STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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All that talk about games. It's like in the good old days. *sniff*

janky euro vampire stealth / action / something game. gfx reminds me of Saints Row 3, must be all the purple

just started it, what can I say, I like b-movies, and I like...b-games?

Can't have worse stealth than Velvet Assassin and I need a shite game once in a while to be able to appreciate the good ones more. Even bought the Dark DLC, come at me!!

Dr Dogg

You people are making it really hard to save my money.

Hahaha sorry.

I know I'm loving the hell out of this game right now. What stage are you at right now? Can't wait to finish and write up my impressions, even though I'm sure many who wanted the game probably already have it. Been a good break/ distraction from my Dark Souls failure (which I really need to pick up on again). The music is just so damn amazing though. Mole Knight, Specter Knight, Tinker Knight, just a whole bunch of great music and stage tracks all around. Treasure Knights level and miniboss bring back some many memories of a favorite level of mine from Megaman 2

Just finsihed the 'second stage' I guess (there is at least a little freedom so can't really say) but there's a fair bit more to Shovel Knight that say MegaMan 2 which by now I've got down to finishing in just over an hour where as I hear Shovel Knight is give or take 8 hours long. Speaking of the Souls games, one of the reasons they get so much love is due to their world design but there's a familiar pattern underneath them. Demon's Souls is like MegaMan (free to pick your stage but there is always a specific or best order to do them in) and Dark Souls is like Metroid (branching paths and cyclical stages with the ability to sequence break). If you say to me MegaMan 2 is too hard I'd just say "Metal Man, Bubble Man, Heat Man, Wood Man, Air Man, Crash Man, Flash Man and finally Quick Man" which is bit like Demon's Souls I go for 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 4-1, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 3-1, 3-2, 4-2, 4-3, 3-3, 1-3, 1-4. Yes that shit is ingrained into my soul!

The king of fruit and fish! Long may his stem grow!

I quite liked that scene but it did go on a bit though. I was wondering if I could just walk way from my 'ceremony' but as I went to the King popped out my prize.


Okay. I'll take your word for it, you have articulated so many issues.

I'm not really sure why you have to be so hostile about it. My point wasn't to make a list of all the flaws the interface has, I just said I wasn't comfortable with it. The inventory icons are too small and there are too many items you have to deal with, the journal could use some work too (expanding quests entries the way they are done here, a separate page for each quest with a list of them on the side would work much better), the map is a unintelligible mess (could have done better with a bigger scope and a different visual style), you can't switch to another character's inventory by clicking to their portrait, sorting by particular parameteres is not permanent which means you have to do it each time you want it sorted, etc etc. This is really a matter for a separate in-depth post, which is not my intention at this time. If you don't feel like those are legitimate issues and/or don't mind them, there's no need to get defensive.

So you made a poorly constructed statement. *shrug* Happens. So with all the options for repairing your gear, how is D:OS full of issues relating to repairing equipment?

I'm sorry that you feel the need to have the game hold your hand constantly. The next Dragon Age is admittedly looking pretty slick. Considering EA's approach to player agency, it might be more suited to your play style.

Firstly, what I said that legionnaires on the street repairing your equipment is not a logical occurrence by any standards. Secondary, I didn't say the game was full of issues, I just said that this mechanic was redundant. It's not about costing money or anything, it just doesn't bring anything worthwhile into the gameplay and is essentially just a gimmick. I don't like such mechanics in general and most RPGs I played that did have have them would be better without them (while my favorite games in the genre didn't have this mechanic at all). Same goes for encumbrance: it was all right in the Infinity engine games, but here there's just too many items to carry (and sort!) around, so it would be much better without it (like in the Gothic series). Especially considering that you can teleport to the Homestead.

And by favorite games in the genre I mean the Baldur's Gate series and Ultima VII, the latter being a source of direct inspiration for Divinity: Original Sin. As I said, I like the game quite a bit so far, but I also have some rather significant qualms about its interface, a somewhat strong emphasis on combat (which was also the reason I wasn't that crazy about Divine Divinity), the loot being randomized and some more. The game is a welcome and long-awaited new entry into a much-loved genre and I'm enjoying it a lot. That doesn't mean I can't talk about its flaws, on the contrary: I'm passionate about the game, so its flaws are of high interest to me.

I do consider myself a hardcore CPRG fan, by the way, and thus I'm the last person to speak to about hand holding or EA games. I don't know if you intended to insult me or not, but you did and I hope you apologize.





