So now that Dark Souls can be played sans-GFWL, I've started a new character and I'll give it a go. I had a lot of issues with GFWL in the past so it's nice to know I can play it now without headaches. I also got a little frustrated in the beginning of the game the last time I played it, because I kept dying. This time, I'm realizing that patience is key as I'm learning the controls and what my character is capable of.
So I'm seeing the appeal of it and so far (about 2 hours in) I'm slowly getting the hang of it.
While I love Dark Souls I think it is not a game for everyone. There is a lot of backtracking, farming, fighting the same enemies over and over, wandering the same path over and over, especially for newcomers it can be off-turning.
That said, loosing souls, dying over and over is something that will get less annoying over time. Even more so after leveling up a bit, getting better weapons and learning enemies' behavior in and out.
Regions once untameable become a walk in the park where you destroy once dreaded foes literally while walking by them - even without locking to them or using shields! That feeling really is extremely satisfying
I can only speak for myself but Demons Souls gave me much more headaches at its start and even to a lesser degree throughout the whole game. I find Dark Souls way easier to get into and play.
Patience is the key, not rushing fights and generally staying level-headed. It is a fun ride which doesn't get stale for me even after almost 60hrs.
Also, don't try to play in human form much. People kept invading me constantly :/ Only go human when I can't beat a boss alone and need summons.
Have fun.