I'd like Frozen Synapse but all I have to offer is Half-Life 2 (which you probably have), a few coal or a couple poor coupons.
i don't have HL2, i think we can make something work!
I'd like Frozen Synapse but all I have to offer is Half-Life 2 (which you probably have), a few coal or a couple poor coupons.
I have an extra copy of Toki Tori and Osmos I would take like 1 coal each for to get rid of (lol). PM me you bad boy.
What I have:
- 25% off Valve coupon
- The Witcher Enhanced edition
- Dota2 beta invite
What I'd like to trade for:
- Arkham City
- Bastion
- Open to offers
11 coal
Dota2 beta invite
-50% Valve coupon
-50% Steel Storm BR 4pack coupon
-50 TellTaleGames(Gold coupon)
will trade all for Witcher 2.
pm me if interested.
11 coal
Dota2 beta invite
-50% Valve coupon
-50% Steel Storm BR 4pack coupon
-50% TellTaleGames (Gold coupon)
Sonic Generations
mass effect 2
pm me if interested.
Is there someone out there who doesn't have the Orange Box? There's pretty much no way I'd get anything worthwhile back, so I'm willing to just give it away.
Trade for 2 coals?
You can just have it. Send me an invite ( and I'll shoot it your way.
I'd give you four coal for Orange Box.
I have Portal and Tf2 is free, but I don't own HL2.
Blah... Damn slow iPad typing lol oh well
I can trade you HL2 for a couple of coal, but it doesn't have the extra episodes
For the coal? All of it?
Steam Id: poem of angel
BTw, excuse the double post... Returning to my laptop now lol
I'm not finding you on Steam (could very well be user error on my part). My Steam ID is: Gilead
Portal 2
Left 4 Dead
Half Life 2
Kings Bounty Platinum Edtion
Sniper Ghost Warrior Gold
12 Coal
Witcher 2
Sonic Generations
Killing Floor
Still have Portal and Portal 2 to trade, was hoping to get games I wanted for them but I will entertain offers.
four coal for Portal 2, this is literally the best offer you will ever get
Listen to the man he tells it like it is, no sugar coating.
I would be willing to pay 5 coal for Portal 2! That's not an attempt at one-upsmanship, but my total inventory of coal at the moment.