC said:
By the way, what do you do in the game? Every screen I've seen featured you nonchalantly pinching lollies from an otherwise content neighbour.

Talk, fetch quests, explorations, non-random battles, bobbing for apples, rudimentary puzzles involving matching a costume's powers to a traversal obstacle. It's a pretty "slight" game--I don't mean this in a bad way. It's brief, it's not deep, the emphasis is the strong theme, humourous writing and brisk pace. It was my #10 game of the year in 2010.

Sober said:
Wow, so Red Faction: Guerrilla...

This is like a super depressed version of Just Cause 2 and I don't think I want to play it any longer. Some things I like, such as the missions that just randomly pop up to do. We can joke about how brown shooters have gotten but the Martian landscape is not as red as I was expecting after leaving Parker. Aside from those random missions and the geomod engine for structures, this game is depressing and a bit repetitive in a way I don't really like (and I liked AC1's investigation missions no problem).

The back half of the game varies things up in terms of objective, in terms of environment (the game ends in a lengthy sequence in a snowy area, for example), and in terms of abilities. I don't want to spoil it, but there's a significant character ability you unlock about half-way through that makes moving around much more fun.

Stallion Free said:
Between full games, expansions, episodes, and DLCs I'm sitting at 95 complete in 2011.

Impressive. I'm a little low this year, around 45-50 or so--of course I don't track expansions or DLC--but even when I was at my peak and had a friendly competition with Segata Sanshiro when he was still around, I couldn't managed that kind of pace.


Stumpokapow said:
Impressive. I'm a little low this year, around 45-50 or so--of course I don't track expansions or DLC--but even when I was at my peak and had a friendly competition with Segata Sanshiro when he was still around, I couldn't managed that kind of pace.
95 complete games? This year I've...completed Portal 2, I think. But not co-op. So that's like half a game completed for 10 months, not bad.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
The key to enjoying Red Faction: Guerrilla is setting difficulty to lowest. The game is all about the destruction, so the better shit you can do without dying because 5 guys shot at you, the more fun it is. I won't spoil story but here is one gameplay approach I took:

Raid mission. What I had to do was get a team and low up a base. Well, I did so by grabbing a garbage trick, putting a major bomb in it, throwing about 12 mines on it, then driving full speed directly into the main building of the base via the front wall. Then I started running because I was getting shot at by like 20 people. My team helped cover my exit, and as soon as I was clear (sorry, team) I detonated it. Instantaneous win. I kind of feel bad for my teammates who died when it came crashing down on top of them, but I didn't hear them asking questions about our plan and they should have figured what all the bombs were gonna do.

It has a lot of neat puzzler-type stuff as well. Seriously, the game gets cooler and cooler as you go along.


damn costume quest not even on top 10 sellers list.

i mention it cause i notice almost every new released game appears on it usually as long as its not complete crap.


listen to the mad man
Dice said:
The key to enjoying Red Faction: Guerrilla is setting difficulty to lowest.

Yes, the PvE shooting is subpar until later in the game, and there are many "tons of dudes are shooting me and I can't get to safety" situations. Much better when you lower to casual so you can focus your time on actually having fun :)


Chesskid1 said:
damn costume quest not even on top 10 sellers list.
Weekend stealth launch of a year old game combined with the "15 bucks is too much for a 6 hour game" crowd.

For the person asking, I think I got my money's worth out of it easily. It was a great casual playthough today. Very low impact which I appreciated since I am in the middle of Orcs Must Die which is super tense and stressful to me (also really enjoying it).


listen to the mad man
Chesskid1 said:
damn costume quest not even on top 10 sellers list.

Released with no prior announcement, the release announcement was low profile and not widely distributed, no demo, no release discount, year late port, and there are dozens of current sales as part of a high profile promotion that's at the top of the page.

What would have made more sense would have been to wait another week, and really tried to promote the release. It's a Hallowe'en themed game that can be beaten in one day. They could have easily launched it around the 23rd-25th and said "HEY IT'S A GAME ABOUT HALLOWE'EN!!!"



Ceebs said:
Weekend stealth launch of a year old game combined with the "15 bucks is too much for a 6 hour game" crowd.

Think its much more of the former. The fact that they released it during a different week-long sale and it got no advertising at all was brutal :/ i had to look for it on my search bar to buy it. Hope the game sells well :(

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Stumpokapow said:
Impressive. I'm a little low this year, around 45-50 or so--of course I don't track expansions or DLC--but even when I was at my peak and had a friendly competition with Segata Sanshiro when he was still around, I couldn't managed that kind of pace.
There's a fair amount of DLC in my list, I won't lie. All 5 Fallout 3 DLCs, a lot of Dragon Age DLC. Stuff like that is usually 3-6 hours long so as long as I'm into it I roll through them pretty quickly (a couple in a week).

