Here's the thing, right all open worlds are not created equal. While Mordoors got compared to AssCreed over and over again, by media and players alike, its world design is barely even there. It's like some half hearted effort that I've knocked up in a map editor. Where as Unity, while having some hideous LOD issues, actually feels like every little facet of its world is authored along with specific buildings from that time in history. This isn't even going on about the interiors and amount of work that's gone into designing them but if you wanted an interactive tour of faux Paris circa the 18th century then Unity is pretty much bang on. Mordoors and Mad Max has bland and empty worlds that while they might fit their settings and narative they aren't/don't look half as entertaining to get lost in like an AssCreed.
I could tollerate Mordor as the gameplay was sort of there despite having to game the Nemisis system to make full and proper use of it but Mad Max I really don't see very much gameplay there at all about from drive here, beat up some dudes or blow up their cars, grab the 'inset item name here' with a button press and then move on to the next encounter. Maybe there's some story missions that flesh things out, maybe there's something other than combat or scavenger hunting, maybe Avalanche have been holding back the good stuff but I know what I like and mopping about a barren Wasteland and getting into fights every now and then by some jumped up chavs (guess it would be bogans in Mad Max) in their pimped out cars isn't really my idea of fun. Plus if I wanted that experience all I got to do is pop down the high street round the corner.