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STEAM | January 2016 - Out of cash, out of cache

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I guess some new Alt Costumes are being shown off somewhere? Oh from the beta http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1172684
lol don't pay much attention to my wrong opinion about a game i don't know much about but is that ken?

wtf is wrong with his face lol

why does he look like a major douchebag


My 3 day weekend was a blur of gaming goodness, mostly Dragon's Dogma. I played almost 15 hours since Friday. I also watched about 4 different movies, and spent the better part of yesterday assembling new furniture. Now it's back to the grindstone so to speak, but I'll be looking up info on DD every chance I get while also looking forward to Tomb Raider next week.

i am so excited for RotTR next week. Also will be trying out the Division Beta. I hope the game is good.
You know Hero Prinny, we really are the last of us
The weirdest thing about that one is that there are people who've played the game and swear on their life Joel says this and say its cheesy, i know people in real life who believe this. NO ONE EVER SAYS THAT!! It reminds me of inception where all you have to do is plant the idea and from there itll take a course of its own

Its a meme answering a meme with a meme. Know what I meme?
Oh god
He is a rich pretty boy with a banging wife.

He always has been a douchebag to be fair lol.
Not only is he a rich pretty boy with a banging wife, he also has majestic hair and can shoot fireballs from his hand. I think its pretty safe to say that ken is the true mvp, he pretty much won already, id have a douchey smirk like that too if i had everything he has


lol don't pay much attention to my wrong opinion about a game i don't know much about but is that ken?

wtf is wrong with his face lol

why does he look like a major douchebag

Eh he looks better in motion, most still images of the game aren't that representive.


Not only is he a rich pretty boy with a banging wife, he also has majestic hair and can shoot fireballs from his hand. I think its pretty safe to say that ken is the true mvp, he pretty much won already, id have a douchey smirk like that too if i had everything he has
So the only difference between me and ken masters is that ken masters doesn't play street fighter.



Its a meme answering a meme with a meme. Know what I meme?
I love SR3 as much as the next guy but this can't be cereal.

The good thing about this character creator is, that you can actually create good asian males and females with it. If you look at the ones that resembles my wife in Dragons Dogma, Fallout etc. they look like monsters....
Your wife is a mons..

I'm kidding. I'm sure she's extremely flattered that you see her everyday at home AND still want to see her in your games. <3 *true gaming love*


Eh wouldn't recommend it. Gameplay is the same repetitive BS over and over and over again.

I would recommend it for that price. It's short but sweet, so I didn't feel the gameplay overstayed it's welcome. The graphics also are very nice, and a good use to test with computers. Also the story is rather fun for what it is. If you go in taking it as a weekend sort of game, I think most can come out enjoying it.


Didn't see we that we did a write up on LEGO MARVEL's Avengers which I believe is releasing next week. Anyone planning on picking it up or are we over Tt's LEGO formula?



Eh wouldn't recommend it. Gameplay is the same repetitive BS over and over and over again.

I would recommend it for that price. It's short but sweet, so I didn't feel the gameplay overstayed it's welcome. The graphics also are very nice, and a good use to test with computers. Also the story is rather fun for what it is. If you go in taking it as a weekend sort of game, I think most can come out enjoying it.

Game is crazy pretty, and for that price at least you have a good benchmark for your pc. As long as your computer is up to the task the game is enjoyable. Some of the best looking work i have ever seen. Combat is meh. Story is meh. Its all about the wow factor in the game and it didn't last long in my case. I didn't get far into the story as i got bored. Worth the 7 bucks i payed at the time i think and the only reason i got it was to stress test my new rig and see how it ran.
nothing worse than getting teammates in Rocket League that basically make no effort at all to cooperate...hell one of them took the ball all the way down the field from the opponent's end and scored it in our goal on purpose


nothing worse than getting teammates in Rocket League that basically make no effort at all to cooperate...hell one of them took the ball all the way down the field from the opponent's end and scored it in our goal on purpose

Lol. People turn on you so quickly in that game.

I did finally reach Silver I on doubles last night. I suck pretty bad.


now that you mention it you're actually right, SR3 wasn't even that good. a good game yea but GOTY material? nah
Still better than Bloodborne, tho.

Bundlestars is also doing a few (very few) Deep Silver deals, mostly metro & dead island (and TRAINZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ of course)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.

ModBot said:
I am giving away 7 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Gon' E-Choo -- MB-C730BDF89FD7B322 - Taken by gurm3n
Vector Strain -- MB-86B0AF12D9EC95CD - Taken by BadRamen
Car Washer: Summer of the Ninja -- MB-909C77F9C0E3E5EF - Taken by Chairmanchuck
World War II GI -- MB-4C47FDBEE8A571E6 - Taken by Kurt Russell
Starlord -- MB-C650EA925F294582 - Taken by AtomskEater
LowcoBall -- MB-9F411836613B1ECB - Taken by Saty
The Chaos Engine -- MB-5831B5FB1FD0B0AF - Taken by longlivegaming


SE is doing terrible job promoting ROTTR for PC, i really wonder what are they thinking.

-They used Xbox One trailer and only changed the date at the end of the video.
-We still don't know what exactly is VXAO and how it looks.
-We don't have Recommended SR...

Game is releasing in 9 days.


slain was delayed :(

After much deliberation, we are unfortunately going to have delay Slain! until March 24th.

Releasing this month would not give you all the introduction to the Slain! franchise you (and the game) deserves. There's a bit of info on the site but I'll just copy and paste here.

This release date is FINAL so please stay tuned for updates and thanks for being awesome (and patient).

'Wolf Brew Games and Digerati Distribution are sad to say from their deepest, darkest metal hearts that you’re going to have to wait a little longer before you can spill the blood of monsters, demons and evil lords as Bathoryn in gruesome gothic puzzle-combat platformer Slain!.
The game needs a few last tweaks because right now no mortal man or woman could possibly get past Slain!’s intense platforming, traps and monstrosities. Luckily the wait isn’t too long as Slain! will now launch March 24th on Steam.'


Hm. One more day to find a friendly Canuk with Homeworld to gift me the Kharak for the preorder bonus.
Of course, given my lack of time to actually play much, I can probably wait until they're all 75% off anyway...

Bundlestars Bundlefest Day 2: Saints Row vs Risen
TIER 1 4.49€
  • Saints Row 2
  • Saints Row 3 + DLC
TIER 2 14.49€
  • Risen
  • Risen 2 + DLC
  • Risen 3 + DLC
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