Always liked the GCN Prince of Persia games. Is Sands of Time worth it at less than $7? Never played the cel shaded one either so it's one or the other for me.
IMO, the cel shaded one is terrible...
Always liked the GCN Prince of Persia games. Is Sands of Time worth it at less than $7? Never played the cel shaded one either so it's one or the other for me.
So is Far Cry 3 worth $30?
So is Far Cry 3 worth $30?
I get the horrid feeling that after buying KoA it's going to end up like Vampire: The Masquerade. And by that I mean a game that goes on sale after ages of never doing so, after which it appears every other week nearly at even greater discount.
So next week I fully expect to see KoA on sale for like £5.
Nah.So is Far Cry 3 worth $30?
So is Far Cry 3 worth $30?
I'm on the same boat. Also I've been burned by Vampire and still didn't even install it too.
One thing for sure is that I won't play KoA anytime within the next 6 months at least, but on the other hand it may never be on sale again.
Decisions. Decisions.
I thought 'Don't Starve' was already released? >.<
I'm at least waiting until tomorrow in the hopes that GMG puts out another 20% code. Several indie games I want, too.
In beta form. You can play it right now, but the official release is on April 23rd.
Do I buy or do I wait for Amazon. ARRGH.
Not even close. It's worth about $3 since that's how many hours it takes for the game to get stale and for you to realize just how empty that massive open world really is. Oh there's lots of icons on your map but in typical Ubisoft fashion they're all a waste of time. It may as well be a linear game because the main story missions, which are cut off from the open world in many cases, are the only parts worth playing.
Actually, Reddit has been talking about 10 or 12,50 bucks for the Complete Version (with all the DLCs) on Amazon a couple times. (No steam keys, obviously).
Maybe I should just wait...
I got KoA complete for 7.50 (i think) over christmas, I haven't played it yet but i have it on origin.
I'd gladly pay an additional $7.5 to have it on Steam instead on Origin.
You can add me on Steam and poke through my inventory if you'd like (my GAF homepage is set to my Steam Community profile, so you can access it just by clicking on my username).
Hey you can add an old steam account I used to have . I got a shit ton of tf2 stuff on there that you can't sell on the marketplace. I'm sure there's a scout hat or two in there . I only play heavy . Currently out now but pm me that your interested and ill send you y username
Added you on steam. What hat (vintage) do you want? I used to play pretty heavily but rarely touch the game so I sold off almost all of my TF2 inventory and have almost $100 in steam credit sitting around (and thats after buying an AoE2 4pack >.>). Name the hat and its yoursI'll just buy it off the steam market for you.
kinda crazy how Kingdoms of Amalur strives to be the less interesting game of all time to me
Medieval setting - check
Generic WOW/Fable art style - check
Single-player MMO type of game - check
dont get me wrong I might like it if I try it, but ive never been as indifferent towards a game as this I think
If you can get stealth, max it. If you can get a defense drone II, it's the only drone you'll ever need. Then all you need is like 60 missiles (preferably the ones that fire two at a time) and bombs, lots of bombs.best run of FTL yet. Lost on the final form of the last boss, he had 2 bars left
I honestly think this game is mocking me
kinda crazy how Kingdoms of Amalur strives to be the less interesting game of all time to me
Medieval setting - check
Generic WOW/Fable art style - check
Single-player MMO type of game - check
dont get me wrong I might like it if I try it, but ive never been as indifferent towards a game as this I think
If you can get stealth, max it. If you can get a defense drone II, it's the only drone you'll ever need. Then all you need is like 60 missiles (preferably the ones that fire two at a time) and bombs, lots of bombs.
I kinda wish FTL had a free play mode, where you could just explore the galaxy without having a nigh-unbeatable end boss waiting for you. I also hope that the eventual sequel lets you commandeer ships that you kill the entire crew on. I mean, that's a perfectly good ship my mantis & rockman just murdered everybody on, so... why not?
Fuck the haters. Far Cry 3 is damn good. I even enjoyed the side quests.
You know how you can look back a generation or two ago and see all these massive flaws in the top-rated games of the time and wonder how anybody ever enjoyed them? This gen it seems like a lot of us feel that way a couple hours into most games.
It'd be nice to move on from this sort of thing.
Also Rayman Origins local co-op, can you do controller and keyboard?
Derrick is kinda spot on with the Far Cry 3 issues there (sans the $3 comment)
with emphasis on the fact that it's just empty, and really, really repetitive
the first few hours are damn great, but then there's a steady decline until the end. Gets kinda fun for a bit again once you get the wingsuit but the second island is so terrible that the fun quickly goes away.
I have made this graph to help you guys understand
That graph is eerily accurate.
Fuck the haters. Far Cry 3 is damn good. I even enjoyed the side quests.
Yes you can.
Now this is unexpected. I thought Amazon would be the first to put the game on sale, and that Valve didn't care about it.I just got an email alert from steam telling me that Kingdoms of Amalur is the daily deal. The base price was cut to $30, and the sale price is $15.
Fuck meeeeeee
Little INferno is a very unique game, also do yourself a favor and don't search for opinions or information on it. Just play it and do so to the very end.How is Little Inferno? Thinking of getting it for my girlfriend
Also Rayman Origins local co-op, can you do controller and keyboard?
Just beat Mark of the Ninja and it was rad. Feels like an awesome Batman and Spider-Man side-scroller game at once. Guess I should check Shank one of these days even though it's not as good from what I read.
I have made this graph to help you guys understand
I think if a shooter has sights, sprinting, and some kind of exp system it guarantees at least an 8 from some sites.I can't figure out why reviewers rated it so high. Truly puzzling.
Cute and witty, though a mite repetitive (predictably). If she likes puzzle games, she'll probably dig it. I did!How is Little Inferno? Thinking of getting it for my girlfriend