STEAM announcements & updates 2013 II - ITT we buy $1 games and complain about them

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Are these prices for Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City likely to be repeated? I'd love to add them to my library, but my laptop charger died and I can't use my dedicated graphics card without it. I can't afford the games AND a replacement charger.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Are these prices for Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City likely to be repeated? I'd love to add them to my library, but my laptop charger died and I can't use my dedicated graphics card without it. I can't afford the games AND a replacement charger.

Sure. If nowhere else, the Summer Sale is around the corner.


I purchased Arkham Asylum (beat it on xbox, would play again) and Retro/Grade in a daze last night.

I'm going to play Retro/Grade with an old guitar controller and it's going to be AWESOME.
Sure. If nowhere else, the Summer Sale is around the corner.

Thanks very much. That's just what I wanted to hear. I'd already committed part of this month's budget to Animal Crossing. Couldn't stretch it to cover these two as well. Have the games been offered in a cheaper, combined package before? Something like $10?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
For someone who just started pc gaming how does valves summer sale work does it run alongside weekly deals / midweek madness etc and how long does it usually last?

Avoid basic sales until the end, wait for daily/major sales within the summer sale length.


For someone who just started pc gaming how does valves summer sale work does it run alongside weekly deals / midweek madness etc and how long does it usually last?

It takes the place of midweek madness/weekend deals. Every day though there is a set of like 8 daily deals that are more discounted than the rest of the normal deals, hence the ever famous "wait for the daily deals" meme.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
For someone who just started pc gaming how does valves summer sale work does it run alongside weekly deals / midweek madness etc and how long does it usually last?

Every 24 hours there is a new slab of several Dailies (9 last year), however the previous-day's selection remains on sale for a 24-hour grace period. Additionally, there are a few Flash Sales (4 last year) that run for 8 hours, rolling over two at a time with a small gap between them (2 hours last year), and a Community's Choice poll where people vote for a game they'd like to see on sale, which also rolls over every 8 hours or so. Lastly, virtually everything on the store has a general sale discount of anywhere from 10-90%. Generally speaking, you pick up the things you want on the first day if they're 75% off or above, otherwise you wait until the very last day of the sale to see if they're discounted further as one of the aforementioned deals; also, if you miss a Daily, there's a good chance it'll show up again later as a Flash Sale or Community's Choice item. Valve likes to experiment, so this year may not be exactly the same, however that's about the gist of it; almost everything is reduced in addition over a dozen of heavier discounts that change at various times.

Last year the sale ran for 11 days, with the final day being an encore of the more popular deals.


For someone who just started pc gaming how does valves summer sale work does it run alongside weekly deals / midweek madness etc and how long does it usually last?

There's a base discount on the majority of games on steam.

In addition to that there's a batch of daily deals that get refreshed each 24 hours, due to this it's always best to wait for the daily deals to see if the title you want goes lower.

The last two sales also had Flash deals (last somehwere between 6-12 hours) and "Community Choices" (vote among 3 choices and the winner gets discounted, I believe last sale had 3 of these a day).

Sale usually last around 2 weeks.

Last Summer Sale.
Last Winter Sale.
Unepic will be released as Early Access a week from now, on June 13.

From the developer himself:

Hello everyone!

Unepic will finally be released next Thursday in "Early Acces" of Steam. You will find a finished single player mode with 20 hours of fun (and a few minutes blaming the developer), and a multiplayer mode quite advanced, but still unfinished.

Since Unepic appeared in GreenLight, I've managed to create a multiplayer engine in the game, a cooperative mode with 7 dungeons, a new story and dialogs, new bosses, new spells for warriors, 3 PvP modes, a matchmaking system that let you play while searcing a group to play, a level editor, full HD mode and gamePad support. Besides, thanks to the help of a sound tech and a music composer, the sound has been remasterized (now it sounds really cool!) and the music has been improved.

You will also find 15 challenges + 42 achievements, and storing your games in the cloud to play wherever you want.

And all this available with a reduced price for all those who wants to play Unepic now.

Thanks! And I hope you enjoy the game!


So is 75% off the max sale price or can it go even lower?
Sometimes but rarely. If a game is worth it to you and within your budget and you want to play it and it's 75% off, it's a reasonable purchase point. Just don't buy stuff that's discounted less than 75% off until the end, in case it becomes a daily deal.
Okay, people, please take my coupons.

  • 50% off Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army (Expires tomorrow)
  • 33% off Guns of Icarus Online
  • 33% off Serious Sam Double D
  • 33% off Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

Just PM me.
Thanks guys hoping for a discount on crysis 1&2 and maybe some of the telltale games that weren't in the bundle like sam&max s1&2 hopefully there is a decent chance of seeing them discounted


Unconfirmed Member
I agree, it feels like a pick up and play for 30 mins type of game, as it is very samey...

however if you like a challenge go into the levels solo...

Pain awaits!

it does not scale to how many players
That's not a good thing, it should scale according to the size of the party. Besides, I'm not interested in playing it solo, I've got other games to fill my single player needs.

I purchased Arkham Asylum (beat it on xbox, would play again) and Retro/Grade in a daze last night.

