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STEAM | August 2015 - Three versions of Windows since the last Half-Life

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I'd guess because such a marriage between east and west would be too awesome to ever be. I'd also say, maybe somewhat superficially, that GITS lends itself more towards an action setting than Deus Ex's RPG/Stealth mechanics would support. But maybe that'll change with Mankind Divided. It's a shame it'd probably be impossible to a full conversion mod with it.

I'm always reminded of how unexpectedly awesome that PSX GITS game was where you played as a rookie Tachikoma pilot. That game had no right to be as cool as it was.

The PSX game really is good. The graphics, animated cut scenes, sound track and voice cast blew my little mind back in the day. Climbing up walls was such fun.


I forgot to make Modbot post this thing for me automatically.
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
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Rules for this Giveaway:
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Steel and Steam Episode 1 -- MB-B275D40629499D61 - Taken by Wo33er
Played a bit of Neptunia 2 today. It really is exactly the same game as 1 gameplaywise... Was expecting maybe some differences, but it really feels and plays like the first game.

And somehow I got a powerful swords at the beginning (maybe because of the DLC I bought) which makes this game kinda easy. I am already level 60 after about 2 hours.

Ban Puncher

Valve need to send a bored intern, a Half Life 3 planner or some other asshole who doesn't do much around the office to Comiket every six months and make some business deals.

Seriously, set up a booth and sell Steam as a worldwide indie sales platform to doujin circles.

Then we could all easily play Touhou Shooter #7982435.
Valve need to send a bored intern, a Half Life 3 planner or some other asshole who doesn't do much around the office to Comiket every six months and make some business deals.

Seriously, set up a booth and sell Steam as a worldwide indie sales platform to doujin circles.

Then we could all easily play Touhou Shooter #7982435.

Not all Doujin-games are good though. I would even say most of the doujin-games sold at Comiket besides a few are utter crap.
Funny you should mention that, I ordered this mic like 2 weeks ago and it came in today, it's a cheap generic mic from China but it works surprisingly well, only $2.42.

Thanks for the link. First time hearing of that online-shop. It even ships for free to Germany, woot!
That mic is so cheap, I might get it. A bit too shy to talk but the few times I talked during Chivalry nights was cool.
I got home from work last night and my PC decided to shut down and wouldn't remain powered on for more than a few seconds. This morning I decided to just let it cycle through the motions for a little while and lo and behold, it's working again, but I'm sure this won't be the last time. Everything I touch dies. :(
I am sorry that your PC is causing all kinds of troubles so much. Your GPU had problems as well I remember.
Maybe it's a sign to leave Steam behind you and embrace consoles :p
Well that was weird. I was trying to clean up my hard drive a bit, so I was going through and deleting games that I'm unlikely to play in the near future. So I go to delete Far Cry 2, only instead of deleting, it launches the game. Then when I close out of the game, I see all of the files are deleted.
You are already virus.
I have some bad news for you. I beat it recently and found it to be tedious and tiring at times, although I think that was due to me playing it on insane difficulty.
Eh, bummer. Might give it a pause then once it gets tedious.

I finished all the story content that is currently in Secrets of Grindea and it left me with "I need more!" sensation, can't wait for it to be feature complete. The Temple of Seasons must be my favorite part of the game, hitting the seasons orbs to change the actual season in the rooms of the temple was very interesting and the transition is very well done. I may start the game again just to try new builds and I'll spend more time in the arcade mode.

The game is in early Access and according to the store page this is what they still need to do it be complete:

  • Finish the Story Mode content
  • Add more floors to the Arcade Mode (roguelike)
  • Flesh out the Arcade Mode features even more
  • Add the housing system, where you can furnish your player home with fancy loot
  • Make sure every part of the game is of a consistent, high quality
  • Add Steam Trading Cards

It is kind of annoying, but some of the "always online" stuff they did in the SSX reboot on 360/PS3 was actually really cool. Constantly updating leaderboards with all of your friends' data, real-time events going off where you may be racing against 500 other people simultaneously for best-time against a global timer, etc etc

Sure, it'd be good to have an offline-only mode that strips all of that out, but especially in a racing game (vs something like Sim City), I can see how being always online can add to the experience.
Anti-Piracy Group Hits Indie Creators For Using the Word ‘Pixels’

"An anti-piracy firm working for Columbia Pictures has hit Vimeo with a wave of bogus copyright takedowns just because people used the word 'Pixels' in their video titles. Several indie productions are affected, including an art-focused NGO, an award-winning short movie and a royalty free stock footage company."

