Syphon Filter
what was wrong with the next few?Didn't it stop being good after number 1?
what was wrong with the next few?Didn't it stop being good after number 1?
Nah 2 and 3 have their merits. 4 and 5 kinda do as well. Kinda. I have pretty fond memories, being young and impressionable.Didn't it stop being good after number 1?
do you guys see angel of darkness?i cant find it.
Didn't it stop being good after number 1?
How's this Miasmata game? I just read the description and it is really turning me on.
More Miasmata thoughts:
1. Graphics vary. Effects and atmospheric details tend to be nice, but individual textures or animations tend to look bad. I'm guessing the game was made by 2-3 people, so that's rather to be expected in a 3D game. The water looks ultra jaggy in certain spots, but really nice in others. Ponds sitting by themselves reflecting the sky and trees look nice.
2. Performance is rough early on, on my machine. I get 30-ish fps around the starting lab, with an e8400 and 5850, all settings max. The game doesn't have a vsync option so I'm using D3DOverrider.
3. Alt-tabbing, as mentioned, seems to make the game freeze forever. There are three save slots, but no obvious way to copy them. You can touch ayou find early on in the game to save.lantern
4. Controls seem very janky. There is a combination of interesting first-person body awareness with strange jank. I'm reminded of DayZ and the ARMA II engine. The game seems to have sound effects and creative, interesting details for motions like sliding down small slopes, or slipping sideways if you turn suddenly. However, trying to figure out things like inventory or items is confusing to me. I picked up a knife, clicked a couple of times, and then it apparently went away forever. Oops, I hope I don't ever need that...
5. There are lots of little nice atmospheric touches, like the flowers, how you hold them in your hands, bright green grass, colorful little bugs, birds, butterflies, etc. flitting around, and sometimes skybeams. When I stopped playing it seemed like it was getting dark. I imagine the game would become terrifying shortly afterwards.
6. There is some sort of ingame help system. When I first wandered into some water,The help system pops up when you get near things for the first time. Downside, if you happen to walk past something and miss the help popup prompt, I haven't found any way to bring it up again, so you just have to experiment on your own. Some things you find (notes) go into your journal, but there are specific things you might expect to be in your journal that aren't. For instance, you combine flowers to make medicine, and it saves a new journal entry describing the medicine...but doesn't actually make a note of WHICH flowers were used for the medicine (unless maybe it was on the individual flower page, I'll have to check that).I started making swimming motions, only to learn I apparently either can't swim or am too weak to swim. A help system thing told me about this when it happened. I started drowning, which apparently gave me a fever/made it worse.
7. When you get sick, or I imagine injured, there are screen effects to indicate this, like blurring vision or dark, faded vision. I imagine this could get annoying and/or be effective. I died the first time it happened. Again, I'm reminded of DayZ.
From very early impressions, I would recommend it to someone who wanted a first-person exploration experience in which you pick flowers, hide from some hunting monster, and explore an unknown island which saw some sort of unfortunate event...if the person I was recommending it to can tolerate janky graphics (maybe Far Cry 1 level) and janky mechanics (maybe DayZ level). I'd say $5, maybe $10 is a fair price for experimentation, or full/current discount price if you really like the concept.
Here's a screenshot of early on.
I don't think considering the second option makes it any more profound.The game makes you do something and then tries to make you feel bad about it. How does that work? When you do the white phosphorus thing and burn up civilians, are you supposed to feel bad when the game makes you walk slowly through them? There was no player agency in what happened and it's not like you had a choice in the matter. You can't advance the game until you go through that completely scripted sequence and that's going to make you feel bad? This is not that different from Call of Duty where you have to take a sniper shot at someone with a bag over their head and then you find out 2 minutes later that it was your friend. How are you supposed to feel bad about something the game makes you do?
Didn't it stop being good after number 1?
A basic set of achievements would have lit a fire under me.I thought 2 was the best. But even at release, the games were very rough. I can't even fathom trying to play them now. Seems like a form of torture.
I don't think considering the second option makes it any more profound.The game makes you do something and then tries to make you feel bad about it. How does that work? When you do the white phosphorus thing and burn up civilians, are you supposed to feel bad when the game makes you walk slowly through them? There was no player agency in what happened and it's not like you had a choice in the matter. You can't advance the game until you go through that completely scripted sequence and that's going to make you feel bad? This is not that different from Call of Duty where you have to take a sniper shot at someone with a bag over their head and then you find out 2 minutes later that it was your friend. How are you supposed to feel bad about something the game makes you do?
Surprise Blops 2 spoilers inside Spec Ops spoilers? How nice.
Yo dawg I heard you like spoilers so I put some spoilers in your spoilers...Not properly labeling spoiler tags is always in vogue.
Haven't started the Deus Ex franchise yet, despite I already have all the 3 games in the series. So this mod is great news to me, I'm considering playing the series in December, after I finish Aliens vs Predator (2010) and Bioshock 2.
Stupid AssCreedBro bug #ihavelostcount: The final checkpoint/cutscene trigger of the game will not execute if vsync is disabled. Cesare and the two men he's fighting will just stand there, swinging their swords around in an infinite animation loop.
In game sync is awful anyways, triple buffer-vsync through d3doverrider and it should work fine.Stupid AssCreedBro bug #ihavelostcount: The final checkpoint/cutscene trigger of the game will not execute if vsync is disabled. Cesare and the two men he's fighting will just stand there, swinging their swords around in an infinite animation loop.
In game sync is awful anyways, triple buffer-vsync through d3doverrider and it should work fine.
Smaa breaks d3dI wasn't running any vsync at all. I'd tried to force triple buffering in AssCreed 2 via D3DO, but it didn't take, so I didn't think to try the same in Brotherhood... not that it matters now I've reached the final act of the game.
Smaa breaks d3d
Yeah, I recalled reading as much, so I deleted the SMAA files from the AssCreed 2 directory before installing D3DO, ultimately to no avail.
I'm playing asscreed2 right now, and can't get d3do to work either. As a matter a fact i can't change any in game video options (well they change but don't save if you exit the game), and I can't override any vid options through nvidia inspector.
Bleh. The only one of those I don't own on Steam is Red Faction. If they add the entire Dawn of War I collection, I might bite.
Holy shit Humble THQ Bundle
Already own all of them lol
I already own the games i'm interested in... Let's see if they'll add up anything else. I have Metro for GFW, wouldn't mind to have a steam key, but... meh.
Looks like it. I won't get to them until I get off work, but I get the button to see the keys.Do you get steam keys even if you pay $1?
Looks like it. I won't get to them until I get off work, but I get the button to see the keys.
They give separate codes for each game this time?I'll pay over the average just to get Saints Row 3 and the Company of Heroes games. I'll drop Darksiders and Metro 2033 codes on here later.
HoosTrax, I'll give you Red Faction.
They give separate codes for each game this time?
Pity, I was about to buy it for a couple of buck just to get the Company of Heroes expansions, and give away the other keys...As crap, seems like they don't! My bad...