STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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Depending on your gaming habits, I would say.
I always want to play game X, not 'I'm in the mood for an RTS, Racer, whatever'. So, the search box is my best friend.

That's 100% opposite to me, I go like "I want to play sometingggggg, let's check what I have in that general strategy category, maybe something fun is in there I haven't tried yet", or I feel like playing some new puzzle game, maybe I should buy one more? (here ensues steam genre "system" rage), then I go check what I have in that category.
I keep all games I play (and that's many) in separate category, I don't need to search for anything, unless it's something new to play, and then I rage (><)

Actually tags made all genre definition rage almost go away, with time tag system should work perfectly, where steam fails every single time.

hey! Where were you hiding all this time?

Dr Dogg

I fully expect to have to upgrade my graphics card some time in the next 6 months with The Witcher 3 and Dead Rising 3 coming out. I'm still rocking a Radeon HD 7850 from about 2 years ago. It plays most everything I've thrown at it just fine, but there are a few games that can really choke it depending on the settings.

Like, I can't get more than about 4 FPS when playing XCom The Bureau with particle effects turned on.

Late due to the thread still being mental but I wouldn't use The Bureau as a judge of whether you need a new GPU or not. Has the same DX11 render issues that Arkham City does. If you haven't already got it set to DX9 give it a shot as even with 2 780s Some scene pulled me down from 120fps to about 40. Only issue is that Screen Space Reflections are knacked in DX9 when VSYNC is engaged and you lose a few DX11 effects.

And unless you're gunning for running The Witcher III with every bell and whistle dialled up I wouldn't be looking to upgrade just yet unless you want to get a couple of GPUs as I get the feeling that game is going to be as brutal for the top end as The Witcher 2 was at launch. Ran surprisingly well and very scalable on older hardware but some of the more expensive effects like UberSampling and Cinematic DoF still bring modern day GPUs to their knees (though former CPDR graphics guru Bart Wronski pretty much explains why).

End of the day like with most titles, unless it's an unoptimised mess it will more than likely run fine on older hardware depending how much you're willing to scale back effects, AA, resolution and other settings. Though I don't take you shackles as one to chase the "everything or maximum or no dice" crowd that has been stomping their feet lately :p.


Aight listen up SteamGAF, in Japan there's this fighting game called Under Night InBirth, it's getting released on PS3 in Japan and US (confirmed recently to be published by AKSYS), and the Japanese devs are interested in getting a PC ver. released too

The tweet may be in Japanese but you can see some english entries, even a few extra posts won't hurt and who knows maybe we can get Melty on Steam too!


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
Whoa. If anyone hasn't played Thomas was alone, they really should enter this giveaway. Game is light on puzzles, but the characterization is superb.

Also, just a heads up lashman, most of GAF seems to be located in NA/SA so right now there are not as many people viewing the boards.

I know ;) doesn't matter, though - I can always repost it ;)


Pizza Dog
It really is awesome. I only wish you could pick the bro you start missions with, or not auto-switch to another when rescuing them. If only because Indy and Blade are pretty bad and I hate starting as them.

Yeah, I see what you mean, but then that adds the element of risk. You get the extra life, but will you still be a bad enough Bro to save the President? I kind of like the trade off on having an awesome bro and then debating whether I want to give myself an extra life or not and get the chance of Indiana Brones.


Don't know if this was posted before, but since Under Night In-Birth (a Japanese 2D fighter by the Melty Blood developers) was confirmed for US PS3 release by Aksys, I checked around and saw this:

Where the developer says a PC version mght be possible if there's enough demand.
So feel free to tweet at them if you want to see this on PC. :)

I know Nyu Media have mentioned being interested in putting this out as well.


Dr Dogg

hey! Where were you hiding all this time?

Needed a break from the loons and to clear my head for a couple of weeks, that and watch the not so mighty England pop out the World Cup and have been inundated with birthday bashes (it's mad time of year). But that's enough LiveJournaling as this thread is already over flowing with filler posts :p.

Was still sticking my head in the Steam Activity feed and pestering peeps there. Plus subsequently spent waaaay more than I should have during the sale so I have been trying to make a dent into my backlog (a futile endeavour I know).


Too much trouble, pick something random and play.

nah, I need it, I usually feel urge to play particular type of a game. It always was like that for me.

Needed a break from the loons and to clear my head for a couple of weeks, that and watch the not so mighty England pop out the World Cup and have been inundated with birthday bashes (it's mad time of year). But that's enough LiveJournaling as this thread is already over flowing with filler posts :p.

Was still sticking my head in the Steam Activity feed and pestering peeps there. Plus subsequently spent waaaay more than I should have during the sale so I have been trying to make a dent into my backlog (a futile endeavour I know).

Agreed on all points. (><)
I finally added you on steam, now you can pester me too, when not on gaf!
While reading Original Sin-related topics I saw this thread with someone complaining that there's "too much non-combat" in the game. Wow! I actually feel there's too much combat, because literally everywhere you go outside of the city you run into enemy encounters. I really wish they could learn more from Baldur's Gate and/or Planescape: Torment.

The amount of (mostly random) loot you get is also ridiculous and shows the game's Diablo-clone heritage. Combined with unwieldy inventory management, it's my least favorite aspect of the game.

That's generally how these games work, out of the 15 hours or so I've played maybe 5 hours has been in combat. Baldur's Gate has similar encounter rates(although you can often run past them) and Planescape is really on its own within the genre in terms of not focusing on combat and allowing you to skip most scenarios. Think there's a nice balance of the more adventure oriented elements and venturing out into battle.

Plus the combat is great so I've enjoyed just about every battle so far.


I fumbled around quite a lot with all the category stuff. My current categories seem to be the ones I am most comfortable with and will be sticking with for a long time.



jshackles latest version of ES is AMAZING.
The loading bar is the probably best feature of the entire plugin!

The lightbox instead is cool (even tho the rounded corners seem a bit out of place on a mostly squared site like Steam) but probably not really useful (to me) as it opens when you click on the big image and not on the thumbnails, that is obvious on Steam but if compared to the "standard" UX of how thumbs/lightboxes work, it is a little confusing.
I mean, I expected to open a lightbox when clicking on a thumbnail... Oh well, it's Steam's fault anyway, with its old school carousel. :(


Oh god Fallout 3 is amazing... And if New Vegas is better like everyone seems to say it is, then... Wow. I'm not sure if i'll like the setting of New Vegas though. I'm not a huge fan of the desert. I love Fallout 3's metro setting.

And i loved the beginning a lot for some reason. Something about starting off and growing up in a safe vault and then being dumped into a huge post-apocalyptic playground made the game feel so immersive and just awesome in general.


jshackles latest version of ES is AMAZING.
The loading bar is the probably best feature of the entire plugin!

The lightbox instead is cool (even tho the rounded corners seem a bit out of place on a mostly squared site like Steam) but probably not really useful (to me) as it opens when you click on the big image and not on the thumbnails, that is obvious on Steam but if compared to the "standard" UX of how thumbs/lightboxes work, it is a little confusing.
I mean, I expected to open a lightbox when clicking on a thumbnail... Oh well, it's Steam's fault anyway, with its old school carousel. :(

waiting for firefox :(
I have no idea how you people live with such a blatant lack of categorization.
My work in progress (likely never will be finished)

This is beautiful. I think I need to start using these categories.

EDIT 2: Oh just as a by the way, you have "Rhythm" spelt incorrectly in your category list.

Currently, with 135 games, mine is:

I am admittedly unhappy with it, as the "Action Adventure" category is quite crowded, as is the "Puzzle" category, and some games don't really fit any of the existing ones correctly.

EDIT: Favourites consist of "The Binding of Isaac", "Typing of the Dead", and "FTL; Faster Than Light". In truth, it's not so much a 'favourite games' list as it is a list of easily accessible games which can be played in quick bursts.

EDIT 3: Also, there's only a " X - Completed" category for a few different genres because they're the only genres where I've actually played at least one game I own on Steam to completion.
I tried using categories and then steam started opening them upon every restart which made it pointless for actually quickly navigating through things. Just type the game I want at this point, navigating through over 800 games(my 530, friend's 300 I don't have) is rather awful.


Oh god Fallout 3 is amazing... And if New Vegas is better like everyone seems to say it is, then... Wow. I'm not sure if i'll like the setting of New Vegas though. I'm not a huge fan of the desert. I love Fallout 3's metro setting.

And i loved the beginning a lot for some reason. Something about starting off and growing up in a safe vault and then being dumped into a huge post-apocalyptic playground made the game feel so immersive and just awesome in general.
well new vegas plays very differently,especially if you use the "survival mode" where you have to eat/drink/sleep and ammunitions have weight etc...
especially at the beginning you have to startegize where you wanna go and equip yourself carefully.
i remember that in fallout 3 I was used to go on extremely long journeys taking down several location at the time..that it's not possible if you use that mode in new vegas.

but mainly what people like about new vegas is the writing,that and special ammo.

Ban Puncher

Don't know if this was posted before, but since Under Night In-Birth (a Japanese 2D fighter by the Melty Blood developers) was confirmed for US PS3 release by Aksys, I checked around and saw this:

Where the developer says a PC version mght be possible if there's enough demand.
So feel free to tweet at them if you want to see this on PC. :)

I know Nyu Media have mentioned being interested in putting this out as well.


I'd buy the heck out of a PC version because I sure don't feel like buying brand new PS3 games nowadays.
So, looking at the descriptions of the new Redux versions of the Metro games makes me wonder:

Both Redux versions will now feature two modes of play: &#8216;Survival&#8217; and &#8216;Spartan&#8217;. Survival lets you play either game in Metro 2033's more survival-horror oriented style, with deadlier enemies, slower reloading, and more limited resources. Spartan lets you play either game in the Last Light style, with more polished combat and more plentiful resources.

Ranger Mode is included for free in both Redux versions, and can be combined with Survival or Spartan modes, leading to a total of four modes of play for each game.

Ranger mode combined with Survival sounds like it will be extremely challenging.
It's weird how they use the word polished to describe the difference between the combat in LL and 2033. Regardless, I wonder how bringing the gunplay across from each game will work out since they weren't originally designed around it.
It basically sounds like Spartan will make 2033 easier with more ammo and more responsive weapons while Survival will make LL harder with less ammo than the Vanilla version and clunkier gunplay.
On the other hand, each mode can be applied to the game it's based on so what will change if you play LL on Spartan or 2033 on Survival? Is it the equivalent to one of the default difficulty settings?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Well I finished Valiant Hearts... fuck this game


That fucking long walk and then the letter narration starts...fuck

Easy Top 10 contender for this year, what a wonderful surprise
Don't know if this was posted before, but since Under Night In-Birth (a Japanese 2D fighter by the Melty Blood developers) was confirmed for US PS3 release by Aksys, I checked around and saw this:

Where the developer says a PC version mght be possible if there's enough demand.
So feel free to tweet at them if you want to see this on PC. :)

I know Nyu Media have mentioned being interested in putting this out as well.


That's cool, make it happen...there was a news on a shoryuken site that it's coming out late 2015.


I'm really looking forward to Shelter 2 being released on Steam later this year. The first Shelter game (a badger "survival sim," in which the player must protect five badger cubs from death in the wilderness) was enchanting, albeit disappointingly short, especially for its $10 price tag (however, I got it on sale).

This time, the sequel will focus on a mother lynx and her kittens. The art style is gorgeous:



I'm really looking forward to Shelter 2 being released on Steam later this year. The first Shelter game (a badger "survival sim," in which the player must protect five badger cubs from death in the wilderness) was enchanting, albeit disappointingly short, especially for its $10 price tag (however, I got it on sale).

This time, the sequel will focus on a mother lynx and her kittens. The art style is gorgeous:

i put about 20 minutes into the first one before giving up, but this makes me want to go back and finish it. looks great


Ahahaha, I finally receive a fault milestone beta key, and it turns out to be a duplicated key. How can that happen, when it's the developer that sent it to me?


I've just cheesed a boss in Divinity with oil barrels, so good!

I just decided
to dig a certain grave, lost all my progress of 2 hours
That was worst idea I had in this game so far (><)

Ahahaha, I finally receive a fault milestone beta key, and it turns out to be a duplicated key. How can that happen, when it's the developer that sent it to me?

you could contact developer, it does happen, rarely but happens, I got a duplicate key once too.
Anybody buy Sunless Sea yet?
Looking for impressions?

So I've been playing Sunless Sea and I'm enjoying it

When the Kickstarter was going on, I hadn't been that interested...and then I checked out Fallen London

What an amazing world, a mix of Lovecraftian and Gothic elements, with a dash of steampunk and a sense of dark wit. It's extremely well written, bringing this dark atmospheric place alive with vivid descriptions. It's a world I wanted to explore more of and with Sunless Sea, I can.

Sunless Sea lets you explore the vast Unterzee, a sprawling expanse of ocean deep beneath the earth where grotesque things and terrible fates await those who dare venture into the abyss. As captain, you command your vessel and crew as you discover new lands, fight dangerous enemies, upgrade your ship with better parts and new weapons. Starvation, madness, mutinous crews, and horrors beyond comprehension await out on the black waters

You travel the sea, always mindful of your fuel, your food, the sanity of your crew. Pirates and worst things move across the water. Combat is quite interesting. In the damp dark of the Unterzee, light is your greatest ally. When fighting you have three category of actions: offensive (cannons, torpedoes, etc.), illumination, and evasion. Each action takes a certain amount of time to enact, and you can pause the fight and queue commands. You need to illuminate your enemy to be able to attack and also want to perform evasive maneuvers to reduce how illuminated your ship is. It's definitely an interesting take on combat, quite strategic

But the meat of the game is the exploration and discovery and the cost of pursing such goals. You encounter new places, collect weird and mysterious cargo from travelers, set out on quests, gather a crew, choose to stay among known islands or brave the suffocating dark of uncharted waters. Maybe your crew will go mad. Maybe you'll discover some incredible fortune. Maybe you'll run out of food and need to eat your mates to survive. Terrible fates await and like Fallen London, it's all delivered through such compelling atmospheric writing.


Crawl is coming to Early Access July 17th
Announcement trailer[img]
TIGForum Devlog if you want to read about the game's development: [url][/url][/QUOTE]
That gif is pretty baller. Lots of interesting stuff coming to Steam via early access. Glad to see it move on from Zelda clones and mobile stuff.
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