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STEAM | July 2014-3 – Let Off Some STEAM Bennett

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Hatoful Boyfriend is the only right answer

That and TitS, for sure.


I used to work in a locked mental health facility in a hospital and I also have depression anxiety, but working with others helped me a lot.. I was really good w/ psychotics and schizophrenics because I believe nothing is real.

The hospital would send people home who were suicidal because their insurance ran out and I bitched about it and other policies that were anti-patients.. Got fired because of it lol.. also because people would talk shit about me behind my back, I would be called into the office and it was basically 'these people are saying this, what do you say about that' and I would say "I have no idea what you are talking about" and then they label me as being 'uncooperative.'

Why office politics and shit has to enter healthcare is beyond me, people are fucking petty and the people that were supposedly there to help others were the pettiest of them all, judgmental to boot.

Fuck 'em

I have no faith in the medical industry, or any corporations for that matter. Kill 'em all I say.

:/ Too many assholes in this world.

edit: all the patients loved me because I wouldn't judge them and I treated them like human beings.. it was the staff that had a problem with me because I had a problem with their policies and wouldn't kowtow to their evil ways


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
Wow what a disappointment with The Crew

  • Game modes
  • Customization
  • Music
  • Cockpit view

  • 30fps
  • Microtransactions!!!
  • Physics
    [*]Expected better graphics.
  • No friendlist. You need to add them to UPlay

It's a beta, I'm sure it'll get better. I pretty sure some of the graphic options do nothing at all.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I live...kinda

whats the happenings? I assume all dem Thieves are from some sort of Squeenix bundle?

edit: also just got Halfway as my 2000th and now I...still have 1999 games. Ok then, guess I lost a game since this morning >_>

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Posted this several hours ago, but going to re-post some impressions of Claire, as now having slept and thought on it, it's a game I would like to re-mention:

I finished Claire. Here's some impressions I had.


Claire is a 2D psychological survival-horror game that pulls a lot of inspiration from Silent Hill, Clock Tower, and a few other horror games of the early 2000s. I had been following the title since last mid-2013, and finally gave it a play after a few patches had been delivered for the game post-release (which to the developers credit, they have been very active in responding to problems the game has and responding to their steam community forums and twitter). I had played about an hour of the game last February off Desura, which was very rough around the edges at the time. I wasn't quite sure what the final product was going to end up like.

Claire stars the titular character as she wakes up from a nightmare about her childhood. She is in the hospital taking care of her mother, who is sickly and bedridden. However, as she fetches coffee to keep herself awake, the hospital suddenly changes... Shifts into some form of nightmare realm. Quickly finding aid from a dog known as Anubis, they go to try and find an escape to the twisted terror they've found themselves in.

In Claire, you explore labyrinth like locations full of enemies, traps, puzzles, scares, and atmosphere as you open locked doors and trigger events that advance the story. Honestly its all rather simple. Occasionally you meet a person in the labyrinth you can help with something via a side-quest, or some choice you can make or optional puzzle you can partake in. Your actions go towards what ending you'll get at game's end, of which there are three of.

The gameplay is simple, but is backed by good design, an actually helpful map (surprising as I find maps are usually useless in 2D horror games like this), fantastic atmosphere, and a number of surreal and interesting moments throughout, backed by a good lighting engine and moody sound design.


Monsters come in a few varieties, but none can be killed, simply ran from and hid from. And they can be determined buggers in hunting you down, bashing down doors you try to escape through, and can follow you into any room outside of save rooms. You either have to outrun them, outsmart them (like blocking a door), out-climb them (they can't climb things it seems), or hide in a closet/similar hiding place. Though some monsters don't chase you at all. One common threat is a type of monster that won't chase you, but getting near it will drain your 'sanity'.

Sanity isn't for insane effects or anything, but survival in Claire. Like Clock Tower's panic feature, basically. The more loss of 'calm' and scared you become, the more you'll start taking damage, until you're panicking and taking damage for simply panicking. A big part of the game, especially later in, is managing your health and sanity and playing wisely. This is helped by the fact that like Resident Evil, the stages are large with multiple paths, allowing you to make strategic paths through the facility once you've come more familiar with its layout.

