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STEAM | August 2015 - Three versions of Windows since the last Half-Life

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Stretch goals for Divinity Original Sins 2

$700,000 Stretch Goal: Strategist Mode

Akin to Divinity: Original Sin- Enhanced Edition's Tactician Mode, Original Sin 2 will feature a brand new difficulty called Strategist Mode. Rest assured this difficulty tier will consist of much more than a simple numbers game. Yes, your enemies will hit harder, but that is far from all! Each and every fight in the game will be redesigned for Strategist Mode so that enemies are smarter, often come in greater numbers and use a host of skills and tactics they won't use in lower difficulty modes. If we reach this stretch goal, the fights in Original Sin 2 will receive this epic treatment from the get-go.

$850,000 Stretch Goal: Pick a Skill Tree, I

Divinity: Original Sin is rife with spectacular skills, and besides the many new ones we've already planned for Original Sin 2, we want to add even more unique skills to the repertoire. We have quite a list and will let our the backers pick a brand new skill tree, featuring at least 16 skills each, from among a host of new proposals when the campaign ends. New proposals, you say! Such as?

Well, here are a few to tickle your imagination:

Polymorpher - As a polymorpher, your body is your oyster. Grow sharp-as-swords horns, poisonous tentacles (with the bonus of further reach) or even wings that allow you to dash and dive across the battlefield. You can even change completely into - what? Something monstrous, that's for sure...

Trap Master - Craft mines, place them in strategic positions and lure the unwitting enemy (or "ally") into your traps! At higher levels you'll be able to toss your deathtraps into groups of foes; taunt them so that they run blindly into your snares, and even craft bombs that you can sneak into an enemy's pocket. Tick. Tock. BOOM!

Bard - Inspire your allies to perform even greater feats of magic and carnage, then pacify, confuse or lull to sleep your enemies with songs and music. Of course, you don't have to be the party's unwavering champion. You can also weave lies into your tales, which can influence the attitude of NPCs in various ways. Sing your own praises and see them cheers you; paint your friends as cowards and see them be hailed with contempt!

Unarmed Combatant - This is for the hands-on fighters that don't want to dance around their targets, but get down and dirty by going for chokeholds and body throws. Wrestle your foes with bare fists, or go for some extra piercing power with vicious knuckles and claws.

Summoning Master - To be able to summon allies is a very powerful skill, but as a master you'll be able to summon more than one extra ally. Other skills will include redirecting incoming damage to your summons; sacrificing them to heal you, or blowing them up to wreak havoc among massed enemies.

Juggernaut - If you want to role play a bloodthirsty maniac that thrives on gore and pain, this is the one to get. Get stronger as your health drops; swing mighty great-swords or dual-wield axes; drown your enemies in spilled blood. You can even sacrifice your own hitpoints in return for massive, area-shattering blows. Beware of friendly fire though - if you even care, that is.

Guardian - A born protector, this sword 'n' board wielding warrior prioritizes a strong defense over offense. Your shield will become a wall behind which you -and your allies- can close in on the enemy unharmed. Your provocations will also turn your foes' attention toward you, but that's ok because other skills include becoming nigh invulnerable for brief amounts of time.

Alchemist - The powers of alchemy become as weapons in your hands! Throw potions like grenades; coat your weapons with poisons and curses; control clouds of steam, lightning, miasma and more; bask in the vastly superior effects of every potion you can get your hands on!
$1,000,000 Stretch Goal: Racial Skills

When we reach the $1M mark, we’ll develop a set of race-specific skills, abilities, and talents reflective of each race’s background and strengths.

Imagine: a Wood Elf able to summon an army of shambling trees; a Lizard recalling the devastating powers of his draconic ancestors; a Dwarf with the authority of the Empress; a human so good at pickpocketing, he can even catch his own party mates unawares...
$1,200,000 Stretch Goal: Undead Origins

In Original Sin 2, no longer will you have to be human all too human alone. You can be a dwarf too, an elf, yes even a proud lizard! But if we reach this stretchgoal, you'll be able to tell the tales of the dead with undead origins! That's right: at this point we will add the undead as a playable race, complete with origin stories. Let us give you an example! Imagine, if you will, a story that goes something like this:

Adelard has been a warrior since his early teens, first in the armies of the Divine; later as a sword for hire. There wasn't a force in the world that could best him, or so he thought! Because one day an orc with a temper did a number on him and his crew, and he ended up dead in the grass, speared through the heart.

