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It isn't really, it's not a particularly bad tutorial, and there are genuinely beautiful set-pieces, but like pretty much every AC the game gets more and more boring as you play it...

Definitely the reason why I gave up on the series.
Play 1 through brotherhood. Though AC3 would be worth jumping into until I heard all the impressions. Which was a shame since I though the time period was pretty cool.
Since it's been a while since I booted up F.E.A.R. I wanted to make a quick run though again (it's pretty short if you remember what you're doing).

Is there a fix for that goofy bug if you have a logitech mouse?

Edit: Well google showed me something from 3 years ago, and I swear I didn't see that the last time I went looking for a fix.


I played an hour of AC3 because of PS+. I tried.

The series makes me want to hate gaming.

I like #1. #2 was much better. Brotherhood wasn't as good at 2 but it was still better than 1. Revelations was more of the same, nothing stood out, just stale. #3..........

I like #1. #2 was much better. Brotherhood wasn't as good at 2 but it was still better than 1. Revelations was more of the same, nothing stood out, just stale. #3..........

3 manages to be worse than 2 when 2 didn't even let you skip cutscenes. horrible pacing.

then again i didn't finish any of the AC games. the furthest i got was 1


Since were talking about AC I just want to say i'm amazed that the series is as popular as it is. I never thought it would become the huge seller it currently is. Especially due to the setting. If anything though I definitely say that AC1 coming out during the beginning of the gen is what helped it the most. That is the time most new IPs are made after all.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Agreed, needs more Sorsha Ronan gifs/talk to be relevant to the thread

Hey now, I've cut back! Credit where credit is due. ;)

I like #1. #2 was much better. Brotherhood wasn't as good at 2 but it was still better than 1. Revelations was more of the same, nothing stood out, just stale. #3..........


The series has been getting progressively worse, I feel, with the exception of 2 and Brotherhood, which are more or less on equal footing. 1 > 2 ~ Brotherhood > Revelations > 3.


It's probably a sign for things to come. Like honestly, did Ubisoft play this game from their best selling and most popular franchise? How could this have gotten past QA?

Stop saying that please
1) It's pretty hard, while making a game as huge as AC, to take a step back and look at the whole experience and see it with 'fresh' eyes
2) QA isn't about saying what part of the game is too long or boring, it's about finding bugs
3) Each game, however, is indeed submitted to a lot of test sessions where the goal is just to see what people enjoy and what needs fixing, and the objective is that no game leaves the studios when there isn't a 90% satisfaction percentage
4) Despite all of that, obviously games make it to the market in a not-perfect state, but it's never due to a lack of trying. Budget/time issues are tough to get rid of.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The series has been getting progressively worse, I feel, with the exception of 2 and Brotherhood, which are more or less on equal footing. 1 > 2 ~ Brotherhood > Revelations > 3.

Eh, Revelations is better than most give it credit for. For what it's worth it was a 3DS game before they made it into a PS3/360/PC title and it shows. 3's probably the only one that I consider "bad" and that's because of the glitches. Probably the first one I haven't even bothered to 100% in achievements either. That bad.

I'm hoping Black Flag is a return for form for the series, kinda like Blacklist was after Conviction for Splinter Cell.


Stop saying that please
1) It's pretty hard, while making a game as huge as AC, to take a step back and look at the whole experience and see it with 'fresh' eyes
2) QA isn't about saying what part of the game is too long or boring, it's about finding bugs
3) Each game, however, is indeed submitted to a lot of test sessions where the goal is just to see what people enjoy and what needs fixing, and the objective is that no game leaves the studios when there isn't a 90% satisfaction percentage
4) Despite all of that, obviously games make it to the market in a not-perfect state, but it's never due to a lack of trying. Budget/time issues are tough to get rid of.

But the game was very buggy. It was bad. Numerous times I saw my brother get stuck in place, events not triggering, textures not loading etc etc.

Are these play testers members of Ubisoft staff? I've seen a lot of dissatisfied people when it comes to this game.

And yes, I agree, budget and time constraints are always something difficult to overcome, but there was a lot of unnecessary changes made such as the models and the UI.