Normally I build-up to my impressions of a review by talking about the elements, but to explain Claire I need to work backwards... I loved it. It's going up there as what I would list as the best 2D horror games out there, along with the likes of Lone Survivor, Clock Tower, Yume Nikki, Last Door, Ib, Witch's House, etc. Claire succeeds in making an unnerving atmosphere that actually managed to spook me on a few occasions, interesting moments in both gameplay, design, and narrative, and wrapping it all together into an enjoyable horror game package.

And its with this severe love I have for the game I must mention that the game still has some problems. The developers are responding to them and still patching the game, but I need to make note of this as the time I played it (version 1.145) that I ran into a number of issues. I played the game kind of stupidly on Nightmare difficulty (the hardest difficulty) on my first playthrough of the game, and as a mention I would not suggest playing on this difficulty unless you really want a challenge and have some patience. But maybe because of this I experienced more problems, as most of what I had problems with was the sanity system, which was very unforgiving and has weird problems like certain cutscene spots draining my sanity so fast I would die during cutscenes and would actively have to heal myself to keep myself alive to read the dialogue in cutscenes. And then some minor things, like how I found the flashlight not really useful most of the time and just defaulted to the lighter, or a few areas later in the game feeling a bit too much like trial-and-error in parts.

I'm sure most of my problems will be addressed with future patches though, and don't think this game is worth passing up on for this.


Claire feels a bit similar to some other kinds of horror games, with the easiest comparison to make being Lone Survivor (they share a bit more in common than just being 2D games with some Silent Hill influence, though let it be known if you liked Lone Survivor, you will most likely enjoy this). However, it also manages to create its own feel and tale of horror, and the developments in both gameplay and story for the most part feel satisfying.

It's a bit slow, there are a few places where navigating and where you're supposed to go can be a bit confusing. However, the levels have a fun exploration element and will usually reward you for taking time off the beaten path, with a variety of side-quest, goodies, hidden scenes and scares, and more.

Speaking of which, the game manages to pack some good scares and "WTF" moments through its course. I found myself a bit more comfortable and less on-edge after the first area, but the game managed to put me on edge and make me feel uneasy through the beginning first hour or two, and had its moments throughout its course. Of note, some of my favorite scares are indeed off the beaten path.


I might be a bit gushy, but that's because Claire surpassed my expectations and has stood better than most of the other recent horror game releases on Steam I have played. It's a quality horror title for lovers of old-school styled horror with a bit of something new, or those who have come to enjoy 2D horror games like Lone Survivor or Clock Tower. It's rough around the edges, but has the heart, good execution, and cleverness to pull off what it strives to be, and excel at it, despite the few flaws it has.

A bit slow, sometimes confusing, and I would not recommend going through it blind on Nightmare difficulty like I did, but a fantastic horror game that brings a lot in from the Silent Hill and Clock Tower class of horror, while also being its own thing that will be worth it for any genre enthusiast. But maybe wait to play through it once some of the bugs are ironed out.


Unconfirmed Member
So which AAA games you guys are looking forward to that isn't even available for pre-order yet?

Is it one of these four?

1: Assassin's Creed Unity
2: Grand Theft Auto V
3: Far Cry 4
4: The Evil Within

pick one?

Looking at the overall sales figures of Grand Theft Auto V vs the sales figures of prior Far Cry and Assassins Creed titles, I would venture that GTAV will be the overall favorite even if the Steam regulars voice their opinion for other games.

Personally, I would probably pick Grand Theft Auto V. Runner up would have to be The Evil Within (This is a close second).

I watched as much as I could bear of the pewdiepie 16 minute gameplay session. It seemed more of a third person shooter with survival horror tropes than anything else. There was even a session with respawning waves of enemies.

Runner up would have to be The Evil Within (This is a close second).


Wow what a disappointment with The Crew

  • Game modes
  • Customization
  • Music
  • Cockpit view

  • 30fps
  • Microtransactions!!!
  • Physics
  • Expected better graphics.
  • No friendlist. You need to add them to UPlay

30 fps in a racing game, why? Especially when it is available on PC.

