Just now noticed this note with the bundle:
More content coming soon!
We were not able to add every game in time for our launch, so we will be trying to add more content from interested developers over the course of the promotion. Keep an eye out for more content will be added to this bundle this Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. Pacific time, but no guarantees!
If you already paid for the $30 tier, you'll automatically receive the additional content once they're added!
One of the rules for the Humble Monthly is that the games it come in it have never been bundled before.
Just now noticed this note with the bundle:
More content coming soon!
We were not able to add every game in time for our launch, so we will be trying to add more content from interested developers over the course of the promotion. Keep an eye out for more content will be added to this bundle this Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. Pacific time, but no guarantees!
If you already paid for the $30 tier, you'll automatically receive the additional content once they're added!
Strange to write about the tier if there is only one.
Are they any good FMV games on Steam? The cheesier the better!
Already own Phantasmagoria I+II and Contradiction.
ModBot said:Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 2 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.
ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (ThirtyFour, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.
Rules for this Giveaway:
- This is a free for all! You can enter for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
Streamline --MB-2E99071A16454132- Taken by WinterDemons. 2 entrants total.
The Stanley Parable --MB-D40B87492437447E- Taken by Loptous. 5 entrants total.
Pro Humble Bundle:
- Amazing Value
- Good cause
- I want the Witness and it has it
Contra Humble Bundle:
- With the Switch coming up I don't have 30 to spare :/
So I was reading an old thread since I'm doing an interview, and some stuff is pretty amusing from our current perspective.
Then: "I think you may be overestimating both the sales potential of a delayed PC port, the actual sales of Dark Souls and the budget they had to make the port."
Now: DS is easily the most profitable Japanese franchise on PC.
I also outlined what DSFix would likely need to do, a few weeks before release:
That's really the reason for the "magical" 23 minutes people like to quote, preparation![]()
Eh I'd recommend holding off on the Switch til end of the year when Super Mario O releases.
You are likely able to get a good deal come Black Friday for one thing.
By the way, if I were trying to be polemical, I would ask whether the inclusion of The Witness in the Freedom Bundle is consistent with Jonathan Blow's recent political position regarding punching nazis.
It would make a lot more sense to include works by another Jon, Jonas Kyratzes: http://www.jonas-kyratzes.net/2017/02/03/on-punching-nazis/
He was against violent protests. This supports various organisations who will push back against any inhumanity of the current government in legal ways.
The left is really losing its mind on the nazi punching thing. I guess I feel you guys, but turning into the lefts version of the Tea Party isn't going to help against Trump. You can't fight fire with fire.
I should but I won't. Eventhough I have a Wii U, I want to play Zelda on the go, it'll probably be an indie machine for me and most important of all: I'll be able to play PuyoPuyoTetris on my commute to university at the end of April. And there is a chance that due to a pricing mistake on amazon.de I could get it for under 200 but I'm not counting on that.
Pro Humble Bundle:
- Amazing Value
- Good cause
- I want the Witness and it has it
Contra Humble Bundle:
- With the Switch coming up I don't have 30 to spare :/
The issue is that if you are okay with violence against people you abhor, you are giving them ammunition to label you as radicals. With non-violent protests you can highlight immorality and still maintain the moral high ground in the eyes of anyone willing to look. (Sure, you cannot convince die-hard supporters, but most people who voted for Trump aren't die hard supporters. Most people are always in the middle on most issues.
Was tempted by Zelda too, but after seeing Xenoblade Chronicles X in 5K on cemu, I think I'll hold off and hope it'll be run at playable levels on cemu when it releases.
On that note: Do I need a BluRay-Drive to dump my Wii U games on my PC?
The issue is that if you are okay with violence against people you abhor, you are giving them ammunition to label you as radicals. With non-violent protests you can highlight immorality and still maintain the moral high ground in the eyes of anyone willing to look. (Sure, you cannot convince die-hard supporters, but most people who voted for Trump aren't die hard supporters. Most people are always in the middle on most issues.
So it's not about defending the alt-right idiots. It's pointing out that being okay with violence against them, or worse, actively calling for it, is hurting the fight against Trump.
So sure, if you want 8 years of the Orange Menace, then please keep punching your nazis.