There was a lot done that was counter intuitive and a lot of evident mismanagement and lack of direction which made the game turn into a mess.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Eh, Revelations is better than most give it credit for. For what it's worth it was a 3DS game before they made it into a PS3/360/PC title and it shows. 3's probably the only one that I consider "bad" and that's because of the glitches. Probably the first one I haven't even bothered to 100% in achievements either. That bad.

I'm hoping Black Flag is a return for form for the series, kinda like Blacklist was after Conviction for Splinter Cell.

Revelations felt very half-baked to me. The hookblade was a neat addition, but just about everything else that was either added or changed did a disservice to the foundation Brotherhood and 2 had laid before it, from the revamped Desmond sequences to the utterly asinine decision to remove wanted posters as a means to reduce your wanted level.


Where's a good place to get AMD drivers? amd.com has been dead since yesterday.

I have 2 in my library. It's been sitting there for years, the one Steam purchase I regret. If it really is the best one, maybe I'll install it.

I usually grab em from the Guru3D forums. They sticky threads with betas and official whql builds.
Where's a good place to get AMD drivers? amd.com has been dead since yesterday.

I have 2 in my library. It's been sitting there for years, the one Steam purchase I regret. If it really is the best one, maybe I'll install it.
It's really a good one, but sometimes the platforming puzzles(hardly count as puzzles) can be a chore to play through.


But the game was very buggy. It was bad. Numerous times I saw my brother get stuck in place, events not triggering, textures not loading etc etc.

Are these play testers members of Ubisoft staff? I've seen a lot of dissatisfied people when it comes to this game.

And yes, I agree, budget and time constraints are always something difficult to overcome, but there was a lot of unnecessary changes made such as the models and the UI.

There was a lot done that was counter intuitive and a lot of evident mismanagement and lack of direction which made the game turn into a mess.

Yeah, it was buggy and there were design issues as well, but what I'm saying is - there are always a lot of reasons for a game to "get past QA". I don't have a problem with people shitting over a game's quality - heck, I don't like AC at all, I'm not trying to defend it - but saying it like that implies that Ubisoft just released a bad game because they don't actually care about the quality of their game, and that's not true and kinda hurtful; I assume it's the same for 99% of devs.

(and there are tests made by Ubi employees as well as volunteers who don't work there, that's how it's done everywhere)
Hey now, I've cut back! Credit where credit is due. ;)

The series has been getting progressively worse, I feel, with the exception of 2 and Brotherhood, which are more or less on equal footing. 1 > 2 ~ Brotherhood > Revelations > 3.

AC3? Worse than Revelations?


Actually when I installed FEAR Extraction Point it installed all of the games under the FEAR Ultimate Shooter Edition which takes up 16.6 GB. Kind of annoying but I suppose it will install vanilla only if you select that one, and everything when you select either of the expansions.


Unconfirmed Member
I have 2 in my library. It's been sitting there for years, the one Steam purchase I regret. If it really is the best one, maybe I'll install it.
By all means, do play it. But keep this in mind: as soon as you start feeling bored with the game, stop playing. Don't do as I did and try to finish it, or you'll end up hating it (yes, not just disliking, but actively hating the monotony, tedium and repetitiveness of the game, and how horribly stretched it is, and wishing with all your might that the game would soon be over). You can go back to it in a year or two, but don't force yourself to keep playing.

If you do that, then you may like it. It's not bad, it's just... I don't know, picture your favorite Pink Floyd album (if it's anything other than The Division Bell, you're a bad person and I don't like you) but with only one song. A good one even, like "Wearing the inside out". OK, now imagine that you make it a triple... no, quad album with that same song over and over. Now, when you think you're about to finish the album, you find out there were 2 more CDs you missed at first, which are also made of that single song, so you gotta listen to them too if you want to hear the whole album. There's another disc of bonus songs, but they are demos or different versions of the same track, so they are optional (fortunately), with the exception of a really long and boring one that's placed at the very end of disc 5.

I think that's a pretty accurate description of Assassin's Creed 2. The material Ubi had to work with was good; stretching it to the point of ridiculousness was not, just like the album I imagined would be.
I actually enjoyed ACIII, thought it had great atmosphere in places and the setting is one pretty unique in gaming and it was handled well outside of some questionable softening of the impact of slavery. Of course, the Desmond bits had the worst writing in the series and the collectathon nonsense was worse than ever. Plus at launch it was absurdly buggy for a game of its type.

