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STEAM | August 2015 - Three versions of Windows since the last Half-Life

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fallout 3 was kinda alright at the time. but too many decent RPGs have come out since then, including FNV, for bethesda to just keep truckin' in their mediocre writing and half functional, half enjoyable game designs and mechanics.


went into the mad max thread wanting to read impressions. instead, i cringed pretty hard and read way too many words for a game based off a movie with like 5 lines in it

what in gods name is going on in there

It isn't based off of any of the movies though. It's more of the Mad Max folk-legend stuff, like Fury Road is.
Not to me. I love Bethesda RPGs and Fallout 3 may be my favorite game ever. I've tried several times to get into the first Witcher, and what little of the Witcher 2 I've played I just hated. Not sure if I will ever bother with the third Witcher.

Hey, it's always good with some deranged people here to balance out the sanity. I appreciate it.

I mean, sure, FO3 is fun in a lot of ways, but it's also dumb and a really badly made RPG that's taken the worst part of pen & paper combat and shat it into an FPS.

Not to mention that New Vegas is a vastly superior game.

But I mean, someone has to love Bethesda's wank, otherwise it wouldn't sell so well.

And not bothering with TW3 would make me lose any and all respect and future prospects of respect for you. It's fucking great and much better than TW2.

It's literally the best RPG ever made.
It isn't based off of any of the movies though. It's more of the Mad Max folk-legend stuff, like Fury Road is.

i still think that post might have more lines than all of the MM films combined. And the man hasn't even played the game!

plus i believe the game does have some relation to Fury Road though it is not a Fury Road game. I think it shares locations and some characters are related


i still think that post might have more lines than all of the MM films combined. And the man hasn't even played the game!

plus i believe the game does have some relation to Fury Road though it is not a Fury Road game. I think it shares locations and some characters are related

Well, some of the locations you hear about in Fury Road were seen in earlier Mad Max films, and some of the places you hear about in the earlier Mad Max films were shown and / or mentioned in Fury Road, so that wouldn't be too surprising. Wouldn't know about characters though.

Anyway, I too am pretty sure that post contains more words than several of the MM movies bunched together, but probably not if you include the first one. :p

Dr Dogg

I've already resigned myself that Mad Max The Game will not even be anywhere near as good as the worst parts of Mad Max 2 (which there aren't any bad parts but you know what I mean). So if it turns out less tedious than Just Cause 2 I'll be happy.


I'm already resigned myself that Mad Max The Game will not even be anywhere near as good as the worst parts of Mad Max 2 (which there aren't any bad parts but you know what I mean). So if it turns out less tedious than Just Cause 2 I'll be happy.

I'm entirely confident that it'll be fun for a fair few hours. How many though? That I do not know. The car combat looks really fun, though. It always did amaze me that we hadn't seen some Flatout-esque vehicular combat in games other than outright racing ones.

I'll definitely pick up Mad Max whenever I'm done with MGSV.

Edit: And I thought you loved tedium! Why else do you play so much Ass Crud and hang out here? :p


I've already resigned myself that Mad Max The Game will not even be anywhere near as good as the worst parts of Mad Max 2 (which there aren't any bad parts but you know what I mean). So if it turns out less tedious than Just Cause 2 I'll be happy.

It is strange how you don't see hook for Mad Max and i don't see hook for AC Syndicate. And i really love AC franchise. :D
Not to mention that New Vegas is a vastly superior game.

No way. There were some good parts, great dialog, but that game had way too many problems. Some of it had to do with the limits of the engine. Clearly Obsidian designed a game with no idea what the limits were. Plus everything was a pop culture reference to the point it was nauseating. It might be Obsidian's worst game but I haven't played Dungeon Siege III yet.


Mine is pretty and pink
No way. There were some good parts, great dialog, but that game had way too many problems. Some of it had to do with the limits of the engine. Clearly Obsidian designed a game with no idea what the limits were. Plus everything was a pop culture reference to the point it was nauseating. It might be Obsidian's worst game but I haven't played Dungeon Siege III yet.
Let's say we disagree, I think NV is a much superior game to 3.
But that's my opinion.