I'm going to play Retro/Grade with an old guitar controller and it's going to be AWESOME.
Sadly it doesn't support PS2 guitars. That's what's keeping me from buying it.
For someone who just started pc gaming how does valves summer sale work does it run alongside weekly deals / midweek madness etc and how long does it usually last?

This may help :


Rare cases are where games are 80+ (tropico comes to mind)


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Moved for half pagers


[Gamersgate] - use code for an additional 5% off


Pizza Dog
I just bought a new laptop and am itching to grab some new games, but it's going to take a week or so to get to me. I do have a bunch of bundles that i've bought but not played through properly waiting for me though, plus a bunch of stuff that didn't run so well on my old laptop and I'll give another go on this one. So I feel like I can hold out for the summer sales.

It'll be interesting, as this will be the first steam sales where i'll have a PC capable of playing anything that goes on sale. All the last times I've been telling myself I don't need to buy anything as I wouldn't be able to run it, now I'll have no excuse. Can't wait.
I just bought a new laptop and am itching to grab some new games, but it's going to take a week or so to get to me. I do have a bunch of bundles that i've bought but not played through properly waiting for me though, plus a bunch of stuff that didn't run so well on my old laptop and I'll give another go on this one. So I feel like I can hold out for the summer sales.

It'll be interesting, as this will be the first steam sales where i'll have a PC capable of playing anything that goes on sale. All the last times I've been telling myself I don't need to buy anything as I wouldn't be able to run it, now I'll have no excuse. Can't wait.

My first summer sale was last was bad. Looking at my library now, there is a lot of "why the hell did I buy that?"


I forgot all about buying the two Arkham games last night; what time today does the sale end? I'm at work right now or I would check.


Good on Amazon for those indie deal, 100% of the money is going to the Indies and Amazon takes nothing, but those bundles are terrible for people who semi keep up with all the bundles out there nowa days, there is not one of em where I don't already own 80% of whats in there.


Junior Member
Bit Trip Runner 2 is on sale at Amazon for $11.24. Went ahead and bought it because I loved the first one. Also a neat little piece about Gaijin Games too.

Also, trading cards.


Unconfirmed Member
Don't they make adapters for cheap?

I have a 360 wired guitar. I'm going to rock out.
Yup, and I had it for years, since I used that guitar to play Frets on Fire (Alarian Mod FTW). Despite that, a post in the official forums says it's not compatible.

I could try using my Wii guitar, but that would require buying a bluetooth receiver for my PC.


Junior Member
Among Amazon's indie deals is the greenlit Huntsman: The Orphanage. It's 67% off ($5) despite not being scheduled for release until September, so I'd say it's a mistake.

Edit: Fixed link.

Haven't heard of that game before but when I bought Bit Trip Runner 2 from Amazon, I got a promotional credit good for the entire preorder for Huntsman and two other indie games. It says in the email that Huntsman comes out in September and my promo credit is good until sometime in 2014.


Haven't heard of that game before but when I bought Bit Trip Runner 2 from Amazon, I got a promotional credit good for the entire preorder for Huntsman and two other indie games. It says in the email that Huntsman comes out in September and my promo credit is good until sometime in 2014.

So you could order Huntsman for free? And what are those other two indie games?


Unconfirmed Member
Good on Amazon for those indie deal, 100% of the money is going to the Indies and Amazon takes nothing, but those bundles are terrible for people who semi keep up with all the bundles out there nowa days, there is not one of em where I don't already own 80% of whats in there.
The Double Fine is incredible value. $10 bucks for every game they have released on PC? (sans prototypes.) Incredible. I paid more than that for Brütal Legend alone, which of course I haven't played yet.


It's sad that I'm more excited for today's trading cards than I am the weekly Humble sale, but it is what it is. Mommy needs some more Summer Seal Bucks.


Unconfirmed Member

Never forget. And always be quick if something looks too good to be true.
Amazing deal. Haven't touched the game yet, but the price was still great. Winter seal redeemed.

I bet it's going to be the regular sales that aren't as good as Amazon/GMG and there will no meta game.

Or 90%. Though it only happen to 2 games---Alan Wake & Alpha Protocol.
The Serious Sam games also go for cheap, though I don't remember how much. You should ask Morningbus, he's a fan of them.


There have been talks about a bundle on Amazon containing

  1. Stealth Bastard Deluxe
  2. Afterfall Insanity Complete
  3. Strike Suit Zero
  4. Mars War Logs and
  5. Galaxy on Fire 2 HD
over at CaG by Tony himself so if u find that more tempting than the current "Covern of Fire Zero" pack i'd suggest that you wait a bit.


It's sad that I'm more excited for today's trading cards than I am the weekly Humble sale, but it is what it is. Mommy needs some more Summer Seal Bucks.

More trading cards today? But we already got new ones this week.

There have been talks about a bundle on Amazon containing

  1. Stealth Bastard Deluxe
  2. Afterfall Insanity Complete
  3. Strike Suit Zero
  4. Mars War Logs and
  5. Galaxy on Fire 2 HD
over at CaG by Tony himself so if u find that more tempting than the current "Covern of Fire Zero" pack i'd suggest that you wait a bit.

Ohhhhh, Mars War Logs, perfect bundle-fodder.
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