Older games also tend to be short as well. I rolled through Red Faction 1/2 and Quake 1+ expansions and I don't think a single one broke the 5 hour mark.


Stumpokapow said:
Released with no prior announcement, the release announcement was low profile and not widely distributed, no demo, no release discount, year late port, and there are dozens of current sales as part of a high profile promotion that's at the top of the page.

What would have made more sense would have been to wait another week, and really tried to promote the release. It's a Hallowe'en themed game that can be beaten in one day. They could have easily launched it around the 23rd-25th and said "HEY IT'S A GAME ABOUT HALLOWE'EN!!!"

I suspect they released it now at full price with the intention of putting it on sale closer to Halloween. 'Cause otherwise who knows what they were thinking.


I don't know if anyone is interested in picking up CitiesXL 2012 but it's currently 13.39 for owners of 2011 and as far as I know that kind of stuff is giftable also so it might be a good time to pick that up via gifting if you have an interest.


Aselith said:
I don't know if anyone is interested in picking up CitiesXL 2012 but it's currently 13.39 for owners of 2011 and as far as I know that kind of stuff is giftable also so it might be a good time to pick that up via gifting if you have an interest.

Hmm, wonder if that upgrade price will always remain... Would make getting it during the holiday sale (assuming it goes on sale) a much easier decision.
Man, I just tried to play some Xbox 360 games today and I honestly don't know if I can go back after playing the PC for so long. :(

I was getting so hyped for Batman AC that I was considering buying the 360 version. I downloaded the demo for AA (sold my console version ages ago), and I just can't get past the awful image quality. It doesn't help that I play on a 1680x1050 monitor so I either have to choose a resolution that vertically stretches games or one that puts bars on the top and bottom of the screen. If it wasn't for the XBLA games, 360 exclusives (EDF 2017 still looks good!) I would probably sell off my system.

I guess I'll have to wait for the PC release and hope that DLC does make it's way onto the PC version.

Have any PC gamers played the 360 version of Dark Souls? How does that perform?
I just want to mention that if you like action/adventure, be sure to buy all the Tomb Raider games on sale this weekend. Crystal Dynamics did a great job of reviving Lara and making the games very fun.
Chesskid1 said:
damn costume quest not even on top 10 sellers list.

i mention it cause i notice almost every new released game appears on it usually as long as its not complete crap.
Do I want that? I'm a double-fine fan but . . . . hmmm. Perhaps I'll wait.


Luigi87 said:
Hmm, wonder if that upgrade price will always remain... Would make getting it during the holiday sale (assuming it goes on sale) a much easier decision.

Red Orchestra 2 is not showing a discount anymore so I doubt it. It's probably just for preordering and frankly I don't think it will go much lower at Christmas. You might get a 75% if it's a DOD if you're lucky.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Stumpokapow said:
Talk, fetch quests, explorations, non-random battles, bobbing for apples, rudimentary puzzles involving matching a costume's powers to a traversal obstacle. It's a pretty "slight" game--I don't mean this in a bad way. It's brief, it's not deep, the emphasis is the strong theme, humourous writing and brisk pace. It was my #10 game of the year in 2010.

Sounds like the perfect game to fill a lazy Sunday.


I must have played about 5hrs of Last Remnant and I still have no idea on how the battle system even works :s I know I can arange my troops by formation but that about it.
Scythian said:
Already had The Last Remnant, but felt really overwhelmed with the battle system. I din't know what was going on most of the time. Maybe I'll try it again soon.
I wrote this before when somebody was confused by The Last Remnant's (terrible) demo, so here we go again:


Basically when you go into a battle, all of your individual characters ("units") are broken up into a few squads (called "unions"). So are the enemies. Units pool their hit points together, so each union has the HP of all its dudes put together, and they all act together. You're basically telling each union how to act during that turn. (So for example, you can say, "go attack this group" or "use special attacks" or "attack this group while healing" or "heal this other union" or "do some buffs", etc.) Then when the turn starts, your guys will engage the enemy, union by union.