New (?) info on Ion, Dean Hall's new MMO:
What we know about Ion so far is that it's a third-person, isometric game with a Diablo-esque camera view. He's also hinted that players will have organs (one of his recent anecdotes involves a bug where player's organs would fall out) and elements like gas and water will be part of the simulation.

"I fought quite hard to call us an MMO. We had a big argument with marketing and all that saying 'don't call it an MMO - everyone thinks of elves and orcs,' and my argument was that was exactly the reason we needed to call it an MMO. We need to reclaim that."

It's an ambitious project, one that Hall has teamed up with tech company Improbable to make a reality. When he saw the persistent worlds that Improbable's simulation tech could support he paid up there and then.

"I did the wire transfer for funding the first prototype on my phone. $250K, no contract."
More: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2015-08-25-dean-halls-improbable-idea

Dr Dogg

I'm entirely confident that it'll be fun for a fair few hours. How many though? That I do not know. The car combat looks really fun, though. It always did amaze me that we hadn't seen some Flatout-esque vehicular combat in games other than outright racing ones.

I'll definitely pick up Mad Max whenever I'm done with MGSV.

Edit: And I thought you loved tedium! Why else do you play so much Ass Crud and hang out here? :p

It is strange how you don't see hook for Mad Max and i don't see hook for AC Syndicate. And i really love AC franchise. :D

Here's the thing, right all open worlds are not created equal. While Mordoors got compared to AssCreed over and over again, by media and players alike, its world design is barely even there. It's like some half hearted effort that I've knocked up in a map editor. Where as Unity, while having some hideous LOD issues, actually feels like every little facet of its world is authored along with specific buildings from that time in history. This isn't even going on about the interiors and amount of work that's gone into designing them but if you wanted an interactive tour of faux Paris circa the 18th century then Unity is pretty much bang on. Mordoors and Mad Max has bland and empty worlds that while they might fit their settings and narative they aren't/don't look half as entertaining to get lost in like an AssCreed.

I could tollerate Mordor as the gameplay was sort of there despite having to game the Nemisis system to make full and proper use of it but Mad Max I really don't see very much gameplay there at all about from drive here, beat up some dudes or blow up their cars, grab the 'inset item name here' with a button press and then move on to the next encounter. Maybe there's some story missions that flesh things out, maybe there's something other than combat or scavenger hunting, maybe Avalanche have been holding back the good stuff but I know what I like and mopping about a barren Wasteland and getting into fights every now and then by some jumped up chavs (guess it would be bogans in Mad Max) in their pimped out cars isn't really my idea of fun. Plus if I wanted that experience all I got to do is pop down the high street round the corner.


Here's the thing, right all open worlds are not created equal. While Mordoors got compared to AssCreed over and over again, by media and players alike, its world design is barely even there. It's like some half hearted effort that I've knocked up in a map editor. Where as Unity, while having some hideous LOD issues, actually feels like every little facet of its world is authored along with specific buildings from that time in history. This isn't even going on about the interiors and amount of work that's gone into designing them but if you wanted an interactive tour of faux Paris circa the 18th century then Unity is pretty much bang on. Mordoors and Mad Max has bland and empty worlds that while they might fit their settings and narative they aren't/don't look half as entertaining to get lost in like an AssCreed.

I could tollerate Mordor as the gameplay was sort of there despite having to game the Nemisis system to make full and proper use of it but Mad Max I really don't see very much gameplay there at all about from drive here, beat up some dudes or blow up their cars, grab the 'inset item name here' with a button press and then move on to the next encounter. Maybe there's some story missions that flesh things out, maybe there's something other than combat or scavenger hunting, maybe Avalanche have been holding back the good stuff but I know what I like and mopping about a barren Wasteland and getting into fights every now and then by some jumped up chavs (guess it would be bogans in Mad Max) in their pimped out cars isn't really my idea of fun. Plus if I wanted that experience all I got to do is pop down the high street round the corner.

I am with you when historical tourism is in question. I really love that aspect of AC games. But this year i just don feel it. Sure it will be nice to walk around London but that is it. It is a bit too similar to Paris from AC Unity. Mad Max is something different when scenery and landscape is in question. Avalanche created beautiful landscape to explore.


