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STEAM | July 2014-2 In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming

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irresponsible vagina leak
WOW. So rude.
I'd also like to congratulate Nito for single-handedly getting me not to buy Abyss Odyssey.

I'd like to congratulate dot for still using that avatar I made exclusively for him/her(?)


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I swear, if this thread devolves into popGAF shit I am taking all of you with me.

Scorchedmotherfuckingearth on this shit.


irresponsible vagina leak
I swear, if this thread devolves into popGAF shit I am taking all of you with me.

Scorchedmotherfuckingearth on this shit.

Im from PopGAF and Im trying to make the Off Topic stuff stay out of it today. I dont want people getting banned or the thread being affected by it. We were warned recently so might as well keep it OT at minimum.

So dont go saying its a PopGAF shit when other communities do the same shit you are talking about. Thanks!


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Im from PopGAF and Im trying to make the Off Topic stuff stay out of it today. I dont want people getting banned or the thread being affected by it. We were warned recently so might as well keep it OT at minimum.

So dont go saying its a PopGAF shit when other communities do the same shit you are talking about. Thanks!


Pssh. Basic bitches.


Shadow Blade: Reload looks interesting. I'll be keeping my eye on it.

Huh, reminds me of Strider. Will wishlist later.

I swear, if this thread devolves into popGAF shit I am taking all of you with me.

Scorchedmotherfuckingearth on this shit.

I've been preventing myself from posting as much gifs since i want to respect MRORANGE's wishes about crapping up the thread.


Pssh. Basic bitches.

I swear that guy is in every korean drama i've watched. Also it's kinda weird seeing something from soompi, lol.

The former.


Don't listen to this person.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Beat Whispering Willows yesterday, here's my impressions.


Whispering Willows is a side-scrolling adventure game where you play a girl named Elena who's gone to an old abandoned mansion to find her missing dad. She quickly discovers this place has a thin veil between our world and the spirit world, and with a special necklace, can part her soul from her body and rejoin them again. With her newfound supernatural powers, she goes to find her dad and learn the history of the estate.

Gameplay is pretty simple, you walk around, observe and occasionally interact with objects, find items, and open doors. Your amulet begins to glow when near spiritual energy, in which case you press a button and you let your soul be free. Your soul can't interact with most real world objects, but can see ghost and talk with them, and turn into a tiny flame to fit into cracks. You can also possess blue glowing objects to interact with them. There's a few puzzles, and occasionally some threat appears, in which case all you can do is avoid them and run.

It's got some interesting concepts, but honestly I felt a lot of its ideas were severely underplayed. Your ghost powers are cool, but they feel really underutilized and lack any real form of challenge, except in like one occasion. There's enemies, but they're so few and far between, and most of them are easily avoided and are hardly threatening, except on a single occasion. And the game does this with almost all of its elements. It has like one moment that's kind of unique and interesting and somewhat challenging, but then that's it, it doesn't continue to build on its interesting concepts, it sort of sits on what it's comfortable with. It really left me with a feeling that I wished the game would of been more daring.


There's very few puzzles, and the only sort of challenging ones are at the very end. There's horror 'moments', but there's only really one scene that's even kind of creepy. I don't know, maybe I'm being too hard on it, but I was left with wanting the game to be more than it was at the end.

What the game is as opposed to what I want it to be is a very pretty fetch-quest game where you go back and forth between locations collecting items.

And it does look very pretty. Some nice lighting effects, matched with textured objects, unique rooms, interesting sights... It's really a visual treat. The style the game has is definitely its best element, and the number of varied locations were nice to look at.

The sound is good too. Music is appropriate with a few very pretty tracks, the game is not fully voiced but the character groans and sounds worked well with the game, and they had some good ambient sounds in the environment.

The game also did an interesting job at delving into Native American folklore, which was interesting to see unfold through the course of the game.


But honestly, outside of this, I don't have much to say on the game. It was not really remarkable to me, there were periods I felt the game was just a bit dull. The threats are hardly threatening, made even less threatening on the off-chance you die that you'll start-up almost immediately where you were as this game throws checkpoints up the wazoo. The puzzles were always the kind where the solution was right next to where the puzzle actually was, the ghost are nothing more but flavor text NPC's. And the story just felt very tried and not at all remarkable, with obvious developments and an almost cheesy climax and resolution. I mean it's not inherently a bad thing and there's nothing wrong with the game, but it just is way too safe. Outside of its very interesting aesthetic look and pretty decent sound design, there's nothing remarkable about the game, it really feels like a good engine and concept wasted on a rather cookie-cutter game.

I'm disappointed with it, but it's not a bad game. It has some interesting ideas, and has a good feel to it as you go through worn-down environments, and I'd say worth a play if you really like its style and don't mind a rather routine and simplified adventure game around its style. But that's what it is at the end of the day, and it's a game I don't think I want to go back too, or will remember a month from now.


Murdered: Soul Suspect is a much better game in a similar vein, I will mention. It really reminded me of it.


Unconfirmed Member
Beat Whispering Willows yesterday, here's my impressions.



