That's exactly what I was thinking. Additionally, it seems that the particular cards that you can only get with real money are the most powerful ones. Sure, you can't just stick all of these cards in your deck and expect to win. But if you're up against an opponent with a similar deck but they have the good card or cards of your deck color and you don't, they're much more likely to win.
What a letdown. I honestly feel pretty cheated.
That's not how it is. Yes, the numbers on the premium cards are very high and they have dramatic art and all this stuff, but they're not as good as you think. You have to remember to factor in the entirety of the card, not just stop at their high power or crazy abilities. The mana cost is extremely important.
Looking at some premium examples; Maelstrom Angel requires one of each mana to cast. LOL to that, never using that shit. Kozilek costs 10 mana to cast, also lol. Griselbrand is the same, costs too much to be valid. Stoneforge Mystic is a troll inclusion; because she's good but they didn't give her any good equipment to summon. If they had included Stoneforge + Umezawa's Jitte or something, you would be right, but they didn't.
(I haven't looked at every single card. If there's something like Elvish Piper, that could suck...)
I don't call that pay to win, I call that an incomplete game. There's a big difference between a single player game with arbitrary paywall content and a game designed around obtaining cards via booster purchases. Pay to win is a horrible generalization anyway and largely meaningless, especially in a single player game. If it's true that the best cards in Magic 2015 are only in boosters, that's pretty screwed up and definitely should upset people. If they're just chase cards for collectors (essentially like cosmetic dlc), that's not as big of a deal.
If you play MTG, you can check out the card list
here and see that the premium boosters don't contain anything insane. If you see any crazy combos I missed, please post them.
All these impressions of Magic 2015 so far are making me glad I decided to wait for impressions before jumping on it.
Then again, I'm the only one not jumping to ignorant conclusions right now... It seems fine so far.