Who does one apply to for such things?
You can do it here
Who does one apply to for such things?
Good, PC Portbeg race wins again! No only Sclaebound is left.
+ Rare Replay and Sunset Overdrive
Talking about Witness, I hope it's nothing like Braid.
Online co-op you mean right?
really? I thought it looks like a candidate for new Korra type of game, meaning not bad, but nothing special either.
I strongly disagree about Braid and Limbo, they aren't bad games, but they aren't puzzle games, well, maybe puzzlelite or something and Braid is definitely a platformer. If you don't see yourself enjoying it, you probably won't. I never finished it, well maybe I still get back to it, but I doubt it.
i just need sunset overdrive to not come out for maybe another 6 months so i can play my xb1 version and not feel like a chump for not waiting for the pc release. Just picked the game up over the holidays so bear with me, everyone, i think Insomniac might be checking my cheevos before making the announcement
Why do I have an Xbox again?
It's not even a long game. Why haven't you played and finished it yet?
Former Burnout devs are making a badass golf game.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Hold on this is actually the 'proper' ex Criteron dev studio (sorry Hello Games) that has a lot of the early peeps. Could be interesting to see how this turns out.
One day genre and cross genre classification is going to become so reductive everything could be labeled interstorygrams. What does that even mean?!?!? And I just coined that phrase.
I don't see why it wouldn't be as good as Transformers which is a great game.
I think this art direction goes really well with this franchise.
One day genre and cross genre classification is going to become so reductive everything could be labeled interstorygrams. What does that even mean?!?!? And I just coined that phrase.
Let me guess. It's another 'Duck Season! No Rabbit Season!!!' discussion with the familiar faces championing their platform regardless instead of looking at the OPs situation?
Well, Braid is one of the best puzzle/platformer games you can find. That, Super Meat Boy and Fez basically launched the "indie" trend.
I think that's giving SMB and Fez way too much credit. Braid released in 2008, 2 years before SMB and 4 before Fez. World of Goo and N+ came out around the same time as Braid. Geometry Wars predates all of them, and games like Splosion Man, Trials HD, Shadow Complex and Defense Grid all came out in 2009. The indie trend was already well under way by the time SMB and Fez released.
I can't wait for this to come in SFM
I think that's giving SMB and Fez way too much credit. Braid released in 2008, 2 years before SMB and 4 before Fez. World of Goo and N+ came out around the same time as Braid. Geometry Wars predates all of them, and games like Splosion Man, Trials HD, Shadow Complex and Defense Grid all came out in 2009. The indie trend was already well under way by the time SMB and Fez released.
Well, by the time that happens, the history revisionists will be out in full force to reclassify everything out of reductive terms to true uselessness.
"Space Invaders was a pre-Destiny action-shooter non-scroller RPG, in many ways exactly like Destiny itself."
This has to be a tech demo like Rockstart Table Tennis?
I enjoy my crazy golf games so I'm sure I'll enjoy it but I can't see it selling all that well.
There isn't going to be a sequel to Transformers: Devastation, is there? I heard something like 16k sold on Steam. Man, I wanted some Jazz and Astrotrain.
maybe it's Transformers fan in me, but I can imagine Transformers game being great easily, while I have all kinds of doubts about TMNT
There isn't going to be a sequel to Transformers: Devastation, is there? I heard something like 16k sold on Steam. Man, I wanted some Jazz and Astrotrain.
There isn't going to be a sequel to Transformers: Devastation, is there? I heard something like 16k sold on Steam. Man, I wanted some Jazz and Astrotrain.
Talking about Witness, I hope it's nothing like Braid.
Hours late, but this makes me happy.
The Witness is already out on EU PSN.Push the Steam launch button, Blow!
Anyone know how big a download The Witness is? or do we not know as it doesnt unlock for 2 hours.
Social media is creepy. Alternatively, Wok's stalking is creepy.Blow woke up.
You can do it, Jon.
Anyone know how big a download The Witness is? or do we not know as it doesnt unlock for 2 hours.
Social media is creepy. Alternatively, Wok's stalking is creepy.
3.7 GB. It was 7 GB for PSN because assets were patched...
Just give me my game.
3840×1080 monitors are a thing now?
I'd much rather have an existing 1080p monitor that is 144Hz+Gsynch and uses IPS (or VA).
Next panel anything, be it monitor or TV, I'm buying is OLED. Spent waaay too many times drooling over a few examples in PC World at Christmas not to take a punt on one to see how they stack up for various applications.
Next panel anything, be it monitor or TV, I'm buying is OLED. Spent waaay too many times drooling over a few examples in PC World at Christmas not to take a punt on one to see how they stack up for various applications. Also 1080 vertical pixels? Ewwwww! I can't go back to somethign that cramped for work purposes after donkeys years of at least 1440. Chirst I had a 1920x1200 supported (and technically higher still) monitor getting on for 15 years ago now.
Next panel anything, be it monitor or TV, I'm buying is OLED. Spent waaay too many times drooling over a few examples in PC World at Christmas not to take a punt on one to see how they stack up for various applications. Also 1080 vertical pixels? Ewwwww! I can't go back to somethign that cramped for work purposes after donkeys years of at least 1440. Chirst I had a 1920x1200 supported (and technically higher still) monitor getting on for 15 years ago now.