I'm disappointed with it, but it's not a bad game. It has some interesting ideas, and has a good feel to it as you go through worn-down environments, and I'd say worth a play if you really like its style and don't mind a rather routine and simplified adventure game around its style. But that's what it is at the end of the day, and it's a game I don't think I want to go back too, or will remember a month from now.


Murdered: Soul Suspect is a much better game in a similar vein, I will mention. It really reminded me of it.

I was really hyped for this game too. Oh well, at least it sounds decent. I'll still pick it up at some point.


irresponsible vagina leak
Ok well this look great. I need more info of this game...San Google please..

The game OT uses Steam and the official site info.

You may find some impressions of the game by some that managed to get a review copy there and for what it seems the game is challenging, the combat feels good and the procedurally generated content is good. The game is like Rouge Legacy in terms of Stage Progression so if you die you have to start over but in the game you keep character progression in this case (Levels, Skills, Money, etc)

It's a rogue-like procedural dungeon crawler with metroidvania styling's. I'd tell you more but NDA's. Check the OT.

When can you start posting reviews? Day of release?


Heh so my brother comes over to my place this weekend since we are celebrating his birthday, and we are showing off our new Steam games to each other that we bought during the sale when he goes and straight up tells me that he has never actually idled or try to get any cards before, and he tell me I can use them if I decide to get them. But I scrolled down his list, and 40 games just seems like way too damn much haha. Gonna see how long it takes to get all this done, but at the amount of games he has, I highly doubt I'm gonna get all of this done. Thankfully I have a second computer here I can use for Idling games since I really want to finish Dark Souls in the next few days. Time to start installing a few games haha. Also I got him the perfect birthday present: Alien Isolation and Speedrunners <3

Also... Why are the Q*BERT cards literally worth 99cents for certain cards. This game has the most expensive cars ever!

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Playing the Rally Expansion for Forza Horizon made me thirsty as hell for that Dirt 3 Steamworks patch. I'm so ready to replay that career mode.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
You guys need to know that Mokoi is seriously good people. S/He just sent me two M&M codes and I am seriously excited.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
And on that, these are not complete impressions, but impressions after playing an hour and a half of Long Night - Episode 1.


This game... Uhhh... I... Have a lot of mixed feelings about it so far.

If anything I can say its unique, it does in places feel legitimately like an old-school horror game, but introduces new-age horror elements as well...

I guess the first thing I want to touch base on is how you play as teenage James Sunderland the Hedgehog in this title. Your character looks like James Sunderland from Silent Hill 2 but younger, and has a similar gimmick, except lusting over a woman rather than looking for his dead wife. And he is the fastest horror protagonist I have ever seen. I am not exaggerating here, I swear I feel like I'm controlling Sonic the Fucking Hedgehog when I start running with him, his speed is ridiculous, even when 'walking'. You have a stamina bar, run it dry and you need to stop to rest for a few moments.

And this leads to two of my biggest problems with the game. Firstly, the game has fixed camera angles. And your character is fucking running 60mph or something, and its very dark, so it can be hard to get a handle on your character sometimes. And to make up for your insane speeds, the monster (singular as only one type I've met so far) is fucking fast as hell too. Now imagine playing an old-school survival-horror game with fixed camera angles except you and the enemies move about 10-20x as fast. And the enemies touching you is instant death. And you may start figuring out why this is one of my biggest problems with this game.


I played this right after I played Whispering Willows, and its almost funny since the game has a strong background of Native American folklore like that game too, and also has a strong theme of Shamans. It's almost like these game's folklores were pulling from the exact same legends but going completely different directions from each other.

Speaking of speed, the dialogue in cutscenes moves way too fast for me to read it a lot of the time (no voice, just text, time to read text is about half the length of what it should be.

When running from enemies, you can't kill them (no weapons in this game), so you either have to outrun them, find a area with blue fog and hide inside for them to just disappear every time, or get close to a save point.

I also figured out from dying multiple times the enemies are scripted and aren't randomized in when and where they appear.

And on my final thing of complaints, the way women are portrayed in this game bothers me. So far, all portrayal of women in this game is pornographic and honestly casts them and sexual objects. When they appear in cutscenes they always are wearing skimpy outfits, or even nude, and have such riveting roles involved from me taking a girl's thong for an item puzzle or appearing on the cover of a pornographic magazine.


Also as you might be able to tell from the above screenshot or any screens or videos of the game, the game s very dark. The lighter helps a bit, but not when the camera pulls itself too far back on a few occasions.

This all said, I did find some elements here I actually liked. It has an interesting camp setting, fitted with interesting trails, paths, and landmarks. The graphics and lighting aren't too shabby for a small budget game either, and I found the location fun to explore through.

The files the game has are fun to read and add some interesting flavor text and texture to the campsite as well.

The audio is appropriately freaking me out when out in the dark, and there are some very effective and efficient scares that occur. Dampened some by how running becomes routine after a while, but does provide some startle and build-up elements in vein of something like Ao Oni at times.

Which on that, the audio is very good, whether it's trying to be relaxing, fill you with heavy tenseness, or to go alongside running from the monster, the audio adds a lot to it all.

There are interesting details and some fridge horror elements which have been interesting so far as well, and add small things to the whole experience.

As I said, I'm mixed on it right now. Need to finish it as I hear episode 1 isn't all that long.
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