In any case, despite that I enjoyed going through it and thought it was a nice change of pace from the other titles in terms of the missions and it's just an insanely beautiful game in places. Just a shame all the fringe elements are poorly handled.

And the first part of the game really isn't an 8 hour long tutorial. It takes 4 or so hours at most to complete even if you're doing everything and exploring and only a small part of it is tutorializing. It's just an extended introduction so to speak, but while playing it doesn't really feel like it. The switchover to the second part of the game actually comes very suddenly and if the preview footage hadn't shown Connor it would have been a surprise.


So you totally ignored the first post you did then.

Look you know you are not supposed to trade here, the rule is listed in the OP.

Not sure what your saying. And I'm not trading, theres no rule against splitting a bundle, and from the 10+ PMs I have got it seems like alot of people are interested.

Joe Molotov

AssCrud II was the only one I really enjoyed. The first one was pretty cool at first, but it felt like a chore by the end. Bro and Rev just felt too samey, and I never got very far into them. I put a few hours into III a few months back, and the 5 hour intro kinda killed my enthusiasm for going any farther.


Not sure what your saying. And I'm not trading, theres no rule against splitting a bundle, and from the 10+ PMs I have got it seems like alot of people are interested.

I'm happy that your shopfront is running well, if you want to talk about the semantics of your post then feel free to hit me a PM, I'm not going to derail this thread anymore.


In other news:

Valve Handbook has a person wearing a HL3 shirt on page 22: http://newcdn.flamehaus.com/Valve_Handbook_LowRes.pdf

Could be a dupe Valve booklet, unless someone has a link to the original?

Edit: Yeah it's real >_>



Just finished Medal Of Honor: Airborne. Great shooter, definitely worth checking out when it goes on sale again. Although it only took me 4 hours to play through the campaign, each mission is extremely large and open ended, so you can approach them in any way you want. It's really cool to jump out of a plane, see the entire map, and be able to choose absolutely any place to 'spawn in'.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge


Bah, getting closer on Super Hexagon. Only have Hyper Hexagonest left, upped my personal best today to 33 seconds. I'll get it soon. Not a bad game for 2.99, already sunk 12 hours into it!


Unconfirmed Member
Just finished Medal Of Honor: Airborne. Great shooter, definitely worth checking out when it goes on sale again. Although it only took me 4 hours to play through the campaign, each mission is extremely large and open ended, so you can approach them in any way you want. It's really cool to jump out of a plane, see the entire map, and be able to choose absolutely any place to 'spawn in'.
This is nice to hear. I may get it on the next sale then.

Tomb Raider is really good, at least so far. I'm liking it a lot, and it runs pretty smooth. Of course, I had to put everything on medium, except a few things that could run on max (texture quality and level of detail). The QTEs aren't as annoying as I thought they would be, though I have only played for less than 3 hours, so that could change. Let's hope the game doesn't take a turn for the worse.

Bah, getting closer on Super Hexagon. Only have Hyper Hexagonest left, upped my personal best today to 33 seconds. I'll get it soon. Not a bad game for 2.99, already sunk 12 hours into it!
That game is fantastic. You can see yourself getting better at it; it's amazing when you think about your first time playing it, and how far you got since then.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
If you keep going this fast you will run out of features to add.

I figure that if I continue pumping out new features this fast (probably won't happen) I'll likely run out of stuff to do in about 4-6 months.

It's crazy though - I released the last version of Enhanced Steam on Friday but already have 5 new features that have been implemented since then: wishlist sorting by discount, the ability to hide "Early Access" games from the new releases section, a new tag ("Friends Own"), a "Games" link to the header under your username, and now "Binder View" for the badge pages.

Version 4.7 might come earlier than anticipated.
Yeah, GBA Max Payne was the version I had as a youngling. Played MP2 when it came out on the PC but didn't play the original version of the first game until just before MP3 came out in preparation.

You can also unlock the Max Payne models from the first two games. Playing as Sam Lake Max is particularly amusing.
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