I H8 Memes
Cant decide how to split the money up between THQ and charity. Arent they both the same thing?
Also, would I be able to give away the Company of hero games separately?
I got rickroll'd by the HIB chat.
Cant decide how to split the money up between THQ and charity. Arent they both the same thing?
Also, would I be able to give away the Company of hero games separately?
I'm in the UK.
I only want to give you my money Ubisoft!
I'll probably pay for the bundle if I discover I don't already own CoH Vietnam and Darksiders. I think those are the only two I don't have, and I'm not even really interested in Darksiders.I think I'll just put the Saints Row key in this post. Help yourself, I guess.
This is kinda depressing.
I think I'll just put the Saints Row key in this post. Help yourself, I guess.
This is kinda depressing.
So how bad is THQ doing really?
That drawing pad basically killed the company.So how bad is THQ doing really?
Random question, folks.
Is it possible to send someone a message over Steam?
They should really call it the Humble THQ Fire-Sale.
Random question, folks.
Is it possible to send someone a message over Steam?
Is the SR3 soundtrack they have bundled in just whatever original scores they wrote for the game or do they have the licensed tracks?
8 tracks by a certain Malcolm Kirby, no Kanye.
I think a US friend would be able to send you a gift and you would be able to activate it right? ; )
Is anyone else having a difficulty downloading the Endless Space trial? Clicking the link on the store page doesn't add the game to my library or do anything really.
Is anyone else having a difficulty downloading the Endless Space trial? Clicking the link on the store page doesn't add the game to my library or do anything really.
Have you tried restarting Steam?
You treated PC pretty well in recent years. I own damn near everything you released on the platform in the last 5-10.
Cant decide how to split the money up between THQ and charity. Arent they both the same thing?
Also, would I be able to give away the Company of hero games separately?
Amazon Tony got banned?
Amazon Tony got banned?
Nice, snagged the Humble THQ Bundle.
Would people say the "Unreal Deal" pack is worth it? I'm guessing it'll be even cheaper during the Winter sale...
they may not have ever set the world on fire, but they certainly started a flame in my heart too
You treated PC pretty well in recent years. I own damn near everything you released on the platform in the last 5-10.
Banned for requesting to sully the sacred sanctity of the Mega |OT| threads, a most holy GAF institution given to us by Bruce Leroy, blessed be his name.
Banned for requesting to sully the sacred sanctity of the Mega |OT| threads, a most holy GAF institution given to us by Bruce Leroy, blessed be his name.
UT3 on the cheap with a new community made bonus map pack ? Come awn people !
how does it work if they add more games over the course of the next 2 weeks?
Say i BTA today and tomorrow another game is added if you BTA, do you get that automatically then?
I usually get in on the bundles near the end and not the beginning
how does it work if they add more games over the course of the next 2 weeks?
Say i BTA today and tomorrow another game is added if you BTA, do you get that automatically then?
I usually get in on the bundles near the end and not the beginning
how does it work if they add more games over the course of the next 2 weeks?
Say i BTA today and tomorrow another game is added if you BTA, do you get that automatically then?
I usually get in on the bundles near the end and not the beginning
Have you tried restarting Steam?