Hahaha sorry.

Just finsihed the 'second stage' I guess (there is at least a little freedom so can't really say) but there's a fair bit more to Shovel Knight that say MegaMan 2 which by now I've got down to finishing in just over an hour where as I hear Shovel Knight is give or take 8 hours long. Speaking of the Souls games, one of the reasons they get so much love is due to their world design but there's a familiar apttener underneath them. Demon's Souls is like MegaMan (free to pick your stage but there is always a specific or best order to do them in) and Dark Souls is like Metroid (branching paths and cyclical stages with the ability to sequence break). If you say to me MegaMan 2 is too hard I'd just say "Metal Man, Bubble Man, Heat Man, Wood Man, Air Man, Crash Man, Flash Man and finally Quick Man" which is bit like Demon's Souls I go for 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 4-1, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 3-1, 3-2, 4-2, 4-3, 3-3, 1-3, 1-3. Yes that shit is ingrained into my soul!

Yeah! I ended up doing 4-1 do early though just to get the Falchion that's near the beginning of that level, ended up trying to do 4-2 right after and ended up getting my ass whoooooped. I attempted 4-1 right after only beating 1-1 and 1-2, so going right to 4-2 was definitely a wake up call when it came to DeS. I really liked how they did the whole hub system and basically left it completely open to which order you wanted to take the levels, I thought it was pretty neat. But the way Dark Souls is set up with just the huge interconnecting world has had me in Awe for some moments where I just realized how well they had the world connected to each other.
janky euro vampire stealth / action / something game. gfx reminds me of Saints Row 3, must be all the purple

just started it, what can I say, I like b-movies, and I like...b-games?

also, im not defending the game, im sure its bad, but those steam reviews sure are a good way to determine if a game is good or not, you know, like Gone Home

Those images look cool, I'll definitely get it if it goes cheap. Is it removed from steam? Can't find it on the store :(

Nevermind, found it, steam search sucks.
after 260 pages, it seems to have slowed down....

nothing to see here..
It's still not moving slow enough! 10 new pages while I was asleep. Just skimmed most of them.

So are Crysis 1 and 2 good games or just pretty games?

I like all three games but most people call me an odd ball for that. Crysis 1 is definitely the best one.


Alright time to see how how bad the new Sailor Moon remake is.


Since the SteamGAF group still uses the old GAF logo I took the liberty and made a updated one, one transparent and one with a black background. Not sure if any group admin wants to use it but I thought why not share :)





I don't know about groups, but profile pictures don't allow transparency on Steam.


What have I done?
At least it'll be a quick pitstop, I guess.

Nah, after I finish Murdered I think I'll need a break from weird stealth sections. It's not terrible there and only happens infrequently but it's so... useless and not fun. Maybe I'll do Wolfenstein next instead.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
It does.
At least they bothered to animate basic things like turning in that 'game'.

you are seriously exagerating, the game seems fine so far, you play vampire nightcrawler voiced by Geralt for pete's sake


Civ V complete is 70% off at the mac game store for 15$

Alright time to see how how bad the new Sailor Moon remake is.

It's top tier Toei, for what that's worth. The translation is dog shit tho.
Whoever did that should feel bad.

you are seriously exagerating, the game seems fine so far, you play vampire nightcrawler voiced by Geralt for pete's sake

Geralt is phoning in his lines, big time, and the actual gameplay is meh.


Maybe i'm alone here...but I dont want my Nintendo games on Steam...


I would love to have Nintendo games on PC. Mario Kart and SSB with a decent network would be the only games I'd play for the rest of my life (plus a few single players here and there).

You know what you must do...


So I just finished episode 4 of The Wolf Among Us.


Such a great game, can't wait for the ending next week. I wonder if there will be a "Season 2"?

Oh goodie. Now you can appreciate this!

Thanks Zalusithix for the Orcs Must Die 2 Complete pack! I missed the bundle it was in and couldn't ever justify buying it after that, even though I loved the first one.


Hahaha, it always amazes me when people own more games than me and somehow are missing what seem like easy/given additions to their library.

You with Orcs Must Die! 2.
Rhaknar with games like Double Dragon Neon, Luftrausers, and Stick it to the Man.
JaseC with Double Dragon Neon.

