Guys, what's the best $15 game you can buy on steam right now??
Considering the current market prices of keys, Kentucky Route Zero.
Guys, what's the best $15 game you can buy on steam right now??
Guys, what's the best $15 game you can buy on steam right now??
Wait for a sale I say.5$ more bucks and you got yourself some Dark Souls!
This is my list of games in my KING OF THE COUCH group on steam. Mind you, most of these are competitive, and i'll note when its co-op specifically:
Castle Crashers (Co-op Beat 'em up, 4 players)
Crawl (4-player, Competitive, very awesome!)
Dungeons: Eyes of Draconus (3-Player Co-Op Beat 'em up, its only ok, wait for sale, but its mindless)
Lethal League (4-Player, Competitive, Pong+Jet Set Aesthetic+Some Fighting Game Mentality. Comes out tomorrow, gonna be great)
Mega Coin Squad (4-Player, Comeptitive, 2D Arena-esque game, really good party game)
Mercenary Kings (4-Player Co-op, like Borderlands, lots of style, the substance not so much. Very grind-y. Again, wait for sale, but its not bad, just not great)
Metal Slug 3 (2-Player Co-op. Absolutely get this when it goes on sale again)
Monaco (4-Player Co-op, work as a team to do heists, very unique art-style, pretty fun, can be had for cheap during sales!)
Mount Your Friends (4-player Competitive. Just check the Steam Page. You'll know if you want it from that. Very fun game though, also solid for hang-outs/parties)
Niddhogg (Already talked about!)
Speedrunners (Mentioned already, but really fun racing game. Easy to learn, hard to master, sure to ruin friendships)
Spelunky(4-Player Co-op. Dungeon Crawler, really fun, but can be pretty difficult at times, so if you want something easy-going, maybe turn elsewhere. Very fun though).
The Yhawg (4-player Co-op/Competitive. Its hard to explain the Yhawg, but nab it for 5 bucks or lower. You'll probably only get a couple hours out of it, but its pretty neat for those couple of hours).
I left off all my fighting games, but there are plenty of those.
He's asking if anyone has contacted them and asked for deletion. Stump has but I'm too lazy.
Oh, mine still works as well. I'm just unsure if I would want my account info to be passed on to AtGames.
Well good, I really want to see it.New poster for End of the Line. Also, it's still a thing!
Total Biscuit's video has me a bit more excited for this than should be the case. Game doesn't seem that complex, more or less.
ModBot said:Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (WinterDemons, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.
Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
Lucius --MB-6C2DFA84862DFC08- Taken by electroflame. 1 entrants total.
Evil Little Boy Simulator
Guys, what's the best $15 game you can buy on steam right now??
What's up with 2033 Redux being a "private app"? None of my screenshots show up in the community section or can be shared, and my stats like time played and achievements earned don't show up in my profile. Hell, if I go to my profile and click "games", and then search for it in the list it doesn't show up. Is this happening to everyone or just me?
Guys, what's the best $15 game you can buy on steam right now??
Guys, what's the best $15 game you can buy on steam right now??
Freedom Planet, Strider (don't waste your time on this corrosive ol' pal <3), and that Shovel Knight game. Killer is Dead is $19.99 but totally worth it.
Da helllllll. When I look of friend's profiles who I know have it, it doesn't show up either. I would think that if it was just me it would be showing up on everyone's profiles but mine. Weird, I hope this fixes itself.Just you, I think. :3
Freedom Planet
Even if I didn't think Strider was the biggest dumpster fire put out by a major publisher in 2014 or maybe even across the span of multiple years, there are, without a doubt, at least 10 games that are better than it for the money.
Furthermore, I bet I could come up with a list of at least 50, maybe more.
I think this is actually how these free licenses work.
If you add one, remove it and add back later it will appear in it's original position.
I suppose it isn't too common use case to warrant development.
What do people think of "Groupees Trading Coins"?
Will JaseC buy 2 copies of the Be Mine 14 bundle to get 1 of each trading coin?
Well I hate to say the dream is dead, but it kind of is for a while. I'm moving into a new house next week (with a 1 year lease) and my kids are starting back to school soon too. At my current job I finally got my hours extended, though no health insurance worth talking about.I've paid out over $9,000 so far this year in medical bills, fuck.
