Home streaming question:
You can't stream 5.1 over home streaming, as I understand it. But can I do this:
Desktop upstairs running the game
Laptop downstairs streaming the game to my HDTV
Wireless 5.1 headphones connected to desktop
I'm hoping the latency wouldn't be too jarring, but otherwise, I *think* this ought to work, shouldn't it? Curious if I can do that sort of audio rerouting while streaming, though.
You can't stream 5.1 over home streaming, as I understand it. But can I do this:
Desktop upstairs running the game
Laptop downstairs streaming the game to my HDTV
Wireless 5.1 headphones connected to desktop
I'm hoping the latency wouldn't be too jarring, but otherwise, I *think* this ought to work, shouldn't it? Curious if I can do that sort of audio rerouting while streaming, though.