I suppose I'm one to talk, as you were able to gift me Just Cause -- but that's different. :p It wasn't on my wishlist and I'd consciously passed it over several times because I figured I already owned Just Cause 2. (Thanks again though, those gifts are always good... things you keep being enticed by but never pull the trigger on, whatever your justification may be.)


Question regarding Wolf AMong us, and please answer with a yes or no:
Does Prince Lawrence die in any later episode if I save him in the first episode?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Geralt is phoning in his lines, big time, and the actual gameplay is meh.

guess hes phoning it in the witcher also then since he sounds exactly the same.

and to say its worse than velvet assassin...come on. I finished that game, and this already seems better. Im digging the powers tbh /shrug
Maybe i'm alone here...but I dont want my Nintendo games on Steam...

Cutting out Nintendo's one console selling point, exclusivity, might force them to stop resting on their laurels and force a focus on pushing games and not just sure fire iterations.

I don't have a Wii U, so I would love for this to happen. I'm behind on, I think, two Zelda games, which sucks, since it's one of my all-time favorite IPs.


listen to the mad man
Simpsons Hit and Run is a decent little game with a nice open world. Much better than Road Rage, which is quite frustrating.

The licensing would be such a mess. It's published by a publisher that doesn't exist anymore and a publisher that got folded into Activision and developed by a developer that doesn't exist anymore... and EA has the license now.

I'm actually surprised Konani managed to rerelease the Simpsons Arcade.


Never played 4x games. But I am in search of a game that I can casually start, play a couple minutes relaxed, leave some hours, get back and play more.
Is Civ fitting?

Uh... Sure, I guess...
unless you get bitten by the Civ bug and start "for a few minutes" then look up when the cocks crow and dogs bark in the morning, wondering where the time went.

Im digging the powers tbh /shrug
*shrug* I couldn't finish either game, so...
As long as you're having fun, it's all good I guess.


Are you supposed to multi-class quite early in Divinity OS? I went in blind, leveled up and I can't level up my main class at this point.
You mean your skills with attribute points? N level costs N points, as the Divinity thread likes to say. So you would need to hoard points if you want to specialize early on.


Pfft, you're both wrong. Everyone knows the true correct order is Metal - Wood - Air - Flash - Quick - Bubble - Heat - Crash.
Or....of you're a fan of The Megas, you can follow the Track List for their MM2 album, Get Equipped.

Air, Metal, Wood, Bubble, Heat, Flash, Quick, Crash.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Those images look cool, I'll definitely get it if it goes cheap. Is it removed from steam? Can't find it on the store :(

Nevermind, found it, steam search sucks.

it was 80% off during the sale, its alright so far, deffinately not the steaming pile of shit that most people say it is.

it looks ok, its not broken, the gameplay is decent in a old school stealth kind of way, theres tech trees for multiple powers and passives, you can kill enemies or drain them of blood which makes noise but gives you 1 blood (you use blood to use special moves), theres shit on the ground that makes noise if you walk over it etc

just got a teleport instant kill for example. oh yeah, you can teleport. I dunno, seems fine to me (as a fan of euro janky games).
There was a game in the style of the HoMM series during the steam sale that I didn't pick up but now want to check out. Does anyone remember the name? I didn't add it to my wishlist >_<
There was a game in the style of the HoMM series during the steam sale that I didn't pick up but now want to check out. Does anyone remember the name? I didn't add it to my wishlist >_<

King's Bounty is probably what you're thinking of.

King's Bounty: Armoured Princess is the most notable version of the game, but there's also a viking-themed one as well as an Early Access one that has you playing the bad guys.
it was 80% off during the sale, its alright so far, deffinately not the steaming pile of shit that most people say it is.

it looks ok, its not broken, the gameplay is decent in a old school stealth kind of way, theres tech trees for multiple powers and passives, you can kill enemies or drain them of blood which makes noise but gives you 1 blood (you use blood to use special moves), theres shit on the ground that makes noise if you walk over it etc

just got a teleport instant kill for example. oh yeah, you can teleport. I dunno, seems fine to me (as a fan of euro janky games).

80% off, damn, instead of those repeats they could have featured it on a flash sale :(

Oh well, no time to play it anyway with my massive backlog, I hope it goes 80% off again at winter seal.


There was a game in the style of the HoMM series during the steam sale that I didn't pick up but now want to check out. Does anyone remember the name? I didn't add it to my wishlist >_<

Age of Wonders, Eador or King's Bounty? There's also Etherlords made by the developers of HoMM5.

Edit: so late.
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