Lol. Please tell me that's the award-winning short movie that Pixels actually acquired the rights from.
Apparently had 2 keys, no guarantees this one works so have at it

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

The Oil Blue: Steam Legacy Edition -- MB-CC8910A05F690F04 - Taken by Kuroyume. 3 entrants total.



Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
Lol. Please tell me that's the award-winning short movie that Pixels actually acquired the rights from.

And it gets worse.

‘Pixels’ is a 2010 award-winning short film created by Patrick Jean. Its tagline “8Bit creatures are invading New York City” only tells half the story of this extremely cool short movie. It’s now wiped out on Vimeo but luckily YouTube still retains copies which together have been viewed millions of times.

Last, but certainly not least, Entura rounded off this disaster by taking down the official Pixels movie trailer, even though their very own notice lists their errors clearly.

Ban Puncher

Pixels was so bad that even the Red Letter Media review wasn't as good as expected because as they pointed out 'Pixels wasn't horrendously awful - it was just very boring and lazy'.

You can at least derive some kind of entertainment from a total shit show but being forgettably dull is the ultimate death of a creative work.
I wish companies would stop hunting pirates so much and invent stupid measures which always get circumvented but make life easier for customers. I'm looking at you Rockstar with your horrendous state of GTA4. Horrendous. Pirates do have the better experience there. Incredible.
Some people are gonna pirate no matter what.
Completed Alpha Protocol and I picked up the dumb ending as usually because I took a wrong way during a crucial decision. Basically
I was in the boat with Steve and we blasted the hell out of the facility :S

That's how my first game ended way back when. I felt slightly ripped off!
There's been a couple times where I've notice prominent STEAM GAF members making absolutely asinine threads/posts on OT. I don't know if there's any correlation between using STEAM/being in this community and having a flawed outlook on various aspects of life, but I just wanted to send out an open request to everyone here to please put more thought into what you post on GAF about non-STEAM issues.

EDIT: and there it is
I also tried to reload the checkpoint but the game saved right after I entered the room. That point really isn't clear:
Leland says Mina is "right here", fact is there are two doors, and I didn't know where "right here" was, I picked up one, the ceiling collapsed and I got stucked here. Dumb design really :S

Also that ending...really disappointing.

I mean, after a game full of double-crossers, choices etc...nothing is showed in the end. What happened to Leland, since I let him live? What is the difference of not killing people as I did or kill them? What happened to Scarlet? Nothing, you travel around the world to gather infos, and you are rewarded with a boat.

I did pretty much the same thing.
I went through the wrong door and ended up boating off into the distance with Steve jabbering on about alpha protocols inside alpha protocols or some such! It was an entertaining ending at least.
There's been a couple times where I've notice prominent STEAM GAF members making absolutely asinine threads/posts on OT. I don't know if there's any correlation between using STEAM/being in this community and having a flawed outlook on various aspects of life, but I just wanted to send out an open request to everyone here to please put more thought into what you post on GAF about non-STEAM issues.

EDIT: and there it is
I don't get it. What are you referring to?


For you.
There's been a couple times where I've notice prominent STEAM GAF members making absolutely asinine threads/posts on OT. I don't know if there's any correlation between using STEAM/being in this community and having a flawed outlook on various aspects of life, but I just wanted to send out an open request to everyone here to please put more thought into what you post on GAF about non-STEAM issues.

EDIT: and there it is
Such an embarassing thread . RIP Shadownet.


I'm getting a refund of my router and cancelled my plans of buying a new keyboard. Though, I will become a Star Citizen today, as soon as my bank fixes their technical problems.


Stormy Grey
While we're in the mourning stages, let's take a look at the latest episode of "Arthea's heart breaking into a million pieces"!

Fans have noticed XSEED's changing tune about Trails SC, with their projected release window leaning further towards the end of the year.




