STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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america, fuck yeah
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 2 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Freedom Simulator #2- -- MB-F5C0F45D8CA60143 - Taken by Ogedai_Khan
Freedom Simulator- -- MB-758AA05E9CBD0A79 - Taken by Kiru



Are you supposed to multi-class quite early in Divinity OS? I went in blind, leveled up and I can't level up my main class at this point.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
first the saoirse avatars, now the trying to buy rare games for no reason...

starting to think JaseC is a bad influence on SteamGAF :p


Most people would consider spending that amount of coin on a single game to be complete lunacy.

Sigh double

Definitely are a friendly bunch, but within reason.

If you say something good about a bad game, you will most likely be called out on it in the discussion. If you start spending ludicrous amounts of money on games removed from Steam we may try to talk you down from the ledge.

Well, it IS lunacy haha but I just need this one game for my Steam collection and I'll be happy. :)

I'm pretty satisfied if the price ends up at 60 keys, seeing that the buyout price seems to be 100 keys with many sellers.

Also, it's one of those games I have a "close connection" with, as my at the time best friend worked for the team, and also created the last mission of Mafia II.


listen to the mad man
Mafia 1 is actually a really excellent, original game that to me is one of the best PC games of its era. I'm not sure I'd pay $100+ for it today, but it definitely deserves the time of day.


Mafia 1 is actually a really excellent, original game that to me is one of the best PC games of its era. I'm not sure I'd pay $100+ for it today, but it definitely deserves the time of day.

I played it ages ago and all I remember from the game is "I've never seen that lock before".


Mafia 1 is actually a really excellent, original game that to me is one of the best PC games of its era. I'm not sure I'd pay $100+ for it today, but it definitely deserves the time of day.

And I never actually completed it, which I really want to do now. :)

It had some excellent mission design (I remember the storm at the farm at night, and that hard as balls race), and great storytelling and fantastic atmosphere for its time.

It sure is one of the greatest of its era, to me at least. Though I were a bigger fan of The Getaway, this Mafia is a classic.


Finally set up the Metro for Steam UI Skin. Really like it for when I'm just browsing my game library and friends lists. Has a nice little look to it. I gotta find myself some more skins soon and find something I want to truly stick with.

Also JShackles new screenshot viewer for the games pics is downright amazing. This has been needed for a long time. Now we just need the screenshot viewer implemented in the Steam Community screenshots and Enhanced Steam would be perfection.

good morning :) entered for broforce! thanks for the giveaway

It's Called Brahforce braaah. Also goodluck brah :D

Dr Dogg

Peeps, peeps, peeps! This game, This Game, THIS GAME! If you have every played and somewhat enjoyed a Capcom or Konami NES platformer you will more than likely love Shovel Knight. It takes inspiration from a whole host of titles but instead of straight up ripping the ideas off it makes them its own. It has all the whit and charm of game of old that is sadly missing from modern day retro remakes or games that draw inspiration from. Plus the sound track really harks back to the good old 8bit days (and you can listen and buy it from composer Jake Kaufman's bandcamp page). Oh and here's a lot more pics.



I remember liking Mafia back when it came out. The worst thing about it was the awful racing mission. I think they eventually patched it so you could skip it or something. Great soundtrack and score as well.


Unconfirmed Member
Mafia 1 is actually a really excellent, original game that to me is one of the best PC games of its era. I'm not sure I'd pay $100+ for it today, but it definitely deserves the time of day.

The only real detraction was the lack of an in-game city wide map, so navigation, especially for the first two missions can be a chore. I was disappointed that they streamlined the driving mechanics for the sequel.

I have heard nothing but infamous things about that race.

It really wasn't that big of an issue. It only required a few replays.