That is how he was found by a necromancer, who, impressed by the muscle on Adelard's dead body, decided to resurrect him and use him as a puppet-warrior to do his bidding. But there is something different about undead Adelard. Unlike any other victim of necromancy, he remembers who is and he knows what he has become.

Horrified, disoriented, he flees from his vile enslaver and sets out on a journey home, a journey which he realises will be fraught with danger. He may be more or less welcome among the scattered bands of Black Ring, but his travels will take him through Divine Order territory where he'll be forced to mask himself or be challenged by every Magister he meets.

All he longs for now is the comfort of home, a place where he will be welcome; where he can learn to live, perhaps, with this waking nightmare. But with each step closer to his goal, doubt and fear assail him more and more. What will they say? His wife; his mother; his brother... For who is Adelard now?

If Adelard still...
$1,350,000 Stretch Goal: Pick a Skill Tree, II

With all the fantastic skills we've dreamt up, we'll need plenty of manpower to implement them. At this mark, we'll again open up a vote to let the backers decide which other of the skill trees listed at the $700,000 tier you would like to see in the game. Voting will be done by backers after the campaign ends.
$1,500,000 Stretch Goal; The Hall of Echoes

Some Rivellonians live in fear of it; some write songs of it; others still are sent there far before their time. When we reach $1,500,000, we'll send you to the Hall of Echoes, land of the dead.

You, unique among the living, will be able to travel to and from this spirit world, where you'll uncover mysteries never before discovered by mortal eyes. You'll gain access to occult wonders, and you'll come face to face with those you've lost-- and those you've dispatched.

The best part - you'll be able to make this your home base!
And wait: we've got more good news!

Due to the high demand for some of the tiers, we've introduced a few more to give more folks a shot at the rewards they're after!

Because of this, every backer who already pledged $125 or more (i.e. the "Kickstarter Collectors Edition" tier, or any higher tier) will ALSO receive downloads of our Digital Developer's Diary materials, including design documents, notes on story and world-building, and an art pack.

And that's not all! Every backer who pledges more than $200 (i.e. the “Signed Kickstarter Collector's Edition” tier, or any higher tier) will ALSO receive a signed piece of concept art delivered to their door!


Everything about One Piece has always looked diseased. The art is absolutely hideous.

Are you talking about the game or the manga? Because yes, the game looks kinda hideous (even tho, at some point all boobs got huge in the manga in the first place), but acutal Oda art isn't hideous at all. It could not be your cup of tea, but I absolutely love how crowded everything is, and I believe it totally kicks Kishimoto's and Kubo's asses (just saying the two main "competitors").


Everything about One Piece has always looked diseased. The art is absolutely hideous.

And yet it's a(n ongoing) manga series that's generated more money than you ever did in your life :V
One Piece's art is fine as it's the artist's style, I appreciate him having characters with various faces and not having everyone have a fair looking face.
This is Nami during the era that story was taking place (Captain Buggy encounter)

she looks a lot better there, i don't like her new design, i have ultimate world red and its even worse in that game,

apparently that her default design even in the manga. I'm only up to the part after the sky arc in the manga so idk if its true or not

Dr Dogg

Guess I better get cracking on and finish The Withcer Tres then. Although new patch came out for Diablo III and Season 4 should start today so I'm pretty much everything else will be cast to one side. I've got problems I know.


apparently that her default design even in the manga. I'm only up to the part after the sky arc in the manga so idk if its true or not

Yeah, it's pretty much true. I don't remember when, but at some point all OP boobs got twice as big and all waists twice as small.
I don't really like it, but at least Oda talks about it with great candor, saying like he totally likes big boobs and stuff, so at least he's sincere about it. :D
I've got about 200 hours in ARK and still having fun, but I can feel a little bit of burnout coming. It's a great looking game, and like you've experienced, there is a lot of death early on. The "sleeping" people are just those who've logged out at random spots. They're somewhat vulnerable in that state to the environment (possible to drown someone that is logged out) or others who might want to drag them to other locations, so that's where building a shelter for yourself is key. The default Island map is fairly large with a limit of 70(?) people on at any given time so you may not see people at times except close to default spawn points.