Which, unfortunately, pushes them way out of range for their previously optimistic release window of Summer 2015. Tom, who had previously given fans the quote of "counting weeks instead of months", spoke up on XSEED's forums on the upsetting news:

It's probably legit. Last I heard we were still on track for this summer, but I'm not actually on the project -- I've been working almost solely on Corpse Party: Blood Drive and Return to PopoloCrois, with a little touch-up work thrown in on Earth Defense Force 4.1 for good measure. I knew we were at risk of getting pushed back beyond the summer, but I didn't think that was definite just yet. It may still not be -- it may just be that whoever posted that on Facebook was indicating a worst case scenario, with the idea being that it's better to pleasantly surprise people if we get it done quicker than disappoint them if it gets delayed more -- but I'm sure that wouldn't have been posted if it weren't at least pretty likely.

Apologies if I got anyone's hopes up!


He's also clarified part of why SC has had such a volatile development cycle:

Yeah, that is definitely part of it. Remember how with FC, we were surprised to find out that the game does *not* share its engine with Ys VI, and that wound up forcing Sara to make a whole new set of tools and face a whole new set of problems? Well, weirdly, it also turns out that FC and SC don't *entirely* share the same engine. Parts of it are obviously the same, but other parts are different enough that they're creating a lot of unexpected issues.

And then there's the PSP version. Getting Falcom to divert attention and staff away from their modern titles in development (and the Sen no Kiseki localization, which they pushed for in the first place) to program for a PSP game in 2015 is asking an awful lot of them. I'm sure just tracking down their old PSP programmers alone must have proven quite a feat -- though after Brandish, it probably took a little less time to thaw them out. ;)


It should be noted that Sara is their sole PC programmer on staff, and she's had the bulk of whatever work doesn't (or can't) get done from Japan's side. Since a good chunk of the company has shifted gears to Cold Steel's release, fans questioned if Cold Steel could beat Second Chapter out the door. Tom addressed these concerns, though seeing the track record for SC at this point, he could end up being wrong again:

And while the Cold Steel release date is less flexible than SC's, I do not foresee any possible situation in which Cold Steel would be released before it. The absolute worst case scenario is, we push SC out the door with a couple minor bugs still present to ensure it gets released before Cold Steel -- but I also don't see that occurring. This is the hardest thing to convey when it seems like we're just delaying the game endlessly, but the fact is, we're making really, REALLY good progress on SC -- visible, consistent, significant progress every single day. We're pushing as hard as we can to get this project done, and while it's absolutely pushing back, we're ultimately winning the tug-of-war.

I understand your impatience (EDIT: general "your" here -- not you specifically, Erpy), but this is not a process that can be rushed, especially not after it's taken this long to get the game done. There would be no worse fate for SC than to release it after 4+ years of localization hell only for it to be an inferior, bug-addled project, and it's our aim to ensure that absolutely does not happen.


More frustrating than NTR for Trails fans and XSEED staff alike. Though, speaking of 'maddening', especially for fans who want as much output on the PC as possible - Last week, the XSEED twitter mentioned difficulties with Corpse Party PC because of the messiness of the codebase, forcing them (Sara) to rewrite it entirely. While this isn't a mark against Sara, who has undoubtedly been working to the bone with the size of the projects being undertaken, it does highlight a weak point in XSEED's house staff.

Fans have begged XSEED to port several console-exclusive titles, including Cold Steel ever since the E3 announcement, which currently cannot happen as they don't have the manpower to port games. SEGA showed us that with a skeleton crew, it's very possible to make excellent ports. XSEED has a lot of desirable games that a JRPG-starved PC userbase would love to have. I wish them the best, as they are all very excellent, fun people who are passionate as all hell in localizing enjoyable Japanese games. But I feel like if they're going to continue a relationship with PC gamers, they might want to look into bringing an additional PC programmer or two to help split up the workload or start taking care of ports on their own. Rather than leaving it in the hands of Japanese companies, who as it is struggle to understand the importance of PC as a platform.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
How is toukiden kiwami on pc? I know theres a frame cap but just overall the game etc.

Im torn between buying that or dragon age inqui
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