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STEAM | January 2015 - Steam GOTY results: Delayed

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irresponsible vagina leak
Haha wow Kemco.

They've put out like....zero good games for as long as I've known them.
Admittedly I don't know a thing about their mobile output, but during the 8-16-32-64bit days it was nothing but mediocre junk.

Rogue Ops was decent...


Pizza Dog
Just finished 6-5. Only 6-6 on Infinite to go. I misclicked (for the 2nd time) near the end of 6-5 the first time and had to start over and almost cried. Got it the second time, despite a misclick in the middle that had me all stressed out for the rest of it.

6-6 should be a cakewalk in comparison. Don't know if I'll even bother with 'infinite' generator, I'm burnt.

My girlfriend saw me playing Hexcells Infinite over Christmas and got really into it, we've been playing through them again together off and on. She normally doesn't take an interest in any games at all, so this has been great for us to do together on the laptop while sat on the sofa. For that reason alone I give the game a million stars. The infinite mode is good, but don't expect the same level of finesse and puzzling in the levels. Good if you just want a quick five minute level to play through though.

Edit: oh, I replied to a really old post. Never mind.



kindly remind me after I done my 52 games per year ;)

Complete Ys I, I never died during the whole game, then I died 20 times during the last boss, because of those holes in the ground.

damn you are fast, just how long you play daily to go through those games like that, you finished FF13 and 13-2 like in less then a month or something and Ys in two days tops.

Haha wow Kemco.

They've put out like....zero good games for as long as I've known them.
Admittedly I don't know a thing about their mobile output, but during the 8-16-32-64bit days it was nothing but mediocre junk.

They're at least partly responsible for the legendary cover for the SNES game Phalanx.

I actually bought a PS2 memory card that Kemco put out. It was the best product they ever made IMO. That thing still works and I've had it for well over a decade.
Shadowgate is no good?
mediocre games aren't really junk in my book, but yeah I'm not a fan of theirs. Still I'll buy Alphadia Genesis and will play it, or at least will try, as I want more japanese devs to fall for steam (><)
Alphadia are actually series, I think, so if it's not bad, getting more is good, even if mediocre.
Most games are mediocre, just reminding!


kindly remind me after I done my 52 games per year ;)

In March, got it.
Damn, many of the solutions to puzzles in Cognition are beyond weird.
Not only are they the hardest way to tackle a problem, many of them would guarantee the PC at least a few years in jail.
Who thought it was a good idea to have a 'pull a fake fire alarm' solution to a 'how to get a tape recorder' problem?

Ys lasted me something like 4 hours, I think, because I already had game time from cards.

A great solution to that problem is that Gameplay Time Tracker tool I mentioned earlier.
Unless overriden, It only counts the gametime when the game is in fullscreen. Alt-tabbing to read a guide/IM, and card farming are not counted.
Seriously, give it a try, especially if you need the times for 52games/year challenge. Works with non-Steam games as well.


Ys lasted me something like 4 hours, I think, because I already had game time from cards.
For FFXIII-2, well, I was playing it sporadycally from December, then seriously from 1st January. It took me 54 hours.
Last "big" game I completed is LOS2 (completed 31 December), then I played Bird Story (1 hour) and Long Live the Queen (2 hours).
So it doesn't seem really special to me.
EDIT: I remember wrong. Ys Chronicles doesn't own cards. so I took 5 hours in order to complete it on Easy. This in two days, but yesterday I played something like 4 hours, today I just defeated the final boss, let's say 40 minutes.
Also regarding FFXIII-2 : I already had time from card idling. One day I left the game running with rubber trick to farm 7777 coins for 7 hours or so. So for the game I took 43 hours max (since I left the game opened a couple of time during lunch, dinner etc), divided into two weeks. So basically 3 hours each day.
Since you seem loving stats.

Long Live the Queen is not 2 hours game! there are people that spent hundred of hours literally in that game. Not sure how, though, I finished it in 30 something I think, but it's possible to try to find slightly different ways to achieve goals, so 100 hours isn't that insane, when I think about it.
50 hours for FF13-2 is incredibly fast, well, I know that you used a guide and that speed things considerably, I just didn't think by that much. ;)

In March, got it.

very funny!

