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STEAM | July 2017 - Magical Pyres can't melt Cold Steel

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Really need to play through those Shadowrun games. Which ones are the essentials, or should I play them in release order?

No need to play in order, they're all separate stories.

All of them are good. Most people will tell you Dragonfall is the best one, and I agree: it has great balance between story and gameplay, and also has great characters. I suggest you start with Dragonfall. If you feel it has too much dialogue, try the first game; if you feel it needs more dialogue, try Hong Kong. Anyway, be advised: you'll read A LOT, these games are text-heavy, but they're very well written.
Why is pubg so good.

Yeah I'm taking summer classes and working but still managed to sink 40 hours since the Steam Sale. Game is a blast solo or in a group.


Wow, RE0 HD looks much much better than RE1 HD, (especially for background) wish they didn't ruin REmake in this regard. (i heard they lost some of the source codes, shame.) I liked game so far, sure not level of RE1 but still really fun. (i didn't know anything about this one and never played, so these are big plus for more fun.) I think RE0 harder than RE1 so far, you can't escape from zombies easily like RE1, you need to think new strategy every time you beaten, like playing Demon's Souls/Dark Souls, so fun times! :D Alternate controls a bit ponderous, not giving immediate reaction as RE1 HD, don't know why.
Damn you leechman, i scared when he is came before entering wc in the mansion, lol.

I also used reshade for these screens.

There's nothing they could do, they still had all of the original textures to rerender at the resolution of their choosing. Remake didn't have those available, instead having to upscale the existing renders.
And here we go with impressions for Black Viper: Sophia's Fate, brought to you by the super inframan, man of a thousand bundles!

The story: You play Sophia (no last name given,) policewoman by day, and by night she becomes...The Black Viper! Okay, first off, must be nice to have regular hours as a cop. Can you imagine a cop being able to get away with "Sorry, I don't work nights?" Second, it's never exactly explained what the Black Viper's role is. Is she a super-spy? A cat burglar? A superhero? A super VILLAIN? Good thing nobody will ever discover her identity (you know, apart from the fact Sophia has a tattoo of a black viper on her neck. But that's coincidence, surely.) You're called to investigate the murder of a millionaire playboy's wife. Your boss has a big diagonal scar across his face, so I was really surprised by the twist that he DOESN'T betray you. Also, for some reason they call in a Colonel Jones from the US Army, who looks like Tommy Lee Jones in a Castro beard and hat. Later on - spoilers - you find out that was all a disguise and he was the bad guy all along, who looks JUST like Tommy Lee Jones! (He's not the only one whose image they stole. The playboy's mistress is named Elizabeth Page, who looks just like Bettie Page, complete with actual pinup pics of Bettie Page in the next room.) At any rate, you have to solve the mystery using both your detective skills and your Black Viper skills for the things that cops can't do (because FUCK warrants!)

The story was mostly incomprehensible because of translation errors. Going just off the graphics, it's essentially a cheesy near-future spy caper. It had potential to be campy like Paranormal State: Poison Spring, but since the dialogue was so janky it just ended up plain bad.

Oh, and you never do figure out what Sophia's fate actually is. Unless you consider being shot, surviving, and telling your boss that you're the Black Viper a "fate." I don't.

The dialogue and audio: Speaking of which, as I said, utterly horrible. The credits state that two people did the translations, but I don't believe it. Spelling errors abound, as do typos. Nobody could pick up on the fact that instead of "wife," you wrote "wide?" Was the executive breathing down their necks yelling "Good enough, let's go!" or something?
Even the hidden object scenes weren't spared bad translations. The word "atlas" was used for "globe," and twice they asked for a "pocket," which to my surprise was actually a clutch purse. Be prepared to be utterly baffled.

No voice acting. With translation this bad, it could have gone one of two ways: one, the voice actors could have read the horribly translated garbage verbatim, which would have pulled it straight out of "plain bad" and rocketed it up to "super campy and hilarious," OR the voice actors would try to fix the dialogue on the fly and end up improving it. Either way, this game was hurt by the lack of voice acting.

The graphics: Surprisingly good, actually. In a few of the images, they've managed to make a hidden-object character attractive. Sophia is pretty sultry-looking (until they show her profile, then not so much.) and Elizabeth Page is hot (but then again, that's only because Bettie Page was.) The male characters are also done well but they're likely copied off real people. The room environments look like actual rooms. For the most part, they don't have random things stupidly or impossibly placed throughout just for the sake of the puzzle. There's a wee bit of animation here and there with nice-looking cars and helicopters. Overall, the graphics look good and were well-thought-out. The only problem?