So I was reading an old thread since I'm doing an interview, and some stuff is pretty amusing from our current perspective.
Then: "I think you may be overestimating both the sales potential of a delayed PC port, the actual sales of Dark Souls and the budget they had to make the port."
Now: DS is easily the most profitable Japanese franchise on PC.
It seems like I'm too dumb for twitter.
I wrote a tweet, but if I go here:
it doesn't show up. After looking at the pattern of what goes where, it seems to me like it's being treated as a reply (even though it's not one) because of the "@" in the beginning, so I should have reordered it to not have that. Is that the gist of it?
(Yes, I'm asking for Twitter tech support in the Steam community thread, but since the tweet in question is somewhat related to a game on Steam it's far from the most OT stuff that ever happened here)
It seems like I'm too dumb for twitter.
I wrote a tweet, but if I go here:
it doesn't show up. After looking at the pattern of what goes where, it seems to me like it's being treated as a reply (even though it's not one) because of the "@" in the beginning, so I should have reordered it to not have that. Is that the gist of it?
(Yes, I'm asking for Twitter tech support in the Steam community thread, but since the tweet in question is somewhat related to a game on Steam it's far from the most OT stuff that ever happened here)
ModBot said:Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 38 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.
ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Teggy, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.
Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This is a free for all! You can enter for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
Overgrowth --![]()
MB-C4F5D3EAD7CD42BB- Taken by maty. 20 entrants total.
2064: Read Only Memories --MB-CB5AF939123FCCD5- Taken by Madn. 4 entrants total.
7 Grand Steps --MB-91379D88AFEBE533- Taken by Hektor. 3 entrants total.
A Virus Named Tom -- MB-980A5B8B604CD084
AI War: Fleet Command --MB-9EB57A4F73949644- Taken by Nzyme32. 1 entrants total.
Ellipsis --MB-92540A2BF0A110BB- Taken by Ozium. 5 entrants total.
Girls Like Robots --MB-EE6E376162AFEF26- Taken by redlacs. 2 entrants total.
Guacamelee Super Turbo Championship Edition --MB-CFA948EB322A6F4C- Taken by Abomination. 3 entrants total.
Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora --MB-D59D70777F5DBF82- Taken by WinterDemons. 3 entrants total.
Human Resource Machine --MB-840902CCB787D377- Taken by drakaenae. 1 entrants total.
Invisible, Inc. --MB-54D16B9577FCFCFA- Taken by Abomination. 18 entrants total.
Mini Metro --MB-1DE3E85CFFC43B99- Taken by Zeknurn. 6 entrants total.
Monster Loves You --MB-BD17DB9F565066E1- Taken by Mikurden. 2 entrants total.
Mushroom 11 --MB-6D2F5EF2EE83CE69- Taken by Spirited. 2 entrants total.
Ninja Pizza Girl --MB-53F02B4810A11FAE- Taken by Zeeman. 7 entrants total.
No Time To Explain -- MB-65A054B2DEE93E24
Nuclear Throne --MB-65A1492787F5E6AB- Taken by someguyinahat. 13 entrants total.
Octodad Dadliest Catch --MB-363FB183F97E1435- Taken by thesaucetastic. 3 entrants total.
ROCKETSROCKETSROCKETS --MB-75AC0DD0FF34C172- Taken by Jalal. 4 entrants total.
Retro Game Crunch --MB-E08AC9992BDCA7F6- Taken by Catshade. 1 entrants total.
Robot Roller Derby Disco Dodgeball -- MB-51217FBC60A581F1
Secrets of Raetikon --MB-1E9AFA0906A18932- Taken by Blizniak. 2 entrants total.
Song of the Deep --MB-BA6B379D0DF67C1D- Taken by ramoisdead. 20 entrants total.
Spirits --MB-CA6509E5BF905719- Taken by Eila. 1 entrants total.
Sproggiwood --MB-29ED8634D9D5EB73- Taken by Yakkue. 7 entrants total.
Stardew Valley --MB-80CF0C178832E932- Taken by gurm3n. 18 entrants total.
Streamline --MB-4C831EB6E732F639- Taken by bloke. 2 entrants total.
