Did you not pay attention to any dialogue?
Specifically Dark Souls 2, the Maiden tells you a fair bit about the story and why you're doing what you're doing.
It's been a while since Dark Souls 1, but most of the NPC dialogue provides the story.
You should play RE6.
Credits long I take? One day I will.
i don't play games because of spidersYou play games for Spiders?
hehe was just poking funIt's just my view on those particular games. I highly appreciate the story in a lot of other games.
new RL DLC is amazing
dat ntiro boost
From the Remake 2 announcement thread, people were consistently ranking RE6 low in the entire series. Revelations 2 was actually her well received, will have to take a look at that after discounting the series from my impressions of the first game.
Do those boosts from the DLC actually give you an advantage over people with just the base game or is it cosmetic?
Purely cosmetic
lol might test my patience. Longest credit sequence I watched was maybe Far Cry 3. But goodness gracious the music!Long enough for me to make myself dinner, eat said dinner, and come back to catch the final few names roll by.
Awesome. Hoping for a code from the stream tonight. Looked like a lot of fun yesterday.
There's another stream tonight?
Are you sick, angry or blushing?
Are you sick, angry or blushing?
From the Remake 2 announcement thread, people were consistently ranking RE6 low in the entire series. Revelations 2 was actually her well received, will have to take a look at that after discounting the series from my impressions of the first game.
been contacting Psyonix about a NeoGAF community flag
not much of a stretch to make it happen I think, but tweet at them or something brojans
this thread bums me out
I want Viva Piñata on Steam badly
Why is Deathtrap lumped in there?
Same devs / game universe. Shares some mechanics in the hero control too.
I'm sure the high praises from the GAF community have contributed to some sales. Might as well give us a flag!
Some may disagree with me, as it is a classic after all, but I find this sort of thing very infuriating, and I then have resort to walkthroughs.
Still better than the 2014 one![]()
And you "believe" them on their ability of being able to order and rank things in lists?
Come on you know things don't work that way and one man's junk is another man's treasure. If someone can't be bothered to offer up some reasons why they didn't like something or why they prefer another title than another then from a purely informational point it's worthless as are most lists that folks do love to do for games.
Let's try this properly shall we. Resident Evil is a bit of a weird series, starting out as a more exploritary games with survival on minimal resources and puzzle solving for progression for the first handful of games before switching to a more action and shooter focus from 4 onwards. It has a fan base that either like the earlier efforts but dislike the more modern direction, garnered a new set of fans after the change in direction but they're still not keen on the earlier entries and also has folks like myself who like both styles on their own respective terms (I even like the light gun games!). Seeing as REmake 2 is more the earlier style I'm not surprised of the general 6 hate.
Now I can see why some folks don't like 6. There are those who aren't keen on the action and coop focus of the newer titles. When the game initially came out you really could bounce around the campaigns like you can now and had to progress through long chapters that don't have very good story flow (see Riposte's UnOT OP for a good recommended order). There might even be people with genuine gripes for the game based on mechanics and story but what you have is one of the most mechanically deep third person shooters ever. Lot's of the games core systems have been streamlined so you're not pissing about in menus, juggling inventory space and bogging the pace of the game down. Granted I can see why that doesn't appeal to some but that doesn't automatically make it a bad game just one that some folks might not like.
In terms of mechanics you have a robust melee system that is a little different from 4 & 5 where you had to incapacitate your foe to setup melee outside the knife (with 5 adding chain attacks). You have melee dedicated on the fire button now but you can conter an opponent and stagger then melee to execute a special but you have a bit more choice. You can now light stagger, headshot stagger, back stagger and heavy stagger (which you can then perform your characters signature melee move or their Coup de Grace). These are also helped by a new gun mechanic the quick shot which links into the new stamian guage and differs depending what type of gun you are using and has a different effect. Shotguns will stun several opponents infront of you while something like a pistol will only hit the nears opponent but have massive critical hit damage. Plus each character has a unique quick shot skill for certain weapons (Leon with his pistol, Chris his knife, Sherry her stun rod etc). Of course you also have Jake who being Wesker's son and all is a bit tasty when it comes to melee and he has some god like combos you can chain together over various stances provided you got the stamina left.
Then you have lots of extra mobility mechanics not only the series hasn't offered before but is way above the stop and pop cover shooters that saturated last gen. So you can slide whilst dashing ala Vanquish but you can also place remote mines while doing this. You can roll forwards as well as backwards and then lie prone which chains into sideways rolling. You can also dodge and dash melee attack too. while you may have a cover system the game is at its best when you're constantly on the move.
I've pretty much skimmed over this but you can see there's quite a bit of depth there plus for further reading check out Neiteio's thread on the things the game doesn't teach you.
And that's forgetting coop which really takes a step up in RE6, with Chris's campaign being a shining example of coop balance between the two characters and their skill sets. Plus Mercenaries in 6 is by far and away the best version of this mode.
So in short (otherwise I'd go on for hours) no RE6 isn't a bad game just one that some don't like.
Same devs / game universe. Shares some mechanics in the hero control too.
And you "believe" them on their ability of being able to order and rank things in lists?
this thread bums me out
I want Viva Piñata on Steam badly
Resident Evil 6 is a game i dread getting into because I sense that I'll totally play it wrong. Like playing a fighting game but never blocking
Have I ever told you that I like you sometimes?![]()
That wasn't just based on lists. There was some significant discussion on the title, and the majority conceded just how well the game plays mechanically. I'm interested in playing the game from that perspective alone.
Just had someone beg me for a free game, first time ever. Am I a man now?
How does that game begging work by the way? The dude adds you on steam and starts spamming messages begging for the game? Or you mean on this site?
How does that game begging work by the way? The dude adds you on steam and starts spamming messages begging for the game? Or you mean on this site?
I once won a game in one of the Game Giveaway Group Steam Chat Rooms. Was very excited since there were close to 200 people in that room.
Mystery prize I got was Gun Monkeys. Freaking Gun Monkeys.
Once revealed I was the winner people in the chat were going crazy, asking what I won and group officers were like "now now, that's a surprise and you all should be excited in the prospect you'll win" and I just said f* it and said "it was Gun Monkeys".
People lol'ed and whatnot but the absolute weird thing was immediately afterwards several people send me PMs saying "please, give game". I repeated what it was and all answered the same "that's a bad game. but i still want it. give it to me". Was baffling. Gave it to one of them.
But that's not what you said to Veggie. You essential tarred 6 and said it was ranked lower by some peeps but offering up no perspective as to why. For someone that gives IGN shit there's a lot of irony there. At least I tried to give some perspective other than say no more than some other folks rank it as the series low point for 'reasons'.
How does that game begging work by the way? The dude adds you on steam and starts spamming messages begging for the game? Or you mean on this site?