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STEAM | January 2015 - Steam GOTY results: Delayed

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Hmm, if you don't have any problems with old graphics and some fiddling to make them run on a newer OS, sure. Gothic II is the best RPG I ever played I think. I just said it, because it is made by the same developers that made the Gothic Series and it does have a kinda outdated combat system and other quirks that some people don't like. Exploration in the first Risen is great, it just gets stale at the end. Risen 2 is divided into different islands and has a pirate theme, some people didn't like that.

Risen 1 for 1 TF2 Key: http://www.steamtrades.com/forum/zq...rogues-tale-gatling-gears-gnomoria-chronology
Risen 2 and some other games. No idea how much he wants for them: http://www.steamtrades.com/forum/HI...der-kings2-hotline-deadisland-goty-w-keys-tod
Awesome, thanks for the help!
Is there a usual timeframe that Valve goes by before non-marketable TF2 promo items can be sold? Just trying to figure out when the Lara Croft Osiris items will be eligible to sell.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I've been watching George Weidman's playthrough of Metal Gear Rising and man, I don't think it's possible to watch that game and not feel like going at it again. I only beat it on normal and I feel like replaying, I'll definitely tackle it again this week. I'm just waiting for the home theater I ordered to arrive before I resume gaming on the TV.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Is there a usual timeframe that Valve goes by before non-marketable TF2 promo items can be sold? Just trying to figure out when the Lara Croft Osiris items will be eligible to sell.

It's up to publishers to tell Valve to flip the switch. Generally they become marketable shortly after the game in question has unlocked, but evidently Squeenix has forgotten that it offered items as a pre-purchase incentive for Osiris.


bish gets all the credit :)

I would not expect a banner like this

for a game looking like this


I saw someone mentioning the new captcha thing on market transactions and saw it was for Battleblock Theatre... I have a question

how do I sell stuff from that game? Every item in my inventory says there is no market history (yet when I go to the market there is) wtf volvo
Just got through (can't exactly say finished, we'll get to that in a moment) Leviathan: the Last Day of the Decade. Impressions:

What I liked about it: It's got an interesting story, concept-wise. Some choices appear to affect future outcomes (example: you can choose to buy or use certain items at various times, or choose to save your money and items for later. There's nothing that really indicates when something will be useful or not, or even if it's useful, and it carries over from one episode to the next.) It's got elements of both point-and-click adventure and visual novel. At times, it even feels like Phoenix Wright. There's also a morality system of some kind, but it doesn't make itself too apparent. During episode 2 you're told it exists and are given a score (I assume based on episode 1?) and you don't hear about it again until episode 3, again, by which point you're given another score. It'll be interesting to see where that leads.

What I didn't like about it:

The graphics are inconsistent. Some characters look good and have personality, others have creepy uncanny valley vibes (and not in an intentional way.)
Like most games made in Russia, lots of bizarre turns of phrase where you can't help but think "Nobody talks like that," and holy COW the spelling and grammar errors. (I even found one piece of dialogue that was still in Russian.) Far too many indie games in this genre these days rely on text, but it's like they can't be bothered to hire someone to make sure the text is good because it might cut into profits. Seriously, guys, if you stop relying on people to buy it sight unseen and hire one good proofreader, you might actually get people reviewing it well and buying your future games! It's even more sad because all the trappings of a good story are there, only it's not told nearly as well as it could be.
It's episodic and only three episodes out of five are done in English. Apparently episode four is available in Russian but it hasn't been translated yet.
Some achievements are broken: I didn't receive the achievements for completing episodes 2 and 3, although I did for episode 1.
There are only two manual save slots and one auto. For a game that hinges around choice and morality, that makes me nervous.
Despite having three episodes, the game is criminally short. You might expect a game like this to be 2-3 hours per episode, but this game took me 2 1/2 hours COMBINED. So you're looking at less than an hour per episode.

The verdict: This game needs work. It's unfinished, and what is finished is itself unfinished. Maybe when episode 5 happens, more loose ends come together, one is able to figure out what items do, and so on, I could say "This was a good story and a good game from beginning to end." Right now I can't say that. This game is a piece of coal that could have been a diamond, and maybe the developers will apply the pressure and heat to that coal to do just that. I'd suggest waiting on this title, but keep an eye on it for the future.