I am really looking forward to Mad Max. I am not expecting GOTY or anything, but I don't think its going to be as bad as some people are claiming it to be. As long as the story isn't terrible I think it will be a fun game. Hopefully I am pleasantly surprised.

We all know the best game this year has even come out yet and none of us have played it for starters.

But it did already come out. ROCKET LEAGUE!


No way. There were some good parts, great dialog, but that game had way too many problems. Some of it had to do with the limits of the engine. Clearly Obsidian designed a game with no idea what the limits were. Plus everything was a pop culture reference to the point it was nauseating. It might be Obsidian's worst game but I haven't played Dungeon Siege III yet.

Well to be fair, vastly superior was nothing less than an exaggeration, although I do think it's a much better game, especially when it comes to the writing and the world building. Fall out 3 was... A lot more of a comedy-game whereas NV was a lot less humourous and more serious, almost to a fault. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose, but the writing in NV was so much stronger that it just won me over, despite not even having finished the darn game yet. (Too many games, too little time, y'know?)

I think the ideal FO game would be a blend of the two. I just don't quite know how much one would take of either of them.

What I do know is I'm going to try and create the most childish, voiced name possible in FO4.

Although I really have lost all faith in Bethesda to create an interesting and deep narrative or story. But if it's fun, it's fun.

Ban Puncher

I sleep through 69 cent One Piece?


Dr Dogg

I am with you when historical tourism is in question. I really love that aspect of AC games. But this year i just don feel it. Sure it will be nice to walk around London but that is it. It is a bit too similar to Paris from AC Unity. Mad Max is something different when scenery and landscape is in question. Avalanche created beautiful landscape to explore.

While I've been to Jerusalem, Florence and Rome previously and Paris many times this is the first AssCreed game featuring a city I know bloody well and hasn't changed that massively from the time it's set to present day. I know they have to alter things to fit both their production schedule and so they fit in regards to gameplay but after The Getaway really made a pigs ear out of their recreation of London I'd like to see how Syndicate fairs. Probably completely different to what I'd expect but I've already got my sight seeing tour planned out.

But it did already come out. ROCKET LEAGUE!

inset pathetic excuse here whilst I think of one why it's not.


Started up Alpha Protocol. Janky as fuck, but damn fun so far.

....That locking with a controller though. esh.
if u can try beating it twice

it's super impressive how much stuff you can change and shift around o na second playthrough, it's great

I highly doubt Bethesda would do a better job than CDPR, it is a high bar.
i mean, i think it's gonna be hard to top witcha3 from what i played of it but fo4 is probably gonna be one of them fun goofy things beth loves to make, so it might be a decent game on its own right

like seems to be poised to be the first one that's maybe not total shit without some core overhaul mods but who knows

im probably gonna play fo4 just to complain about it

No way. There were some good parts, great dialog, but that game had way too many problems. Some of it had to do with the limits of the engine. Clearly Obsidian designed a game with no idea what the limits were. Plus everything was a pop culture reference to the point it was nauseating. It might be Obsidian's worst game but I haven't played Dungeon Siege III yet.
those are just two very weird complaints to have about the game

pop culture references were mostly stuck behind a perk that u can easily choose not to pick and voila! game's super lore-focused

limits of the engine i dunno, i thought they did great with the piece of shit engine they had, they added some key new features like reputation and traits and crafting and they rebalanced the whole game a whole lot so that skills and stats actually matter. some systems weren't great like the disguises thing but i got some great moments out of those so can't rightly call them a failure either.

yeah, hoover dam battle is kind of a let down and so is the unmodded strip but same can be said about that mccarthian prime bullshit in fo3. i swear that idiot robot got stuck on scenery like 4 times when i beat that game and you didn't even do anything while the great battle played itself


No way. There were some good parts, great dialog, but that game had way too many problems. Some of it had to do with the limits of the engine. Clearly Obsidian designed a game with no idea what the limits were. Plus everything was a pop culture reference to the point it was nauseating. It might be Obsidian's worst game but I haven't played Dungeon Siege III yet.

I'm sorry but it sounds like you're criticizing New Vegas/defending Fallout 3 then you say this.
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