I need to finish Cognition too.
BTW I got stuck in Blackwell Legacy once already.
Telephone solution to getting a notebook
never occurred to me for some reason... No games are short for me it seems (><)
Uninvolved Point: Decide for yourself by watching the Samurai Gunn Quick Look!

However, this is a pointless discussion when Gang Beasts Lethal League is light years better.
There we go, fixed that for you. If only for the GGPO netcode.

The Next Penelope looks like the next game to watch. It's hitting Early Access on the 22nd, but will have all the solo content in the game from the jump. This video pretty much sold me on it.

Steam Link and Website
I'm excited for how this is shaping up. Any word on the price yet?


I used this guide present on steam community hub for Long Live the Queen too, since I tried to play it by myself and I failed dying three times, so I gave up and I did all the right choices to check the ending.


Also for FFXIII-2


Main+extras is around 40 hours (median), so it seems ok to me, since I totally skipped time-wasting sections (if I would furfill my bestiary, it would easily require me additional 20 hours of gameplay).

how could you ruin such a great and unique game as LLTQ by using a guide? it's beyond me, I'll never understand that. (><)

Apparently Razer is having a CES 2015 appreciation sale. For 24 hours starting Jan 12, 6.00pm PST/UTC-8, all Razer peripherals will be on 50% off, and systems at 30% off with a code.

Get your codes here.

you are not Milamber... or are you?


you are not Milamber... or are you?

Was just alerted to this by my clan buddies. Despite my many attempts to dissuade them, some of them are going to buy razer keyboards *shudders*

I'm considering a mouse or a headset, but nothing really screams to me


As I said (I updated my post with it), VN are not my cup of tea. I was curious toward LLTQ because of GAF, then I won it on SG, I tried it, I didn't like the gameplay, is very "try and die" and too random (I mean, you do a thing, then two seconds after you die because the princees ate the chocolate and, by not having so much points on a "skill", you die and you can do nothing to avoid it), so I used a guide just to clean the game because I won it and I was obliged to do it.

only, there is nothing random in LLTQ, you are supposed to learn consequences of your actions and choices as you play. You can avoid dying in any way by making right choices and learning right skills at the right time.
But if it's not your thing, it's not your thing, no words can change that.
Still it's such a waste of a great game...

The FF13-2 DLC is shitty.
I mean to finish the Sazh DLC I have to play some gambling games...
which is bad, because variety and gambling in games is nice to have? am I right?
dlcs aren't very good, but it has nothing to do with having opportunity to gamble ;)


How can I know that someone will send me poison chocolate?
Or that if I join the party an arrow will kill me?
You can know those things only by playing the game, dying and THEN you know you need X points in a skill so you can avoid death.

exactly, that's called learning, experience and choices that have effect, all of them! Do you know everything before playing any game? Your complaint makes no sense, you understand that, don't you?

Sazh is generally considered the best of the 6 playable characters from FF13, characterization wise, the fact that the only thing you do in his 'DLC side story' is gambling minigames is extremely disappointing, unimaginative and uninspired.
I agreed in my reply, that dlcs aren't good (excluding arena ones, they do what they supposed to do), I just don't agree that gambling is to blame. ;)


which is bad, because variety and gambling in games is nice to have? am I right?
dlcs aren't very good, but it has nothing to do with having opportunity to gamble ;)

Sazh is generally considered the best of the 6 playable characters from FF13, characterization wise, the fact that the only thing you do in his 'DLC side story' is gambling minigames is extremely disappointing, unimaginative and uninspired.