Subnautica --MB-D670F487C5F75D6C- Taken by oipic. 31 entrants total.
Super Hexagon -- MB-DC46CAB972725A7F
Super Meat Boy --MB-EC789308F57FD15D- Taken by pislit. 1 entrants total.
Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP --MB-12E6662843587F5E- Taken by Naked Snake. 1 entrants total.
The Stanley Parable --MB-7B2396D36E8DECDF- Taken by chadskin. 9 entrants total.
The Swapper --MB-3C5E7176DC488719- Taken by White Wolf. 2 entrants total.
Thirty Flights of Loving --MB-63E87B750A1F6F3E- Taken by illusionary. 5 entrants total.
Tower of Guns --MB-DD9E97F66B73D899- Taken by Platy. 1 entrants total.
VVVVVV --MB-62E9BD47835CC04A- Taken by Valxal. 1 entrants total.
The Witness --![]()
MB-67E652CB15A0C481- Taken by xezuru. 53 entrants total.
Waking Mars --MB-2C076807B5B2D5C9- Taken by PaulSane. 1 entrants total.
World of Goo --MB-D7833EF7BBC17CCB- Taken by Endruen. 1 entrants total.
... continues to be a Ubisoft shill ...I started playing Watch_Dogs 2 these last couple of days and boy do i like it. Missions are fun, characters are great, world is beautiful...
The issue is that if you are okay with violence against people you abhor, you are giving them ammunition to label you as radicals. With non-violent protests you can highlight immorality and still maintain the moral high ground in the eyes of anyone willing to look. (Sure, you cannot convince die-hard supporters, but most people who voted for Trump aren't die hard supporters. Most people are always in the middle on most issues.
So it's not about defending the alt-right idiots. It's pointing out that being okay with violence against them, or worse, actively calling for it, is hurting the fight against Trump.
So sure, if you want 8 years of the Orange Menace, then please keep punching your nazis.
I started playing Watch_Dogs 2 these last couple of days and boy do i like it. Missions are fun, characters are great, world is beautiful...
Thanks, that's what I assumed. The "." workaround seems silly, I'd probably try to write it differently in order to not put the "@" at the start. Good to know for the future.Tweets with an '@' at the beginning are always muted under your main timeline and only show up in your profile under "tweets and answer" and do not appear on other people's timeline other than the ones you '@'.
If you want to '@' someone and have it visible on your main and your followers timeline, simply put a '.' or something else before it.
I'm no better. Preordered For Honor and Wildlands, lol
It seems like I'm too dumb for twitter.
I wrote a tweet, but if I go here:
it doesn't show up. After looking at the pattern of what goes where, it seems to me like it's being treated as a reply (even though it's not one) because of the "@" in the beginning, so I should have reordered it to not have that. Is that the gist of it?
(Yes, I'm asking for Twitter tech support in the Steam community thread, but since the tweet in question is somewhat related to a game on Steam it's far from the most OT stuff that ever happened here)
I'm no better. Preordered For Honor and Wildlands, lol
I'm past those games. Need the new hawtnessWhy not play Chivalry: Medieval Warfare or Mount & Blade: Warband instead?![]()
Ya, seen that. Seems like folks are holding on to their codes.I keep checking the BST thread to buy one of those NVIDIA codes to get Wildlands cheap (I have a 1070 so I can use it)...so far I haven't seen any for the US
Well, maybe I should explain my understanding of the situation, as I have followed it. (In simplified form)That doesn't address my point at all, though. I'm not calling for violence or committing it myself. I just don't care if a Nazi is punched.
Find the guy who did the punching, prosecute him for assault if charges are pressed. I don't care about the whole thing. It is a level of injustice so minor it doesn't even register on my scale.
And yet, with every perceived imperfection of the left no matter how small or insignificant, Trump is hung over people's heads like some sort of guillotine attached to an ever-fraying rope. Oh no, if one more Nazi gets punched we'll be doomed to Trump forever! It's absurd.
Imagine an opposite world where Hillary got in and conservatives were worried that they'll have lost voters forever because a member of PETA got punched. I assure you that has never a discussion anywhere across the multiverse.