As i thought same price for EU 2 for The Witness. Croteam lowered price significantly for Talos (but they live in EU 2 region so they know why they should lower price here).
Woah. The Witness is actually 30$ in Norway.
The Witness can now be pre-ordered:
I'll just let Lashbot do the usual screenshot job.![]()
guys... it's 2 codes.. wtf.
I edited my message sorry. Now the conversation looks weird.
But no, I don't think he made anything besides Braid (which is one of my favorite indies of all time).
Dragon's Dogma is soo good! I finally met up with Mercedes and escorted her charming self along with those other 3 and that half dead... animal carrying the luggage to the city!
Then I took an escort mission, went in the completely opposite direction of where I was supposed to go, turned around, night came and a group of casting bastards came out of the woodwork declaring themselves as natural enemies of the Arisen and KILLED MY NPC!!! Escort quest failed QQ
That CS:GO item showcase sure isn't helping convincing people that you're actually broke.
Goddamn, that latest groupees I pre-ordered was so shit. I'm such a sucker.
ya its awesome man. A great month.The Deadly Tower of Monsters is out for the special launch price of $9.89.
EDIT: Beaten by lashbot
Finished watching AngryCentaurGaming's review of the game and I really feel like buying this. I always thought this would be the gem underneath all the big releases (Dragon's Dogma, RE0) for this month.
Groupees can't be trusted to deliver a good bundle anymore.
Dragon's Dogma is soo good! I finally met up with Mercedes and escorted her charming self along with those other 3 and that half dead... animal carrying the luggage to the city!
Then I took an escort mission, went in the completely opposite direction of where I was supposed to go, turned around, night came and a group of casting bastards came out of the woodwork declaring themselves as natural enemies of the Arisen and KILLED MY NPC!!! Escort quest failed QQ
Last year we had a total of 179 voters. If you've been on the fence about what to vote for, it's time to decide and get that vote turned in!Dsyndrome, The Dear Leader, Henry Swanson, Dio Brando, Stallion Free, Corpekata, Monooboe, ricochetguro, Lain, Kurt Russell, Raxanas, Jawmuncher, AHA-Lambda, dirtywhirlwind, Baron von Loathsome, pahamrick, Tektonic, Turfster, Anteater, spindoctor, texhnolyze, Uraizen, tuxfool, Smash88, TetraxShards, MMBosstones86, Sch1sm, Shantom, Khronico, Stumpokapow, jshackles, Locust, SilentMatthew, Vlad, septicore, Nete, Stronghammer22, yuraya, KingKong, Shadownet, Knurek, Se7enSword, Leafhopper, Iron Badger, Jadax, def ault, Wok, Copons, Maxwood, Messiah, Phinor, cyba89, Large Professor, The_Super_Inframan, ussjtrunks, ctw0e, Haunted, Tizoc, shortsFortallPeople, Dragon1893, Hektor, Atraveller, Chairmanchuck, the_firewithin, fantomena, Rockin' Ranger, Man Puncher, Ludens, Backlogger, Ruruja, PandaPedinte, Black Soma, KenOD, neoemonk, Teggy, thesaucetastic, laserlaser, arbok26, Parsnip, BinaryPort2737, Shalashaska, Adry9, YianGaruga, Baron_Calamity, Gintoki, Amzin, QFNS, Chariot, Kyougar, AsfaeksBR, dot, garath, WinterDemons, zkylon, Kriken, The Red Wizard, Htown, Roboleon, Ozium, Oreoleo, Arthea, spinalscratch, NightmareTrigger, NingenJanai, Yakkue, milena87
So you didn't play anything? Okay.Here the games of 2015 I played, ordered by rank:
People are paying $30-40 for a walking simulator now? Alright.
Here the games of 2015 I played, ordered by rank:
All of the Newly madecostumes for RE0 are DLC EXCEPT for the Rebecca Midnight. However all of the costumes from the original game are unlocked from the get go.
This port has a lot more love put into it than REmake aside from the DLC costumes. Also if you pre-ordered and got the costume pack 1. It's cheaper to buy the rest individually, in case you didn't do the math.
Here the games of 2015 I played, ordered by rank:
That game is a puzzle game like Portal or Talos Principle.
Man, it's going to be interesting now until the end of February. Lots of games coming out and while i hope everyone lands on their feet it's certain some will have slow starts.
DD just out now for $30. Homeworld coming for $50. Tomb Raider $60. Witness $40. XCOM2 $60. RE0 $20. SF V $60. Bunch of Japanese debuts like Symphonia, Disgaea and Dangan. Not to mention all the other stuff like Darkest Dungeon, Oxenfree and more. Something's gotta give. Let's start a friendly bet on the Steamspy estimations by March 1st.
Darkest Dungeon is already sitting at 650K due to it beeing an EA Game.
Dd is $30?
Is that the same as ea price?
I just barely passed at the $10 price the other day because i knew it was ea but unaware that real release was right around the corner.
Darkest Dungeon is already sitting at 650K due to it beeing an EA Game.
Sadly Transistor only released on iOS this year. If we got a re-release or directors cut I'd vote for it again damn it.
who spending $40 on the witness next month? I'll tell you who; no one. Everyone will be to busy with the true game of the month, Disgaea.
And, sadly, that vote would be invalid due to the new rules. I was just happy it cracked the top 10 last year to be honest.