Mafia 1 is actually a really excellent, original game that to me is one of the best PC games of its era. I'm not sure I'd pay $100+ for it today, but it definitely deserves the time of day.
Stump knows what's up. Still one of my favorite PC games.
that hard as balls race
You could take a shortcut and then press 0 to reset your car, you would end up near finish line, something like that. I won it fair the first time, but everytime I replayed it I just used the shortcut, because this race was really damn hard.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Geralt's voice coming out of this dude in Dark is breaking my brain

its Bob from Bobs Burgers having Archer's voice all over again


Is enhanced steam broken right now?
I get:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'chrome-extension://...' is therefore not allowed access.
In the chrome consle.


why is it that when you look for custom icons you find stuff like this



like what do people actually do with them

are there really people out there that do this just for "general library purposes" or something cause jesus christ

the only thing I find funnier is the notepad file these are probably attached to

Maybe i'm alone here...but I dont want my Nintendo games on Steam...


Mafia 1 is actually a really excellent, original game that to me is one of the best PC games of its era. I'm not sure I'd pay $100+ for it today, but it definitely deserves the time of day.

It starts off really really badly though, with the slowest car section ever, followed by the most on-rails-without-guidance-and-instakills-in-an-open-world 'escape' section.

Geralt's voice coming out of this dude in Dark is breaking my brain

Rhaknar, no, stahp!
What are you doing?!


Is enhanced steam broken right now?
I get:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'chrome-extension://...' is therefore not allowed access.
In the chrome consle.

Seems like it. Store doesn't load if ES is activated.


Peeps, peeps, peeps! This game, This Game, THIS GAME! If you have every played and somewhat enjoyed a Capcom or Konami NES platformer you will more than likely love Shovel Knight. It takes inspiration from a whole host of titles but instead of straight up ripping the ideas off it makes them its own. It has all the whit and charm of game of old that is sadly missing from modern day retro remakes or games that draw inspiration from. Plus the sound track really harks back to the good old 8bit days (and you can listen and buy it from composer Jake Kaufman's bandcamp page). Oh and here's a lot more pics.

I know I'm loving the hell out of this game right now. What stage are you at right now? Can't wait to finish and write up my impressions, even though I'm sure many who wanted the game probably already have it. Been a good break/ distraction from my Dark Souls failure (which I really need to pick up on again). The music is just so damn amazing though. Mole Knight, Specter Knight, Tinker Knight, just a whole bunch of great music and stage tracks all around. Treasure Knights level and miniboss bring back some many memories of a favorite level of mine from Megaman 2

Is enhanced steam broken right now?
I get:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'chrome-extension://...' is therefore not allowed access.
In the chrome consle.

Weird.. seems to be working for me right now. Is it not loading up the page at all for you?


Neo Member
Stump knows what's up. Still one of my favorite PC games.

You could take a shortcut and then press 0 to reset your car, you would end up near finish line, something like that. I won it fair the first time, but everytime I replayed it I just used the shortcut, because this race was really damn hard.

Won it fair as well. That shortcut is news to me.

Mafia was really good for its time, but not many people that I knew of cared about that game. Everyone was expecting Vice City at the time.


Shovel Knight and Divinity: OS are 2 new GOTY contenders.

Funny enough, for me personally, most of the games I consider amazing games so far this year are either indies, made by small studios and not AAA games such as Watch Dogs and Thief.
Since the SteamGAF group still uses the old GAF logo I took the liberty and made a updated one, one transparent and one with a black background. Not sure if any group admin wants to use it but I thought why not share :)






Shovel Knight and Divinity: OS are 2 new GOTY contenders.

Funny enough, for me personally, most of the games I consider amazing games so far this year are either indies, made by small studios and not AAA games such as Watch Dogs and Thief.

Yup, I still need to play more Divinity, but I can already tell it's my type of RPG and I will really be enjoying it once I finally get to sink my teeth into it. Shovel Knight and Valiant Hearts are my favorite games of the year so far, and all these great impressions about Divinity want me to push myself to play and finish Dark Souls 1 and 2 so I can finally get around to playing it. Til then though I told myself I wouldn't play any other big RPG's til I finish the Souls series.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
lol What the hell is Dark? I don't even see it on Steam, it just shows me Dark Souls.

janky euro vampire stealth / action / something game. gfx reminds me of Saints Row 3, must be all the purple

just started it, what can I say, I like b-movies, and I like...b-games?

also, im not defending the game, im sure its bad, but those steam reviews sure are a good way to determine if a game is good or not, you know, like Gone Home
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