Okay, contest is back on. Final round. This is a special one.
Guess a game that will be on the flash sale at 1:00 AM EST.
Guesses end at 12:45 AM EST.
One guess only.
If there are two correct guessers, the one who posted first wins.
Winner gets any game on Steam $14.99 or less. If you want more than one, that's fine but the total budget is $14.99.
Is Dishonored worth it if you've already played it on consoles?
Is Dishonored worth it if you've already played it on consoles?
RE4 has been quite a revisit after 8 or 9 years(PS2 Version). All the effects from the previously pre-rendered cutscenes are now in-game and it still looks pretty pleasing to the eyes. It's been more fun for me now than back then, as I've grown more tolerant of the action-heavy approach. Next up is a Pro run/Seperate Ways.
Really looking forward to REmake for that old school goodness.
I'm thinking of getting the GOTY Edition myself. Should be a lot cleaner than the PS3 version.
Lady Boyle's Last Party should be O.O
Yes because going from 720p30 to 2160p60 is always worth it.Is Dishonored worth it if you've already played it on consoles?
Is anyone else having trouble with Steam? It keeps displaying stuff like I'm not signed in on my client. I tried signing in but that didn't help. Restarting didn't work either. Help?
I can't redeem or buy anything. Steam API is timing out.
you can get Dishonored:GOTY on GMG with the 20% off voucher cheaper than Steam
Okay, contest is back on. Final round. This is a special one.
Guess a game that will be on the flash sale at 1:00 AM EST.
Guesses end at 12:45 AM EST.
One guess only.
If there are two correct guessers, the one who posted first wins.
Winner gets any game on Steam $14.99 or less. If you want more than one, that's fine but the total budget is $14.99.
I've received that GMG 22% off voucher via e-mail so this is as good a time as any to use it.
Okay, contest is back on. Final round. This is a special one.
Guess a game that will be on the flash sale at 1:00 AM EST.
Guesses end at 12:45 AM EST.
One guess only.
If there are two correct guessers, the one who posted first wins.
Winner gets any game on Steam $14.99 or less. If you want more than one, that's fine but the total budget is $14.99.
Okay, contest is back on. Final round. This is a special one.
Guess a game that will be on the flash sale at 1:00 AM EST.
Guesses end at 12:45 AM EST.
One guess only.
If there are two correct guessers, the one who posted first wins.
Winner gets any game on Steam $14.99 or less. If you want more than one, that's fine but the total budget is $14.99.
Sometimes I find myself paralyzed on buying any indie games. I can't help but feel they'll get bundled.
No thanks/Not interested
Someone sell me on Red Faction Guerilla/Armageddon. I get the alure of blowing stuff up but with no interest in the first two games I feel like it just isn't worth it.
Someone sell me on Red Faction Guerilla/Armageddon. I get the alure of blowing stuff up but with no interest in the first two games I feel like it just isn't worth it.
Killer is Dead...Okay, contest is back on. Final round. This is a special one.
Guess a game that will be on the flash sale at 1:00 AM EST.
Guesses end at 12:45 AM EST.
One guess only.
If there are two correct guessers, the one who posted first wins.
Winner gets any game on Steam $14.99 or less. If you want more than one, that's fine but the total budget is $14.99.
Okay, contest is back on. Final round. This is a special one.
Guess a game that will be on the flash sale at 1:00 AM EST.
Guesses end at 12:45 AM EST.
One guess only.
If there are two correct guessers, the one who posted first wins.
Winner gets any game on Steam $14.99 or less. If you want more than one, that's fine but the total budget is $14.99.
Okay, contest is back on. Final round. This is a special one.
Guess a game that will be on the flash sale at 1:00 AM EST.
Guesses end at 12:45 AM EST.
One guess only.
If there are two correct guessers, the one who posted first wins.
Winner gets any game on Steam $14.99 or less. If you want more than one, that's fine but the total budget is $14.99.
Sometimes I find myself paralyzed on buying any indie games. I can't help but feel they'll get bundled.
Sometimes I find myself paralyzed on buying any indie games. I can't help but feel they'll get bundled.
Don't starveOkay, contest is back on. Final round. This is a special one.
Guess a game that will be on the flash sale at 1:00 AM EST.
Guesses end at 12:45 AM EST.
One guess only.
If there are two correct guessers, the one who posted first wins.
Winner gets any game on Steam $14.99 or less. If you want more than one, that's fine but the total budget is $14.99.
Okay, contest is back on. Final round. This is a special one.
Guess a game that will be on the flash sale at 1:00 AM EST.
Guesses end at 12:45 AM EST.
One guess only.
If there are two correct guessers, the one who posted first wins.
Winner gets any game on Steam $14.99 or less. If you want more than one, that's fine but the total budget is $14.99.
I know dat feels ;(
I dont remember any single moment where I actually bought a indie game standalone.
They've always come in bundles for me especially my favorites like Cave Story+ and Beat Hazard Ultra.
Risk of Rain which is another fav of mine was gifted to me.
Okay, contest is back on. Final round. This is a special one.
Guess a game that will be on the flash sale at 1:00 AM EST.
Guesses end at 12:45 AM EST.
One guess only.
If there are two correct guessers, the one who posted first wins.
Winner gets any game on Steam $14.99 or less. If you want more than one, that's fine but the total budget is $14.99.
I've received that GMG 22% off voucher via e-mail so this is as good a time as any to use it.
Sometimes I find myself paralyzed on buying any indie games. I can't help but feel they'll get bundled.
I tried using it...wont work? The email says it lasts until Dec 24th though :/..........
I tried using it...wont work? The email says it lasts until Dec 24th though :/..........
The problems with bundles to me lately is, that because it was in a bundle the game might feel "cheap".
I mean I enjoyed when I bought hammerwatch at release and liked the game. But I am not sure I would have even started the game if I bought it from the HB.
I tried using it...wont work? The email says it lasts until Dec 24th though :/..........
Okay, contest is back on. Final round. This is a special one.
Guess a game that will be on the flash sale at 1:00 AM EST.
Guesses end at 12:45 AM EST.
One guess only.
If there are two correct guessers, the one who posted first wins.
Winner gets any game on Steam $14.99 or less. If you want more than one, that's fine but the total budget is $14.99.
That's why it didn't work...it expired
I used a voucher they sent me on the 26th that was good until January 2nd
Did you receive an e-mail from them on the 26th? Starts with "Green Grogre Sale" but doesn't mention 22% off till the end of the description.
I just found the one you are talking about that expires on the 2nd of Jan...
But I just used it and it didnt work - "Add Voucher" is greyed out.
Yes I found it just now.
Okay, contest is back on. Final round. This is a special one.
The problems with bundles to me lately is, that because it was in a bundle the game might feel "cheap".
I mean I enjoyed when I bought hammerwatch at release and liked the game. But I am not sure I would have even started the game if I bought it from the HB.
press Space after you paste and it will work
You're late son. And that game was on sale the first day.
Oh, it lit up....but now it says "Unable to add the Voucher"
What the...I've never even used it....does it not work on Dishonored GOTY? D:
Oh, it lit up....but now it says "Unable to add the Voucher"
What the...I've never even used it....does it not work on Dishonored GOTY? D: