STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Crom gladly offers you the chance to win Wicher 3
Good day GAF


I broke my self imposed blacklist to enter for Strider. Fuck the haters, still looks cool to me :(


you could contact developer, it does happen, rarely but happens, I got a duplicate key once too.

I replayed to the email, hopefully they can fix that. I'd like to try it out, as I think the first part of the translation should have gone in on the 20th of June or something.


I broke my self imposed blacklist to enter for Strider. Fuck the haters, still looks cool to me :(

There's haters for Strider? I mean yeah it doesn't play the Arcade classic Strider, but it's still a pretty fun game in its own right (then again I have a weakness for decent Metroidvanias)


Just discovered that I'd won Sub Zero's earlier giveaway of Rome 2, so thanks for that mate, been wanting that for a while. I'll see about finding something to spread the joy later.

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
There's haters for Strider? I mean yeah it doesn't play the Arcade classic Strider, but it's still a pretty fun game in its own right (then again I have a weakness for decent Metroidvanias)

Only corrosivefrost seems to hate it and he's doing his best to turn people off the game everytime it's brought up. Not that his opinion matters at all, as his favorite game is Aliens Colonial Marines

Just discovered that I'd won Sub Zero's earlier giveaway of Rome 2, so thanks for that mate, been wanting that for a while. I'll see about finding something to spread the joy later.

Hope you enjoy it. I was expecting more people to enter for it, but apparently the negative reviews on the Steam page made them think that it's a bad and unplayable game when that's not the case. Imo it's a few patches and probably an expansion pack away from being one of the best TW titles
So are Crysis 1 and 2 good games or just pretty games?

Don't listen to ningen. Crysis 1 is one of the best fps ever made. Even if the graphics were to be bad, the gameplay is very well. Visual are just bonus.
The two successors are not very good though, since they abandoned what made Crysis 1 great.
Get Crysis 1 maximum at least. Make no mistake, you will enjoy it, if you have any faint interest in the fps-genre.


Just finished The Wolf Among Us episode 1, and wow it is so good. I was going back and forth about getting this during the summer sale. Finally I just decided to get it when I saw someone offering it for 3 keys.

So, so worth it. Now I'm trying to decide if I want to start over on a new save and pick different choices, or move on to episode 2.


Only corrosivefrost seems to hate it and he's doing his best to turn people off the game everytime it's brought up. Not that his opinion matters at all, as his favorite game is Aliens Colonial Marines

Well when i asked why he dislikes the game he gave me a bulleted list and if the things listed there are actually true, i can totally believe why someone would not like this game.
Tastes just differ, i.e. people here don't seem to like Crysis 1 and 2 at all, but personally i really enjoyed Crysis 1 (haven't played in in years though) and also wasn't that bored by Crysis 2 either. Then again people really liked Far Cry 1 (at least back then) which i personally didn't like at all :D
Just finished The Wolf Among Us episode 1, and wow it is so good. I was going back and forth about getting this during the summer sale. Finally I just decided to get it when I saw someone offering it for 3 keys.

So, so worth it. Now I'm trying to decide if I want to start over on a new save and pick different choices, or move on to episode 2.

I'll have to wait until the end of episode 5, but so far I prefer it to the Walking Dead Season One, at least.

Also, thanks for the feedback. It seems like the consensus is that Crysis is good, but 2 isn't worth it.
Multiplayer only? Looking at the forum they don't have a single-player mode implemented.

Like Derp, I'm still waiting on Hyper Light Drifter, that game looks great.
Dev said there will be bots, so you can play solo, but the best experience is obviously with other players


Well when i asked why he dislikes the game he gave me a bulleted list and if the things listed there are actually true, i can totally believe why someone would not like this game.
Tastes just differ, i.e. people here don't seem to like Crysis 1 and 2 at all, but personally i really enjoyed Crysis 1 (haven't played in in years though) and also wasn't that bored by Crysis 2 either. Then again people really liked Far Cry 1 (at least back then) which i personally didn't like at all :D

For what it's worth, a friend gifted me a copy of Strider on release and I loved it enough that I'd have paid full price for it if I had it. So yeah, if you think you'd like it I say give it a go.


I'll have to wait until the end of episode 5, but so far I prefer it to the Walking Dead Season One, at least.

Also, thanks for the feedback. It seems like the consensus is that Crysis is good, but 2 isn't worth it.

I've got Walking Dead Season One + 400 days sitting in my back log, I should probably get around to finishing it. I played episode 1 shortly after release at a friend's place on the 360, and really liked it but I haven't really felt the urge to go through the whole season yet. I might wait until I can grab season 2 and just binge the whole two seasons in one go. I really have to be in the mood for zombie games, and I just haven't been lately.

But just judging episode 1 vs episode 1, TWAU beats TWDS1 hands down.


What is best in life? This giveaway.

To crush your enemies: Be the victor among 100+ entrants
See them driven before you: The weeping of the 100+ entrants who lost
Hear det lamentation of der wemen: Their significant others want to add you to their friend list cuz you the hot new kid on the block


Hope you enjoy it. I was expecting more people to enter for it, but apparently the negative reviews on the Steam page made them think that it's a bad and unplayable game when that's not the case. Imo it's a few patches and probably an expansion pack away from being one of the best TW titles

I'm gonna have to tear myself away from Divinity but I hope to put some time into it very soon, always enjoyed the Total War series so I'm eager to get started. Thanks again.
why is it that when you look for custom icons you find stuff like this



like what do people actually do with them

are there really people out there that do this just for "general library purposes" or something cause jesus christ

the only thing I find funnier is the notepad file these are probably attached to

Can you imagine Nintendo expanding to PC? I'd be apocalypse for my wallet.
I've got Walking Dead Season One + 400 days sitting in my back log, I should probably get around to finishing it. I played episode 1 shortly after release at a friend's place on the 360, and really liked it but I haven't really felt the urge to go through the whole season yet. I might wait until I can grab season 2 and just binge the whole two seasons in one go. I really have to be in the mood for zombie games, and I just haven't been lately.

But just judging episode 1 vs episode 1, TWAU beats TWDS1 hands down.

No spoilers, but The Walking Dead has a really strong final episode, so TWAU will have to do a lot to leave the same impact.


why is it that when you look for custom icons you find stuff like this



like what do people actually do with them

are there really people out there that do this just for "general library purposes" or something cause jesus christ

the only thing I find funnier is the notepad file these are probably attached to

They could also be launching those games in Steam, then playing their WiiU separately. Let's their friends know what they are playing.


Sigh double

Why this reaction? I thought SteamGAF were a friendly bunch.

Definitely are a friendly bunch, but within reason.

If you say something good about a bad game, you will most likely be called out on it in the discussion. If you start spending ludicrous amounts of money on games removed from Steam we may try to talk you down from the ledge.


Unconfirmed Member
That's nice then. Still, the interface is pretty bad in this game.

Okay. I'll take your word for it, you have articulated so many issues.

I didn't say it had to be a legionnaire, it's just that random legionnaires are in fact willing to repair your equipment. Which is not particularly logical. And nobody told me that, I discovered this exciting fact on my own.

So you made a poorly constructed statement. *shrug* Happens. So with all the options for repairing your gear, how is D:OS full of issues relating to repairing equipment?

I'm sorry that you feel the need to have the game hold your hand constantly. The next Dragon Age is admittedly looking pretty slick. Considering Bioware's approach to player agency, it might be more suited to your play style.

I do feel the whole durability system is redundant in this game, as well as weight. With the amount of stuff you have to sort as it is, it's not exactly nice to introduce the concept of overencumbrance into the game.

The game is pretty good, by the way, although maybe a bit simplistic with its quests.

Encumbrance, or carry limits, have been a part of cRPG's (and pretty much all other types of RPGs) for awhile. I don't know why you have an expectation of anything different. That's like me playing a MMORPG and complaining that it's not nice that I see other players in the world when soloing. You can teleport back to towns and areas including your homestead* via predetermined way points; additionally in the first act, you will gain the ability to set your own custom teleport points. There is also a talent that increases your carrying capacity. On top of that, you can add up to four members to your party, each with the ability to carry items.

It might be superfluous, I wouldn't be the person to ask. You can add talents that reduce equipment degradation if it's annoying. I wouldn't really be an expert on Melee degradation as I tend to use Mages backed up by a Ranger. The magic doesn't degrade equipment and whenever I have to repair my bow (I use the talent), it's only a small pittance due to no significant change.

Name some games with "complex" quests, especially in the first/second act as you can't possibly have progressed that far into the game. Are you talking about the writing style? It's tone is whimsical, like pretty much all of Larian's output.

*A place where you are given a space to store any item you wish.


They could also be launching those games in Steam, then playing their WiiU separately. Let's their friends know what they are playing.

I was actually hoping the playstation collaboration with steam would lead to something larger like playstation games with their trophies and play time also appearing on the steam profile
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