The gameplay: The objects are SO GODDAMN SMALL! There is a built-in magnifying glass for the screen, which you can turn on and off with the scroll wheel (and props for this, it's a great idea,) but holy hell, you NEED it. Fine, I'm glad they made a game that actually has a good resolution and makes use of the pixels, but enough is enough. It was frustrating, almost as if the game was saying: "Look, but don't make your eyes strain; a hidden-object game like me is going insane." Small objects + bad translations = lean on the hint button. I really regret playing the game on hard.

The minigames range from "mildly challenging" (such as a slider puzzle) to "what the fuck are you even asking me to do?" I ran into a couple of these, and I had to skip them. Only thing is, they're set to timers. I had to wait SIX MINUTES to skip some of the puzzles. And no, alt-tabbing didn't work. Alt-tab at 348 seconds, come back at 348 seconds. So since the instructions don't help, you just have to sit there. I'm actually grateful this game doesn't have achievements, because I just know one would be "do all the puzzles without the skip button" and I wouldn't be able to do it.

Some of the inventory and overworld puzzles were infuriating, because they give no indication of what to do and when. Example: a lock appears when you twist various horns on statues around the house. But they don't tell you that, you just have to find it on your own, and clicking the statue's horn before you're supposed to doesn't reveal anything. So progression becomes an exercise in "sweep the screen and look for icon changes." (This might be better in easy or normal mode. If you play this, not that I think you should, keep your blood pressure down and don't play in hard mode.)

The length: My Steam profile says 3.9 hours, but I left it on while I went to lunch, and also to test alt-tabbing, so it's more like 3.5. It felt like 35.

The verdict: A hidden-object game that sacrificed everything to graphics. I might have been able to say "this game is okay" if they had had voice acting, if they had decent translation, if they had comprehensible minigames...or even ONE of those things. Squandered potential. Avoid this game. It did put me in the mood to look up some Bettie Page pics, though.


I don't want to start a new thread for something so trivial so here goes

I am playing dreamfall chapters and it looks good and I'm getting 60fps but my vid card is really loud. I only need 30fps for a game like this. Problem is however amd control catalyst target frame rate does not work no matter what I set it at.... in fact it barely works for most games :( I tried using radeon pro but that doesn't seem to work either regardless of the settings I use. Any advice would be appreciated.


I don't want to start a new thread for something so trivial so here goes

I am playing dreamfall chapters and it looks good and I'm getting 60fps but my vid card is really loud. I only need 30fps for a game like this. Problem is however amd control catalyst target frame rate does not work no matter what I set it at.... in fact it barely works for most games :( I tried using radeon pro but that doesn't seem to work either regardless of the settings I use. Any advice would be appreciated.

Just use rivatuner?


I don't want to start a new thread for something so trivial so here goes

I am playing dreamfall chapters and it looks good and I'm getting 60fps but my vid card is really loud. I only need 30fps for a game like this. Problem is however amd control catalyst target frame rate does not work no matter what I set it at.... in fact it barely works for most games :( I tried using radeon pro but that doesn't seem to work either regardless of the settings I use. Any advice would be appreciated.

MSI Afterburner should let your cap the framerate.
Well, technically RTSS, but it comes with Afterburner, so yeah, use that.


Shadow Warrior was really good. Just remember to pace yourself.

DOOM Free Weekend on Steam. Play that shit. Don't pace yourself.


Is anyone else going to try out Kingdoms and Castles? It looks very nice and I do love a good Stronghold style game.

Also interesting that it'll be the first Fig-funded game to actually launch, so we can see if that business model might actually function.
Ross from Ghostlight Games has posted the latest blog detailing about the latest development for their PC ports of Lost Dimension and Omega Quintet.

However, there's a nice juicy tidbit on what Ghostlight Games are up to in the near future:

Ross from Ghostlight Games said:
"We're also going to be working on a new PC port of a JRPG for a Western publisher. I can't really go into too much detail at this stage, but on a personal level I am really excited to get the chance to work on this one!"

I wonder what JRPG is going to be this time around...


Not a mod, just a bot.
Thanks to an anonymous benefactor, I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible

Kiln Amnesia Fortnight Prototype #1 -- MB-CEB902EE18022298 - Taken by Mikurden
Kiln Amnesia Fortnight Prototype #2 -- MB-FE439D9631245FF2 - Taken by longlivegaming
Kiln Amnesia Fortnight Prototype #3 -- MB-66144641117079FA - Taken by SSPssp
Doom is free... but is also 68 GBs.

Guess I won't even play it for free. Hrm. I wouldn't have thought that about myself, but here we are.
Really need to play through those Shadowrun games. Which ones are the essentials, or should I play them in release order?

Dragonfall and Hong Kong are essential, while Returns (the first game in the series) is skippable. Only play Returns--first--if you want to be a completionist with the series, because it will be tough to play after the others.