Takes a large amount of grinding and farming materials to start appreciating the crafting and building in the game, and then comes the taming of the dinosaurs as mounts, which may take hours depending on its level and food you're using. Once you get to ride a few dinos, especially the Rex, that's when a lot of the fun begins and farming materials gets easier. I've been playing with the Alienware Twitch tribe, and we've almost done everything to do in the game so far in about a month, but new updates continue to add more content. It's worth getting through the beginning grind, so hopefully you come back when it's a little more polished.
This is a really great post. I do really get the feeling from you that there is genuine enjoyment to be had here. As you said, the tough start may have soured me needless. I doubt a weekend will be enough for me to get through the early grinding. I am in actually interested in ARK. Maybe buying it later when it's cheaper and giving it the time it needs to open up is the better choice. Thanks again for your great impressions.
I'm saddened to see that nobody thought of little old frost during the great One Piece price mistake of earlier tonight. :(
Suck it old man!
Looks like GMG isn't taking back my Life is Strange (MADMAX50), so I have to ask: when is the last episode coming out?

Probably mid October I would say? They haven't given a specific date yet but that seems to be in line with the other episodes releases.

EDIT: Keep thinking it's September already...


Are you talking about the game or the manga? Because yes, the game looks kinda hideous (even tho, at some point all boobs got huge in the manga in the first place), but acutal Oda art isn't hideous at all. It could not be your cup of tea, but I absolutely love how crowded everything is, and I believe it totally kicks Kishimoto's and Kubo's asses (just saying the two main "competitors").

Everything I've seen of One Piece, games, manga, whatever, looks disgusting to me.

And yet it's a(n ongoing) manga series that's generated more money than you ever did in your life :V
One Piece's art is fine as it's the artist's style, I appreciate him having characters with various faces and not having everyone have a fair looking face.
The fuck does that have to do with anything?


Yeah, it's weird because for me anyway, it looks like a great game.

This is the first game I've ever pre ordered and the first game in years that I've bought on or before the release date. I usually wait 6-12 months or more to buy games after they come out.

So part of me is worried I've made a huge mistake, though I only paid $27 for it.

Just from watching the gameplay videos and WB's price competition I have a feeling you are going to be massively disappointed, but good luck!


I remember full-frontal sexytime with redheads irl :'(

That... Made me so sad.

Especially cause I've never had sexytime with a redhead ;_;
Fallout over Witcher? eh.....

Just when I thought Prinny couldn't get any dumber!

... I'll probably not play the expansion until both are out, though. Got a lot of games to play and I think I'd want to do a full re-play of the game on higher difficulty with a more minimalistic UI and possibly some mods, making different choices etc. So I'd want to have forgotten as much as possible. :p


I highly doubt Bethesda would do a better job than CDPR, it is a high bar.

Bethesda's very best only just beats out CDPR's worst. So there's no way in hell they'll ever make a better game than TW3.

And saying this I just want Cyberpunk soooooo muuuuuuuuuch pleeeeaaaaseeee CDPR giiiiveeee iiiiit!

Dr Dogg

We all know the best game this year has even come out yet and none of us have played it for starters.

You all know I mean AssCreed Syndicate right?
Bethesda's very best only just beats out CDPR's worst. So there's no way in hell they'll ever make a better game than TW3.

Not to me. I love Bethesda RPGs and Fallout 3 may be my favorite game ever. I've tried several times to get into the first Witcher, and what little of the Witcher 2 I've played I just hated. Not sure if I will ever bother with the third Witcher.
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