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STEAM | July 2014-2 In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming

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Dr Dogg

Man, I obviously don't make enough, because even if there were 10 of me to be paid for a year, I still wouldn't get anywhere near half a million dollars =p

Move to a country with a higher decimal currency, problem solved! The Uzbekistan Som is at a 3145:1 exchange rate with the Euro at the moment. Just forget to mention the exact currency when people ask you.

So Many Me has such a good name, an instant buy game name, that's why I have to be strong and don't buy it.

although it worked nice with DMC, I must say, but still

That actaully looks alright. Shame I've had a massive binge on puzzle platformers as of late. And to think I was begrudging a lack of new releases and I've played 5 almost back to back.


They flushed half a million dollars in less than half a year.
How do you even do that?

Don't Kickstarter take a big cut? Amazon too?

Yogscast was more than happy to throw its name all over the project to get it funded but is now disowning it completely.

This is why the Yogscast name needs to become a dirty word now. That's the only real punishment for messing up a Kickstarter this much, your brand name getting seriously tarnished.
I have 3 feelings about this yogscast game thing:

1. I don't give a fuck. No idea who/what yogscast is, their HB was total shit, and apparently their kickstarter is shit too.

2. Why would anyone back a kickstart for something the headliners aren't handling themselves? (Or am I wrong, and they were actually helping with development?)

3. Kickstarter is starting to become a total dump. Have you seen some of the shit that people are backing?

I'm both sad for the backers and pissed off at them for backing such shit.
Have you seen the 2014 Kickstarter thread? I'd say "total dump" does a disservice to the many promising projects that were or weren't successful. The shitty projects and scams don't diminish the allure and potential of the good campaigns
I'm pretty sure no legal system has any say on number of fiancées.

Well... the US goverment says you can only have 1 wife. So as soon as the first marriage occurs, the rest of the fiances would be fiances forever, at least until 1st wife died or a divorce occurred, I think. Those fiances would not be happy, I'd wager... and isn't the goal of a good marriage to make your partner(s) happy? ;)

So we bringing religion into this now?

I never said anything about religion, brobocop.

So did anyone actually grab shantae?
I have it on DSiware and still haven't beaten it.

I did. She is currently my waifu. Or Risky is. Or... oh crap, I should move to Utah.

Nah, I was just joshing.

I know, I know. :p


I know, I run my own business.
Still wouldn't know how to get anywhere near that in 6 months with 6 people, though, unless I bought a house with it or something =p

Edit: or the 250k after "expenses"

We haven no idea what hardware or software licenses they bought. Plus they might have outscored some work.

Don't Kickstarter take a big cut? Amazon too?

Together they take between 8%-10%.


So did anyone actually grab shantae?
I have it on DSiware and still haven't beaten it.

I picked it up, it's good enough for the game that it is, since this version has controller support and 3 different screen size options so you can choose how big you want those pixels to be (I play in original)


Don't Kickstarter take a big cut? Amazon too?

This is why the Yogscast name needs to become a dirty word now. That's the only real punishment for messing up a Kickstarter this much, your brand name getting seriously tarnished.

I'm not trying to defend Yogscast as I find that this is abhorrent behavior in general.

The sad fact is, it was a third party making the game, not the Yogscast crew itself. How many licensed games have fallen through before, after having a lot of money pumped into them by a private source? Sadly in this case, the source is kickstarter but in all these kinds of failures people lose money.

Kickstarters fail all the time, even after funded. At least the Yogscast is attempting to do something (well they need the good publicity).

With this, you're not a consumer, you're an investor and investments go bad all the time. This is why I'll never put what I'm working on onto Kickstarter as I'd rather go at my own pace and release something actually finished.


So we bringing religion into this now?


Dr Dogg

Time to say how much I hate the word "fiancé"

Fiancé or fiancée? Betrothed is gender neutral and easier not to make a pigs ear of things despite sounding like you a Jane Austen character.

Have you seen the 2014 Kickstarter thread? I'd say "total dump" does a disservice to the many promising projects that were or weren't successful. The shitty projects and scams don't diminish the allure and potential of the good campaigns

I think that's the same with Steam and Early Access. There are some good success stories but the moment something goes all to shit it's all over the internet. There will be commentators making videos about a bad example, there will be multiple threads on message boards about how it's a bad idea but the good things never get as much attention. Goes with the territory I guess. Not that this stuff shouldn't be brought to more widespread attention but it more often than not paints the services like KS and EA in a light that really isn't the case.


Dammit, I seemingly accidentally burned four beehives down. I've let the thieves guild down :( Then I spent all that time sneaking my way up to dudes room and he was aware of me lol. I peered around a bookcase and I see him crouched down and peering around the other side of the bookcase. At first I thought he was another thief trying to beat me to the punch.



Nah, I was just joshing.

EDIT: Time to find out what Unturned is all about.

I see a lot of potential in Unturned. It is a mix of DayZ, Rust, and Minecraft. Unfortunately the severs just don't seem stable enough at all to actually enjoy it. No matter the server, it seem to either crash after 20 minutes or you desync to the point that you can't pick anything up or kill anything.


listen to the mad man
3. Kickstarter is starting to become a total dump. Have you seen some of the shit that people are backing?