I saw someone mentioning the new captcha thing on market transactions and saw it was for Battleblock Theatre... I have a question

how do I sell stuff from that game? Every item in my inventory says there is no market history (yet when I go to the market there is) wtf volvo

It's always been like that for some reason. The only items with any real value though were limited release.
do you guys aim for 100% achievements in order to 'complete' a game? or just play until youre satisfied? Some titles I enjoy, finish, then kind of get annoyed with based on my need to 100% it based on random criteria.
do you guys aim for 100% achievements in order to 'complete' a game? or just play until youre satisfied? Some titles I enjoy, finish, then kind of get annoyed with based on my need to 100% it based on random criteria.

I play through the main campaign thing once and that's about it these days. I don't really have that much time to play games anyway so that restricts it too a bit. There are some excections to that, such as Souls games and some online games like CS:GO
I just pre-ordered Saints Row: Gat out of Hell even though I've got a huge backlog of games and the game will probably be 50% by the summer seal.

What have I become?


do you guys aim for 100% achievements in order to 'complete' a game? or just play until youre satisfied? Some titles I enjoy, finish, then kind of get annoyed with based on my need to 100% it based on random criteria.

Usually it's obvious to me if I can get an achievement in a reasonable amount of time. And if I got all of those that's it, I won't grind for 10000 kills when I'm at 4000 or something like that. Too many other games to play and while I like achievements and try to get my 'Avg. Game Completion Rate' higher I know my limits. Seeing the end of 5 games > obsessing over 1 game to unlock everything
as long as it isn't called Goat Sim


do you guys aim for 100% achievements in order to 'complete' a game? or just play until youre satisfied? Some titles I enjoy, finish, then kind of get annoyed with based on my need to 100% it based on random criteria.

Only if i really like the game.
do you guys aim for 100% achievements in order to 'complete' a game? or just play until youre satisfied? Some titles I enjoy, finish, then kind of get annoyed with based on my need to 100% it based on random criteria.

Usually, I'll finish the game, then go back and cherry-pick some easier achievements that I missed. All too often, though, I can't even get 100% because it requires buying DLC or it has multiplayer that nobody plays anymore. And sometimes I won't bother with certain achievements because it essentially requires playing the game a second time in full. (Not interested in commentary mode, thanks!)
Okay, my new Alienware Area 51 desktop just showed up (the trapezoidal thing). Freaking huge. 45 pounds. overclocked Haswell-E. 16 gigs of speedy DDR4 ram. And a GTX 980. One hell of an upgrade from a 4-year old processor, 6 gigs of ram, and a 650Ti.
You trying to make me jealous?.... cause it's working. And I don't even mean your new PC but your old one ;_;

So... where do I start for proper socks-blown-off-ness? Wolfenstein? Metro Last Light?
I'm tempted to boot Warframe back up for the first time in months.
Just took a look at your games and Metro LL, FractOS, Alice, Remember Me, Wolfenstein, Bioshock Infinite, Dark Souls, Dishonored, Lichdom, Witcher 2 are visually very impressive games. Give them a try.
No. The third mission sucked.
Really loved everything about MGS4. Is mission three the one you sneak in Europe? That was awesome!
I've always advocated for an ARM client, would add so much value to the service and many of them have the required codecs.
But all the games wouldn't work on an ARM machine or would they?
ARM would be very good for a Steamboy but it would only make sense for me if all games would be playable.

And done. 63 hours, 57 minutes and 13 seconds (according to the fresh character play time).

Praise The Sun.
Wow, congrats! I am 20hrs in on my first playthrough ever and jsut discovered the entrances to Blighttown and lower Undead Burg, hah.
Already SL20.
It has been around six months and I'm already 11 games from 1000. OTL
How? I mean... HOW?
Just stream Stereo to some nice headphones and you will be fine, don't junk up your audio with some trashy '5.1' headset.
Really stereo? Why wouldn't a 5.1 headphones be good?



Unhack is now on Steam it's a visual novel x puzzle game that explores the nature of greed.
Currently 3.39 because of it's 15% off discount.
This is done by InvertMouse who did the Without Within VN I liked and posted about awhile back.

Also if you're interested. Backing the Without Within Kickarter for the amount of 10AUD(8.10USD) includes this Bermuda and Without within steam keys(Though Without Within needs to finish up it's greenlight run)

Vote for Without Within Here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=358896149
Only game I have ever played where all the characters were unlikable.

Huh... not sure exactly what this says about you. :)

do you guys aim for 100% achievements in order to 'complete' a game? or just play until youre satisfied? Some titles I enjoy, finish, then kind of get annoyed with based on my need to 100% it based on random criteria.

Depends on how much I like the game and how much of a hassle the achievement set is.
Although sometimes with OCD, I end up playing average games and going for 100% completion as well...


What about DC3?

Huh... not sure exactly what this says about you. :)

No clue but I didn't like anyone in the game.
Real Spoilers
When Phelps died I had no feeling whatsoever. Was just like oh, and kept on.