So with everything that is going on right now for me, I'm not sure if I'd take a job at Valve if one were offered. It'd have to come with a pretty sweet paycheck and a fairly substantial sign-on bonus. In other words, not going to happen.
I dunno -- JaseC said something about this being Ubi's strategy to get people to use uPlay... that no games going forward would have Steam keys and could only be bought on Steam.![]()
He's going to remove every game EXCEPT Talisman: Digital Edition
Yeah that too. Freedom Planet is in my GOTY running right now.
ModBot said:Instructions for InfiniteNine:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (InfiniteNine, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.
Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
Legend of Grimrock --MB-C8298B68F68ACB2B- Taken by feel. 6 entrants total.
Likewise it's my GotY contender, heck Wolfenstein's got a spot in my list but since it'll be in everyone's top 5, I'm putting FP over it.
Damn that remjnds me that I need to finish off Freedom Planet im still only about halfway through. Love all the mix of classic Sega style games though. FP was a real surprise this year.
Damn that remjnds me that I need to finish off Freedom Planet im still only about halfway through. Love all the mix of classic Sega style games though. FP was a real surprise this year.
So I bought the Jumbo Bundle 2 and I already own Orcs Must Die 2. So what happens if I redeem Orcs Must Die 2 Complete Pack but already own Orcs Must Die 2? Should I just give the complete pack to my friend?
Steam activates the DLC but ignores the game itself. Gift copies of games you already own are only granted in particular cases.
From the Diablo 3 thread:does anyone know how long the diablo 3 deal at bestbuy lasts ? ;_;
$20 USD at best buy right now through sunday, never too late.
Thanks! Do you know if the DLC is worth it? I still haven't played this game so gifting it to my friend might motivate me to play it.
Thanks! Do you know if the DLC is worth it? I still haven't played this game so gifting it to my friend might motivate me to play it.
...and I really don't give care of your 50 or 1000 games that more deserving, let the guy decide by himself if he wants to get it or not, hence why I suggested it.
I have both STFU and KRZ. I also have DS2 + DLCs.
I was thinking Shovel Knight, but then also Valdis Story looks nice. Also Invisible Inc. looks like something I'd like. Damn these decisions...
(all those games will end up in my library at some point lol
Da helllllll. When I look of friend's profiles who I know have it, it doesn't show up either. I would think that if it was just me it would be showing up on everyone's profiles but mine. Weird, I hope this fixes itself.
When you go to your profile (with your avatar, your steam level, your info and all that) and click games and it shows your whole game list, you can search games. If I search "Metro" only vanilla 2033 and LL show up, not Redux. It's in my library, and I can play it, just nothing displays in the community sections about it, no screens, no achievements, no nothin'.Well, what do you mean you "search" for it? Like in your library?
When you go to your profile (with your avatar, your steam level, your info and all that) and click games and it shows your whole game list, you can search games. If I search "Metro" only vanilla 2033 and LL show up, not Redux. It's in my library, and I can play it, just nothing displays in the community sections about it, no screens, no achievements, no nothin'.
I signed out on the browser Steam site and went to my friend who has its profile, and it doesn't show on his either. I think it may just be an error in the steam database or something.
Cool. Coolcoolcool. Thanks!The games have only released in certain countries. Their general status is still preloadonly; once this switches to released, they'll show up on Steam Community profiles.
It has to reach the last goal for everyone to get their coins.
I am prepared for Lethal League tomorrow (Thanks Gamestop!)
What's up with 2033 Redux being a "private app"? None of my screenshots show up in the community section or can be shared, and my stats like time played and achievements earned don't show up in my profile. Hell, if I go to my profile and click "games", and then search for it in the list it doesn't show up. Is this happening to everyone or just me?
Happens to me too, none of my screenshots show up and it's not on my profile page anywhere either.
I just took a CSGO screenshot. uploaded. But it's not on my profile either..
A Modern Warfare franchise bundle is coming. Together the games themselves cost $80; if I had to hazard a guess I'd say that the bundle will be priced the same, with the sweetener being that the DLC is included.
Not for Germany.... :-(
I'm talking about specifically 2033 Redux, it or it's screenshots show up nowhere, but I played the Walking Dead S2 today and it's playtime and screenshots show up fine. Not really sure what's going on.
A Modern Warfare franchise bundle is coming. Together the games themselves cost $80; if I had to hazard a guess I'd say that the bundle will be priced the same, with the sweetener being that the DLC is included.