Kickstarter has always been a mix of high profile gems, low profile successes, and garbage. I am convinced that remains true. In gaming alone; Hyper Light Drifter was funded less than a year ago. Also late 2013: Cosmic Star Heroine. Sunless Sea, which just debuted, was a late 2013 project. La-Mulana 2 was funded in 2014. Superhot. Heart Forth, Alicia. Book of Unwritten Tales 2. That's all at the $100,000+ mark. Now, maybe these games turn out well, maybe they turn out terribly, but they all seem like promising projects to me, not at all "have you seen the shit" tier.

I think what's more likely is that people don't pay attention to the quiet way that KS and Early Access have changed game development and how they've fostered a lot of successes many people wouldn't have even realized were KS projects... FTL; Chivalry; Kentucky Route Zero; The Pinball Arcade; Resonance; Shovel Knight; Divinity Original Sin; The Banner Saga; Valdis Story; Tabletop Simulator; Tex Murphy Tesla Effect. Instead, they focus on the spectacular flame-outs like CLANG! and now Yogsventures.


So how is Magic 2015? It's currently sitting at 0% Thumbs up and 100% Thumbs down.

what the shit am i looking at?

People are pretty mad that they gave us full customization at the price of practically everything else. No 2 v 2, no other game modes, and still not much of a story. I've enjoyed it so far, but I know when I'm done with the campaign I'll really miss the lack of a draft mode or other game modes.


The Samaritan Paradox is the only game in the $2 tier of that Groupees bundle that I want (couldn't care less about the legend of Persia) is it worth the extra dollar just for that one game?

Anyone played it?


bish gets all the credit :)
With this, you're not a consumer, you're an investor and investments go bad all the time. This is why I'll never put what I'm working on onto Kickstarter as I'd rather go at my own pace and release something actually finished.

You're not an investor. Treat it as a pre-order that can disappear at any time.


There's always going to be a lot of shit. It's true of most everything- music, film, books, games, businesses, politics, etc. People are full of shit and will find a way to try and take advantage. How it be.

Except for Saoirse. She is infallible, immutable.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
The Samaritan Paradox is the only game in the $2 tier of that Groupees bundle that I want (couldn't care less about the legend of Persia) is it worth the extra dollar just for that one game?

Anyone played it?

If you have to ask if an extra dollar is worth it then you probably shouldn't be buying anything. ;)


I think that's a bit of an exaggeration.
Of the 31 gaming-related projects I have backed and which were successfully funded, 0 have failed. For 8 of them I have already fully collected my rewards.

Yes but people are acting like a kickstarter fail is a rare occurrence whereas it's not. Admittedly a lot of the fails are from outside the gaming industry.
In case anyone was wondering, Legends of Persia from the groupees bundle is legitimately terrible. The intro artwork is nice, but the rest is very poor. The running animation is comedy gold! The narrator VO sounds like it was recorded on a cassette walkman at 16kbps in a thunderstorm, there are no resolution options and the controls are unreliable at best.

Trying to charge $20 new for this when there is stuff like the Torchlights, The Van Helsings, Grim Dawn, hell even Isebel is better than this is crazy. For $2 with 5 other games seems to be it's level.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Oh boy...

Interesting. I wonder if they'll have the full Steam integration: achievements, trading cards, possibly even the Steam subscription model.

Although I hope it isn't like the other monthly payment games that get removed from your library after you subscription ends.

Dr Dogg

Interesting. I wonder if they'll have the full Steam integration: achievements, trading cards, possibly even the Steam subscription model.

Although I hope it isn't like the other monthly payment games that get removed from your library after you subscription ends.

What? Really? Even the one that you pay an upfront fee higher than an initial or 30 day subscription cost?
As expected, all MMOs end up being F2P sooner or later.

I gave up playing about a month ago, it's a frightening grind. Though I think they are fixing a lot of the VR issues and actually allowing people to play something other that a Dragon Knight/Sorcerer with Desto/healing staves without being hopelessly gimped. Thar's quite nice of them, thinking about NB's etc...

Will be F2P or P2P before Christmas, it's lost huge numbers of subs, anecdotally, crashed faster than SWTOR.
how does an MMO work on steam? Does steam collect a percentage of the subscription monies or do they only get a cut from the actually game's sales, like usual?


oh snap. dark souls 2 dlc next week. I've been living under a rock apparently.

I put off finishing the game due to not being able to beat ancient dragon and vendrick. Maybe with the dlc I'll have a chance to level a bit more or get some gear that can help with those situations.
People are pretty mad that they gave us full customization at the price of practically everything else. No 2 v 2, no other game modes, and still not much of a story. I've enjoyed it so far, but I know when I'm done with the campaign I'll really miss the lack of a draft mode or other game modes.

That sucks. Customization was really missing from previous versions, but at the expense of everything else...

Good Morning Steamers!

I don't like this name.....
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