I guess you never "played" To the Moon then.

I played To The Moon. That game just kind of came and went.
After all the talk about it I was left very unimpressed.


Transistor is is is... can't really find a words, let's say simply beautiful.
I wish I played it earlier, it might have got onto my GOTY list.

I was shocked that it has well known problem I immediately stumbled upon and never heard mentioned. It's very hard to make it run in high res, full screen or windowed, I finally solved this problem only by going low res, a pity really.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
do you guys aim for 100% achievements in order to 'complete' a game? or just play until youre satisfied? Some titles I enjoy, finish, then kind of get annoyed with based on my need to 100% it based on random criteria.
Until I'm satisfied which is sometimes 100 percent and sometimes as little as just the first level or two. It all depends on the fun I'm having.
I've never played them either. Should I try the Gothic games first and then try Risen if I like them?

I'd say try Gothic II, at least. The combat system is horrific, to the point that I couldn't bother going past the first chapter because it gave me headaches. The story (from what I saw) is pretty good.


do you guys aim for 100% achievements in order to 'complete' a game? or just play until youre satisfied? Some titles I enjoy, finish, then kind of get annoyed with based on my need to 100% it based on random criteria.

I like completionist achievements and really don't like ones that are beyond that, completing a game fully, I mean, some are ridiculous like requiring to beat a game 5 or more times to get killing, stars or whatever quota. Even then I sometimes feel tempted to try, it never is satisfactory, I should stop doing that, I think.
I like games were I don't give a damn about achievements because I like it so much I never check, and when I finish and check I just play until 100% or don't bother and still like it.


do you guys aim for 100% achievements in order to 'complete' a game? or just play until youre satisfied? Some titles I enjoy, finish, then kind of get annoyed with based on my need to 100% it based on random criteria.
I'm done playing when I'm done playing and have beaten it when I feel I have beaten it. I don't usually look at achievements as I prefer to have my own personal ones instead of what the developer deems an achievement.


do you guys aim for 100% achievements in order to 'complete' a game? or just play until youre satisfied? Some titles I enjoy, finish, then kind of get annoyed with based on my need to 100% it based on random criteria.

I only 100% a game if I love the hell out of it. I complete a game after I reach the end or, if it's online, after I've spent a few hours getting steam rolled by people online.


This thread is almost dead, not community level of dead, but we are getting there (><)
I must say, that plan to revive community didn't work, but to slow down the steam thread - even too good, no?

Need suggestion of really nice looking (no pseudo retro stuff), easy, short and sweet platformers, some puzzling involved would be plus, from ones I own, I would post list, but that's a bit too long list. It's for my 52 games challenge, and I don't particularly like platformers, but as I have so many of them, maybe I should play some after all!

Holy shit at the XSeed fallout.
Pretty much mod harassment onward from page 5

Also, holy shit, tri-Ace really needs to port their older games to PCs:

That Xseed thread derail was ... epically bad
I never in my life have seen G.I.R.L. used anywhere

I wouldn't mind a new tri-Ace game, read it as in please, pretty please, for all that's good and fun, somebody finance a new tri-Ace games while they are still alive!


This thread is almost dead, not community level of dead, but we are getting there (><)
I must say, that plan to revive community didn't work, but to slow down the steam thread - even too good, no?

Need suggestion of really nice looking (no pseudo retro stuff), easy, short and sweet platformers, some puzzling involved would be plus, from ones I own, I would post list, but that's a bit too long list. It's for my 52 games challenge, and I don't particularly like platformers, but as I have so many of them, maybe I should play some after all!

6180 the moon, 140 or Sugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory which I completed yesterday. Eversion (could be considered pseudo retro stuff)? Hard to say which ones you actually played and not only idled.
do you guys aim for 100% achievements in order to 'complete' a game? or just play until youre satisfied? Some titles I enjoy, finish, then kind of get annoyed with based on my need to 100% it based on random criteria.

i just play them until i beat them and thats it , there are some exceptions when i see that the achievements are not that hard and at the same time i really like the game .


listen to the mad man
I'm really interested in Samurai Gunn, and I'll probably buy it on the Humble Store sale, but I truly don't understand why the dev/pub are boycotting Steam--the game has never been discounted on Steam.


6180 the moon, 140 or Sugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory which I completed yesterday. Eversion? Hard to say which ones you acutally played and not only idled.

I don't get mechanics of Sugar Cube, it seems to me like I have no control over the game at all (><)
Eversion? That's good idea, moving in my to play queue. 6180 the moon is not what I'm looking for.
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