When your union attacks an enemy union, each individual character will perform actions based on what skills they have, what weapons they have equipped, etc. So if you say "attack while healing", the characters in your squad with weapons will hit dudes, while the characters with healing magic or items will throw out heals if your health has dropped. (You can actually hit a button to see exactly what attacks each person in the union will perform, though it can change dynamically based on how the fight is going.) The enemy union will be counterattacking at the same time, with actions happening based roughly on the speed of the characters. So usually you'll start fighting an enemy, one or two of your guys will hit, then an enemy might hit, then your dude, than a couple enemies, until every unit in both groups has performed an action. When a fight between unions starts, you can actually see the order of the turns on the left side of the screen.

Now here's where it kind of gets confusing if you don't know what's happening. Basically when one of your dudes is about to do a critical hit, it starts a kind of QTE chain. It'll go into slow motion right before you hit, and if you hit the button on screen with the right timing, it will automatically skip your next attacker in the union ahead of any other enemy actions. Then THAT attacker will get the slowdown prompt, and if you hit THAT, your NEXT attacker fights immediately, and so on. Basically you're comboing through the turn, and your last attacker (assuming they're set to hit dudes instead of heal or something) will do a special attack with substantially increased damage. (You can also get a QTE prompt on defense, and if you hit the button quickly you can counter the enemy's attack for good damage as well. The timing's a little tighter for the defense stuff, though.) That's what the QTE stuff is about.

There is a morale meter at the top of the screen. Blue is good, not blue is bad. It swings back and forth depending on how the battle is going. If you're getting your ass kicked, or your guys keep getting flanked, or another bunch of enemies runs in, your morale drops. If good things happen during the fight, like you destroy an enemy union, or you hit one of those QTE chains, or you flank or intercept the enemy, your morale goes up. There are also skills you can use (basically taunts) that raise your morale. (The enemy can do this too, so keep an eye on that.) Basically your dudes fight better when morale is high, and worse when morale is low.

I mentioned flanking, didn't I? Okay so basically, positioning matters. When you start the battle, and between turns, you'll see a minimap at the right of the screen. This shows the position of your unions and the enemy unions on the battlefield. When you give commands, you tell your unions which enemies to engage. The AI does the same thing. At the start of the turn, the combatants literally run at each other across the battlefield. If your union and an enemy union are close and they just run up on each other, it's called a "deadlock". This is basically a straight up, regular fight. If, however, you send one of your squads to attack a group in the back, and another enemy squad catches them on the way, they have intercepted you, and they get a morale bonus and a bit of an advantage. You can also intercept enemy units in the same way. Flanking happens when you already have one of your unions and an enemy union deadlocked in a fight, and a third unit runs up to join the fray. So if you send two unions to attack one enemy group, your second set of dudes will flank the enemy and gain a morale bonus and increased damage. Also, when two groups attack each other, that deadlocked status lasts across turns. Turning away from the enemy you're currently deadlocked with to do something else gives the enemy union the opportunity to do substantial extra damage against you.


There's more stuff, too, like the "special arts" (which are basically like super moves or limit breaks) and how to level skills that I haven't even gone into, but that should be enough for you to figure out how the hell to fight some dudes.

Any questions about TLR, ask away. I'm no expert, but I did really really enjoy the game.


Luigi87 said:
Hmm, wonder if that upgrade price will always remain... Would make getting it during the holiday sale (assuming it goes on sale) a much easier decision.
It probably will, you can still get the discount on 2011 from owning Cities XL.


Stumpokapow said:
They could have easily launched it around the 23rd-25th and said "HEY IT'S A GAME ABOUT HALLOWE'EN!!!"


Maybe they were just paving the way for Costume Quest 2, which will be announced next week and launched on Halloween! Right guys... guys?
Tomb Raider Legend holds up fairly well visually, the pad support is great. It's just funny, I haven't played the game in years but I sort of remember exactly where all of the little trophy/medal things are located. At least in the opening level.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
LastWindow said:
I should check and see how many games I've finished this year to so far. I wish I still had my Backloggery to make it easier to find out.
I just threw together a list in excel. I like the clean/simple appearance and it makes doing certain things with it really easy.
Stallion Free said:
I just threw together a list in excel. I like the clean/simple appearance and it makes doing certain things with it really easy.

Yeah, I've been meaning to do that any way to keep track of older games I have. But almost all of the games I've played through this year have either been on Steam or GOG, and the rest is so little it should be easy to figure out.

SalsaShark said:
organizing how many games you have beaten in a year is only another way of procrastinating from playing games.

I've been running out of ways, anyway, so this is good. :p


JaseC said:
Both are 2010 games.


*looks over steam purchases

Yea... so its just Portal 2...

I have a problem.

Goddamn... I have more unplayed games on steam than finished ones....
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