The Evil Within.
I'm a sucker for GOOD horror games.

I watched as much as I could bear of the pewdiepie 16 minute gameplay session. It seemed more of a third person shooter with survival horror tropes than anything else. There was even a session with respawning waves of enemies.


Not a mod, just a bot.
This is a scheduled automated repost on behalf of oupi, who is running this raffle.

ModBot said:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- You must have given away a game through ModBot to become eligible for this giveaway.
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Mirror's Edge -- MB-FC113C0D9A4D4930 - Taken by Rudakus. 4 entrants total.

By the way, there were some errors processing your keys...
Note: The key you added for Mirror's Edge was already listed in ModBot from a previous giveaway of yours, but was not taken. Updating key info to match new giveaway.



The 30FPS is an option in the Crew, it's just greyed out because, shocker, it's a beta. Aside from microtransactions, those cons are all making a mountain out of a molehill. Is it really surprising they're making you use Uplay?


Looking at the overall sales figures of Grand Theft Auto V vs the sales figures of prior Far Cry and Assassins Creed titles, I would venture that GTAV will be the overall favorite even if the Steam regulars voice their opinion for other games.

Personally, I would probably pick Grand Theft Auto V. Runner up would have to be The Evil Within (This is a close second).

That would be my order as well, is Lords of the Fallen available for preorder somewhere I am not aware of? Of course, that is not a AAA juggernaut like the others on the list.

Forgot about DA.
Looks like EA is going to run this hard as their holiday title now.

I have no faith in modern Bioware.


Unconfirmed Member
The people who don't want Bad Rats.

Is your steam library really that precious in terms of the games in it?
At this point I would think that a lot of steamGAF has more than a few games that are just straight garbage sitting in their accounts to add to their game count. Thanks to all of the bundles which tie games to the same key.
Of course it isn't. I own Revelations 2012 and Garry's Incident, plus a few other bundle junk games which are probably terrible but I'll never know since I don't plan on ever downloading them. Bad Rats is a game I refuse to own, plain and simple. A man's gotta have some principles, right?


I believe that the following key from my giveaway is still available, feel free to take it!

BioShock -- MB-4B71D92FCFC882DF


The 30FPS is an option in the Crew, it's just greyed out because, shocker, it's a beta. Aside from microtransactions, those cons are all making a mountain out of a molehill. Is it really surprising they're making you use Uplay?

I simple dont care what the company of the developer want to do. I only list what i like and dislike. And uplay friendlist is a nono for me.
I want practical games for me, not games that try to force me use things I dont like. Obviously they can do what they can, buy I dont going to buy that game (on release) maybe when is less than 10usd.


welp, nearly at the end of Divinity, but after a certain line of mandatory dialogue, the game crashes. i've tried about 5 times now. not really sure what to do...


Of course it isn't. I own Revelations 2012 and Garry's Incident, plus a few other bundle junk games which are probably terrible but I'll never know since I don't plan on ever downloading them. Bad Rats is a game I refuse to own, plain and simple. A man's gotta have some principles, right?

Eh I don't see the principal in not owning a free game. Id take DC3 on steam but I guess that's my collector side talking. The more the merrier even if I'm not gonna play it.


No one seems to have taken this-
Soul Gambler Desura Key -- MB-2A8BE71311045059 - Taken by Catshade. 1 entrants total.
Just send a PM to mod bot and if you're fast/first you'll get the key.

So which AAA games you guys are looking forward to that isn't even available for pre-order yet?

Is it one of these four?

1: Assassin's Creed Unity
2: Grand Theft Auto V
3: Far Cry 4
4: The Evil Within

pick one?


And here's why nobody should be looking at Shadow Blade: Reload at the moment...
I've even tried deleting local content and reinstalling... Settings refuses to work, cursors are missing, and when I can figure out what I'm selecting and get into a level, both the analog and dpad do nothing at all.



Unconfirmed Member
Eh I don't see the principal in not owning a free game. Id take DC3 on steam but I guess that's my collector side talking. The more the merrier even if I'm not gonna play it.
Of course, and I'm always like that, except with this game. It's personal. I may be crazy, but that game is toxic.
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