Nope, I read nothing about the game, only that was basically a "dark souls with a princess".
And I'm not complaining, you asked, I answered, because I specified VN is not my genre in my post too. I understand that people can really like the genre, but as I stated I don't like it.

but you do complain that you have to learn what harms you and what helps you in this particular game, when almost every game requires such learning.
I don't argue about your dislike of genre, that's pointless, I argue against your motivation, you blame a game, and a game has no faults of this kind at all, nothing is random, you learn as you play how to avoid certain things and make other things to happen, like in any game.


but you do complain that you have to learn what harms you and what helps you in this particular game, when almost every game requires such learning.
I don't argue about your dislike of genre, that's pointless, I argue against your motivation, you blame a game, and a game has no faults of this kind at all, nothing is random, you learn as you play how to avoid certain things and make other things to happen, like in any game.

You know what Arthea? I find that PunishedSnake is pretty much complaining everything.
Badly designed games. Mechanics that you have to learn or don't understand. Repetitive battles. There seems that nothing can please him at all. Have you seen him like something.
Nope, I read nothing about the game, only that was basically a "dark souls with a princess".
And I'm not complaining, you asked, I answered, because I specified VN is not my genre in my post too. I understand that people can really like the genre, but as I stated I don't like it.

LTTQ is not a VN per se, it's a raising game, which are quite different from regular VN, please play Katawa Shoujo, it's a free VN that you might enjoy.

You know what Arthea? I find that PunishedSnake is pretty much complaining everything.
Badly designed games. Mechanics that you have to learn or don't understand. Repetitive battles. There seems that nothing can please him at all. Have you seen him like something.

I don't think that's the case, he seems to have enjoyed Ys 1, also I can understand some of his gripes with LTTQ, since it's basically a trial and error game, it's very good, but it's not a game for everybody.


but you do complain that you have to learn what harms you and what helps you in this particular game, when almost every game requires such learning.
I don't argue about your dislike of genre, that's pointless, I argue against your motivation, you blame a game, and a game has no faults of this kind at all, nothing is random, you learn as you play how to avoid certain things and make other things to happen, like in any game.

I think what he means is that in (most) other games you get a sense of danger, you know that death is a possibility but instead in this game you're baited into making mistakes instead of letting the player choose if they wanna take the risk.
It's a similar grippe that some people have with Spelunker where traps kill you without you knowing they were traps and only after you die to them are you aware of the danger.

It's a valid gameplay mechanic but it's understandable if people have strong feelings against it, especially with its consequences.

Edit: looks like I wasn't quick enough, the snake himself just made it clear.


Yes and no. Take Dark Souls. I can die because I rushed a section, in example, and an enemy was behing a wall, waiting for me. I can die. But if I proceed slowly the first time, I can avoid the death. On LLTQ is not possible. To avoid dying by poisoned chocolate I need:
-have many points on poison skill


-have many points in that skill to refuse chocolate

But I won't know I need points here if not when I died the first time. Basically you can of course learn from your error, but you need to die to do that. It's not the same in Dark Souls. Because even if you see the enemy behind that wall, you have the possibility to fight him and eventually defeat him. So death is not mandatory to understand from your error. This is why I don't like LLTQ.

Also, again, I'm not complaining. I'm only explaining you why I don't like the game.

not true, to avoid dying in DS you need to know what's awaiting you, if you don't know, you can still avoid by getting lucky and moving the way to avoid spotted. If you get lucky and learn required skills in LLTQ you don't die the first time too, or you learn what awaits you and avoid it second time. There is no difference.

OK, you are not complaining, you still are blaming a game and a game is not to blame. ;)


LTTQ is not a VN per se, it's a raising game, which are quite different from regular VN, please play Katawa Shoujo, it's a free VN that you might enjoy.

I don't think that's the case, he seems to have enjoyed Ys 1, also I can understand some of his gripes with LTTQ, since it's basically a trial and error game, it's very good, but it's not a game for everybody.

Looks like there is something he actually likes without complaining anything :p

Bunga bunga parties?
Everybody loves those, right

Is it some game that I have missed under my radar :p

[unassigned] has added me to his friends list!!

Am excite!!

It's a trap!
I only played Always Remember Me, I think that is a VN. It's not bad, but is very easy to complete since each boy has specific things he likes, so you only need to read book or do something that raise that skill in order to conquer him. But again, I'm more into point and click games, with more locations, puzzle to solve, a deep story etc.
But I will give this a try, soon or later.