The series often gets crazy 80% off sales, so watch out for those.
There's nothing they could do, they still had all of the original textures to rerender at the resolution of their choosing. Remake didn't have those available, instead having to upscale the existing renders.

Yeah, so sad about this, these backgrounds are so fantastic.



For you.
I like this on paper, but am put off by the fact so many featured are either in games not out yet or brand new games, and there's a few real turds in there too (nobody liked Super Comboman guys). Roster could use some real work, though with something as amorphous as "indie" I guess it'd be hard to really corral everyone to gauge interest.

I think the roster is quite alright, especially compared to Indie Game Battle.


I feel sorry for you for playing a game that is mostly story focused and repetitive gameplay. What accomplishment is there if not to fully grasp the story? I still suggest watching the story though youtube than torturing yourself through repetitiveness, unless you don't have anything better to play.
i don't know how to make it any clearer that i don't want to "fully grasp the story" -____-

i just like beating up monsters

The more I read about God Eater, the more I think it could scratch that Hyrule Warriors itch... correct me if I'm wrong: it's repetitive, it's filled with action, it has a great gameplay loop, it's not very technical (MonHun is too complex for me), I can grind for hours if I want to (I love grinding), I can ignore the plot if I don't like it. Is that it? Because it looks like something I would love to play.
sort of

i wouldn't say it has a great gameplay loop or that it has lots of actoin and i would actually say it's pretty technical, but it's a good timewaster

it's good for like playing a podcast on the background while playing it
This is my first giveaway, hope I don't screw it up :p

I just found out I had lots of unredeemed keys in my Humble account. Hope you like it!

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 17 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Orakio Rob, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This is a free for all! You can enter for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY -- MB-451FCF6F8A5C25FB - Taken by jtb. 7 entrants total.
Cave Story Plus -- MB-274AF543613CE881 - Taken by DataGhost. 8 entrants total.
Dead Space 2 -- MB-6AC9C10B1BD56148 - Taken by Kudo. 10 entrants total.
Dear Esther -- MB-9606F2AB15CFCC0F - Taken by bloke. 4 entrants total.
Dungeons of Dredmor Complete -- MB-A2CAAC2AD88EE87B - Taken by Madventure. 1 entrants total.
English Country Tune -- MB-12130D197D082EDC
Human Resource Machine -- MB-FDF10DECCD708341 - Taken by longlivegaming. 2 entrants total.
Intrusion 2 -- MB-C7BFD47D2D7CDA29 - Taken by Dangerblade. 1 entrants total.
Oil Rush -- MB-A99E02D9C009FF74
Overlord Plus Raising Hell, Rise of the Argonauts, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising Plus Red River -- MB-872F2EF5B40DB317 - Taken by famfrit. 1 entrants total.
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete Edition -- MB-284B521971386D33 - Taken by Popstar. 1 entrants total. - Taken by Purkake4. 3 entrants total.
Sid Meier's Civilization III: Complete -- MB-EB958E9C4E2461D4
Sid Meier's Railroads! -- MB-365034197791F2B3 - Taken by Eila. 4 entrants total.
The Whispered World Special Edition -- MB-C11F6E548A8F2447 - Taken by Jalal. 9 entrants total.
To the Moon -- MB-D56477F204B93980 - Taken by oni-link. 2 entrants total.
Total War: ROME II Caesar in Gaul (DLC) -- MB-52028A21E08800E1 - Taken by Rockin' Ranger. 1 entrants total.
Yosumin -- MB-388643F622D4319B - Taken by Zeeman. 2 entrants total.

There is a huge Warhammer sale going on right now and Warhammer Quest is 80% off, so I'll post this again:

* * *

Warhammer Quest is strangely addicting. It's a simple TBS/board game, but it works really well. Combat is fun; there are enough skills and loot to keep things interesting, but never too complex; main quests are well written and interesting; and you can grind for levels and gold forever, thanks to randomly generated quests.

Of course, there is a finite number of mission descriptions for the randomly generated quests, but after 50 hours in the game, I keep seeing new content. A man in a bar talks about a certain amulet in a dungeon, someone complains about giant spiders nearby, a shopkeeper is kidnapped... you can tell the devs worked hard on this one.

The game has some negative reviews in Steam due to the DLC and pricing scheme. The Deluxe edition is the one you want, but it's usually too expensive. Well, it's on sale now, so just buy it!

Part of the dev team created a new team called Perchang, and they're currently working on Warhammer Quest 2: The End Times for mobile platforms. I hope they announce a PC port soon.


The game has some negative reviews in Steam due to the DLC and pricing scheme. The Deluxe edition is the one you want, but it's too expensive right now. I got this really cheap on a sale; if you're interested, wishlist it and buy it when the price is right.

The Deluxe DLC is full priced when bought alone, but bundled with the game it's 5 USD for me.
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