Always Remember Me is also kinda a raising game, not a regular VN, play Katawa Shoujo, thank me later and
tell me which waifu did you choose

It's a trap!

You mean it's a G.I.R.L, right?


not true, to avoid dying in DS you need to know what's awaiting you, if you don't know, you can still avoid by getting lucky and moving the way to avoid spotted. If you get lucky and learn required skills in LLTQ you don't die the first time too, or you learn what awaits you and avoid it second time. There is no difference.

OK, you are not complaining, you still are blaming a game and a game is not to blame. ;)

Again, what he means is that (sticking with Dark Souls) it's up to the player whether or not he dies or has the skill to avoid death, in this game it's entirely up to the game.

And before you refute with the skill also being the player's: no, if the game requires you to invest skill points to be able to do something than the skill is not up to the player.
Another way to put it is two players with different builds avoid death = player's skill; one player has advantage over the other because of a specific skill tree = the skill doesn't belong to the player.


Always Remember Me is also kinda a raising game, not a regular VN, play Katawa Shoujo, thank me later and
tell me which waifu did you choose

You mean it's a G.I.R.L, right?

He meant old school starwars admiral ackbar trap, but that reference was pretty hilarious.

is the best, and if you disagree, I will fight you.


You know, gamepads are the greatest controller for playing VNs.
Just Joy2Key "Enter" to all face buttons and Dpad, and "a" to Triggers.
Seriously, no more hunching over keyboard/mouse.
Also, if required, you can just hold the pad in one hand and forward through the... intriguing dialogue


He meant old school starwars admiral ackbar trap, but that reference was pretty hilarious.

Yeah, I meant Ackbar.
Can someone link me to G.I.R.L? I want to see if I understood the reference. I can't find it in Steam, I think I saw it before...


Yeah, I meant Ackbar.
Can someone link me to G.I.R.L? I want to see if I understood the reference. I can't find it in Steam, I think I saw it before...
No one can link you to G.I.R.L. but you. ( &#865;° &#860;&#662; &#865;°)
And the G.I.R.L.
Anyone knows where I could get Dont Starve Frontier together cheap? I know there is a 2 pack of Dont Starve Together, but it seems the second copy is just Together, while the first one is Dont Starve+Together.


I don't think that's the case, he seems to have enjoyed Ys 1, also I can understand some of his gripes with LTTQ, since it's basically a trial and error game, it's very good, but it's not a game for everybody.

every game is at least partly trial and error game with the exception of logic based puzzle games.
Also no game is for everybody, not a single one, well maybe with exception of tetris (><) It still doesn't stop people from saying that "this is a greatest game ever and everybody should play this". In accordance to this tradition, I won't budge! Long Live the Queen is an amazing game, everybody should play the way it was intended to play! suffer! (><)

Seriously, there is not much of trial-error in this game, all checks have multiple skills to pass, you guys make it sound like it's some complex beyond believe thing, and it only looks like this:


Again, what he means is that (sticking with Dark Souls) it's up to the player whether or not he dies or has the skill to avoid death, in this game it's entirely up to the game.

And before you refute with the skill also being the player's: no, if the game requires you to invest skill points to be able to do something than the skill is not up to the player.
Another way to put it is two players with different builds avoid death = player's skill; one player has advantage over the other because of a specific skill tree = the skill doesn't belong to the player.

I pretty much think (after todays discussion), that LLTQ is very much player skill game: skill to recognize the great game and play long enough to see that nothing is random and everything makes sense. Counter that! (><)

You can then argue that there is limited replayability after winning the game once or twice. Though I guess that's to be expected seeing how cheap the game is.

not true at all ;)


I pretty much think (after todays discussion), that LLTQ is very much player skill skill game: to recognize the great game and play long enough to see that nothing is random and everything makes sense. Counter that! (><)

You can then argue that there is limited replayability after winning the game once or twice. Though I guess that's to be expected seeing how cheap the game is.
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